Romance / Re: Bumps On Genital, Help! by cybernaut(m): 2:31pm On Feb 09 |
Buy Ghana black soap around people selling traditional herbs and leaves usually Yoruba women. Tell them you get korokoro for that side and don't be shy when telling them 1 Like |
Romance / Re: "My Girlfriend Refused To Answer A Man’s Calls In My Presence Should I Be Concer by cybernaut(m): 10:26pm On Feb 08 |
Double dating. Pipe her well well and work away . Keep searching till u find ur soulmate 2 Likes |
Politics / Re: Nobody Should Beg Tinubu’s Govt For My Release — Nnamdi Kanu by cybernaut(m): 7:20pm On Feb 08 |
Shit hole country 4 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: 13 US Patients Undergo Kidney Transplants In Nigeria — Shettima by cybernaut(m): 7:30pm On Feb 07 |
Killing our people to impress the useless white dude. How many white dude sell there kidney to black race. Stop killing our yputh |
Politics / Re: "Africa Must Stop Depending On Foreign Blueprints" - Tinubu by cybernaut(m): 2:50pm On Feb 07 |
Olodo president. After borrowing IMF to milk ur citizens down. Importing fuel from Malta and licking your ass to woo France government for more weapons and support. Hypocrite at highest level.
Mugu 20 |
Politics / Re: Britain Is Our Home, It's Not A Hotel: Kemi Badenoch (photos/video) by cybernaut(m): 7:37pm On Feb 06 |
House negro talking. Olodo |
Politics / Re: Immigrants Should Face Tougher Hurdle To Get British Citizenship - Kemi Badenoch by cybernaut(m): 11:34am On Feb 06 |
What is too special about becoming UK citizens ? A slave is a slave whether negros or not 3 Likes 1 Share |
Politics / Re: Tension As Suspected Herdsmen Shoot Two Delta State Farmers Dead by cybernaut(m): 11:05am On Feb 06 |
A leader who can't protect the people he is leading is called what........?
Holy holy Nnamdi Kanu is another saviour. Simon Ekpa Joshua of our time
Nigeria leaders are hopeless 4 Likes 1 Share |
Crime / Re: Lords Chosen Church Members Killed By Herdsmen In Nkaleha, Ebonyi by cybernaut(m): 10:23am On Feb 04 |
Holy , holy , holy Nnamdi Kanu is another saviour.
These idiots parading as eastern leaders who can't protect his people from invaders but quick to act by the order given to them to killed the spirit of our brothers guiding our forest.
Nnamdi Kanu and Simon Ekpa in anywhere these evil bidders kept you guys, light must shine because light and darkness have nothing in common 19 Likes |
Politics / Re: FG To Spend $600 Milion Yearly On Electricity Subsidy by cybernaut(m): 9:07am On Feb 02 |
Hopeless if you are financially boyant to install solar do it and enjoy ur life. Forget these shitholes nation |
Politics / Re: US-based Nigerian Doctor Kills Self Over $15,000 Child Support by cybernaut(m): 8:29am On Feb 02 |
Anyway rest in peace but I will not killed myself rather I live american for them and reside in Africa or Asia continent and start a new life.
What is too special about American self 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Romance / Re: Should I Marry A Girl That Clearly Told Me That She Visits A Native Doctor by cybernaut(m): 4:53pm On Feb 01 |
I expected it to be nonsense to you since your gods have already blindfolded your eyes to the truth. Read again slowly, aloud and think along when you read again and again. Call on Jesus Christ that has made only one Holy, sinless, perfect and everlasting sacrifice for all mankinds to reveal Himself to you so that you can see the Truth that those christians saw in Christ Jesus. No more daily human or animal sacrifice is acceptable by God, you are offering sacrifice to Satan through his agent idols. Join the train of Jesus Christ today so you can access free gift of eternal life after death through Christ Jesus so those cows,goat given to ur so called pastor or reverend is not sacrifice to their white man idol god. You are myoptic. |
Romance / Re: Should I Marry A Girl That Clearly Told Me That She Visits A Native Doctor by cybernaut(m): 2:46pm On Feb 01 |
I never expected you to read it since your gods are also illitrates that forbids education and civilization. Uncountable christians universities and secondary schools abound, but yet to see:"Irunmole University of Science and Technology". It might even be surprising that probably you attended christian schools at least once from primary to your higher institution. If not nowadays that you force your small gods to leave in the flat, your gods live in the bushes and dirty environment. Your gods can't even eat on a glass plates, they prefer muddy plates.
