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Car Talk / Re: My Experience Along Benin- Ore Road by UsamaRafiq: 10:39am On Mar 14
Hmm worst that happen to me was on route to asaba from abuja! I entered a gallop and my radiator broke /leaked!(not that I knew immediately! This was somewhere in Edo state before okpella! Worst thing is I was with a foreigner and a fully loaded car! This was around 5:30pm! 7pm we were still in the bush!(at this point I separated 150k in my pocket and tucked it into my sock I was wearing! Managed to get a number for a car to tow us! Voice on phone said 25k shocked !At that point I knew I was in soup! I had a 3k estimate in my mind! Told him 6k last he should think about it! 20mins later still no word from him angry! Had 2 call him back told him why haven't I heard from him! He said he's on he's way put ill pay 10k! I said no 7k! When he arrived you won't believe he was with 5guys all speaking what I presume to be Edo or something! I was worried but had no option! On top of that we towed car with one Flat tyre which eventually shredded!After 15 long minutes of towing finally got to destination not before the criminal demanded 1k extra! Long story short was a terrible day! Stayed in a dingy hotel in okpella 2.5k per night!Following morning! Bought brand new Tucked Radiator Combo and tire 10k /4k respectively not including workmanship! If I hadn't had a bad enough 24hours already! FRSC stopped me talking the most shit! License this/Front tire worn out/ Said they'll seize my car shocked! Then decided they'll seize my original document instead so as for me to make a payment into a certain account! I told them that's an inconvenience that we need a swifter resolution (fast forward) Had to part with 7k sad ! GOD BLESS NIGERIA
Education / Re: Steve Jobs Famous Speech - Read And Learn by UsamaRafiq: 12:14pm On Mar 13

This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005.

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” They said: “Of course.” My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents’ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn’t interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn’t all romantic. I didn’t have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, I returned Coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn’t have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But 10 years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it’s likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later.

For more info: Adult Speech Therapy

Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents’ garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4,000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn’t know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down — that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world’s first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn’t been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn’t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor’s code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you’d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I’m fine now.

This was the closest I’ve been to facing death, and I hope it’s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: It was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.

Health / Re: Which Kind Of Foods Are Best For The Seniors Or Adults? by UsamaRafiq: 9:41am On Mar 13
As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, including a decrease in muscle mass, changes in metabolism, and a higher risk of chronic diseases. To stay healthy and maintain a good quality of life, it is important for seniors to pay attention to their diet. Choosing the right foods can make a significant difference in adult’s health. In this article, we will explore the kinds of foods that are best for the seniors.

1. Leafy Greens: Foods like spinach, kale, and collard greens are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium and fiber.

2. Berries
Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are not only delicious but also rich in antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of age-related diseases.

3. Fish
Fatty fish like salmon, trout, and sardines are excellent sources of Sustainable Omega 3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart and brain health.

4. Whole Grains
Foods like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread provide seniors with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that support digestion and overall health.

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Car Talk / Re: Car Racing Esports: The Rise Of Virtual Motorsports by UsamaRafiq: 11:19am On Mar 12
In the fast-paced world of technology, virtual motorsports have carved a niche for themselves, captivating the hearts of both racing enthusiasts and gaming aficionados. Car racing eSports, a fusion of adrenaline-pumping racing and cutting-edge gaming technology, has witnessed a meteoric rise in popularity in recent years. This blog delves into the fascinating realm of virtual motorsports, exploring the factors fueling its ascent and the exciting experiences it offers to players and spectators alike.

The Evolution of Virtual Motorsports:
Gone are the days when racing was confined to physical tracks and real-world circuits. The advent of advanced gaming consoles and high-speed internet has given birth to a new era – one where racing transcends the limitations of the physical realm. Virtual motorsports have evolved from basic racing games to sophisticated eSports competitions, attracting a global audience and top-tier sponsors.

The Thrill of the Virtual Track:
What sets car racing eSports apart is the seamless integration of realism and digital innovation. From the roar of engines to the squeal of tires, every detail is meticulously crafted to replicate the authentic racing experience. Players find themselves immersed in a world where precision driving, split-second decision-making, and strategic maneuvers determine victory. The virtual tracks, ranging from iconic circuits to imaginative landscapes, add a unique charm to the gaming experience.

Global Competitions and Championships:
Car racing eSports has transcended its niche status, with a plethora of global competitions and championships gaining mainstream attention. Events like the F1 Esports Pro Series and the Gran Turismo Championship have become virtual battlegrounds for elite gamers, providing a platform for talent to shine. The competitive nature of these championships, coupled with sizable prize pools, has elevated virtual motorsports to a professional and lucrative domain.

Community Engagement and Spectatorship:
Beyond the thrill of competition, car racing eSports thrives on community engagement. Streaming platforms like Twitch have become virtual grandstands, allowing fans to witness the action live and interact with their favorite players. The sense of community and camaraderie extends to social media platforms, where discussions, memes, and highlight reels amplify the overall experience.

Technology Driving the Experience:
The backbone of car racing eSports lies in cutting-edge technology. High-end gaming rigs, steering wheel setups, and virtual reality (VR) systems elevate the gaming experience to unprecedented levels of realism. The continuous evolution of hardware and software ensures that players are at the forefront of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in virtual motorsports.

