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Religion / Re: Did Jesus Advertised Miracles? by Cool4: 5:21pm On Jun 28, 2009
The end of the road has now come for all those who employ foreign influences, talisman, amulets, concoction and other alien powers to fake miracles either in churches, mosques or other religious places.

His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the King of kings and Lord of lords had said every preacher who does not rely on the divine power of the Holy Spirit to preach and work miracles will be exposed and disgraced shortly one after the other.

He gave this decree recently at the world headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star when He spoke on the preponderance of fake miracles and deception in many churches and other religious organizations in many countries.

His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu affirmed that the Holy Spirit has since taken over total control of all events in the world and as such all things which are deceitful that are not made or planted by the Father will be uprooted and disgraced.

He expressed dismay at the avalanche of deceits and how so-called men of God go the extra length to hypnotize, deceive and employ extraneous powers, so that they can make money, pull large crowd and be popular.

He said God is not pleased at these ugly developments which in any case are the signs of the end times, a fulfillment of the scriptures. Subsequently, all those who bring disrepute to the name of God are all doomed, He said.

The Father said only the works of God will endure forever. Although Satan is powerful, He added, yet God is more powerful. Satan’s miracles are short lived. “God is not into all these abracadabra by church founders, but His works guarantee eternal peace and plenty.” These so-called men of God are after their ‘belle’ not to please God, the Father also added.

Following this decree by the Father, we should not be surprised to see more and more church founders being exposed around the world.
Religion / Re: Olumba Olumba Obu - Ooo by Cool4: 1:46pm On Jun 28, 2009

My Beloved President and Nigerians,

Let the peace and blessings of God Almighty abide with you all and the entire world in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.It is with utmost delight and gratitude to Our Heavenly Father that I send this message of goodwill to the presidency and all Nigerians this day marking the 10th Anniversary of Democracy in the Republic of Nigeria.I use this occasion to thank God for the great works He has done in this country, one of which is shielding and protecting Nigeria from all evil tendencies and plans that would have destabilised the peace and the success of our democracy.

The Holy Father had in 1988 declared that there will be no more coup de tat in Nigeria. He stated that no coup de tat or any violent take-over of government will succeed again in Nigeria. He also said any person or group of individuals who plot to take over the reins of government by violent means are already doomed, and so it is and shall remain. Any leadership is of God instituted by God for a purpose. So every citizen is expected to respect the government of the day. To this end, I call on the Government of Nigeria and indeed all Nigerians, both home and abroad to do away with ethnic, language, economical, political, cultural and religious differences and come together as children of God to live in peace and love with one another and build Nigeria, our great nation in the spirit of oneness and unity.

Daniel 2:44
"And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever".

Matthew 6:10
"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

Revelation 21:3-4
"And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away".

Dear brothers, sisters and angels

Peace of God be unto you. You are very welcome to this web site.
The goals of this site are to testify to the might and presence of the HOLY SPIRIT personified on Earth at this end of time and in general, to provide more information about BCS which stands for Brotherhood Of the Cross And Star i.e.

What it is and
What it stands for
We pray that The Holy Spirit of Truth will give each and every visitor to this site the spirit to bear and understand the information therein so we can all come to the "accurate knowledge of TRUTH".
Please relate this good news to everyone i.e friends, family, relatives, colleagues, neighbours and so on.
Religion / Re: Olumba Olumba Obu - Ooo by Cool4: 1:37pm On Jun 28, 2009
God has stated in the scriptures that vengeance is His; He would repay. It therefore appears that the time of God has come for Mrs. Helen Ukpabio, the founder of Liberty Church Ministries, based in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria to be repaid by God whom she professes to serve.

Recently His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, the King of kings and Lord of lords in the course of His Homily, had cause to speak about her, declaring that the patience of God has ran out on her.

Before now, the Father had declared that if she confessed that God was ready to forgive her. But it would appear that as she was not forth coming, instead intensified her resources, energy and time to lead campaigns of calumny and injurious propaganda against the Holy Father and the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, the King of kings and Lord of lords said God has delivered her into the hands of angels.

