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Investment / Re: N200,000 Per Month Job Or Twenty Million Naira To Start A Business by gr8david(m): 6:31am On Oct 20, 2014
I gonna even chose 5m to 200k per month
Religion / Blood Of Jesus by gr8david(m): 3:17am On Oct 12, 2014
The preacious blood of Jesus Christ is shed on the cross of canvary for our Antonement, Deliverance, Healing, Protection, Purification, Redemption and anything you use it for.
Pls start using it today, because He has paid the price.
Mathew 26:28
For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Hebrews 9:14
How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.

Hebrews 9:22
Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.

1 Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

1 John 1:7-9
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Ephesians 1:7
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,

John 6:50-71
This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.

Revelation 12:11
And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

John 6:53
So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

1 Corinthians 6:20
For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Acts 20:28
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

Ephesians 2:13
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Hebrews 10:4
For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

Romans 6:1-23
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.

1 John 5:8
The Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree.

1 Peter 1:2
According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you.

Colossians 1:20
And through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

Revelation 7:14
I said to him, “Sir, you know.” And he said to me, “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 1:41am On Oct 11, 2014
There are witcraft powers dwelling in that enviroment/buildin.

But,you reply them that they can't near u means that u don't joke with ur prayer/spiritual life.
this is a call to more prayer life,the lord said u have the power to rebuke them.

Thank you Sir,
the spirit of God is one, I am undergoing deliverance presently, as you advised the other day, and that was the same thing they told me when I told them yesterday.
May Almighty God continue to uphold you for the good works.
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 6:05pm On Oct 10, 2014
This one baffled me ooo, I dreamed this today! D@ in a big house, I saw 2 cats in d@ dream, in a very big apartment where I am leaving, I sent them out that they can't be living in the same apartment with me, So they gone some distance to me house and started digging pit, I asked them what they are digging the pit for, and their response was " we want to be living there" I then asked them that if it rains, won't it rain on you? And they responded that "if it want to rain that they will come back! But I told them they can't come tome my house, then I woke.
Pls help me with the interpretation Sir
Religion / Re: Jesus Lied :'( by gr8david(m): 8:14am On Oct 09, 2014
[quote author=Pr0ton
post=26930291]Don't distort English words here. You said it yourself
that ascend means 'climb'. Don't you think that going strictly by that
word won't be rationally applicable to Jesus but more applicable to
Elijah? Elijah went up to heaven; Elijah ascended to heaven what's the
difference? Using one part of dictionary meaning ascend also means to
'rise'. Well, was Elijah rising or not? Rockets move up vertically, but
aeroplane does its own a kindof horizontally, yet both of them are said
to rise. I think that will suffice to illustrate my point.

Using a whirlwind doesn't change anything; both Elijah and the whirlwind
ascended/went up to heaven. If you must argue about this then your
saying something like this--boy A rode a motorcycle to Lagos, but Boy B
trekked to Lagos therefore both of them didn't go to Lagos.

If Jesus referring was to a different heaven He would have specified,
but He didn't-- He was talking about heaven for real.

Where's Enoch after God took him Gen5:24 floating in space or in heaven?

Eccl 12:7

The problem you are having here is "interpretation" remember that Bible was not originally written in English, if u wanna get clear understanding of some statement in Bible; U need Holy spirit, Understand Greek n Latin
Religion / Self Deliverance From Demonic Bondages by gr8david(m): 10:36pm On Oct 02, 2014
5. Encountering groupings of demons

Demons often work in teams, and if you identify the strongman, it will help you in figuring out their game plan, and give you a better idea of how to go about casting out certain demons first and unraveling their scheme. This is important, because this strongman is usually the big guy that you are going after. Once you cast him out, the lesser demons usually follow suite much easier. However, sometimes it's better to cast out the lesser demons, and then deal with their leader after they are all gone and he can no longer play games or hide behind them.

Since demons communicate with other demons both within and outside of you, I like to forbid and shut down their communication between each other. I like to issue a command like this, "I now shut down and forbid all lines of communication between the evil spirits within me, between themselves, and with those outside of me in Jesus' name!"

