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Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? - Religion - Nairaland

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Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 9:49pm On Mar 09, 2011
A woman named Maryann recently commented on my personal testimony which I have posted on this blog. In my testimony I tell of how the Lord delivered me out from the darkness of Roman Catholicism. Maryann testified of how she also left the Catholic church as a teen, after she questioned the teachings of the church. Maryann’s mom told her that she was an atheist when she heard her daughter say that she believed the apparitions (appearances) of Mary were Satanic.I was not surprised at all by the reaction that Maryann received from her mom. Why? Because I know that we are involved in spritual warfare, and I know because I was once on the other side of the fence. I was also a staunch defender of the Marian apparitions at Medugorje, Yugoslavia.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the subject at hand, let me give you a brief explanation. Websters New World Dictionary gives the following definition of the word apparition:

1) anything that appears unexpectedly, or in an extraordinary way; esp, a strange figure appearing suddenly and thought to be a ghost

2) the act of appearing or becoming visible. [Websters New World Dictionary, Second College Edition, Prentice Hall Press]

When I speak about the “apparitions of Mary”, I am speaking about the alleged appearances of “Mary” which have occurred over the centuries in places such as Guadalupe in Mexico, Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal, Akita in Japan, Medugorje in Yugoslavia and other places. Here are two of the messages which came forth from the apparition of Mary in Medugorje, Yugoslavia which is the “apparition” that I am well acquainted with.

July 18, 1985 “Dear Children, Today I am begging you to put more blessed objects in your homes, and that every person should carry blessed objects on himself. Let everything be blessed so that satan will tempt you less because you are armed against him. Thank you for your response to my call.”

If you search the scriptures you will find no such command from God, regarding placing blessed objects in ones home, or on their person. Growing up as a Roman Catholic I was taught to pray before a crucifix, and I was also taught to wear Marian scapulars which were used as a ” spiritual form of protection”. I also wore the “miraculous medal” which had a graven image of “Mary” on it. That medal came about as a result of another apparition of “Mary” seen by a woman named “Sister Catherine” back in 1830. What does the Miraculous Medal medal have written on it? “Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”

The Bible does not teach us that Mary, the mother of Jesus was conceived without sin, but it teaches this:

As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: (Romans 3:10)

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23)

Regarding the spiritual battle against Satan, the Bible teaches the following:

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:11-12)

We are told in the scriptures about the “spiritual armour” required to fight against those wicked powers. We are told to have our “loins girt with truth” and to put on the “breastplate of righteousness” and to have our “feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace”. We are also told to take the “shield of faith”, the “helmet of salvation”, the “sword of the Spirit” and then we are told to pray. (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Another message from the “Mary” of Medugorje:

August 8, 1985 “Dear Children, I am calling you to pray against satan in a special way. Satan wants to work more now that you know he is active. Dear children, dress up in clothes of armor against satan; with rosaries in your hands you will conquer. Thank you for your response to my call.”

I assure you that this apparition of “Mary” is NOT the Mary that the Bible tells us about. It is a demonic counterfeit and a camouflage which is meant for the destruction of the soul. I know that because it was the Spirit of truth who brought me out of that very darkness, and He showed me the truth which is found in the scriptures (the Bible).One of the weapons that the Jewish apostle Paul wrote about was the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Ephesians 6:17)The word of God is the weapon that exposes this apparition as being a demonic counterfeit because the message tells its followers to “pray the rosary” which are mainly prayers to Mary. The rosary is not included in the list of spiritual weapons that Paul gave to us. The Bible also informs us that there is only ONE mediator that we need to go to and His name is Jesus Christ.

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (1 Timothy 2:5)

Jesus is the only mediator because He is the ONLY one who was (and is) both God and man. Jesus Christ is the only one who was without sin and therefore He is the mediator of the New Testament.

And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. (Hebrews 9:15)

Here is another one of the messages from the “Mary” of Medugorje: July 25, 1985″

Dear Children, I want to shepherd you but you do not want to obey my messages. Today I call you to obey my messages and then you will be able to live everything that God tells me to relate to you. Open yourselves to God and God will work through you and give you everything you need. Thank you for your response to my call.”