The Father added that since there has been a change of guards, the angels presently on guard are merciless and they had begged the Father to permit them to action.

His holiness Olumba Olumba Obu revealed that the Father was not pleased by the insolence and lies she peddled against God who leads, guides and directs Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. He said He would be happy for her to come and show the world which room the Father had locked her for 14 years that she claimed she served the Father as a chorister. The Father also challenged her to practically expose the evil deeds of Brotherhood, including the shrines maintained by the fold.

The Father was tolerant of her over these years she used the Father’s name and Brotherhood of the Cross and Star wrongly to make money for herself with intent to defame, damage the reputation of the Kingdom and to stir public and government discontentment against her. Having not succeeded because it is God’s eternal kingdom, God is now ready for her.

His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu emphasized that Mrs. Helen Ukpabio will shortly be ashamed of herself as the war she waged against Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is now at her detriment, adding “I am fully ready…” In order to make money, Ukpabio has published several books, recorded films and spoke against Brotherhood in public places as a vampire fold led by Satan incarnate.

Ukpabio is acclaimed to use extraneous influences, performed sacrifices and stage managed miracles in all her public shows. Her stock in trade is to label every of her customers including children as witches and wizards. She most often rent crowds to witness her fake and talismanic miracles.

Already, even as the Father has just spoken, Ukpabio has run into trouble with the authorities. She has elected to drag the government of Akwa Ibom State which has enacted a law to prosecute the Helen Ukpabios who kill and ill treat children of the State in the name of exorcising witchcraft spirit from them.

She has equally dragged the British Broadcasting Corporation TV Channel 4 which recently exposed her criminal and devilish activities in a documentary to court. Indeed, God is a just rewarder.
Religion / Re: Did Jesus Advertised Miracles? by Cool4: 8:42pm On Jun 14, 2009
Every pastors now are performing miracle and advertising their miracle on the media so as to attract more members to their church. Question: Is this power from God or man made power? Please I want to know.
Religion / Re: Olumba Olumba Obu - Ooo by Cool4: 5:38pm On Jun 09, 2009

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is the Founder and Leader of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. He is the originator of the Brotherhood of man, who has come to lead man to the accurate knowledge of the truth and to teach man the right way to eternal life. He came to establish the New Kingdom of God on earth, and to also reveal the Christ in glory as it is written in John chapter 16 verses 7-14. He is the Sole Natural Head of all spirits, and the Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe, who has come on earth as the Personified Holy Spirit even the Promised Comforter to lead man into the way of life.

Physically, He was born in the year 1918 into the family of Olumba Obu in Onoronwanza village of Biakpan in the present Biase Local Government Area of Cross River State of Nigeria. With little or no formal education, He has expounded deeply on virtually all aspects of Divine mysteries even beyond that which was taught by our Lord Jesus Christ. This is in fulfillment of what was spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ that, “I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when He the Spirit of Truth is come, He will lead you all into all truth. He shall glorify me, and will show you things to come”. John 16:12-13.

THE WHITE GARMENT: Revelation 6:7-9, 7:9-17: The dressing in white fulfills the prophecy that when the LORD shall come to gather His own out of the earth, they shall be clad in white robes. This is the dress code for the redeemed of the LORD. It is written; ’These are they which were redeemed from the earth, therefore, are they clad in white robes, white and clean’. The White garment symbolized perfection in the Blood of the Lamb. It is the special honor and privilege granted by the LORD God to those whom it has pleased Him to grant redemption from the earth. And whoever He deigns to redeem must be clad in this White Robe, for this is the Divine Royal Garment. 1 Peter 2:17; “You are a lucky generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people’.