6. Binding and loosing

Binding is a temporary spiritual handcuffing. If you get worn out and need to continue a deliverance the next day, you could simply bind the remaining demons, and continue the deliverance later on. Binding is also helpful when ministering to somebody else. You can bind and forbid the demons to interfere with the person as you work with them to tear down strongholds, break up legal grounds, etc.

Loosing is referring to loosing a captive from a bondage. Jesus loosed the woman from a spirit of infirmity in Luke 13:12. You might say something like, "I loose myself from the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus! Spirit of fear, I command you to COME OUT in the name of Jesus!"

7. Checking to see if you are free

You should feel a noticeable relief when the demon(s) have left. However, they may just be hiding, and trying to trick you into calling it a success, only to rear up their heads later on. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if there are any demons remaining that need to be cast out, or whether the deliverance was successful. The long term effect after a deliverance is usually your best indicator, but when there have been symptoms of the demon (such as fear, anger, suicidal urges, etc.), then I would expect those to be gone when the deliverance has been successful.

Don't forget to consider that in many cases, deliverance is a process and not just one session. If strongholds need to be torn down that the demons are hanging onto, they can usually take time as you tear them down. When the spirits leave you though, you should feel the difference and be able to freely walk in your newfound freedom.

8. Post deliverance instructions

I don't walk in constant fear of demons returning, but yet I also advise not to dabble in the things which opened you up to demons in the first place either. Keep your relationship with God cultivated, and don't let the enemy tempt you to let him back in.

If you are unsuccessful

Seek further knowledge on the ministry of deliverance, and consider seeking the help of an experienced deliverance minister. Don't forget to consider that in many cases, deliverance is a process and not just one session. If strongholds need to be torn down that the demons are hanging onto, they can usually take time as you tear them down. If you try your best and are getting nowhere, then I would seek help from an experienced minister.
Religion / Self Deliverance From Demonic Bondages by gr8david(m): 9:33pm On Oct 02, 2014
1. Knowing what is rightfully yours

If you don't believe what is rightfully yours, it's going to be hard to claim it. Some of the things you need to have down pat are knowing that your sins are forgiven, knowing that you are a child of God, and knowing that you have authority over the demons.

You need to understand who you are in Christ. This sounds simple, and is often overlooked, but is VITAL to your deliverance. If you don't really believe you are who you are, then you won't have the faith to stand on who you are and claim what is rightfully yours. If you don't really know that your a child of King, you won't feel like a prince, and you won't act like a prince. And how are you supposed to defeat the enemy when you don't think like a child of God should think? If you struggle with this, you need to tear down one or more strongholds.

You need to know that your sins are forgiven. If you have guilt hanging over your head, then it will greatly hinder your ability to stand up to the enemy with a clear conscience and stand up for what is rightfully yours. Guilt is a door opener and keeper, and the enemy often uses it as a base to launch all sorts of attacks against God's children. You need to understand the nature of God, and how freely Jesus wants to forgive you of ALL your sins. Luke 7:47 is one of my favorite verses the Lord showed me one time when I needed to learn this principal. It tells of how freely Jesus forgave a very sinful woman from all her sins without hesitation! Another good story on the forgiveness of our sins when we turn to God in repentance is found in Luke 15. If you struggle with obsessive guilt even after repenting of your sins and turning from them, then you need to tear down one or more strongholds.

You need to have a correct perception of God and your relationship with Him. If you see God incorrectly, your going to be an easy target for the enemy. If you see God as a cruel taskmaster, you'll act like He's a cruel taskmaster, and you will put up walls that will block you from feeling God's love. Furthermore, the enemy moves in with the power of suggestion (little things he whispers into your thought-life), and can terrorize the daylights out of you. If you think of anybody (husband, wife, boss, etc.) as a cruel mean taskmaster, it puts up a wall and you see that person differently, don't you? Even though you could be completely wrong in your perception of them, to you, they are a taskmaster in your eyes, and therefore you shut them out of your heart. This is what we do to God when we see Him as a cruel and distant taskmaster. We cut ourselves off from experiencing and feeling His love. If you don't feel God loves you, then you need to back up and take a moment to review how you are perceiving Him. Many people struggle with this, and it is a stronghold that needs to be torn down.

