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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Updated-New Job Vacancies by Dayo15(m): 8:03pm On May 17, 2017
Hello guys,

Please who knows how I can get to Birrel Avenue, Yaba
Coming from Jakande, Isolo. Thanks
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Updated-New Job Vacancies by Dayo15(m): 8:12am On Mar 19, 2017

You know why questions like this become annoying? Simply because it's clearly stated in the post that the role is to be "graduate trainee in BEDC". Which means that one would naturally expect that before you ask questions like the one you have asked, you would have at least Googled up the meaning of BEDC. In which case I'm sure you would have found an answer to your question.

Haba people, Let's make small effort first na!

Please sorry I picked on you o (which is why I didn't quote your moniker), it's just that I've been seeing recurring questions on this post to the tune of "I know it would be in Lagos", "which one is BEDC?", "what kind of job is this?" plenty plenty things that Google can simply help us.

Nobody says we should know everything, but at least sha try to Google up before we ask the rest. Some people would receive interview invite, and immediately come online (the same online where there is Google o) to Nairaland to ask "are they real? Do they exist?". Meanwhile if u even just copy and paste that their own typed interview message on Google, info about the company pops up, many times even the company's website. The people answering you on NL, them be winch?
You make effort first na make E be say E no work

You just spoke my mind. You be witch o!
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 7:14pm On May 31, 2016
Mails will start flowing in this week!!!!!
Na prayer. Amen!
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 11:29am On May 23, 2016
All dis waiting just reminds me of admission period...you keep checking the school site everyday. But at the end of the day its better to get the admission no matter how long you wait...so as long as we finally get the job on the long run. All dis waiting, hoping n praying will soon be history.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 3:58pm On May 14, 2016
buddy 12/13 over


Guy that interview na queue o! We plenty for line
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 7:10pm On May 06, 2016
With all Una analysis ehn those of us wey just do 1st buddy na real looonnggggg thingggg we dey be that o!

Make we just dey move one step at a time be that
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 11:04pm On May 05, 2016
Finally. Resumption mail. Team April 6 medicals. Found it in my spam.
Congrats ma!

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 4:55pm On May 05, 2016
Yemzy89; sent you my no, check your mail
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 8:45pm On May 03, 2016

Why won't I like your moniker when it sound like "APPETITE". It can be used to quench etisalat waiting mail. grin shocked cool
You are free to send me PM.
*passing by*
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 11:40am On May 03, 2016

Ok, thanks. Am still hoping mine comes o, I did my cbt on the 15th too.
I think its in batches...invites started coming in the morning and I got mine in the night. So stay calm.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 10:46am On May 03, 2016

Is it this morning you got the mail for buddy?

Came in last night
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 10:44am On May 03, 2016

Hey watsup am also fri/sat. Oshodi/mushin. Aw can we meet

Send me a pm...will send my no so we can chat
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 9:15am On May 03, 2016
Buddy don enter o! Fri n Sat. Oshodi n Mushin...team15
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 10:14pm On Apr 28, 2016
Anyone who did CBT on 20th in the house?
Lol hope you are not expecting buddy invite...na we team 15th dey next in line o

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 4:18pm On Apr 27, 2016
Some people naturally love to worry. If you study this recruitment process you will notice that they didn't plan for this much applicants. I don't think this job has been advertised on any job site, that means it was just meant for a select few. But the way everything is now they obviously have more applicants than they can handle. So if you are going to get a mail you will and if you won't you won't. Just do your best at every opportunity and pray for grace. If etisalat didn't start recruiting what will you be doing right now. Go back to what you would have been doing and stop nagging. Life goes on...just my opinion tho!


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 12:07am On Apr 27, 2016
Mushin, 12:30pm

Same time same venue...still on a chilling mode. Team 14 shd get their buddy invite before we start hoping
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 2:00pm On Apr 21, 2016
Team 15th ooooo, wat is hapnin 2 our buddy invite now undecided

Calm down na, maybe by Friday we will get it...I know say na around 25th our buddy go be


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 1:56pm On Apr 21, 2016
Nobody seems to be of help here...I have asked & I will keep asking until I get the answer..." I only received phone interview last week Thursday 14th and was asked to check my emails frequently for more info but am yet to rscieve any both in inbox & spam...NOW, my question is, "how long does it take to receive this mail? make una answer me o else I go dey worry una for here o.

If you passed the phone interview you will likely get a mail that day or the next...if you have waited for a week and no mail yet...well reapply
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 4:08am On Apr 20, 2016

You are on point! Monday people were sent theirs last week. This week Tuesday......maybe next week would be for Wednesday candidates

#I stand to be corrected wink
lol this your analysis ehn! so those of us that did cbt on friday should expect mail when? and those that did this week nko
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 9:47pm On Apr 15, 2016
Some tapped it on Tuesday
cry cry they dint on it today o. Na so so highlight we dey watch.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 7:22pm On Apr 15, 2016
Beht that PS4 in mushin centre tho! dey for allow guys tap am na


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Etisalat Customer Care Job by Dayo15(m): 3:35pm On Apr 14, 2016
Guy send me ur email make I tip you.

Bros tip me sef join on cbt...thanks dayo.ojikutu@gmail.com

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