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Foreign Affairs / Re: WHO Chief Says He Was At Yemen Airport When It Was Hit By Israeli Airstrikes by Nodogragra4me(m): 7:36am On Dec 27, 2024

And to you, the airport is a military zone which should be attacked

israe 's desperation just shows she's going down.

Righteousness has also displayed it's senseless self

Desperation for responding in kind to Yemen.

Una never see anything off Una that anchored your hope on Hezebollah, how market.... Heze is not hamas.. They will over run Israel.. They defeated Israel in 19kperegere... How far.. Just two months and their sanctuary, Syria is off limit for them...

They accepted a ceasefire without hamas been considered again... Till now Israel is still in Southern Lebanon wth missiles and bombs while a pim from Heze will see Israel raining it on Lebanon as a whole

Dey play.. My friend wan blow
Foreign Affairs / Re: WHO Chief Says He Was At Yemen Airport When It Was Hit By Israeli Airstrikes by Nodogragra4me(m): 6:59am On Dec 27, 2024
So israel didn't know that such a powerful figure was at the airport with all their Intel, or they knew and still went ahead to attack the airport not minding whether he dies or not

He should thank God for his life, a whole director general of world health organization

IDF focus is now on Yemen. Who director is lucky to have escaped alive... It wouldn't have changed anything... The strikes are just beginning

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Politics / Re: Marketers Project N950/litre As Dangote Lowers Petrol Price by Nodogragra4me(m): 12:13pm On Dec 20, 2024
These markers activities need to be regulated if nothing like this is in place yet. There should be maximum amount they can add to purchase price of any product they bought else, they are bent or milking Nigerians dry.

Who is regulating the price of rice and chicken and other items needed for the season?

Why should a deregulated market be regulated at the same time
Celebrities / Re: Photo Of Burna Boy And Chloe Bailey In Lagos by Nodogragra4me(m): 2:53pm On Dec 17, 2024
Burna Boy & Chloe Bailey pictured together.

American singer Chloe Bailey has sparked conversations on social media after being spotted with Nigerian Afrobeats superstar Burna Boy in Lagos.

Bailey, who arrived in Nigeria on December 15, was seen hanging out with Burna Boy in videos that have since gone viral.

Is she reigning or just a singer?
Business / Re: Seplat Nears $800 Million Acquisition Of Mobil by Nodogragra4me(m): 11:43am On Dec 11, 2024

Has been kicked out. Nigga owns less than 7%. In fact, it was when he got kicked out that this transaction started making a headway.

Kicked out as in sacked or that the law of corporate governance stipulates tenure for such ventures.

Please post the link to his been sacked or kicked out.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Israeli Warplanes Pound Syria As Troops Advance Deeper Into The Country by Nodogragra4me(m): 7:09am On Dec 11, 2024

Maybe UN is anti-Isreal for a reason NO ?

In the face of existential threat the reasons are inconsequential

They act for their own best interest.
Business / Re: Seplat Nears $800 Million Acquisition Of Mobil by Nodogragra4me(m): 7:07am On Dec 11, 2024

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Israeli Warplanes Pound Syria As Troops Advance Deeper Into The Country by Nodogragra4me(m): 6:47am On Dec 11, 2024

The buffer zone was enacted by the UN, Isreal should have gone to the UN to seek readdress. You cannot just wake up and bomb another country and make up justifications as you go along.
Israel is not in a war with Syria. Any other country they strike should be done according to Geneva conventions, This is an unprovoked attack.
This is why no one trusts Israel in the whole world.

They are picking on Syria, because they have realized they are at their weak times.

UN is anti-Israeli in spirit and Israel has reciprocated in kind.

IDF shouldn't wait for the UN to guarantee the security of the people of Israel

Taking over the duty of the Syrian army that is no more is to ensure that no rebel takes advantage of the unfolding situation inside Syria.

When the new man is able to reform their army they can come and resume their duty at the border and see if they won't be allowed

Israel has pointedly made it clear that he security is what is utmost to her and nothing else

It is only when Syria goes to war with her that she can begin to grab their land. For now, she is acting in her own best interest

Just a day after the fall of Assad some splinter group says they are going to march to Jerusalem; that alone is an good ground for IDF to continue the air strikes against those targets seeing that Jolani isn't yet in charge

Another thing is that we must not be selective about our criticism. Turkey has carried out bombings against the kurds, who me they don't support but is supported by Israel and the US and we know that Israel's response includes creating a level field for the coming internal strife amongst the different groups fighting for fiefdom within Syria.