You need to know the authority you have been given by God over the enemy. You, as a believer, have been given authority over all powers of the enemy, and have been given the authority to bind and loose in the spiritual realm. You exercise your authority through a spoken word in faith, just as Jesus cast demons out with His word, you can also cast demons out with your word, which is backed by the authority that Jesus gave us as believers. You have the authority whether your feel like it not, as long as you are a believer. It is important to know that that your authority is accessed through faith, and therefore the more you believe in your authority, the more of it you will be able to exercise. Mark 16:17 tells us that them who believe will be casting out demons in His name! There's a great teaching just on your Spiritual Authority that you may want to check out.

As I mentioned above several times, there's often the need to tear down strongholds in our lives. There's an excellent teaching just on Strongholds that you may want to go through before attempting a self-deliverance if you sense that there's any strongholds that need to be torn down.

2. Find the open doors and break off any legal grounds

I believe this is one of the most important parts of the deliverance process. It is important to find out what opened the door to the enemy, so that we can close it and void their legal right to bother us. There are a number of ways he can gain access, through sins, ancestral sins (which causes ancestral curses), unforgiving heart (which blocks God's forgiveness toward us), dabbling in the occult, demonic vows, fear, etc. Rather then including a more complete list in this outline, there is a whole separate teaching just on Legal Rights, and how to go about breaking them up.

3. Identify the areas of bondage in your life

It's important to know what areas of your life are in bondage, and an good idea of exactly what you are seeking to be set free from. Make a list of the things you want to be freed from. Know exactly what you want to be set free from. Then try to identify the 'open door' that allowed the enemy to move into that area of your life. When did it start? If you had it your entire life, and your parents or grandparents struggled with the same or similar problem, then it was likely generational. Often you can locate what opened up the bondage, if you look back around the time in your life when it started. It's always a good idea to become familiar with the various ways the enemy can gain access into our lives. A good understanding of Legal Rights and Strongholds is always helpful. There is a Deliverance Questionnaire posted on this site to help knowledgeable ministers identify areas of bondage in a person's life. This can be helpful to even an unexperienced person who has a general understanding of legal rights and strongholds.

It's always a good idea to make some lists pertaining to your bondage. A list of legal rights is good, and can help you keep track as you are going through the list and breaking up those legal grounds. A list of the areas of bondage in your life is always a good idea. A list of strongholds is also a good idea to keep track of. If you need further deliverance from another minister or need more deliverance in the future (not all bondages are broken in one session - it often takes multiple sessions to completely set a person free), it can be very helpful to keep track of what is going on. If you seek further ministering from an experienced minister, presenting those lists to him or her can give them a good quick look into your situation and can save them time trying to uncover the areas of bondage in your life.
Religion / Self Deliverance From Demonic Bondages by gr8david(m): 9:22pm On Oct 02, 2014
Preparations and precautions

This is a basic step by step outline of how to go about a self deliverance. This is not a complete set of instructions that will work for everybody, and if you need to be freed from heavier bondages, you may be better off consulting with an actual deliverance minister if you are able to locate one. These instructions will give you a good idea of how to drive demons out of yourself. It is recommended that you read up further on this subject before attempting to run yourself through a deliverance.

The limits of self-deliverance: Self deliverance is very helpful in many situations where a deliverance minister isn't available to minister to you, and you can be set free from many bondages simply by running yourself through a self deliverance. However, it can be limited if compared to a regular deliverance session.

Precaution: If you have come out of heavy or active involvement in the occult or Satanism, you would be better off seeing somebody else to minister deliverance to you (an experienced deliverance minister), because the demons encountered in those situations are usually much stronger, and are best off handled by somebody else.