The only problem with the message that came forth from this apparition of “Mary” is that it is in conflict with the very words of Jesus Christ who said:

I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. (John 10:14-15)

Jesus Christ is the only good shepherd, and He is the only one who laid his life down for the sheep. His true sheep know the “voice” of the shepherd through His word.Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the comforter and also as The Spirit of truth:

But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: (John 15:26)

There is the key. Jesus told us that the “Spirit of truth” would testify of HIMSELF and then He said:

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. (John 16:13-14)

The Spirit of truth (the Holy Spirit) will guide us into all truth and He will glorify JESUS. The apparition of “Mary” spoke about wanting to “shepherd” her followers, but Jesus is the only good shepherd, and the only one that can lead you to heaven. (John 14:6, Acts 4:10-12)

How can we DISCERN whether a “prophetic messenger” is from the Lord, and God-sent? We can discern the root source of a messenger by studying the contents of the message. If the MESSENGER is proclaiming to speak TRUTH in the name of the Lord, BUT the MESSAGE is in contradiction with the word of God (The Bible), then God is definitely NOT the source of that message. Do not ever forget that!

The apparitions at Medugorje have been occurring since 1981. There have been numerous books and videos written in favor of them, not to mention the millions who have gone to visit Medugorje. I have a book entitled “God Sent: A History Of The Accredited Apparitions Of Mary” [ By Roy Abraham Varghese The Crossroad Publishing Company, New York] which has a picture on the back cover of the late Pope John Paul II blessing a copy of the book. That particular book devoted pages 184-213 to the apparitions at Medugorje, so I can only assume that the apparitions at Medugorje were never rejected by that Pope.

Idolatry is the main fruit which comes forth from all of the apparitions of “Mary.” Statues, medals and scapulars are just a few examples of that, and over the years they have sold in the millions.

About a week ago I was talking with a Roman Catholic woman and she was in agreement with me that Purgatory, a Catholic teaching, does not exist. She told me that there is only a heaven and a hell. I then told her that the apparition of “Mary” teaches about purgatory and the souls that are still there. I then asked her if she still believed that it was the real Mary appearing in Medugorje. She answered “Yes, I still believe that the apparition is the real Mary. “

Why is it important to talk about these things? Simply because these are precious souls for whom Jesus Christ died. If we do not sound the alarm and warn them then who will? Do I believe that ALL of the apparitions are demonic in nature? Yes I do, and I will continue to sound the alarm because that is exactly what the word of God commands us to do!.

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. (2 Timothy 4:1-5)

Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by donkarly(m): 11:12pm On Mar 09, 2011
purely demonic
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by DonCmos: 4:28am On Mar 10, 2011
Well dunno how long this topic has being here but I'm really intrested in it.
Can you put me through on what you wrote about the apparition of ''Mary'',
How can we share the word together, more plainly?
Since you are no longer a Cat, , where are worshiping now?
I am very intrested in sharing the scriptures with you want you to tell me more about it.

As for your write ups pretty convincing. Why did you choose to use the word DEMONIC for it, and not false message
Reach me on (mainman_is@yahoo.com) for more msg.
C'mos. W/Africa.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 8:30am On Mar 10, 2011
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (1 Timothy 2:5)

Jesus is the only mediator because He is the ONLY one who was (and is) both God and man. Jesus Christ is the only one who was without sin and therefore He is the mediator of the New Testament.

And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. (

@oga copy and paste

How does the prayer of the rosary contradict this teaching?Mary is only praying to Jesus for us.She does not bypass Jesus enrouteto the father ,how is that differant from your own pastors praying for you?

