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Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? - Jobs/Vacancies (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by ukandi1(m): 10:49am On Dec 13, 2023
No. Of children would make you either steal or be loyal to the organization depending on your salary.

Marital status affects your productivity as a tired employee from the other room's activity would be too weak to have meaningful contributions to office
Religion inclination would tell them when you can be available or not.

It's always believed that married people are more responsible and loyal.
Other reasons abound though. These are a few I can think of and believe me, they matter
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Blankstare(m): 10:51am On Dec 13, 2023
No laws against them in Nigeria .

Marital status- married people are more trusted for certain positions as its not easy to run away with a family of 4 for example when compared to a single guy in cases of fraud, embezzlement or theft of company assets.

Pls discard this fallacy that married people are more trustworthy before you fall victim, that was the norm in the older days, everyone is a vampire in this present Nigeria. Go to brekete program in Abuja and see how married women are scamming people in droves...


Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by hosemujica: 10:57am On Dec 13, 2023
Those information they ask are very important in the Nigerian context.
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by ednut1(m): 10:59am On Dec 13, 2023

Pls discard this fallacy that married people are more trustworthy before you fall victim, that was the norm in the older days, everyone is a vampire in this present Nigeria. Go to brekete program in Abuja and see how married women are scamming people in droves...
yes it is a fallacy but many in Nigeria believe it.

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by smalls001: 11:00am On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?

You're at liberty to respond or not. Na you dey find work plus it's not compulsory you respond. If you're not comfortable with their request ignore it and stop wasting our time here.

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Onewazobia(m): 11:01am On Dec 13, 2023
I have no prophecy on this matter. Kindly bear with me.

This I have seen.

You must have ooo
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by VirginFinder: 11:11am On Dec 13, 2023
They will even ask you about your family members sad
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Toosure70: 11:15am On Dec 13, 2023
Naija don die finish. Look at the comment from graduates. Please make more research before asking silly questions
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by holyfather(m): 11:16am On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?

Because they don't know what they're looking for

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Patriotic9ja(m): 11:17am On Dec 13, 2023
If you don't like the questions, then create your own job or company and recruit without background checks

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Ennypoker: 11:19am On Dec 13, 2023
Wetin be this grin grin grin grin


I swear.. I remember when i wanted to get a cyber cafe job one time, the useless interviewer was asking me how many time do i have sex with girlfriend every month. When i asked the mumu why he was asking me such questions, he told me that they need to know if i pose any form of sexual threat to their madam or any other female employee. grin
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by liamjakes247: 11:21am On Dec 13, 2023

Infact generally Nigeria employers are so heartless and irresponsible.
They want staffers to do their work perfectly but once it is getting to the end of the month that they will pay salary, they will start acting weird, they will start giving negative attitude, they will be looking for every opportunity to complain about staffers.
Nigeria Labour congress and TUC are just selfish and greedy set of people who don't really fight for labourers/workers but their own selfish interest.
Another thing is year of experience, how do you expect a fresh graduate to have 3 years experience in a certain field which is not even a professional field.
Ordinary Supermarket owner will be asking a fresh graduate for 4 years experience for sales representative job.

Above all you can't make it working for someone, if you have a little capital start your own business no matter how small the amount you are making daily, you will have peace of mind.

This last phase is really tough. Starting a side business with 7-5 job is like putting your hard earned labor in someone hands. People employed to managed business in this country run it without conscience. They pest and feast on it
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by 0taPiaPia(m): 11:25am On Dec 13, 2023
I have been asked of body count before. I just looked at the man and he was like " e shock u abi", i answered in the affirmative and he told me point blank it's a prerequisite. lipsrsealed
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by idtiwo: 11:28am On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?

If its an international job, the information are needed for planing purpose on the part of the employer.
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by SouthSouth1914: 11:34am On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?

Most of the organizations are useless!
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by ChybuzzDD(m): 11:36am On Dec 13, 2023

Those are not irrelevant questions, it is very necessary to give context to an employee's personal situation which can impact their work environment.

So, how have such questions helped Nigeria since it's the only place where they're being asked?

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Myer(m): 11:37am On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?
1. Marital status is important for the Employer because your level of commitment is directly or indirectly commensurate with the level of responsibilities you shoulder.
Some jobs are more suitable for singles who can afford to resume early, work late, travel etc.
Some jobs are more suitable for married people.
Some jobs are suitable for everyone regardless of marital status.
Most companies prefer their staff married because in most cases singles can easily quit/resign while married people can't easily decide to quit for fear of bills at home.

2. Number of Children / Age of children also shows your level of commitment due to responsibilities you shoulder and sacrifices you can afford to make. A nursing mother can't possible leave her children for a job that involves traveling. Also this determines how much maternity leave the company will be exposed to if newly weds.

3. Religion clearly will affect you ability to get along with you co-staff. Extremists will definitely find it difficult to work in certain work environments.

Hope you now see why each of these fields is important. Although contemporary companies that don't demand these have mechanisms in place to protect themselves.

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by israelmao(m): 11:39am On Dec 13, 2023
It's part of screening out strategy as you know unemployment figure in Nigeria is astronomical.
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by BlueRayDick: 11:41am On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?

Some organizations like where I work ask about ur kids and their age because they either subsidize or take full responsibility of ur kid's school fees.

That information helps the management plan for ur welfare.

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Litmus: 11:48am On Dec 13, 2023

Where has this gotten us to?

With Nigerians leaving in droves, do they denounce their religion and marital status to work for employers in Western countries?

