Education / Re: Thread For Dentistry Education (Dental Doctors, Students And Aspirants) by simba1: 11:37pm On May 30, 2017 |
shankara7: my sis scored 284 in Jamb going for dentistry with awaiting result. what is her chances of getting admitted into UNN? UNTILL HER RESULTS ARE OUT HER FATE REMAINS VAGUE |
Education / Can She Get Dentistry?????? by simba1: 9:45pm On May 28, 2017 |
Good evening Nairaland, malabites and malabresses. I have this friend who applied for Dentistry @Unical but scored 199 In the just concluded Jamb exams. She really wants this Dentistry, what chance does she stand   N.B C parallel in Waec. Advise please |
Education / Re: University of Calabar(UNICAL) students' chat room. by simba1: 5:36pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
Education / Re: University of Calabar(UNICAL) students' chat room. by simba1: 4:08pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 3:43pm On Apr 22, 2017 |
Yea somebody can be admitted with that in DE but it is very hard bc most pple apply with degree, and most of them are probably Unn/uI graduates coming for 2nd degree in Med...... But I know somebody that got Medlab with SLT from Oko poly...... Just pray and run ur stuff Its 60:40 % olevel to UTME result......and note: I heard DE students might write screening this year ASIDE MEDLAB AND OPTOMETRY, YOU CANT APPLY FOR ANY HEALTH COURSE WITH AN ND OR HND 1 Like |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 12:18am On Apr 09, 2017 |
That na wash story. And yes my 3 close friends has. kingjms010: Pls, is there anyone here hu is currently studying in an institution but registered for this year utme, i.e a matriculated student who successfully registered for the utme examination contrary to the statement published by the board that no matriculated student of any university will be allowed registration? |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 11:49pm On Mar 27, 2017 |
Anatomy na per head na. It's everyman for himself oh! Millex:
Our lectures have beef on Indian textbooks... |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 11:47pm On Mar 27, 2017 |
Oga I dey o Millex:
Guy wither u na long time |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 9:57pm On Mar 27, 2017 |
For Ovarian/MENSTRUAL CYCLE, Keith Moore explains better. BUT FOR THE REST ESpecially weeks of development. INDER BEI SINGH WOULD SUFFICE. Try it, thank me later. comfort48: pls histology and embryology is somehow o pls which textbook should I use for quick understanding
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 8:24am On Mar 27, 2017 |
Wow! Pandemonium amongst potential doctors. Isorite. |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 2:04am On Mar 20, 2017 |
I know it's Malabite. Just my own variation. Oogway:
It's MALABITE and also I have reached 5,000 friends on FB BTW, I just wanna inbox you. |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 7:31pm On Mar 19, 2017 |
Bros malaber, can I pls get ur fb id? Oogway:
1st of all. They're several schools in Nigeria where you can gain admission into medicine by merit and one of those schools is University of Calabar( I schooled there and my admission was based STRICTLY on merit) 2ndly, most people lie about admission into medicine. The thing is medicine is the most sort after course in the world Nigeria not excluded. Now when thousands of people apply for admission into a limited space only the very best will be picked and that'll be the best of the best. Most times this persons who didn't do well enough go about telling lies that they pass but weren't given admission (please note I'm aware that they're some irregularities do occur sometimes but it's not as high as people blow it to be). Now the numbers of those who did not get admission greatly outweigh those who did so it's easier for these persons to spread the facade of lies to the unsuspecting populace. 3.) An average student can study medicine, all he needs is consistency never miss class or hospital rounds and try to read Atleast an hour or two each day. I played politics in school and still topped. 4.) Yes the fees for medicine in a federal university is always slightly higher but the difference most times isn't always upto 10k and yes medical books are very expensive but here's the pros: U can get soft copies from ur friends for free Same way medicine expenses are higher so also do a medical student have higher chances of getting scholarships to train himself. We have to mention but a few Agbami Shell Addax NLNG Mobil Federal government undergraduate scholarship Total I was a beneficial of most of those so I can tell you it's very legitimate.
Most of my classmates during my time trained themselves in school from Scholarships
Finally. Forget those stories of withdrawal, a SMART student would never be withdrawn from medical school. In medicine what u need is more of working smart than working hard. And u just don't wake up 1 day to see withdrawal. U are given 3 chances depending on the school and conditions. You have RESIT, REPEAT before withdrawal so if u are on last attempt and u don't read who's to blame for your failure?? The school or u.