On the issue of statues how does that contradict the commandment which says thou shall not make for your self i[b]dols[/b].Now this word I[b]DOL[/b] is not synonymous with tnhe word images as idol only refers to images that are worshiped.But to disapoint you,catholic images are not worshipped and thus canot be refferred to as i[b]dols[/b]
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 4:09pm On Mar 10, 2011
First and foremost not all apparitions are approved by the church.Most of them are little charade used by the evil one to deceive or confuse people.Just as christ said "be Vigilant, many will come like me or in my name but are not from me" so the evil one may use a faked apparitions to deceive or confuse those who cannot settle down, diffrentiate and investigate facts from truth, heresies from dogmas.                  Objects used in the catholic church  (the cruciix, scapular, rosary,medal) are not just mere objects.How can you call the cruciix which is presentation of Jesus on the cross a mere object? the scapular which is a picturial representation of Jesus Christ and Mary his mother is more than an object.The rosary in particular is a prayer made up of 20 mysteries which depicts the life of christ not Mary and contains prayers like Our Father (which is not Mary prayer)the apostles creed and prayers gotten from the bible.So can you now see that catholics don't pray to this objects instead meditate using them because they bring heavenly thoughts or can you say when praying with the Holy BiBle you pray to it? No, instead you pray with it.And their presence drives away evil. Do you imagine devil beholding the sight of the crucifix(christ reprensentation on the cross) the scapular (picturial representation of jesus and his mother) and stand?                                                                       Fine, the bible says something about everybody being a sinner,but does that include Jesus who is God? No. So it is only normal for the Mary mother of God to be without  sin and blemish because christ is going to come from her(a privilege giving to her).Or do you expect Christ to come from one with sin? No.                        Mary wasn't trying to shepherd us or taking the place of Christ the mediator but instead she is interceeding for us (praying to God through christ) and that is why in every prayer and even in rosary it is always concluded in through Christ our Lord.                     Purgatory like many other things in the catholic church is not in the bible.agreed. But you all fail to realize that the same catholic church that made all this doctrine that you reject, assembled the bible in a council in the first century. the church decided the books that would be incoporated as the bible and books or writings that would not enter the bible.Don't you know that there are so many books and gospels written by some prophets and disciples of Christ that are not in the bible(gospel on the account of peter, barnabas) so my fellow readers if you find something in my writeup that you don't believe all you need to do is to find out thanks to the modern age when we now have google.please find out because ignorance would not be used on the last day.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 6:03pm On Mar 10, 2011

The mere fact that in this video the so called ' MARY' refers herself as the mediator between God and Man is heresy enough that even a child will recognize.

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus," 1 Timothy 2:5

In this video she also refers to herself as Mother of Heaven , What !!!!!!  Heresy.

Catholics are unknowingly worshiping SATAN and sadly deceived.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by PastorAIO: 6:49pm On Mar 10, 2011
I think that once we accept the notion of inherited sin and we accept that Jesus had ancestry, even though the ancestry is only through Mary, then we are in a difficult position. Why? Well if Jesus is without sin then how comes he didn't inherit the sins we all inherited via Mary. That one is going to take some hefty theologising to explain.

Perhaps something along the lines of Jesus was born with congenital sin too, but it was washed away when he got baptised by John the baptist. Or it was washed away soon after his birth. Or somehow somehow the inheritance was blocked from being passed on from Mary to Jesus via some screening method.

It would interest me to see some theology on this. Any takers?
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 9:38am On Mar 11, 2011
Insert Quote
I think that once we accept the notion of inherited sin and we accept that Jesus had ancestry, even though the ancestry is only through Mary, then we are in a difficult position. Why? Well if Jesus is without sin then how comes he didn't inherit the sins we all inherited via Mary. That one is going to take some hefty theologising to explain.

Perhaps something along the lines of Jesus was born with congenital sin too, but it was washed away when he got baptised by John the baptist. Or it was washed away soon after his birth. Or somehow somehow the inheritance was blocked from being passed on from Mary to Jesus via some screening method.

It would interest me to see some theology on this. Any takers?

This is exactly what I am talking about.Since Jesus took his flesh and blood from Mary,there is no way Jesua could have been conceived without sin If Mary had been sin,thats where this whole concept of immaculate conception comes about
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 10:42am On Mar 11, 2011
Pastor AIO:

I think that once we accept the notion of inherited sin and we accept that Jesus had ancestry, even though the ancestry is only through Mary, then we are in a difficult position. Why? Well if Jesus is without sin then how comes he didn't inherit the sins we all inherited via Mary. That one is going to take some hefty theologising to explain.

Perhaps something along the lines of Jesus was born with congenital sin too, but it was washed away when he got baptised by John the baptist. Or it was washed away soon after his birth. Or somehow somehow the inheritance was blocked from being passed on from Mary to Jesus via some screening method.

It would interest me to see some theology on this. Any takers?

You forget the point.

Jesus did not have an earthly father, he was born of a woman but there was no ADAM to inherit sin from .

Also Mary was righteous in the eyes of God as she was a law keeper and not a law breaker.

Now we have to be careful when we define inherited sin, a baby, toddler or child up to a certain age is innocent in the eyes of GOD.