In western countries, most employers give coffee/tea breaks every 2-3hours. We encourage ethnic/religions division when it favors us, then turn around to shout segregation/racism when it does favors us.

How does number of children and their ages affect my productivity please?

cc: Bliss52

Strikes me as though the question intends to identify whether the applicant is a family man and thus liable to be a more responsible employee if accepted for the role. In addition, unlike a single individual, a family man is likelier to tolerant difficult work conditions and persevere at the role due to dependents that rely on him.

Questions related to faith may be for similar reasons. People devoted to a religion may be deemed as individuals more liable to be constrained and disciplined than individuals without perceived beliefs systems.

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Josywhyte: 11:55am On Dec 13, 2023
Well am not surprised. I attended an interview in 2017 and the owner of the firm(a school) walked and made a statement that really people surprised. "If u know you're a Muslim or a Jehovah witness,please leave the school premises" said the school owener

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by MrCork: 12:01pm On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?

It means they can track u when u commmmit fraud!!(no ooofencse) angry
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Litmus: 12:05pm On Dec 13, 2023
A good question would be why does the average Nigerian believe he knows better than every institutional authority figure and would run every institution better than those in charge?

Even a roadside, junkyard dwelling Nigerian, uneducated, poorly educated, or even a little retarded mentally or physically thinks he knows better than everyone in power ?

Curiously, these types of Nigerians never offer alternatives to what they criticise for fear, perhaps, that thire self belief - as superiors to those in power - may at least be challenged....

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Hezmatosky: 12:08pm On Dec 13, 2023
Marital status: Your job description might involve working into the night, travels, having meetings in hotels with clients, etc.

Number of children: To determine to an extent your financial responsibility.

Children ages: To determine the focus level and availability.

Religion: To know if a certain day of worship might conflict with the company's interest.

Denomination: To know whether you will easily suspend work ethics for religious approach.

There is really no labour laws in Nigeria, hence the cut & nail approach by both public & private sector.
Why don't you make it clear on the job description and if it suits me, i apply
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by eepeepook: 12:09pm On Dec 13, 2023
They do because they can.

Come to think of it, I should start snapping nudes of people who beg me for loans. Broadcasting them to mutual friends should scare the person into paying back on time. God knows I hate when someone who nearly ate sand to ensure you borrowed him/her money laughs at your face in jest. Just pay at the stipulated time, how hard is it?!
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by westlius(m): 12:14pm On Dec 13, 2023

If you are operating machinery, that question is valid.
Inventory officer
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Hezmatosky: 12:15pm On Dec 13, 2023
Though i do not really have issue with these ones. The one that baffles me and pains me most is looking for a guarantor who's a level 15 Officer and above in civil service or a policeman above DSP level or a royal father to sign a guarantor form for you. For whattttttt? The same country you're 100% citizen sad
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Litmus: 12:17pm On Dec 13, 2023
In place of forwarding his alternative to what partends currently in Nigeria, and that he professes to dislike, he, the Nigerian, instead then goes on to say "it is done better abroad" or implies it. undecided
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by frog12: 12:21pm On Dec 13, 2023
how did you answer all the questions?

I did one interview with access bank some years ago and the man was asking me about family.

1) tell me about your family?
2) tell me more about it?
3) how many wife did my father have?
4) what kind of work is my father doing?
5)how many children did my mother have for my father?
6) what is my number? Am I the first or last born?
7)did your father father build any properties in Lagos?

No single technical question and I was given offer letter after that interview
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Mandate1: 12:26pm On Dec 13, 2023
Why do Nigerians expect things to change, yet we still do things the old way?

Someone just sent me a link for one of the states' organized Entrepreneurship Accelerator Programme (EAP). A quick look at the form, I noticed that the request the following:
* Marital Status
* Number of Children / age of children
* Religion and Denomination

What on earth is the usefulness of these information for a training program?

This is also of all employers in Nigeria. In fact, most CV (resumè) formats in Nigerian public and private sectors have space for above information. Please What is the usefulness of these usefulness information?
those are not irrelevant sir. Posting a Christian to a sharia state is not a nice one. Ur marital status will determine the ease at which you can relocate if your job demands so. The number of kids you have will determine your daily expense etc.

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Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by Houseontherock1: 12:29pm On Dec 13, 2023
Though i do not really have issue with these ones. The one that baffles me and pains me most is looking for a guarantor who's a level 15 Officer and above in civil service or a policeman above DSP level or a royal father to sign a guarantor form for you. For whattttttt? The same country you're 100% citizen sad
Especially when the guarantor is most likely a thief grin
Re: Why Do Nigerian Employers Request Irrelevant Information? by agabusta: 12:30pm On Dec 13, 2023

Infact generally Nigeria employers are so heartless and irresponsible.
They want staffers to do their work perfectly but once it is getting to the end of the month that they will pay salary, they will start acting weird, they will start giving negative attitude, they will be looking for every opportunity to complain about staffers.
Nigeria Labour congress and TUC are just selfish and greedy set of people who don't really fight for labourers/workers but their own selfish interest.
Another thing is year of experience, how do you expect a fresh graduate to have 3 years experience in a certain field which is not even a professional field.
Ordinary Supermarket owner will be asking a fresh graduate for 4 years experience for sales representative job.

Above all you can't make it working for someone, if you have a little capital start your own business no matter how small the amount you are making daily, you will have peace of mind.

It is good to start your own business. You'll start experiencing what the employers are experiencing.

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