If you begin to feel like you are losing control as a demon manifests, then stop, and seek help from an experienced deliverance minister.

Pre-deliverance prayer: As with any deliverance, it is good to pray that the Holy Spirit will show you what the roots to the problem are, and what needs to be done. Pray for His continual guidance and strength during the deliverance session. It is often helpful to ask God to send angels to assist in the deliverance. They can play a powerful role in helping you flush the demons out.

Warning to non-believers: Deliverance is for believers (Matthew 15:22-28), and is not fit for unbelievers (those who are outside the covenant). If you aren't a Christian, I wouldn't even attempt a deliverance, because it's like stirring up a hornet's nest. First accept Jesus, then seek deliverance. This way, you can prevent the demons from returning with several more even worse evil spirits as Jesus warns in Matthew 12:43-45. If you aren't a believer, I wouldn't even try to cast a demon out of anybody; as we can see in Acts 19:13-16, it's not wise to cast demons out if you aren't a child of God! They did not have authority in Jesus because they were unbelievers and 7 men got thrown out of the house naked and beaten by the demon. As you can see, it's not wise or safe to attempt a deliverance without Jesus in your life!

Prayer and fasting: Prayer and fasting always helps in preparing you for a deliverance. Jesus said that some kinds of demons will only come fourth through prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting builds your faith to the higher levels that is required to cast some demons out.
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 6:30pm On Oct 02, 2014
[quote author=ebankole]Gr8david

The lord said that a favor,help from him is on the way but there's power blockin it,preventin this from happenin.

This is where the 2nd dream come to play.
You must be deliver from spiritual attack.
Perhaps,U had had sex in the past with the wrong person.U nid delivernce nw b4 u can receive that waitin blessin

Thank you Sir n may God bless you in Jesus name
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 6:12am On Oct 02, 2014
Gdmorni Sir,
pls help me on this...............
1). I saw a philanthropy in d@ dream, who talked to me as if he knows me before... "hmmm come how much do you say you need" he removed his cheque, but there was no pen to write the cheque and he dropped his and went back to his office.
that was when I woke.
2). There were two young girls(sisters) in my immediate neighbourhood, I went to there apartment playing with them till I had sex with the older one and when I left there back to my apartment, the younger one was already awaiting me and that was how I had sex with her again till I woke and found myself soaked in my cum.
pls help me
Business / Re: My Friend Gave Me 1million Naira For 30days. by gr8david(m): 10:35pm On Sep 30, 2014
He wanna test two things in you
1) your ability to act smart, take calculated risk and activate opportunity.
2) honesty, whether you really worth to be call friend, or the type that one can entrust value things to.
All you need to do, is to look around u and see what you can invest the money to fetch you l2 interest or give it back to him and let him know d@ you can't meet up with the plans you need the money for.
let him know what you need money for, to determin whether its long or short term loan u need and not overdraft.
Thank him for his concern.
reach me on 08068644710 I have an idea for u
Investment / Re: How Best To Start Haulage Business by gr8david(m): 3:37pm On Sep 29, 2014
it depends on ur location, if u are in Lokoja like me, tipper or truck is good, because construction of buildings n goods to n fro Obajana cement, timber to Lagos, Kano n other places. u can start with @least 3m contact me on 08068644710
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 9:59pm On Sep 09, 2014

Hope you listened to the voice of that old man? did you kill it? if you killed it, then victory is yours!

Yes Sir, I killed the snake.
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 8:58pm On Sep 09, 2014
Pls help me on ds;
I saw a snake. Of about 4ft long in my dream, I wanted to let it go but as my mind won't let me, I went back n used my shoe to match its head leaving it ½dead. But one old man appeared to me and asked me to kill the snake, so I went back to kill it, but to my surprise when I turned the snake, its stomach was transparent that I could see an offspring in it
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 6:51am On Sep 07, 2014
Gdmorni n happy Sunday Sir,
Pls help me on ds;
I saw a snake. Of about 4ft long in my dream, I wanted to let it go but as my mind won't let me, I went back n used my shoe to match its head leaving it ½dead. But one old man appeared to me and asked me to kill the snake, so I went back to kill it, but to my surprise when I turned the snake, its stomach was transparent that I could see an offspring in it
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 7:40pm On Sep 01, 2014
ebankole: @gr8david

