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Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by YourBestWriter: 9:58am On Jul 05, 2022
So my friend got this job in management because he knew somebody in that company. But there is high expectations from the company for him to deliver positive results as one of the managers in that company.

This my friend is a university graduate with second class lower result and this manager position is for guys with first class results.

He has never been in management before. Infact, this friend of mine have been at home as an unemployed since 2014. He is socially awkward and easily discouraged. Now he's got this huge job with a big pay, and he is telling me that he feels like a fraud.

He asked for my advice, but I sincerely don't know what to advice him.

So I throw the topic to you guys.

How is he going to behave and probably grow some confidence to overcome this inferior complex?

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by dimexy247(m): 2:04pm On Jul 05, 2022
Impostor syndrome, the only solution is to let him give me the job, he will no longer feel like a fraud. Nonsense and ingredients.

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by olaboy33(m): 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2022
Tell him to learn everything he needs to as fast as he can.
He should be commited to chasing excellence.
Success will chase him pant down.

Only then will he earn respect and do away with the impostor syndrome.

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by RealGandalf: 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2022
What's up with the first class or second class thing?

Just talk about experience and competence.

What do you mean by the position was for 1st class graduates alone?

As a Human Resource Manager, I have seen a very experienced person with second class or third class degree
perform better as managers.

At the moment, many companies are looking for people who can get the job done with the right skills.

Been a first class graduate does not automatically make people better managers.

But it is very important to be a first class graduate, it gives you edge over others.

As for your friend, I think he's a fraud for accepting such roles when he does not have the right experience for it.

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by oluwaseyi0: 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2022
Currently feeling like a fraud in my 'former office'

So I left this organization like almost 2 years ago as a software developer but the management decide to retain me on part-time stuff because hiring a new developer will be more expensive ( I agree to slight pay cut) and new dev will take lots of time to understand the codebase since project is already completed just maintenance

In short I've been collecting salaries every month and doing next to nothing for them

Most time the only reminder that I'm still with them is bank alert

Earning million per year yet doing next to nothing

Talk of legal fraud

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by blingxx(m): 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2022
Op leave the job and let come and apply ... I will adapt in no time

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Ken4ward: 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2022
This is what happens when someone is I’ll-prepared for a role

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Nobody: 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2022
am a fraudstar. i do real fraud . and am proud of my self smiley


Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Blizzy300(m): 2:05pm On Jul 05, 2022
TF undecided

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by StUriah(m): 2:06pm On Jul 05, 2022
Manager weh no know im work, Na Sweh-gbeh o!

Pafuka na Quench!

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by RapistOnBail: 2:06pm On Jul 05, 2022


I’m a civil servant for 26 years now.

I can categorically tell you that all my staffs including myself are all fraudsters.

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Agricmoney(m): 2:06pm On Jul 05, 2022
Such is life

Anyway, Agriculture is life.
Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Risingblue008(m): 2:06pm On Jul 05, 2022
The only thing he needs Is for someone to be putting him thru,
It's gonna take along time of 1-2months.
Let him bear this in mind that no matter how he tried,
HE MUST GIVE THE MANAGEMENT SHORTAGE if na financial institution,
Surely,he will get there,
Beside everyday,man dey learn.
Let him focus

That's all I have to say,(based on experience)
He go enjoy d work well when him don blend.


Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by LORDKing001: 2:06pm On Jul 05, 2022
First tell us the job
Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by maximizer61(m): 2:06pm On Jul 05, 2022
Let him quit the job.
Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Iseoluwani: 2:06pm On Jul 05, 2022
Tell him to

Ji ma sun

That a second class lower graduate can take a first class graduate position. That should serve as a motivation for him to believe in himself

He should also go for professional courses too to boost his ego

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Mina79(f): 2:07pm On Jul 05, 2022
Everything we need lies inside of us, just tell him to activate it and boom he will be surprised!
Let him do intensive and extensive research on managerial skills and he will be fine.
Congratulations to him!


Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by zolajpower: 2:07pm On Jul 05, 2022
Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Winters23: 2:07pm On Jul 05, 2022
Stoopidest question ever asked

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by casualobserver: 2:07pm On Jul 05, 2022
So my friend got this job in management because he knew somebody in that company. But there is high expectations from the company for him to deliver positive results as one of the managers in that company.