It is when we start to know right from wrong properly with the associated consequences that our sin is counted against us.

It is heresy to mentioned Mary on the same Level as Jesus because Mary :

1. Did no die on the cross
2. Was not crucified for our sins
3. Was not divine in any form or shape
4. Was not perfect like JESUS.

"While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.”He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?”Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” - Matthew 12:46-50
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuella2(f): 12:12pm On Mar 11, 2011

This is exactly what I am talking about.Since Jesus took his flesh and blood from Mary,there is no way Jesua could have been conceived without sin If Mary had been sin,thats where this whole concept of immaculate conception comes about


Jesus was the word made flesh, he was the child of the holy ghost o. He was sinless, stop posting nonsense.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Zikkyy(m): 12:19pm On Mar 11, 2011


Jesus was the word made flesh, he was the child of the holy ghost o. He was sinless, stop posting nonsense.

nuella2, i have higlighted an additional word from chukwudi's comment. I hope you understand his post better with this smiley


This is exactly what I am talking about.Since Jesus took his flesh and blood from Mary,there is no way Jesua could have been conceived without sin If Mary had been sin,thats where this whole concept of immaculate conception comes about
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuella2(f): 12:37pm On Mar 11, 2011

Come out straight zikky? Was Jesus born with sin in him? His conception was not like every other human being, he was GOD( word). Two pple come together to give a human the adamic nature. His was different, i know if we want to analyze with our knowledge of biology its unbelieveable but what did the bible say?

Heb 4:15

15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin .

He DIDNT SIN neither was he born with sinful nature. He only became sin when he carried the sin of the world on the cross.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by mnwankwo(m): 1:18pm On Mar 11, 2011

I do not agree with the views of the catholic church on the status of Virgin Mary. However, my view of the testimony you posted is that it is a simplification of a process that is "complex". In a thread opened by MyJoe, we have discussed in detail dreams, clairvoyance, apparitions etc. You may consider looking up MyJoe thread on  Clairvoyance and similar stuff. What I have to say here is that each individual perceives or see things according to his own nature, that is, according to how his spirit is with respect to the laws of God. Where individuals are honest, what they see or perceive is directly proportional to the purity of their spirit. In almost all cases, what people see is there own creations or creations of like minded people or creations of the so called masters that brought there various religions into existence. It is for this reason that a native doctor will see local deities, catholics will see "VirginMary", penticostal christians will see "Jesus", Theosophists will see "ascended Masters of the White Brotherhood" mystics will see their "ascended Masters" and genuine atheists will see "nothing". It is in the same vain that the testimony you posted should be viewed upon. It is his or her own creation or the creation of penticostal christianity just like marian apparition is also the creation of the catholic church. These various creations are concentration of energies and have profound effects on their followers including appearing in their dreams, giving them prophecies, bringing about healing, e.t.c. All these various entities no matter how powerful are the creations of believers. However it is quite possible and easy to discern when a dream, vision, or a supernatural event is a manifestation of the power of God or the spiritual creations of creatures.  To discern the will of God does not require books or spiritual exercises, fasting, etc. To love God with our spirit and to love all the creations of God will open the path to genuine spirituality. Best Wishes.

1 Like

Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by MyJoe: 1:50pm On Mar 11, 2011
Greetings, m_nwakwo.

Perhaps you need to expound on or explain this part.


What I have to say here is that each individual perceives or see things according to his own nature, that is, according to how his spirit is with respect to the laws of God. Where individuals are honest, what they see or perceive is directly proportional to the purity of their spirit. 
It's not far-fetched to know there are honest and pure individuals who don't see or perceive much, that is, who see nothing or see far less than others who are not as selfless or pure.

Here's the thread referenced by m_nwankwo:
The Problem with Dreams, Visions and Clairvoyance
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by mnwankwo(m): 3:24pm On Mar 11, 2011

Greetings, m_nwakwo.

Perhaps you need to expound on or explain this part.
It's not far-fetched to know there are honest and pure individuals who don't see or perceive much, that is, who see nothing or see far less than others who are not as selfless or pure.