So much eyes on you where u live.
The fishes,water,and what u saw ur landlady doing,:How are u coping at you present place of residence,financially?
u need to pray,there's somethin about that place especially ur Room inparticular.
Cn u kip up at nite? Vigil?Pray God to open ur eyes to wats hidin inside that house/room

Thank u Sir,
u are a real man of God. My financial situation is somehow these days n my landlady has been acting funny truly.
May God bless u n attend to ur matters too as u attended to me,


Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretations And Nightmares Interpretations - Prophet Olaye George by gr8david(m): 7:01pm On Sep 01, 2014
pls help me out on this,
I lives in a rocky n fenced compound, but in d@ dream there were only me n my landlady in the compound d@ day. when water broke our fence through flowing as river, we were worried about what happened.
My landlady then carried a bow of water n poured it in to the water, n the water went down immediately with Big Big fishes all over our compound, after my landlady poured d@ water, I didnt see her again n only me was packing plenty fishes till my mini flat apartment was over Filled
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 6:52pm On Sep 01, 2014
pls help me out on this,
I lives in a rocky n fenced compound, but in d@ dream there were only me n my landlady in the compound d@ day. when water broke our fence through flowing as river, we were worried about what happened.
My landlady then carried a bow of water n poured it in to the water, n the water went down immediately with Big Big fishes all over our compound, after my landlady poured d@ water, I didnt see her again n only me was packing plenty fishes till my mini flat apartment was over Filled
Religion / Re: Dreams Interpretation! Dreams Interpretation!! Dreams Interpretation!!! by gr8david(m): 6:50pm On Sep 01, 2014
pls help me out on this,
I lives in a rockyhill n fenced compound, but in d@ dream there were only me n my landlady in the compound d@ day. when water broke our fence through flowing as river, we were worried about what happened.
My landlady then carried a bow of water n poured it in to the water, n the water went down immediately with Big Big fishes all over our compound, after my landlady poured d@ water, I didnt see her again n only me was packing plenty fishes till my "mini flat apartment" was over Filled
Celebrities / Re: Snoop Dogg Insults President Goodluck Jonathan by gr8david(m): 7:56am On Aug 09, 2014
A dog has no respect for strangers, it gonna rant @ u untill u leave or offer sometin to eat.
dog hold ur side n stop pocknossing.
Family / Re: Indonesian Family Finds Daughter Sweptaway In 2004 Tsunami by gr8david(m): 7:48am On Aug 09, 2014
God of gods U are wonderful
Religion / Re: Giv God A Great Name From Yr Heart by gr8david(m): 8:17pm On Aug 03, 2014
Abata gbamgbam
Ogbigba ti ngba alai lara
Business / Re: Lucrative Business Ideas With N75m Capital by gr8david(m): 10:54pm On Jul 27, 2014
if u may leasing to my small boy advice, I will like to tell u d@ Abuja and Lagos is not where to make money in Nigeria as a business person, except u wanna go to politics.
Let me know anytime you are around so d@ when can do the business opportunities "surveyor" together, if u dont mind.
Investment / Re: Your Financial And Business Advisory Questions Get Answered Here by gr8david(m): 6:50pm On Jul 07, 2014
I've worked for a building construction company as an artisan (mason) for 5yrs n ve gained quality experience, put together a quality business plan n ve registered my business for (building construction n block industry), I ve a land where I can be molding the block, but need hire purchase truck or loan of 750,000 naira to enable me to start my business.
pls help needed
Car Talk / Re: 71% Federal Roads Now Motorable – FG by gr8david(m): 7:34pm On Jul 03, 2014
na big LIE, not even 30minutes%
Religion / Re: End Time Signs by gr8david(m): 8:48pm On Jun 27, 2014
may God help us to be watchful and make heaven

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