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Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. - Literature (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Blakjewelry(m): 7:59pm On Sep 03, 2022
I don’t like reading novels, aside the ones I was forced to read in secondary school, I’ve never read any since then. Bring science and anything calculation let’s play and see to that. I be my father’s daughter true true lol. ZoneFree indomie generation pikin I’m sure you won’t know anything about this novel
Haba even me that still have science running through my vain till tomorrow reads alot of novels plus history. To me no knowledge is waste.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by samwash(m): 8:06pm On Sep 03, 2022
Wow!!! I remember reading this novel in my JSS1. Thanks to the school library. GARRICK MEMORIAL SECOUNDRY SCHOOL.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Brownshoe: 8:13pm On Sep 03, 2022
No, but i red " so long a letter"
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by frozen70(f): 8:17pm On Sep 03, 2022
I may be considered indomie generation or not, depending on who is doing the consideration, since I am in my mid twenties.

But reading books generally is my hobby, so I have read it too. I read it along Harry Potter, Angels and Demon, The Black Boy, Lonely Londeners, 48 laws of power, Aeodipus Rex, and many classical novels.

Pls tell me more about this 48 Laws of power, us like the author us talking about using people to get what you want and also using reverse psychology on people
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Flytime: 8:22pm On Sep 03, 2022
One of my favourites back then. I read it severally because the first time you read it, you may not really like it because its diction is quite complicated.
I loved it the first time I read it,funny thing was that back then I wasn’t into novels but it was the only novel I’ve ever read completely in my life

I liked it to the extent that I read it twice enjoying every moment of the novel even the second time
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 8:31pm On Sep 03, 2022
If I embark on theoretical study either related to my course of study or just mere novel reading,I experience breathing difficulty. The reason been that though I don't like reading theories,I force myself to continue.(I think...) I do enjoy some of the novels I read.

Reading books,long articles and the likes, for me is like a challenge,where I employ various techniques to scale through to the end. These techniques include breath control(mostly when I read inwardly),outward reading(I have to speak the words out),and then my reading position.

It has always been a challenge for me reading lengthy details,that I can't help but wonder if it's the same for people like you who read loads of books(I guess you do read a lot).

Apparently,I am the calculation type. It is very easy for me to comprehend calculations,this attribute a sharp contrast to my reading abilities.

So how do you see this case? Do you think I need help?

To be honest with you, I have encountered people with similar challenge as yours, my friend, Mani, from Economics department, a guy from Geography and others I can't mention here. They are exceptionally calculation whizkid but very poor in reading theories.

Well, reading is not limited to field of study, but maybe you will be better off in engineering field where you do more of calculation.

I know Arts students that are very good at reading but poor in calculation and they never see it as a challenge.

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Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Uwaiwe: 8:34pm On Sep 03, 2022
Robinson Crusoe

The man who spent 28 years of his life in an isolated island, survived and lived a quiet life with animal's and cannibals. ..

Please move to front page let's know the senior men/ladies on this group.
I read it. Also the Mayor of caster Bridge and whole lots of fictions and non fictions. My Dad had alot of books in his library, growing up was fun. Unlike indomie generations.

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Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 8:39pm On Sep 03, 2022

Oh, really?

Have you read:

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

SHE (Alan Quartermain) by Sir Rider Haggard

The Pacesetters series

Ian Fleming's James Bond...

Nick Carter series ( America spy thriller)

James Hadley Chase novels

African Library novels such as The Concubine, The Mine Boy, etc.

James Hadley Chase novels are very interesting, I read both English and American books and French books too. However, without sentiment, I still don't joke with African writers.

The Concubine by Elechi Amadi
Mine Boy by Abraham Peter

I love African books and easily relate to the writer's motif and themes. Writers like Ngugi Wa Thiongo of Kenya, Bessie Head of South Africa, Nadim Godimer of South Africa, Authol Fugger, Camara Laye, Ferdinand Oyono, Zulu Sofola, Mariama Aloma, Amos Tutuola books are thrilling too because of supernatural presence, Buchie Emecheta and many others.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 8:41pm On Sep 03, 2022

But you have not read the Mayor Of Abagana written by legendary Benjamin Adekunle, the Red scorpion �

LoL, I can't possibly read all the books and you know it.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Owen247: 8:41pm On Sep 03, 2022
We are science students, we don't care about these craps.

lol, speak for yourself oh, our ways might be very different. Me as a core science student, i had to meet with the V.P Academics and various art teachers to enable me to engage in literature,government,fin acc,home economics,business studies, crk i learnt all these even doe i me science student and i self taught myself history because my sch didnt have a teacher for it. To a point i read so may western and african literature, such that art students had to borrow novels frm me,they hated to engage in novel narations wit me becoz i read books way ahead of them.
to a point i started learning greek (to enable me perfect my almost perfect physics), portugese and french too.

