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When It Comes To Love, Can You Fake It ‘til You Make It? - Romance - Nairaland

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When It Comes To Love, Can You Fake It ‘til You Make It? by brandedben(m): 5:42pm On Jul 17, 2012
When It Comes to Love, Can You Fake It ‘Til You Make It?

We are often told to fake it until we make it, and this is useful in all manner of endeavors: acting confident and sexy, starting a new job for which you are under-qualified, etc. But we are not usually advised to do this in matters of the heart—because, after all, love cannot be faked. Or can it? Dun, dun, dunnnn. Some new research is showing that in fact you can trick yourself into finding someone attractive, which is interesting in theory but gets pretty darn creepy when you put it into practice.

The research was done by psychology professor Richard Wiseman, who wanted to test the theory that behavior can shape emotions instead of the other way around. He had about 100 volunteers in Edinburgh take part in a speed dating experiment. He had some of them interact using "normal speed dating behavior," which we can only assume meant having short, stilted conversations while trying to not openly scope out all the other people in the room. But the other group was asked to engage in a series of psychological games designed to encourage them to act like they were attracted to each other and in love. For example, they were asked to look into each other's eyes, touch hands, share secrets, and even make small gifts for each other. Gee, that doesn't sound awkward AT ALL.

CONTINUE READING: http://slucksblog.com/when-it-comes-to-love-can-you-fake-it-%E2%80%98til-you-make-it

Re: When It Comes To Love, Can You Fake It ‘til You Make It? by Mynd44: 5:12am On Jul 18, 2012
I don't fake noting. Everything you see around me is all me
Re: When It Comes To Love, Can You Fake It ‘til You Make It? by cog1: 6:44am On Jul 18, 2012
In simple terminology,they are testing the practicality or otherwise of
"arrangee" relationships,marriages,etc. Where behaviour shapes emotion.
From our African experience,I can say yes,
you can fake it till you make it if
You try. Those of our forefathers who were in this kind of relationships,
Went on to have children,many of whom we are their grand kids today,
And lived successfully together for many years thereafter.
Re: When It Comes To Love, Can You Fake It ‘til You Make It? by Ranoscky(m): 6:49am On Jul 18, 2012
Emi o r'aye gbogbo fake-ish yen, mehn!
Re: When It Comes To Love, Can You Fake It ‘til You Make It? by brandedben(m): 7:36pm On Jul 19, 2012
Nice review @ all of ya

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