This my friend is a university graduate with second class lower result and this manager position is for guys with first class results.

He has never been in management before. Infact, this friend of mine have been at home as an unemployed since 2014. He is socially awkward and easily discouraged. Now he's got this huge job with a big pay, and he is telling me that he feels like a fraud.

He asked for my advice, but I sincerely don't know what to advice him.

So I throw the topic to you guys.

How is he going to behave and probably grow some confidence to overcome this inferior complex?

management is never for 1st class graduates. management is not about academic intellect but more about people organisational, leadership, motivational skills, they dont teach people skills in schools and most of what will hone your organisational, people, leadership, motivational skills (if you dont have them) are learnt in seminars, workshops, etc not in university. Any company that requires a 1st class for a management position is itself a fraud. the kind of jobs where 1st class is a plus are intellectual, academic, professional and technical subjects not management.

You will be surprised that some of the best managers had a 3rd class, some dont even have a degree but worked their way up.

Most people who come out of Uni with a 1st class are terrible managers, that is why if you look around, they are usually subordinates to people with lower degrees...most never rise above mid level in terms of management. In life there is always a negative to every positive, the kind of person who is a 1st class academic is very often poor in people skills because management is 95% compromising ,bullshitting, making promises you know you cant keep, accomodating and motivating both the intelligent and the dumb. 1st class brains generally dont have that kind of mindset or temperament especially straight out of school to babysit people who cant think at their pace or to be economical or selective with the truth and facts which is why they make terrible bosses, it is the same reason technocrats make poor politicians, they exist but the combination of a 1st class academic brain and good managerial skills is very rare so it is very strange to hear a company asking for a 1st class graduate straight out of school for a management role. 2 things will happen, he will either be a poor manager or he will gets frustrated, find his brain becomes dull having to deal with people below his intellectual capacity. Most 1st class graduates you find in management graduate into management after many years excelling in their chosen area e.g engineering so by the time they step into management they are much older and wiser. People who have both a 1st class academic brain and great people skills usually dont come out of university with a 1st class degree because they were too busy partying and building their people skills to get a 1st class.

Any company that is recruiting a graduate no matter if he has a 1st class as a "manager" is a cowboy operation just giving you the title of manager to make him feel good, he will probably find it is a glorified sales job!! I hope it is not Business development manager because that is just a fancy way of saying sales or marketing!! No reputable company will recruit a graduate straight into a role as a manager. There is a reason reputable compnaies have management trainee positions for graduates. so my advise to your friend is to have no qualms about being a "fraud" because i can guarantee you the company itself is a fraud!!!


Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by emmanuelbrown26: 2:07pm On Jul 05, 2022
Your friend is a Born dullard, even an ssce graduate can do things a first class graduate can, even better.

It all depends on the person when it comes to management.

Certificate is Just a paper!

Once again your friend na Born dullard
Even buhari better pass d friend self. Something wey some smart and intelligent SSCE holder go grab and deliver na en waiting your dullard friend dey mis-yan

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Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by AgentGoat: 2:07pm On Jul 05, 2022
Any update about Ukraine vs Russia war?
Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by DarkPheonix: 2:08pm On Jul 05, 2022
Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by LordIsaac(m): 2:08pm On Jul 05, 2022
Your friend is a Born dullard, even an ssce graduate can do things a first class graduate can, even better.

It all depends on the person when it comes to management.

Certificate is Just a paper!

Once again your friend na Born dullard
Really...? I see. Let's wait until the SSCE graduate finishes 100 level first grin grin
Re: Have You Ever Felt Like A Fraud in your workplace? by Hambivert: 2:08pm On Jul 05, 2022
Although, you didn't state his job or whether it's his inability to comprehend what his position requires of him or it's just his social awkwardness that is giving him this inferiority complex
...from the little you made available, I'll advise he sparogatively begin to read a whole lot on business management, human management, human psychology, and books centred around building confidence.
Since he already sees himself as a fraud/failure, he already needs mental help. He needs a session with a very good psychologist.

To the unemployed, may you get well paying jobs, and when you get them, may you know what to do with them.

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