Partially, regarding Jesus was made as human sacrifice. Yes, you are right to some extent. Jesus offered himself as sacrifice, he was not forced as your gods forced twins and pregnant women to be sacrificed to your idols. The sacrifice of Jesus was once and final. No need to sacrifice goats, humans or animals for sacrifice again. Jesus, being fully human and fully divine, took upon Himself the punishment for humanity's sins. His sacrifice paid the price for our sins, redeeming us from the consequences of sin, which is eternal death. Through Jesus' sacrifice, God reconciled humanity to Himself, restoring the relationship between God and humanity.
Jesus' sacrifice opened the way for humans to approach God, enabling us to have a personal relationship with Him.That was why I told you to tell Jesus to reveal himself to you if he is real or not. Jesus sacrifice was prophesied to the world through prophets of God many centuries before it came to pass. His sacrifice through death and resurrection was made known by many true prophets of God, and it came to pass as prophesied.
Jesus' resurrection from the dead demonstrated His power over death, ensuring that those who put their faith in Him will also be resurrected after death. You will escape eternal punishment after physical death from this world. Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection defeated Satan's hold on humanity, freeing us from the grip of evil. Jesus' sacrifice was a once-for-all event, eliminating the need for repeated sacrifices and offerings. Jesus' willingness to lay down His life for humanity set an example of selfless love for humanity.
Keep deceiving yourself! Africa civilization that could not bring you education, internet, AI, social media and even phone and laptop which you used today, is that civilization you like to emulate ? Civilization that only encourage you to e cruel to another by offering twins and pregnant women as sacrifice to your evil gods; is that civilization or wickedness? Where are the championing country of African civilization of the past today, they are also backward like Egypt?
You missed it! Christianity doesn't offer goat or animal sacrifice anymore since Jesus volunteered to be offered perfect and holy sacrifice at once. Any christian or church doing that is not a true bible believing christian which Jesus had warned us about to be careful of them in the end time. Read some passages by yourself from Bible to affirm yourself:
Hebrews 9:12 "He (Jesus) did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood (volunteered sacrifice), thus obtaining eternal redemption."
Hebrews 7:27 "Unlike the other high priests, he (Jesus) does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people; he sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself."
Hebrews 10:10 "And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."
Hebrews 10:12 "But when this priest (Jesus) had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God,"
If Christianity is a business, most richest men, educated men and wisest men on earth will not be there because they have well paying job already. It is Satan and your evil idols that are giving you those suggestion to make you remain in bondage. Why can't your idols offer better business than than that of Christianity worldwide if not because paganism s satisfied with backwardness.
It is only foolish people that will hide under what ancestor passed to next generation without first distinguish good from bad. Because your ancestor passed sacrificing twins, why did we choose to abandon it? If your ancestor passed offering pregnant women for ritual sacrifice, why did we choose to ignore the practice? Choose good and reject bad. Choose good culture, clothing, greetings, respect as passed to you, but reject evil of idol worshipping and human ritualism. Come into the light of Christ today and do away with daily and repeated ritual practices that one volunteered sacrifice has barnished.
