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5 Facts About Estate Layout Plan That Property Investors Need To Know - Properties - Nairaland

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5 Facts About Estate Layout Plan That Property Investors Need To Know by FloraHomesGC: 10:17am On Aug 24, 2021
A layout plan is the overall plan of the arrangement, segmentation, and distribution of facilities in an estate. It shows the location of plots, roads, open spaces, entry and exit, parking space, landmarks, etc.

Although, most investors for whatever reasons do not concern themselves with venting the layout plan of the estate in which they are investing. You simply verify the title document and when you know it's a good one, you proceed to make payment.

Don't you realize that you are leaving something quite vital out in your due diligence?

If you aim to buy/build a home that gives you comfort, peace of mind, and durability. Then you can't afford to pay attention to the layout plan of the estate you are buying from for reasons we are going to share now:

1.Facilities and Arrangements: what would you do if after the estate is finished then you realize that your apartment is close to the generator house?

2.Avoid unnecessary interruption during site work: The Government especially in Lagos has set out to enforce building regulations, which means estates without approved layout plans would experience frequent interruption by Government Officials.

3.Prevent demolition by Government: Some real estate companies and even Omo onile for whatever reasons would rather cut corners than follow due process to ensure they get approval for their layout plan. The result of this is that a part of the entire estate may be demolished due to an unapproved plan which might have obstructed the Government development plan.

4. Wrong Land Use: How would you know if you are about to build a house on a plot that was planned to be used for recreation? Only on the approved layout of course!

5. Aid in Plot Selection: in choosing what plot would be best for you especially when you are investing early while most of the plots are still available, you would be able to make better decisions by choosing from the plan and you must also follow up to ensure it is the same plot that was eventually allocated to you physically.

These are only some of the importance of paying attention to the layout plan of the estate you are investing in.

Follow @FloraHomesGC for more updates on property verification, title perfection, and futuristic mouth-watering real estate investment deals anywhere within Nigeria.


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