Yet, i be science student, maybe i was to weird.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 8:43pm On Sep 03, 2022

I hated Lonely Londoners angry

LoL, if you are not patient you won't finish the novel, but Samuel Selvon, the novelist, is trying to comment on the plight of the immigrants, the racial discrimination, by justifying the opinion that the grass is not always greener at the other side.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 8:47pm On Sep 03, 2022
Lonely Londoner, you have indeed tried.

Yes, I got it from my friend as a gift. At first, I wasn't interested but the themes discussed in the novel cannot be overemphasize.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 8:50pm On Sep 03, 2022

I’m a science student but a love reading a lot, esp novels by an African writer.

Native son is a great book.

Yes, Native Son by Richard Wright is a remarkable novel about racism. Try and read the Black Boy and Uncle Tom leaves home by him.

You enjoy novels by African writers because the story is your story, your history, your themes, your setting, your characters. You feel you are the one doing the things the characters do and say, you easily ralate to their experience.

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Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Theone123: 9:00pm On Sep 03, 2022
I still have this book! Freaking love it!
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 9:07pm On Sep 03, 2022

What are the odds lol I just finished with Native Son and last week How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. I highlighted several points and tried to liken it to what is going on today in Nigeria and even posted on my WhatsApp, nobody could even discuss.

Tell me your favourite book of all time and I'll begin reading right now wink. I'll also add those up there to my list.

Wish there was a WhatsApp group for readers.

Most people are not scholarly inclined when it comes to reading and having scholarly discussions. The evidence is Nairaland for instance, how many people write well, spell well and punctuate well? You don't have to be discouraged. I still have people that will call me if writing, assignment or things like that come their way, that makes me Demigod. Distinguish yourself.

About favorite book, to be honest, I can't even name any book my favorite, because I enjoyed each one I read differently.

You should check these books out:
Black Boy by Richard Wright
Americana by Chimamamda Adichie
So Long A Letter by Mariam ma
William Shakespearean plays and sonnets
African child by Camara Laye
The old man and the medal by Ferdinand Oyono
Efuru by Flora Nwakpa
Second class citizen by Buchie Emecheta
Stillborn by Zainab Alkali
Weep Not Child
Devil on the Cross
I will marry when I want
Grain of wheat
Petals of blood, all by Ngugi Wa Thiongo
Violence by Festus Iyayi
The last duty by Okpehowo
There was a country by Chinua Achebe.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 9:13pm On Sep 03, 2022

Pls tell me more about this 48 Laws of power, us like the author us talking about using people to get what you want and also using reverse psychology on people

It's about principles, stories of great men and how they outsmarted their opponents, people like Niccolo Machaevelli, how to take advantage of situations and people, laws about serving people, relating with people, becoming superior over people.

I read that book when I was in SS1, and it really affected my life negatively. I was exposed to books early in life, and books like that, power of seduction, Angels and Demon and some satanic books, played on my psychology and I am really messed up. You have to be mature before reading such books.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by detectivejones: 9:16pm On Sep 03, 2022
Yeah Chimamanda is gifted, I have touch lots of John Grisham and Dan Brown is also a gifted author
Don't forget to include Stephen King, Jeffrey Archer and Mario Puzo these men are legends.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Clint02(m): 9:23pm On Sep 03, 2022

To be honest with you, I have encountered people with similar challenge as yours, my friend, Mani, from Economics department, a guy from Geography and others I can't mention here. They are exceptionally calculation whizkid but very poor in reading theories.

Well, reading is not limited to field of study, but maybe you will be better off in engineering field where you do more of calculation.

I know Arts students that are very good at reading but poor in calculation and they never see it as a challenge.
Yes you are correct.
There are some courses in my field that are theory-based,so that's where the challenge comes in.
But I feel if I start reading more and make it as a habit,I would get a hold of it. Tis not that easy a journey to embark on especially for most of us the 'Engineering students' lol grin .
Thank you for your response sir.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by imagrg(m): 9:27pm On Sep 03, 2022
I have read this novel.
There is even a film on it.
Robinson Crusoe

The man who spent 28 years of his life in an isolated island, survived and lived a quiet life with animal's and cannibals. ..

Please move to front page let's know the senior men/ladies on this group.

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Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Clint02(m): 9:29pm On Sep 03, 2022

It's about principles, stories of great men and how they outsmarted their opponents, people like Niccolo Machaevelli, how to take advantage of situations and people, laws about serving people, relating with people, becoming superior over people.

I read that book when I was in SS1, and it really affected my life negatively. I was exposed to books early in life, and books like that, power of seduction, Angels and Demon and some satanic books, played on my psychology and I am really messed up. You have to be mature before reading such books.
Haha. I still recall vividly well, my physics teacher in JS3 advicing me to mind the books I read after he saw me reading CHANGELING: DEMON GAMES.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by FKMagazine(m): 9:29pm On Sep 03, 2022
By Daniel defoe
Very interesting story

I read it and enjoy it
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by dochenaj: 9:53pm On Sep 03, 2022
Till date I fantasize about being stranded on an Island and having to find food and shelter while plotting for how I'll be rescued thanks to this book.