 WALKING BARE FOOT: Exodus 3:5: It is written in the Scriptures that Heaven is the Throne of God and the earth is His footstool. In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, we acknowledge that everywhere we are, God’s presence pervades. Therefore, whenever we are clad especially in the Royal Garment (the White Soutan); it is incumbent upon us not to desecrate the sanctity of that Divine grace of being clad in the garment of glory by putting on any foot wear. Moreover, in Luke 10 verse 4, our Lord Jesus Christ enjoined the disciples to carry no shoes in the course of their missionary duties. Man is the conduit of the Holy Spirit and in him; God manifests His powers in healing and other impartations. By leaving the feet free from the encumbrances of footwear, man enables himself to become an uninterrupted conduit for the flow of the energy of the Holy Spirit.

 VEGETARIANISM (VEGANISM): Genesis 1 verses 29-30: The Holy Father advocates total abstinence from the consumption of any animal, avian or aquatic derivatives as all lives are sacred to Him. However, the Scriptures nominate that whosoever does not eat the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ and drink His Blood has no portion in Him, John 6:51-55. The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star pattern of Menu is completely holistic that abhors the consumption of animal, avian or aquatic life forms for food. That is what ensures continued good health and well being which genuine children of BCS enjoy. Even terrible medical conditions can easily be overcome through a Vegan lifestyle, which even modern medical sciences have proven.

 BAPTISM OF IMMERSION: Matthew28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18, Galatians 3:27: Without the baptism of immersion as practiced in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, one cannot receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Many people wonder at the secret of the power in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, and why no power on earth can prevail against them. This secret power is only obtainable through this sacrament of righteousness which is washing away of our sins in the Blood of the Lamb.

 THE RED GARMENT OF THE HOLY FATHER: Revelations 19:11-13: The Red Garments of our Holy Father symbolizes the Blood of the Lamb which was shed on the Cross of Calvary for the salvation of humanity. It is only the Holy One from Heaven, even the Spirit of Truth that is qualified to be clad in the Blood of the Lamb. Even Prophet Isaiah in chapter 63 verses 1-5, confirmed the identity of He who is clad in Red as the Almighty God who has chosen to come from the stock of Edom (Esau) to visit vengeance and recompense on the sons of men. He is Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, the Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe.

 HOLY FATHER’S ABSENCE FROM THE THRONE: 1st Corinthians 15:20-28, John 5:22-26, John 16:12-13, Daniel 7:13-14: It is written that the time will come when the Father will submit all power and authority to the Son, and all principalities will be subject to the authority of the Son. Revelations chapter 20 reveals two types of manifestations of God in judgment in the last days. In the first instance, the Son of man will gather the chosen into Book of Life, and afterwards, the Father in Glory will execute the Great White Throne Judgment to reward the righteous who have been selected by the Son and punish the wicked whose names are not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, That moment is now.

 DETRACTORS, PROPONENTS AND OPPONENTS OF THE KINGDOM: John 13:16-17, John 15:18-25: The persecution of some misinformed and misguided section of our society who out of misunderstanding of the Brotherhood philosophy and mission of our Holy Father, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu castigate Brotherhood and persecute the members, is a manifestation of the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ. Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is of God. It is founded on the foundation of the Blood of the Lamb. The entire humanity cannot understand or comprehend Brotherhood except the chosen ones because it is from the Throne of God and it is written in John chapter 3 verse 27 that; “A man can receive nothing unless it given to him from above”. The opprobrium of the misguided ones against the New Kingdom is sure evidence that this Kingdom is from above.
Religion / Re: Olumba Olumba Obu - Ooo by Cool4: 5:25pm On Jun 09, 2009
I think the problem here is that the worldly people are not given power to know the mystery of the Kingdom of God because they engages in so much sins, therefore, God cannot reveal his secret to them, he only reveal it to his elects who are the children of God.

As we have law here on earth, God himself have law. Just like the maxist theory which sees people belonging to different classes in the society. Some people belongs to the higher class (The riches), Some the middle (average) class and some the lower class (poor). This shows that people are not equal. It is nature which no one can change. No matter how wealthy one is, someone must be more wealthy or richer than than person and vice-versa.

So is it in God's way. God do not reveal himself to everyone. He reveal it to the selected which are the elects - the choosen ones. That is why in the bible (i can't remember the portion, but i have come across it) it says "Thou ye are in the World, but ye are not of the World". This will speak for itselt that it is not all who are in this world are of God. There are the real children of God whom God does not count sin on them.