Here's the thread referenced by m_nwankwo:
The Problem with Dreams, Visions and Clairvoyance

Hi MyJoe. Thanks for your comment. I used the sentence you bolded to make a distinction between what individuals actually experienced from what they fabricated consciously or unconsciously. Many of the stories that a lot of these visionaries band about were never experienced by them, rather they are deliberate lies or unconscious projection of what slumbers in their mind. It may also happen that the stories have grains of actual experience but were embellished so that it will have a profound effect on listeners or believers. Thus with such people, they will describe the most fascinating stories and contacts with "higher beings", and yet they did not have such experiences. They either lied, embellished or projecting what unconsciously slumbers in their mind. In reality, people who talk much of their spiritual experiences or testimonies of their supernatural encounters are either lying or projecting there hidden wishes. An average Joe with the common sense given to him by God can see gaps and holes in these stories. In addition, if questions that specifically test personal knowledge of such matters are asked, then the seer or visionary or believer have no clue. Just one example with uncounscious projection of ones mind may surface. A serious devotee believes that a master or masters of his religion appear to him in dreams and give him instructions on both earthly and spiritual matters. The devotee keeps a record of his supernatural encounters with the Masters.

Now this devotee believes that all these encounters are real and not a projection of his own mind especially since some of the things the Masters told him or her seem to come true. This devotee is so convinced of the reality of his experiences that he gave his dream book to independent investigators. Armed with the dream book, investigators got an audience with some of the people mentioned in the encounters. None of the masters is aware of any of the encounters mentioned in the book. Even when the "Master" was shown a photograph of the his devotee, he or she did not recognize him. 

By perception, I mean experiencing in its totality. It does not just mean what we see in dreams or visions. Indeed dreams and visions are very minor part of experiencing. Thus honest and pure people do perceive a lot but there perception may not be in the direction of visions and dreams. Perception of such honest and pure human being lies in their ability to sense with clinical precision what is the will of God and what is not. I may expand on this if need be. As always stay blessed.

1 Like

Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Zikkyy(m): 3:30pm On Mar 11, 2011

Come out straight zikky? Was Jesus born with sin in him? His conception was not like every other human being, he was GOD( word). Two pple come together to give a human the adamic nature. His was different, i know if we want to analyze with our knowledge of biology its unbelieveable but what did the bible say?

This is a topic i like to avoid nuella smiley i observed you were not reading chukwudi post correctly, just wanted to help point you in the right direction, thats all smiley
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuella2(f): 3:43pm On Mar 11, 2011

This is a topic i like to avoid nuella smiley i observed you were not reading chukwudi post correctly, just wanted to help point you in the right direction, thats all smiley

Hmmmm smiley smiley smiley. I dey suspect you o. This one you are avoiding the topic, smiley smiley smiley
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Zikkyy(m): 3:45pm On Mar 11, 2011

Hmmmm smiley smiley smiley. I dey suspect you o. This one you are avoiding the topic, smiley smiley smiley

No wahala smiley carry go with the suspicion smiley
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuella2(f): 3:59pm On Mar 11, 2011

No wahala smiley carry go with the suspicion smiley

The suspicion has increased now but i carry go.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuclearboy(m): 4:30pm On Mar 11, 2011
I think this is simple and is a matter of "rules", in this case, the biblical rule or standard - Nobody in the Bible is described as the Son of a Woman. The Father therefore, is the "inherited" party! Jesus thus is known as the Son of God rather than the Son of Mary suggesting that He got His nature/righteousness/inheritances from the Holy Spirit rather than from Mary. What the Father was, He was rather than being an extension of Mary. The Mary portion was just an "addendum" to provide his "human" nature. It did not define Him. His FATHER defined Him.

I too personally have issues with the Catholic outlook on this one.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 4:44pm On Mar 11, 2011
Jesus did not have an earthly father, he was born of a woman but there was no ADAM to inherit sin from

Jesus have a dual nature;Fully God and fully man.While His divine nature had always existed from the very begining ,his human nature was conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary.Jesus took his humanity( his flesh and blood) from Mary.

Now we have to be careful when we define inherited sin, a baby, toddler or child up to a certain age is innocent in the eyes of GOD.

maybe you don't know about the concept of original sin which david alluded to in psalm 51:5

Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.


It is heresy to mentioned Mary on the same Level as Jesus because Mary :

I am yet to se anyone putting mary in the same level with Jesus For the record Jesus is God,and had always existed from the very begining with the Father.Mary on the other hand is human and was a simle Virgin used in the incarnation of Jesus.