Sacrifice of goats and animal bloods can no purify or make atonement for you, only the sinless blood of Jesus that was offered once forever is enough to cleanse you and get you out of eternal punishment after physical death u are talking nonsense. No facts no point |
Romance / Re: Should I Marry A Girl That Clearly Told Me That She Visits A Native Doctor by cybernaut(m): 1:13pm On Feb 01 |
I agree with you it is your choice as you choose destructive path. Even your small gods you worship don't care so far you do the bid of Satan their master that leads to everlasting hellfire hereafter. The only person that cares for you not to die in your ignorance and paganism is Jesus, who is full of love and mercies. Christianity leads you out of slavery that those idols had put you and your generation. Imagine the cruelty of your idols asking for twins to make sacrifice in those days. What slavery is more than that?
Imagine burying men and pregnant women without mercy as sacrifice for the dead kings! What slavery is more than that the your paganism has put you into? Christianity came and set you free from this slavery. Mary Slessor who was a christian missionary stopped killing of twins you used for sacrifice and your small idols could not strike kill her for stopping idol food.
Paganism represents backwardness and no one argues with you for choosing and dwelling with backwardness. Almost the entire cities and villages were filled of paganism from our forefathers before who were into all kinds of slave trades and killings of one another. Christianity brought liberation, brought education, brought the power of Jesus Christ and brought civilization to your door steps. No one cares if you choose to stay back into darkness and backwardness after Christianity had offered you opportunity to come out of your dark world.
Christianity conquered traditionalists and paganism through the superior power of Jesus. Many evil forests that your gods forbidden were penetrated by christians. Many villages that were into withes and wizard practices were stopped through the power of Christ without fighting physical war and many of your herbalists and spiritualists abandoned and burnt their charms, jujus and shrines. Now, Christianity is everywhere even in your remote pagan villages and your gods could not challenge true christians.
Come out of your dirty religion of slavery and paganism. Jesus loves you! Jesus is more powerful than your idols. Ask your idol when you go to make sacrifice or ritual to your backward gods about whom Jesus Christ of Christians are. Ask your idols to tell you the truth who is superior between them and Jesus Christ of Christians. Your idols will enter into coma mode or might be very angry at you for bringing Jesus Christ to your shrine. However, I pray Jesus Christ will come to your rescue when your idols get angry at you, so your life will be saved to realize superiority of Jesus power.
Most learned and powerful people and cities on earth today are christians. You think all these people can be fooled to become christians if Jesus Christ is not real? Engineers, doctors, professors, inventors and researchers are uncountable in Christianity to the extent Christianity remains most populous and richest worldwide. You must be joking and still remains blind to think all these people are tricked into believing Jesus Christ if they have not seen the power of Jesus in demonstration as superior to gods of pagans.
Your gods could not save our fore fathers from being enslaved, conquered and even your pagan gods were kidnapped and transported to white men museums and their thunders refused to work on white men. Wake up and come into light of Christ! Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you one on one so you can enjoy the abundant Grace of Christ, and stop deceiving yourself that it is a white man religion. Jesus is available to prove himself to you at anytime you choose to. You don't need to kill goat or any animal or carry sacrifice in the middle of night to evil forest before Jesus shows up to reveal himself to you, only what you need is to humble yourself, be sincere to yourself that you want Jesus to reveal himself to you and offer that sincere prayer in 5 minutes or less. That's all, Jesus that is full of love will show up to you, then you will know Christianity is not a white man religion as Satan is deceiving you to believe.
