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The Lady Who Married Two Presidents - Education - Nairaland

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The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Pengician(m): 3:26pm On Apr 12, 2023
Meet the only woman in modern history to have married two presidents

Its not two leaders who fell in love with me, but two real people. I feel privileged that I have shared my life with two such exceptional men - Graça Machel

There are many things Africa has given the world which is why it’s such a wonderful place to live. Having two presidents in a country at a time is extraordinary, but the motherland has also had the only woman to have become the First Lady of two different countries – Mozambique and South Africa.
Meet Graça Simbine Machel, the only person in history of the universe to have been the first spouse to two different democratically elected African leaders.

Graça Simbine Machelwas born on 17 October 1945, in Gaza, Mozambique, and she was the last child in a family of six. Her father died three weeks before her birth and left an instruction that she must be educated through high school. A will that was carried out by her older siblings.

Graça Simbine Machel education

After completing high school, the Methodist church granted her a scholarship to study at Lisbon University, Portugal. And she chose to major in languages.


Due to Surveillance from the Portuguese secret police, she was forced to abandon her education and fled to Switzerland.

In 1973, she returned to Tanzania and joined the FRELIMO where she met her first husband, Samora Machel – the first president of Mozambique.

On June 25, 1975, Mozambique gained independence and Samora Machel was made the first president of the new country.

Graça Simbine Machel marriage to Samora Machel

At sworn in as a president of the new nation, Samora Machel was a widower as his wife, Josina, had died of leukaemia in 1971. In September of 1975, Graça married Samora Machel and became the First Lady of the country.

She combined this position with her cabinet portfolio as Education minister till 1986.

Samora Machel died in a plane crash on October 19, 1986, and this made her to resign her post as the country's Minister of Education.

Graça Simbine Machel marriage to Madiba Nelson Mandela

Graça’s marriage to Mandela was dramatic as it was announced at the 80th birthday of the late icon. This was in the presence of over 2,000 international guests in 1998.

Having tied the nuptial knots with Mandela, Graça assumed the position of the First Lady of South Africa at age 52.

Graça said about her marriage to Mandela: "We were grown up; we were settled; we knew the value of a companion, of a partner."


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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Pengician(m): 3:46pm On Apr 12, 2023
Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by humilitypays(m): 5:52am On Apr 13, 2023

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Donbunchis: 6:30am On Apr 13, 2023
Let her come n marry me

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by ceeceeuwa: 7:04am On Apr 13, 2023
You could have spiced this thread up with pictures,not only links. Nice one!


Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Jimmythewise: 8:09am On Apr 13, 2023
You could have spiced this thread up with pictures
Idk why people do things half way. Why start when you know you won't complete it?

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by mytime24(f): 10:15am On Apr 13, 2023

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Aurelius1(m): 10:42am On Apr 13, 2023
Let her come n marry me
You want to kill yourself? grin
Imagine a young man in his late 20s or early 30s pumping a granny in her late 80s. grin

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Kiddogarcia(m): 11:09am On Apr 13, 2023
Nice tho, read about her on Wikipedia,she doesn't really portray the beauty queen vibes,but ma'am was brilliant as hell.
Back in the days when brain and beauty was still the main cog in selecting a woman.

Na we be your best plug for everything Sexual enhancement tho

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Donbunchis: 12:28pm On Apr 13, 2023
You want to kill yourself? grin
Imagine a young man in his late 20s or early 30s pumping a granny in her late 80s. grin

Is the kpekus complaining?

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by fortunez1(m): 1:52pm On Apr 13, 2023
She no born ?

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Pengician(m): 5:27pm On Apr 13, 2023
You could have spiced this thread up with pictures,not only links. Nice one!

Thanks a lot. I have done that.

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Re: The Lady Who Married Two Presidents by Pengician(m): 5:29pm On Apr 13, 2023
Idk why people do things half way. Why start when you know you won't complete it?

Thanks a lot, it has been modified.

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