Jesus was the word made flesh, he was the child of the holy ghost o. He was sinless, stop posting nonsense.

are you saying Jesus never had a human nature.

I think this is simple and is a matter of "rules", in this case, the biblical rule or standard - Nobody in the Bible is described as the Son of a Woman. The Father therefore, is the "inherited" party! Jesus thus is known as the Son of God rather than the Son of Mary suggesting that He got His nature/righteousness/inheritances from the Holy Spirit rather than from Mary. What the Father was, He was rather than being an extension of Mary. The Mary portion was just an "addendum" to provide his "human" nature. It did not define Him. His FATHER defined Him.

I too personally have issues with the Catholic outlook on this one.

This is not merley about having father or mother but also about the nature of the parents.If a human male mates with a human female ,they will give birth to a human offspring.If a human male mates with a female goat,the ofspring will have both features of humanity and goat-like feautures.No matter how you try to extricate his mother from him,he will still inherit features from his mother.
That is exactly what happened in the incarnation a union of God and man ,the resultant offspring having both human and divine feautures.Mind you it was only the human part of him that died on the cross as his divine nature is immortal and cannot feel pain or torture.Mary remains the closest contact between God and humanity,imaagine God fully inside you for nine months!!!!
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuclearboy(m): 5:41pm On Mar 11, 2011
^^ This is simply semantics, brother. I said He was NOT defined by His Mother but by His Father. Your analogy about the goat suggests you have brought this down to a fleshy point of view neglecting the fact that the Holy Ghost did not physically come upon her as is the case with the flesh. Mary provided the human nature but He did not "inherit" His nature from her.

Note that Nature is what the Bible uses to separate Him - He possessed the NATURE of God rather than of Man
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 5:47pm On Mar 11, 2011
Note that Nature is what the Bible uses to separate Him - He possessed the NATURE of God rather than of Man

by know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ
is come in the flesh is of God
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuclearboy(m): 5:59pm On Mar 11, 2011
Jesus [size=18pt]HAD[/size] a dual nature. Past tense. Mary Had only the Human nature. Jesus dropped His human nature at death. What Mary birthed is NOT what we worship today and He Himself said as much to His Disciples - Today, He is the Risen Lord, God as it were and that is why He refused worship whist still "human"!

I do not understand your second quote? The Spirit said He came in the Flesh - how does that suggest the Holy Spirit is Flesh?
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 6:01pm On Mar 11, 2011
Mary provided the human nature but He did not "inherit" His nature from her.

Could you pleade expatiate on the boldened words.What is the source of Jesus's humanity?did his flesh and blood come from dust as in case of adam or from his mother .could you please expatiate?
The holy spirit is a spirit and obviously does not have flesh and blood.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 6:07pm On Mar 11, 2011
Jesus HAD a dual nature.

are you implying that the risen christ was fleshless?,how come he asked Thomas to touch the holes in his hands and feet to prove that he is not a ghost.if Jesus's flesh did not rise from the dead with him,do you mnd telling me where it was buried.

Even Moses,Enuch and Elijah went to heaven in both flesh and spirit let alone Jesus
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by nuclearboy(m): 6:17pm On Mar 11, 2011
True - the Holy Spirit is NOT flesh and Mary was. But as I said, Jesus is DEFINED BY THE BIBLE (not me) AS The SON OF GOD. He is not defined as the son of Mary by the Bible. We need to "interpret" that ourselves because the Bible "omitted" that. The only definitions we see for his parentage were from ignorant people who referred to Him as "son of the carpenter". Even them did not see Him as son of Mary. Yet even these were wrong and we are no better if today, we associate the Living Jesus as son of a human. That is the mystery of His Existence - THAT coming through Mary provided Him the duality of nature you have alluded to, but that the Jesus who walked the earth at a point dropped His humanity.

Until that time, He refused worship and even said not to call Him "good" because only God is good. At that time, He became something else.

This is so easy to solve - ask yourself - what is the difference between the Jesus that walked the earth and the one we worship today?

The answer to that will tell you why Mary is NOT Mother of "God". And that is what the OP was trying to point out or show here - any such claims by any "apparitions" deny the truth.