When you pray this prayer sincerely, I pray may God of Truth reveals Himself unto you and prove to you He is more powerful than your small idols. Shallom I don't have time to read ur story because no facts and figures. Christianity use human being for sacrifice and if you doubt it let me prove it for you. They killed and sacrificed Jesus in the cross according to bible god. Which in the sense means Christanity also perform rituals too Coming to civilization. Christianity does not bring civilization in Africa soil because civilization started in Africa. Africa is the first continent to rule Europeans and is northern Africa,if you are a good student of history. Christianity also accept burnt offering which is ritual sacrifices in disguise. You went to church and offer goats ,cow etc to the gods What does that means? Christianity also do ritual sacrifices because they slaughter cows,goat when so called Christians brings their offers etc or even sell it out and pocket the money . Christianity is a business when you know these you have peace Only a foolish man abandoned their ancestors and worship foreign ancestors who contributed nothing during his upbringing and his/ her existence in the world |
Romance / Re: Should I Marry A Girl That Clearly Told Me That She Visits A Native Doctor by cybernaut(m): 10:35am On Feb 01 |
Kobojunkie: Prince Henry? I thought you were going to quote something from at least the time of the Greek Empire as proof against what I said. 🤔 tell me more about Greek Empire and the coming European in Africa soil |
Romance / Re: Should I Marry A Girl That Clearly Told Me That She Visits A Native Doctor by cybernaut(m): 8:00am On Feb 01 |
Kobojunkie: Slavery had nothing to do with Christianity as it was already a long-established industry in much of Africa for many centuries before the white man showed up on the shores of Africa in the 1600s. Yes, Religion is a confirmed scam, but let's make an effort to stick to the facts nonetheless.  please kindly revisit "Prince Henry the Navigator" . You can Google about the man and no more about slavery business in West Africa and African in general. Thank you |
Romance / Re: Should I Marry A Girl That Clearly Told Me That She Visits A Native Doctor by cybernaut(m): 10:36pm On Jan 31 |
Keep fooling yourself around! Education and technology are also white men tool, why not drop them? You want him to go into backwardness. Why hasn't the ritual work for the lady since she is above 35? Christianity through Christ brought salvation of mankind to the world. If white man introduces Christianity to you just like education and technology, you look at that religion and found out you can relate with Jesus without going into ritual or diabolic means; why won't you accept such religion?
Many herbalists have abandoned traditional ways into Christianity and burnt their shrines and juju's when they had real encounter with Christ that is more superior to traditional gods. Today you can see brilliant minds in Christianity full of engineers, professors, doctors, inventors and best researchers. Christianity remains the most populous, richest and holder of world power today because the foundation is laid on Truth.
If you want to find out if Jesus is real, humble yourself; ask Jesus to show himself to you or enter into your shrine and tell your small god who is superior between him and Jesus of Christians. I pray Jesus will come to your rescue in case your demonic god wants to get angry at you or strike you. Christianity is not a white man religion, Jesus is close to you if you call him, and will reveal himself to you.
Juju that couldn't save your fore father's from the hand of white man gun to the extent some of your gods were even stolen, enslaved and transported to foreign lands without causing accident on their ways. Traditional religion is tied to backwardness, if not for Christianity; they will still be using twins and human-beings for sacrifices or bury slaves alife with dead kings. Traditional brought wickedness and evil to the world, but Christianity brought civilization that saves humanity. Jesus is real and full of love u can hit the wall is not my business. Christianity lead us to slavery. Am a pagan my choice if you like jump to the sea . King James who translates bible u lead today is a slave master and slave trader who teaches u about Christianity. To hell with you and your white men god . |
Romance / Re: Should I Marry A Girl That Clearly Told Me That She Visits A Native Doctor by cybernaut(m): 8:25am On Jan 31 |
Once she can conceived marry her. Traditional religion is the best religion u can join as a black man or African.
Start going spiritual and do some rituals using animals to appeased the Gods of our land and be successful in no time.
Never use human for rituals but always do sacrifices using animal to elevate ur spiritual life .
Once she is fertile which is the major thing to check marry her.
Prayer and shouting is useless but offering sacrifices to the God of our ancestors will free many spiritual bondage for you and more roads will open.
Christianity religion is white men religion take note . Most Christians still visit native traditions from the backdoor.
Let me give you some tips.