To end it, Nairaland is the worst place to seek important advice as most people here are either Fakers, saddist or just plain stupid. I wish you all the best in your academic pursuit. |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 9:28pm On Mar 18, 2017 |
Unical is good. Greatmdz5: PLEASE HELP ME & GOD WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN. Is Unical in any way good as standard when it comes to studying medicine & surgery...please help me out? |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 12:31am On Mar 16, 2017 |
It's not specific. IFEZINX1:
Pls wat textbooks do u guys use for basic medical sciences @ Nnewi? |
Education / Re: PLEASE Come In by simba1: 12:23am On Mar 16, 2017 |
Becoz u don't have answer to it doesn't make it dry jare. |
Education / PLEASE Come In by simba1: 4:59pm On Mar 15, 2017 |
Which Uni does not make use of Waec? OR makes use of only a little % of it? Help urgently. |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 4:55pm On Mar 15, 2017 |
So they didn't give u the DE ADMISSION? U finally settled with the Utme own? comfort48: I am in 200l now.need all the help o from u guys |
Education / Re: The Easiest And The Best University To Study Medicine In Nigeria (modified) by simba1: 7:53pm On Mar 13, 2017 |
Education / Re: The Easiest And The Best University To Study Medicine In Nigeria (modified) by simba1: 7:43pm On Mar 13, 2017 |
Education / Re: The Easiest And The Best University To Study Medicine In Nigeria (modified) by simba1: 7:42am On Mar 13, 2017 |
Can we talk on Facebook? walemoney007: Nigerians the go europe and america now which state you dey sef,wey u dey complain of distance? |
Education / Re: Man Who Invented The INTERNET by simba1: 11:07pm On Mar 12, 2017 |
Click "like" if you are just knowing this for the first time 4 Likes |
Education / Re: The Easiest And The Best University To Study Medicine In Nigeria (modified) by simba1: 11:00pm On Mar 12, 2017 |
True! But distance eh! Dunsin89: On March 31st 2015 at the wee hours of the day I, out of inspiration and the generous spirit to enlighten whosoever came across the post and who is patient enough to read,painstakingly typed an educative masterpiece on "the easiest and best university to gain admission for Medicine and surgery in Nigeria" I was very happy then because the post received about 30,000 views in less than 3weeks. Many called and my happiness soared higher when I was able to help some candidates to get Medicine and surgery in the university of Ibadan. But now, things have changed. The more reason why I decided to modify this write up. According to the Law of natural selection by Darwin, he said that "nature selects organisms which best thrives in its environment, those who can develop adaptive features thrive while those who can't, get eliminated." The import of this is that we all need to be adaptable to changes in our environment both biological, physical or academic al. In an era of government whereby the slogan is "change", it should not come to us as a surprise about the recent adjustment to the general admission requirements into our tertiary institutions. The University of ibadan still remains the easiest and best even with the new method of admission. Here are my reasons: 1. JAMB-UTME takes 50% and O'LEVEL results takes 50%. i.e (i) JAMB-UTME is 400รท8 =50. (ii) O'LEVEL (at one sitting) uses 5 subjects which are Maths, English language, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Here, A1 is 6, B2 is 5, B3 is 4, C4 is 3, C5 is 2 and C6 is 1 points. So let's assume that Ciroma chukwuma adekunle has A1 in the 5 required subjects, then he has 6*5=30. So 30 over 30 multiplied by 50 gives 50 showing that O'LEVEL be it SSCE WASSCE or NECO takes 50% too. So it's 50:50. So a candidate can evaluate his/her options whether to write O'LEVELS again so as to concentrate on getting A's or at least B's. 2. A candidate with a fairly good O'LEVEL can pick the basic medical science courses like Medical biochemistry, Human physiology or Human nutrition and dietetics as a stepping stone to get Medicine since they allow candidates who wants Medicine or Dentistry to cross easily provided they have the required cumulative grade points. This option will only be OK with those who won't want to go through the stress of writing O'LEVEL all over again. For assistance, questions, clarification, career advice, or any other academically related issues, feel free to call--08037737245 This is the modification of the previous post on the easiest and the best university to study Medicine and surgery in Nigeria. See here |
Education / Re: Delta State University (DELSU), Abraka Thread by simba1: 6:52pm On Mar 10, 2017 |
What of Medicine. Non-indegines 100L ALKARULEZZ:
33k to 35k |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 9:14am On Mar 10, 2017 |
I don't think Dentistry accept DE from OND. I think the minimum is But you could try one college of Dental tech like that at Enugu. dearpiriye: none |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 9:10am On Mar 10, 2017 |
No! That's the trend. Other departments it's 50k dearpiriye: ....your joking right 
I'm sending you a mail. Thanks |
Education / Re: Science Students Come In,,,,,,let TALK SCIENCE by simba1: 1:24pm On Mar 07, 2017 |
I'm in. hellohgy: Am opening this thread for the purpose of science students.. Recent research have been able to provide answer to most of some phenomena that appears like a mistery to us.
Note:: You can also add some of your explanation as to make it learning and fun... |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 1:18pm On Mar 07, 2017 |
Sure!!! GOOD GP AND 100k IFEZINX1:
Pls hw does change of department work in Unizik? From Health Science to Medicine SURE! Good G.P AND 100k. |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 12:55pm On Mar 07, 2017 |
Hello, I'm a Zikite dearpiriye: Good morning house. Please i need info on DE to unizik and unn. Cc Millex Thewhizzkid1 Oogway |
Education / Re: The medical students and aspirants thread by simba1: 1:24am On Mar 07, 2017 |
Please pardon me, are you a zikite? ExcessKJ: THIS IS VERY URGENT PLS
I am humbly begging medics on this thread to kindly share the latest PDF version of Indebir Singh textbook of Embryology and the latest i. e 12th edition of Keith Moore developing human.
Pls, I want it urgently. |
Education / Re: How Brilliant Are You?? by simba1: 6:50pm On Mar 06, 2017 |
Hearing: Recording sounds. Listening: conversion of sound into information. EXAMPLE: IN A CLASSROOM ALL THE STUDENTS(EXCEPT THE IMPAIRED) HEARS THE TEACHER, BUT NOT ALL OF THEM ARE LISTENING. How to tell who's listening is by asking questions to test the level of informations recorded. cue64: Tell us the different beetween LISTENING and HEARING.... Ps do not google 1 Like |
Education / Re: Tuition Fees For IMSU Non-indegen Students 2016/2017 by simba1: 5:16pm On Mar 05, 2017 |
Others 150k Engine 180k Medicals 190k mescanap: Can someone in this forum notify me about the current tuition fees for non-indigens of Imo state for 2016/2017 session. |
Education / Re: Career Advice Pls(which of this courses Should I Go For) by simba1: 12:01pm On Mar 05, 2017 |
FuckTheM0ds: they really favour catchment in their admission process. where are u from? will you chose them? and which course will you vy for? 1]NOT in the catchment 2]Most likely 3]Not decided yet. |