Going through the opinion from different people here, i found out that you are judging Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and its leader in the worldly perspective. I have not seen any spiritual back up from you guys because you are all carnal.  Go through the point of "Wussiwug" and you will learn more. I am very delighted in his point with spiritual back up.

Being worldly means engaging in materialism instead of spiritism. Materialism like fornication, killing, gossiping, judging and condeming one another with many more immoral acts. Anyone seing him/herself in such shoe should considered to be worldly. Then tell me how can God reveal himself and his secret to such people who are carnally minded? How many times should we be wise and refrain from all manners of sin if actually we want to know God?

The ascertion that "God is God of yesterday, Today and Forever" means that so far as Our Lord Jesus the Christ was rejected on earth crucified, therefore in his coming again as the promise comforter, he will still be rejected and only accepted by few. What is happening today? Also do understand that in every God's visitation on earth, he always come with a new name. He does not come with former name (Rev. 3:12)

One cannot know God in the flesh except in the spirit. There is limitation to God's attribute for humans in the flesh and that of the spirit is not limited, this is to say when you are in the spirit you are above the law and by over coming the law, God will reveal his identity to you.

Read Gal. 5: 16-26

16: This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17: For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18: But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19: Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,  20: Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21: Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23: Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24: And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
25: If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 27: Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

The humility attributes is found in Leader Olumba Olumba of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. I have read many books regarding this being and the established organisation and come to realise that Leader Olumba Olumba Obu is a deity yet to be revealed openly to the world yet he has already been revealed in the spirit that is why one see people and spirits from all the planet of the World recognising his existence.

I know you wouldn't understand this because your eyes have been closed spiritually. Your eyes is only opened in the flesh which you can only see things of the flesh and judge by the flesh. Those that has been called into B.C.S (accronyms) through spiritual ways by this deity have their story to say. One cannot know unless it is revealed to him.

If one does not go to school, how can he know what subjects are being offered in that school? if you want to know about this being, kindly pray that it should be revealed to you with an open mind and so shall it be. You don't need to come to the fold before it can be revealed to you. Many members of the BCS World wide have reasons to hold unto this being. Don't foreget that this is a computer age and people are no more in darkness except children of perdition.

I will want you to draw nearer to BCS fold especially its headquaters at 34, Ambo Street where you wouldn't need anyone to tell you that truely this is the Kingdom of God where love reigneth. You will be glad to have a nice experience about the dwelling place of God. If you go there, you might be lucky to see journalist from different media which they can share experiences with you.

Be wise, this is computer age. Come out from darkness and embrace light.

You can contact me on my email for more information about BCS:  kcjoe75@yahoo.com.
Name: Kingsley,
Department of Political Science,
University of Calabar,
Cross River State, Calabar.

I love you all. Peace!
Religion / Re: Did Jesus Advertised Miracles? by Cool4: 3:35pm On Jun 09, 2009
You should ask yourself. Why these so call Miracle men of God don't go to the motherless babies home or even to the hospital to perform their miracles. Why don't they do miracles to the poor and less priviledged ones as our Lord Jesus Christ did. It should be clear that they are after the wealthy individuals so as to extort wealth from them through their fake miracle. Is this from God
Religion / Re: Did Jesus Advertised Miracles? by Cool4: 3:21pm On Jun 09, 2009
Those engaging in the act of advertising miracles is satanic. They are not from God. They are flesh. They only do this so as to get members to their church through advertising their miracles the media with ultimate aim of making money. They are money conscious than the work of God. Therefore money and God are not identical because God is spirit and money is flesh.

Read (KJV) Galatian 5:16-17

5:16 "this I say then, walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh"

5:17 "For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would"

Also check Gal. 5:22 -25;

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Have read the above bible assertion? Dear Christian Bretheren, any pastor found in such medium do not follow the footstep of God and he is not led by the Holy Spirit. He or she is after material things.

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