If you bomb my team I bomb the hell out of yours
Foreign Affairs / Re: Russian Soldier Shocked To See Thousands Of Syrian Troops Surrender & Flee (Vid) by Nodogragra4me(m): 10:09pm On Dec 10, 2024
Russia trying so hard to bury their face in shame! 😂😂😂

What was Russia jets, sattelites and tech doing while these rebels/terrorists took over the whole of Syria. It went on for days. Was Putin asleep or was too scared or didn't have proper artillery to fight back?

You dey mind am

Was it the Syrian army that fought the rebels 12 years ago? Nope!

Russia sent thousands of her troops supported by air power and at the end got the lease in their naval base for 49 years.

This time, with Ukrainians having unmasked them and their so-called Wagner group, they didn't have any resources to spare and are now putting the blame on the Syrian Army
Foreign Affairs / Re: Israeli Warplanes Pound Syria As Troops Advance Deeper Into The Country by Nodogragra4me(m): 4:37pm On Dec 10, 2024
Israel is once again exploiting the chaos in Syria.

They have bombed Syria over 300 times on Monday night.

They are seizing Syria land from Golan Heights and are going inwards.

The Syrians have not done anything to Israel to warrant this attack.

Forget the propaganda they are using to justify it.If they had concerns they should have taken it to United Nations Security Council.

You cannot be the Judge, the juror and the executioner !!!!! (All in One)


IDF won't allow the gains of crippling Hezebollah, hamas and uprooting Assad to be eroded

They within the buffer zone inside Syria because by the 1974 resolution, Syria was suppose to have her own army within the buffer zone. Unfortunately, she has no army, presently... Nobody is in charge of security ad defense in Syria, for now

The airstrike helps Jolani to have some sense of safety from coup and counter coup... Because whoever takes over those weapons ultimately wins in their coming infighting.... IDF doesn't want Hezebollah and the variants hence the destruction of those systems

US on her part doesn't wants issis and has conducted 75 sorties to their locations to degrade them

IDF! Progress

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Israeli Warplanes Pound Syria As Troops Advance Deeper Into The Country by Nodogragra4me(m): 4:33pm On Dec 10, 2024
Israel is once again exploiting the chaos in Syria.

They have bombed Syria over 300 times on Monday night.

They are seizing Syria land from Golan Heights and are going inwards.

The Syrians have not done anything to Israel to warrant this attack.

Forget the propaganda they are using to justify it.If they had concerns they should have taken it to United Nations Security Council.

You cannot be the Judge, the juror and the executioner !!!!! (All in One)


IDF won't allow the gains of crippling Hezebollah, hamas and uprooting Assad to be eroded

They within the buffer zone inside Syria because by the 1974 resolution, Syria was suppose to have her own army within the buffer zone. Unfortunately, she has no army, presently... Nobody is in charge of security ad defense in Syria, for now

The airstrike helps Jolani to have some sense of safety from coup and counter coup... Because whoever takes over those weapons ultimately wins in their coming infighting.... IDF doesn't want Hezebollah and the variants hence the destruction of those systems

US on her part doesn't wants issis and has conducted 75 sorties to their locations to degrade them

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 7:20am On Dec 10, 2024

What! So all the brouhaha in Lebanon was just an excuse to deplete Hezbollah troops to the extent that Syria would become a sitting duck..?

Yes boss... Draw them out of Syria to Lebanon then send them to their early graves

That crumbles Assad's defense

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Syrian Rebels Threaten Israel ‘From Here We Are Coming To Jerusalem' by Nodogragra4me(m): 9:31pm On Dec 09, 2024
History repeating itself all over again wink
So much innocent blood being shed in the Middle East. Today was a fatal day for Israel in Gaza and Lebanon. It's like the gates of hell has been opened in the Middle East.

You can cry from here to Iran. Hezebollah is gone for good and with it is Iran over 30 billion dollars investment on Assad regime.

These ones are hezebollah fighters making props.... They will soon be identified by the Sunni Muslims and sent to join isthatrat you call Nasrallah

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani Is The New Leader Of Syria (Photos) by Nodogragra4me(m): 10:23am On Dec 09, 2024

like the guided missile that killed 30k children and women in Gaza right ,some of you have allowed religion and hate to destroy your thinking capabilities , you're too blind to see what is right in front of you.
Bombing passport and immigration office in Damascus serves what objectives, bombing Churches and mosques in Gaza served what objectives abeg.

