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Foods To Stay Away From To Avoid Belly Fats - Health - Nairaland

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Foods To Stay Away From To Avoid Belly Fats by voiceoftheupcom: 10:27am On Feb 09, 2022
Foods to stay away from to avoid belly fats

Foods to stay away from to avoid belly fats
1. Dairy products

Certain amounts of dairy products are beneficial to the health but when they start causing bloating after consumption, then you need to avoid them. You might be suffering from lactose intolerance. Swap out cow’s milk for lactose-free or nut milk alternatives and try to limit how much cheese and yogurt you consume.
2. Soft drink

Soft drinks are a major contributor to belly fat, thanks to their high content of empty calories and processed sugar like fructose.Makesense Promotions Facts gathered that, The body struggles to burn fructose and other additives, especially around the waist, meaning high consumption will lead to significant belly fat over time.
3. Potato chips

One of your favorite snacks may be giving you belly fat. Most potato chip brands are cooked in hydrogenated oils. Snacks high in hydrogenated oils and trans-fat are known to increase cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, and also contribute to weight gain around the stomach.
4. Baked snacks

If you’re aiming to lose belly fat, then you’ll most definitely want to eliminate processed baked goods from your diet. From those yummy doughnuts to meat pies, dessert cakes, and many others, you need to say your byes if you want to lose your belly fat. Sugar increases inflammation, which is not only bad for you but can also make you look puffy and bloated.
5. Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration and water retention, and as we discussed earlier, water-weight can leave you feeling bloated and puffy. Beers contain heavy calories but are low in nutritional value, and will not help you to get closer to achieving a flat stomach.


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Re: Foods To Stay Away From To Avoid Belly Fats by jeffersonsam: 11:57am On Feb 09, 2022
Most of the time, I avoid junk food items and processed food items. This will supports to keep my body healthy.

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