Native Doctor - are people who cure sickness using herbs and leaves
Traditional Priest- are people who worship God in traditional ways
Ritualist- are people who sacrifice human beings for the own reason or people who deals on business of selling humans
So,ur girl friend is visiting traditional priest for more prosperity, success in her business in traditional ways ,which is the best because u will know ur boundaries. 1 Like |
Romance / Re: 2face's Mother Speak Out. by cybernaut(m): 8:07pm On Jan 30 |
So she is a drug addict. Nonsense.....! Men are trying for these bitch called wifes. 2 Likes |
Family / Re: Leave My Lovely Husband Alone – Woman Defends Her Husband After He Beat Her by cybernaut(m): 3:51pm On Jan 26 |
I was still on ban the day her first video came out. Look at this girl. Until a man kill you with beatings and maltreatment? Man wey she suppose don carry go Human Rights Commission or Ministry of Women Affairs make dem use his case collect allocation from Tunubu. If she end up with more suffering now na she cause am. Men that are mostly scums. go and marry and send ur husband case to court for ruling 1 Like |
Politics / Re: Thank You For Arresting Simon Ekpa, Tinubu Tells Finland Ambassador by cybernaut(m): 9:15am On Jan 25 |
Fear Europeans they are the real devil. Devil is a whitish in color not black in color.
Freedom of speech is only made for delvish white men or European not for black man.
Some west Africa country are taking back their nation from these delvish white men like Niger,Burkina-Faso, etc even Togo recently has join the block but here these deceptive geographical location called Nigeria are still doing the well of the west against their own people in other to be in power .
Nigeria must fail and already falling withoutredemption. 1 Like 1 Share |
Romance / Re: . by cybernaut(m): 6:46am On Jan 25 |
TheFinesseKid: lmao. No be by force bros. I'm not desperate. I have increase it to one million naira final price. |
Romance / Re: . by cybernaut(m): 5:20pm On Jan 24 |
500k . If you are intrigued 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: We Shall Beg Tinubu To Forgive, Release Nnamdi Kanu, Says Arthur Eze by cybernaut(m): 7:10pm On Jan 18 |
The heat is over they don't know what to do . Nnamdi kanu is a hero and they are afraid what will come forward.
Begging on their foot |
Romance / Re: His Ex Who Dumped Him When He Was Broke Invited Him To Her Wedding by cybernaut(m): 4:42pm On Jan 11 |
Is a yeye man without proper brain |
Business / Timber Market Onitsha On Fire Now by cybernaut(m): 11:07pm On Dec 18, 2024 |
Don't know how fire catches Onitsha timber market bridge head . Goods worth of millions has be destroyed by fire on these festival period .
Many are still waiting fire services operators to come and help to stop the burning fire now . |
Politics / Re: CDS Give Reasons For The Numerous Military Checkpoints In South-east by cybernaut(m): 7:56am On Dec 18, 2024 |
Nigeria is a failed nation but not even a nation but geographical location . 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: $100m Austrian Investment: Enugu Residents To Get Water At Minimum Cost by cybernaut(m): 8:48am On Dec 16, 2024 |
Water in the air ,water in the ground but they can't give us water to drink. Shameless leader. Austra we no get water like their brother Germany that buy water outside their land |
Politics / Re: ‘ Terrorism’: Finland Freezes Simon Ekpa’s Assets by cybernaut(m): 6:21pm On Dec 15, 2024 |
buckeyemedia: cybernaut answer the question, Nigeria is a terrorized, or terrorist nation? is a terrorized nation from south to North no peace. Also united nation recognized it not me. |
Politics / Re: ‘ Terrorism’: Finland Freezes Simon Ekpa’s Assets by cybernaut(m): 2:30pm On Dec 15, 2024 |
beerfraud: killing innocent Igbos is not evidence and sharing the same on his X handler not enough evidence? killing of innocent citizen in the northern state is also a clear evidence that Nigeria is terrorist nation |
Politics / Re: ‘ Terrorism’: Finland Freezes Simon Ekpa’s Assets by cybernaut(m): 6:39am On Dec 15, 2024 |
Useless media propaganda. Simon ekpa will be free soonest. FG has no evidence against him even they run away after Finnish government ask them for evidence they ran away . This is not KENYA |
Politics / Re: Why Is Airtel This Bad? by cybernaut(m): 3:37pm On Dec 13, 2024 |
Even me I subscribe for one gig and then next day my data vanish without making use of it. Everything about Nigeria is fraud and scam |