They literally just announced they are capturing Syria's territory in Golan and moving inward.
When e be say na Facebook and nairaland una dey get una news

Mosaad remains the number one intelligence-gathering agency on earth. Killing that pest, Nasrallah in the midst of high rise building take accurate intelligence.

The fact that they crippled the terrorist group, Hezebollah within a month killing their leaders all over labanon with precision strikes before handing out the remnants to this new man in Syria to take care of proves one thing... Wherever they direct their bomb to, hides a valuable target.... Church, mosque, hospital or whatever

Mosaad Intel is on a league all by themselves.. So, yes bombs falls on terrorists inside church, mosques and hospital including children schools

No hiding place and no place too far to reach

As for the Syrian territory, we whose news sources are naira land only knows it is a buffer zone that was expected to be under the Syrian army and unfortunately, Syria doesnt have a recognizable army, for now. It will take years for that to be built up again.

So, in reality, there is no capture of any territories within Syria, for now.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia Is Extremely Weak, Cannot Protect Syria Or Anyone - Donald Trump by Nodogragra4me(m): 8:36am On Dec 09, 2024
Arab Jihadists taking over Syria is a bad thing for Israel. They will surely make a move to recover the Golan heights from Israel and send waves of suicide bombers into the country if the Palestinians continue to be oppressed by Israel. They are more ruthless than Iran and their pussy ass hezbollah allies. That's why Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan is very happy as they take back Syria.

In your dream.

Israel has reconditioned and reconfigure the middle East forever .

Next is to remove Iran's leadership one way or the other.

For your information, suicide bombings has lost colour in the middle East thanks to Mossad.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Russia Is Extremely Weak, Cannot Protect Syria Or Anyone - Donald Trump by Nodogragra4me(m): 8:29am On Dec 09, 2024
Russia cannot do anything when the Syria Army are not ready to fight.

What happened in Syria is nothing but a coup. Over 300k Army and the rebel took power within 6 days.

As for the US involvement, Trump should stop kidding himself.

Neither were they willing to fight 12 years ago.

Stop putting what has happened to Syrian army unwillingness. They have never been willing because they don't have anything that can be called army.

Like Lebanon like Syria. Their real ground forces are Hezebollah terrorist. They save Assad back then. The airforce of Syria like 12 years ago remains Russia until recent development.

Russia even made token attempt, firing missiles that is sorely needed in Ukraine and quickly borrowed sense knowing that the terrorists group is no more the same, thanks to IDF

These rebels almost threw out Assad until Russia aerial bombardment and then Hezbollah terrorists joined the fray. That was how the conditions for removing Assad, back then, was upturned.

This time, both Russia, that is hiring mercenaries from third-world countries like North Korea and Hezbollah have been dealt with in their different war theatres. They both are down on all fours

Israel decapitated Hezbollah within a month. Russia has lost over half a million men in war and is now looking up to North Korea for both men and resources.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani Is The New Leader Of Syria (Photos) by Nodogragra4me(m): 5:50pm On Dec 08, 2024
Israel is already bombing Damascus too, that's where the Christians are

They are not throwing bombs out of an aeroplane, Oga

It is guided missiles and the objectives are very clear.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani Is The New Leader Of Syria (Photos) by Nodogragra4me(m): 5:25pm On Dec 08, 2024

Please go back to sleep.

Russian bases will remain intact in Syria.

The owner of the house (Syrian Soldiers) refused to fight and surrendered without hesitation but you want a visitor to fight and die for it?

I know you're stupid but are you really that stupid??

You should be more concerned about US bases in Syria because these terrorists hate the west more than they hate Russia.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani Is The New Leader Of Syria (Photos) by Nodogragra4me(m): 4:59pm On Dec 08, 2024
You don't understand, this new leader is pro West, not an ally of Russia.

Foreign Affairs / Re: Abu Mohammed Al-Jolani Is The New Leader Of Syria (Photos) by Nodogragra4me(m): 4:58pm On Dec 08, 2024

Putin has done his best. He protected Syria for 8 years and there was peace during those years.

Syrian soldier's refused to even pickup a weapon talk less of fighting. They surrendered without any resistance.

No bloodshed occurred but Russia & other foreign powers will however maintain their military presence in Syria. That one is certain.

Syria is the new Libya. New terrorist groups will spring up in every corner. A new breeding ground.

More headache for Israel. As at yesterday, these so called "Moderate Rebels" attacked Israeli soldiers in the Golan Heights.