Add Coral Island, King Solomon's Mine, Treasure Island (15 Men after a dead man's chest, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum) and you have my perfect recipe of books as a child.

Sadly, the reading culture is growing dead. Kids would rather press phone, play games, watch movies and reality shows that don't impact on their lives any way than read books.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 9:58pm On Sep 03, 2022
Yes you are correct.
There are some courses in my field that are theory-based,so that's where the challenge comes in.
But I feel if I start reading more and make it as a habit,I would get a hold of it. Tis not that easy a journey to embark on especially for most of us the 'Engineering students' lol grin .
Thank you for your response sir.

Yes, regular practice will improve the situation. I wish you best of luck.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 10:00pm On Sep 03, 2022
Haha. I still recall vividly well, my physics teacher in JS3 advicing me to mind the books I read after he saw me reading CHANGELING: DEMON GAMES.

He is right, some books have the power to destabilize your mental health and possess you.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Keyz1: 10:06pm On Sep 03, 2022
Robinson Crusoe, Chronicles of Narnia, King Solomon Mines, Allan Quatermain. If you've not read these books, you've missed alot
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by bhella10: 10:12pm On Sep 03, 2022

Yes, I got it from my friend as a gift. At first, I wasn't interested but the themes discussed in the novel cannot be overemphasize.
yeah. I read it for my waec back then. I haven't seen a copy ever since cheesy
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by FarmTech(m): 10:12pm On Sep 03, 2022
Robinson Crusoe

The man who spent 28 years of his life in an isolated island, survived and lived a quiet life with animal's and cannibals. ..

Please move to front page let's know the senior men/ladies on this group.
One of my most favourite novels. Love it so much. I can also remember treasure island, Montezumas daughter, Butch and Sundance.

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Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by Demigod22: 10:15pm On Sep 03, 2022
yeah. I read it for my waec back then. I haven't seen a copy ever since cheesy

Hahahaha, I still have my copy, I kept it in my library.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by frozen70(f): 10:23pm On Sep 03, 2022

It's about principles, stories of great men and how they outsmarted their opponents, people like Niccolo Machaevelli, how to take advantage of situations and people, laws about serving people, relating with people, becoming superior over people.

I read that book when I was in SS1, and it really affected my life negatively. I was exposed to books early in life, and books like that, power of seduction, Angels and Demon and some satanic books, played on my psychology and I am really messed up. You have to be mature before reading such books.

Thanks for your detailed explanations
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by LincolnOnyeabor: 11:06pm On Sep 03, 2022

Yes, reading is an exciting hobby. It keeps me well informed, entertained. I am always ahead of others when having scholarly discussions and it makes me versatile too.

Harry Potter is a great book, I read it and I also watched the movies.

Books like Native Son by Richard Wright, How Europe Underdevelop Africa by Roodney, Why We Struck by Adeyemoga, There Was A Country by Achebe, books from Oscar Wilde, Benard Shaw, Shakespearean sonnets and plays, Christopher Marlowe, Aristotle poetics, and classical writers like Horace, Sophocles and Longinus, French books and African classical books like African child by Camara Laye, The Blinkards by Kobina, and others will make an interesting read.

Native Son was so enthralling to read.

I totally felt like Biggie at a point. And that his Lawyer name, the communist, was it Jan or something?? That guy was so so brilliant.
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by FrankDbadGuy(m): 11:06pm On Sep 03, 2022

Yes, reading is an exciting hobby. It keeps me well informed, entertained. I am always ahead of others when having scholarly discussions and it makes me versatile too.

Harry Potter is a great book, I read it and I also watched the movies.

Books like Native Son by Richard Wright, How Europe Underdevelop Africa by Roodney, Why We Struck by Adeyemoga, There Was A Country by Achebe, books from Oscar Wilde, Benard Shaw, Shakespearean sonnets and plays, Christopher Marlowe, Aristotle poetics, and classical writers like Horace, Sophocles and Longinus, French books and African classical books like African child by Camara Laye, The Blinkards by Kobina, and others will make an interesting read.

Please who has any of these books? Hv searched for the free version online to no success
Africas lost decade by Samuel Decalo
Gadaffi my vision
Dubai leader: my vision
Re: Robinson Crusoe: Who Else Remembers This Novel? Indomie Generation Stay Off. by LogicBomb8: 11:11pm On Sep 03, 2022
I may be considered indomie generation or not, depending on who is doing the consideration, since I am in my mid twenties.

But reading books generally is my hobby, so I have read it too. I read it along Harry Potter, Angels and Demon, The Black Boy, Lonely Londeners, 48 laws of power, Aeodipus Rex, and many classical novels.
how many do u have available?

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