Moses Died and no man knows what happened to him. The Bible says God BURIED him.
Enoch AND Elijah did NOT die. That is not the same as Jesus
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by MyJoe: 6:21pm On Mar 11, 2011

Hi MyJoe. Thanks for your comment. I used the sentence you bolded to make a distinction between what individuals actually experienced from what they fabricated consciously or unconsciously. Many of the stories that a lot of these visionaries band about were never experienced by them, rather they are deliberate lies or unconscious projection of what slumbers in their mind. It may also happen that the stories have grains of actual experience but were embellished so that it will have a profound effect on listeners or believers. Thus with such people, they will describe the most fascinating stories and contacts with "higher beings", and yet they did not have such experiences. They either lied, embellished or projecting what unconsciously slumbers in their mind. In reality, people who talk much of their spiritual experiences or testimonies of their supernatural encounters are either lying or projecting there hidden wishes.
Reminds me of a story from my primary four reader, I think. Someone had this room in his pad where, all you had to do was enter and lock the doors, and you would meet an angel and converse with him. The only condition was that you had to be holy. His first friend entered, came out and reported that, yes, he actually saw the angel. Not to be outdone, the next friend to enter also disclosed, on coming out, that he, too, saw the angel and related with him. I can't recall the story very well, but it went on along those lines, with friend after friend lying that he saw the angel and the landlord noting what a bunch of liars they were.

By perception, I mean experiencing in its totality. It does not just mean what we see in dreams or visions. Indeed dreams and visions are very minor part of experiencing.
This clears up the matter a great deal.

Thus honest and pure people do perceive a lot but there perception may not be in the direction of visions and dreams. Perception of such honest and pure human being lies in their ability to sense with clinical precision what is the will of God and what is not. I may expand on this if need be. As always stay blessed.
I believe the highlighted, have never doubted it, but can there really be absolutes here? I mean, two people, no matter how right-minded and illumined, are bound to see things differently if they come from different backgrounds. They may hold divergent views on issues. Which might lead us to conclude that clinical precision may, indeed, be quite far from mortals. But, of course, to rephrase the words of Jesus Christ in Luke 10:42, only a few things do really matter.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by italo: 6:11am On Mar 12, 2011
Men have chosen to accept the teachings of the Catholic Church when it pleases them and reject it when it displeases them. But truth is truth.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Nobody: 12:02pm On Mar 12, 2011
He is not defined as the son of Mary by the Bible.

MR man are you sure yopu read your bible.There are several places in the bible were Jesus was described as the son of Mary but these few would suffice

mattew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost

mattwe 1:25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS

mattew 2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh

mattew 2:13-14 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:

luke 1:39-45

39 At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her

luke 2:6-7

6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them

Jesus who walked the earth at a point dropped His humanity.

This is pure heresy!!! where did you read this thrash

This is so easy to solve - ask yourself - what is the difference between the Jesus that walked the earth and the one we worship today

There is no difference between the JESUS that was crucified and the one in heaven today,Jesus remains the same today,2moro and forever motre ,he was always worshipped even from infancy
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Joagbaje(m): 1:45pm On Mar 12, 2011
Pastor AIO:

I think that once we accept the notion of inherited sin and we accept that Jesus had ancestry, even though the ancestry is only through Mary, then we are in a difficult position. Why? Well if Jesus is without sin then how comes he didn't inherit the sins we all inherited via Mary. That one is going to take some hefty theologising to explain.

Perhaps something along the lines of Jesus was born with congenital sin too, but it was washed away when he got baptised by John the baptist. Or it was washed away soon after his birth. Or somehow somehow the inheritance was blocked from being passed on from Mary to Jesus via some screening method.
It would interest me to see some theology on this. Any takers?

Jesus didn't get life from mary. Sin flows in the blood. Jesus didn't have Joseph blood neither Marys blood. The blood of a baby comes from the father sperm and not from the mother. His blood was neutral . It had no sin nature. He was like the first Adam . A neutral man. Thats why God called him a second Adam. The blood in him was a new neutral human blood and not the sinful blood of fallen man.
Re: Marian Apparitions: Divine Or Demonic? by Zikkyy(m): 1:56pm On Mar 12, 2011

The blood of a baby comes from the father sperm and not from the mother.

Jo, kindly stick to your paintings please angry i no sure say na biology teach you this one shocked what do you mean the blood of a baby come from the father sperm This na spiritual biology grin

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