Expect to hear more terror and bomb attacks in Europe & US in the next few years.

Stop misinformation please.. Golan height was never attacked. The UN forces came under attack and israel came to their rescue

This man is grateful to Israel for the nice job of decapitating Hezebollah....

I have posted the interview screenshot before now

They even asked Israel not to relent in the air strikes against Iran facilities in Syria and Hezebollah.

Mossad is changing the security condition of the Middle East and Iran won't be an issue anymore, very soon

Next year, laser aerial defence will join the Israeli defence architecture.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 4:48pm On Dec 08, 2024

Oga, I want u to know this, if Russia is as weak as u said, do u know what NATO did to Gadaffi? That is what they would have done to Putin. They hate him so much.
The US doesnt fight alone. She fights with UK, France and many other allies. They should fight alone first.
Then, Russia is fighting agaisnt NATO. Dont make the mistake. I dont want to argue with you. In warfare, intelligence that is accurate is key to the war. NATO provide acurate intelligence reporting to Ukraine, NATO trains UKrain forces, NATO send machinaries to fight there. Many US special forces have been gunned down in Ukrain. NATO provide funds, NATO also sanctioned Russia. All of these and you still think NATO is not fighting Russia? U must be sick then. This is a war between US and Russia via proxy. Go and check how much the US and NATO have spent in a war that u said they arent fighting?
Russia under heavy sanction, has fought this war and gained almost 30 percent of Ukrain lands including key sea ports. What else do u want?
Go and read how many American soldiers have died in wars. No country will fight war without losing.
If them born Your AMerica well, she should invade Russia and fight na. Putin has done worse things than Gadaffi did. Or have u forgotten what America has been doing to other smaller countries? Yet America wont be in sanction and AMerica will fight with all allies and yet still lost in Afganistan.

Russian army is a third world army with nuclear bomb.

That is the real reason dem never run enter Russia.... Not any other reason but that Russia might go mad and decide to use nuclear warhead

Yes! The US and her allies have nuclear but they don't have the appetite for blood in large number like Russia

Russia, claims are falling apart... From bogus ones like toropet arms Depot been nuclear proof but was destroyed by Ukrainian home made drones to hypersonic missiles that was shot down by patriot

Like Russia like China

Chinko Hardware has never seen real war... Not even military drills

Testimonies from countries that bought Chinko hardware and even rented their warships abound.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 2:58pm On Dec 08, 2024

What you said It’s somewhat true but not entirely.
Let me break my opinion down.
Yes Israel is the big winner for today but that can change in a minute because Middle East is crazy as you know.
Whenever a government collapses, there’s always a power struggle and the possibilities of a terrorist group filling the vacuum.
Yes Iran and Russia are big losers today but they can easily work their ways back in, especially Iran, because there’s one thing that will always unite the Muslims, the hatred of Israel.

"Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us," is attributed to Golda Meir, Israel's Prime Minister from 1969 to 1974
That statement is very deep and true!

Israel has told you that they will redefine the security condition of the middle East and will not allow the gains made from the destruction of both hamas and Hezebollah to be eroded

So, Israel is keeping her eyes on the situation and the next is to destroyed Iran leadership and get new persons in there and with Trump reality, that is what is going to happen.. Shey Iran planned to assassinate Trump before now?

Mosaad is coming for Iran, big time

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 2:53pm On Dec 08, 2024

What's the position of those rebels fighting Assad, are they against Hezbollah and Hamas?

Their preocculation right now is fishing out Hezbollah fighters who are foreigners and killing them.

Hezbollah is their nunber one enemy

Iran number 2

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 2:45pm On Dec 08, 2024

Do u know that US fight with UK, France, and other allies and still lost in Afganistan.
Russia is engaged in a serious war right now with coalition of nations called NATO.

Russia is a third world army with nuclear weapons.. Cia

Nato is not fighting otherwise Russia would be gone... Nato member country

military men are going on awol and surfacing in Ukraine

Russia is not a match for Nato.. Somebody that is buying third-rate weapons from Iran and North Korea. Using badly trained Korea soldiers on battle

Somebody whose air defence system in Iran was destroyed by IAF without downing a single jet even when over 100 fighter jets were used by IAF.

Russia exposed the lies about their weaponry and has lost global shares of sales of weapon systems to the US and Israel by nearly 90 percent.. Nobody is talking Russian made weapons like before

The ones captured by Ukrainian forces were examined and found to he filled with western components and badly designed.. How can you expect troops to be loading shells on tanks from outside

Everytime there is need to reload, the guys have to come out to do this.. No automated reloading

The hottest piece in defence right now is Israel arrow three.. In fact, it is headed for Europe, to be stationed in Germany


Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 2:32pm On Dec 08, 2024
I hope you will be man enough not to open any thread about Syria Christians in few months to come. Let have a deal on that.

Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 2:24pm On Dec 08, 2024

Hezbollah fought on Assad's side, so yeah they are against hezbollah!

Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 2:22pm On Dec 08, 2024
if na jihadists, ISRAEL is in trouble. but if dem no start trouble with ISRAEL, you know who dey support them grin grin grin

Without Israel they wouldn't have successes or succeeded

Israel did the main job while they did the clearance job

Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 1:54pm On Dec 08, 2024

Have u asked ur self while Hezbollah/Iran and co. Wasn't there to defend Al-assad?

Hezebollah was the real ground force in Syria on behalf of Assad and Iran. Syrian army are poorly paid and largely recruits with no real training

Mosaasd drew them to lebanon and got the idf to decapitate them

Once enough of them was castrated the green light was given to the rebels to take over Syria

By the time Hezebollah and Iran saw the larger picture of Israel escalation of their war against Hezebollah and accepted a cease fire that allows idf to continue to strike them anywhere it was too late

They made attempt to rush back to Syria and were ambushed and slaughtered.

To make a bad case worse, Israel imposed air blockade against Iranian airline entering Syria

Presently, Hezebollah fighters in Syria are been fishes out and killed

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 1:29pm On Dec 08, 2024
The biggest winner is Isreal and the biggest loser is Iran.

With Assad defeated and Hamas and Hezbollah decimated. Isreal can now comfortably enter Syria and finally cut off the supply weapon chains of Hezbollah and Hamas once and for all.

Houthis rebels in yemen will be in short of arms because their proxies fighers are no more. Isreal will now finally face houthis in yemen and finish them once and for all.

The next country to fall in middle East is Iran. Trump and netayeahu will show them shege banza.

Iran has lost her proxy fighters. Trump will sanction them to death and with Assad gone in Syria. Isreal and America will now take over Syria. Iran has be weakened very badly

Is already game over for Iran. They will be a regime change in Iran. The Ayatollah will be removed from power just like Sadam hussien and gadaffi were remove.

Like I said, Isreal has won the war in the middle East.

Israel doesn't need to be in Syria. These militants will do the job of killing foreign fighters in their midst

They already thankes Israel for the numerous airstrikes that destroyed Iranian infrastructure within Syria and for the clinical surgery against Hezbollah in Lebanon

They are requesting that Israel continue to police their airspace and ensure that Iran doesn't transfer arms

They want Israel to leave them to deal with the remnants of Hezebollah
Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 1:20pm On Dec 08, 2024
Iran is losing out in this war.
No more freebies for Hezbollah from Iran.
Next move is to decimate the fighting capabilities of Hamas as well.

Let's see how events unfold.

It is like you self don't follow the news

IDF is building military bases inside Gaza to signal a long-term agenda

Besides that, they are constructing new routes within the city to their border for free movement

Rafah crossing into Egypt is now in the hands of IDF as well as Philadephi corridors.. The new routes passes through the corridor

Hamas is gone.

What is happening is that those ones in tunnels are coming out and are being identified and destroyed.


Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 1:14pm On Dec 08, 2024
I love what the Syrian soldiers did. Their refusal to die for dictator Assad who refused to relinquish power after a decade in office is a game changer.

Syria doesn't have a real army hence the presence of Hezebollah in their country.

Once Israel devoted Time and resources to killing off Hezebollah pest and making the ones in Syria to return to Lebanon the game changed

IDF was ruthless with their persistent airstrikes and ground manoeuvres

Syrian army are largely recuits


Foreign Affairs / Re: Damascus Has Fallen: Syrian Rebels Breach Assad Defenses To Enter Capital. by Nodogragra4me(m): 1:10pm On Dec 08, 2024

But Assad just asked Israel for assistance a few days ago

Help for what?

Why did himself and iran not see that the Israeli mossad was on a mission to dethrone him as one of the axis of evil?

October 7 was an orchestration to draw Hezbollah to their gulag and they fell for it

Within a month Israel decimated them and gave the all-clear to Turkey to activate their militia against Assad

Every single Hezbollah fighter in Syria is now an endangered species to be exterminated

Israel has banned Iranian airlines from entering Syria meaning no more arms shipment

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