Inclusivity and Accessibility:
One of the standout features of car racing eSports is its inclusivity. Unlike traditional motorsports, virtual competitions remove barriers to entry, allowing anyone with a passion for racing to participate. This democratization of the sport has led to a diverse community of players, fostering an environment where skill takes precedence over background or resources.

As the virtual motorsports community continues to thrive, some enthusiasts find themselves seeking a bridge between the digital and physical worlds. This is where the realm of auto wreckers in Adelaide comes into play. For those who harbor a genuine passion for cars, whether virtual or real, auto wreckers offer a treasure trove of opportunities. Salvaging and recycling parts not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also provide affordable solutions for car enthusiasts looking to breathe new life into their vehicles. The synergy between car racing eSports and the services offered by auto wreckers showcases the diverse avenues within the automotive realm, creating a holistic experience for enthusiasts from all walks of life.
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Emergence of eSports Superstars:
Within the virtual Jotech Motorsports landscape, a new breed of athletes is emerging – eSports superstars. These individuals, once confined to the confines of their gaming setups, are now stepping into the limelight. With skill levels that rival their real-world counterparts, these eSports athletes are gaining recognition and building fan bases that extend beyond the digital realm. As the lines between traditional sports and eSports blur, the rise of virtual motorsports superstars adds a layer of excitement and celebrity status to the gaming world.

Collaboration with Real-World Racing Teams:
The growing influence of car racing eSports has not escaped the notice of real-world racing teams. Recognizing the potential for crossover appeal, many traditional racing outfits are now establishing their presence in the virtual domain. This collaboration between eSports teams and real-world racing entities creates a symbiotic relationship, offering exposure to both worlds. It also provides gamers with a unique opportunity to be associated with established racing brands, bridging the gap between the digital and physical realms of motorsports.

Continuous Evolution of Gaming Platforms:
The dynamic nature of technology ensures that the world of car racing eSports is in a constant state of evolution. Gaming platforms, be it consoles or PCs, are continuously pushing the envelope in terms of graphics, processing power, and immersive features. This relentless pursuit of excellence not only enhances the gaming experience for players but also attracts new audiences. The ever-improving visual and auditory fidelity of virtual motorsports contributes to the sense of realism, drawing in both seasoned gamers and those new to the eSports scene.

Educational and Training Opportunities:
Car racing eSports isn't just about entertainment; it also serves as a valuable training ground for aspiring racers. The virtual tracks provide a risk-free environment for honing skills, understanding racing dynamics, and refining strategies. Many professional drivers, both current and retired, acknowledge the benefits of simulation training in enhancing their on-track performance. This dual role of car racing eSports as both entertainment and a training tool underscores its multifaceted impact on the broader motorsports landscape.

Cultural Impact and Shaping the Future:
As car racing eSports continues its ascent, its cultural impact is undeniable. The fusion of gaming and motorsports has created a subculture that resonates with a diverse global audience. From virtual car clubs to eSports-themed merchandise, the influence of virtual motorsports extends far beyond the digital screen. This cultural imprint is shaping the future of both gaming and traditional sports, laying the groundwork for a new era where virtual and physical experiences seamlessly coexist.

In this landscape where virtual and physical experiences coalesce, a surprising but relevant player emerges – Car Disposal Adelaide. As we witness the rise of car racing eSports and its impact on automotive culture, the issue of responsible and environmentally friendly disposal of end-of-life vehicles comes to the forefront. Auto enthusiasts, whether engaged in virtual racing or real-world driving, are increasingly conscious of their environmental footprint. Car Disposal services in Adelaide offer a solution by responsibly recycling and disposing of old and unused vehicles, aligning with the sustainability ethos that permeates both the virtual and physical automotive worlds. This integration reflects a holistic approach to the automotive lifestyle, where the love for cars meets a commitment to environmental stewardship.
visit: https://adcash4cars.com.au/car-disposal/

In the ever-evolving landscape of car racing eSports, the convergence of technology, competition, and community paints a compelling picture of the future. From the emergence of eSports superstars to the collaboration with real-world racing teams, the continuous evolution of gaming platforms, and the educational opportunities it provides, virtual motorsports are carving a unique space in the entertainment and sports industry. As we witness this unprecedented rise, one thing is certain – the virtual race is far from over, and the journey ahead promises to be as thrilling as the laps already taken. Buckle up for the next leg of the virtual motorsports adventure!
Car Talk / Re: How To Survive 10 Driving Emergencies by UsamaRafiq: 8:34am On Mar 12
Emergency 1: The Accident You Don't See Coming
The best way to survive an accident is not to get into one. Start by accepting responsibility for everything that happens when you're in the driver seat. If there's a wreck, you are not an accident victim, but instead an accident participant. It is your job, therefore, to avoid red-light runners, an oncoming driver making a left turn in front of you, sudden freeway jam-ups and those drivers who are composing text messages as they travel the freeway.

See problems before they become emergencies by looking far ahead, while using your peripheral vision to keep position in your lane. Here's how to ensure that you're looking far enough ahead: Use a dry-erase marker to draw a horizontal line on your windshield that crosses just under your pupils. On level ground, you should rarely look below that line. In tight traffic, look through the windshield of the vehicle ahead, or position your car a few inches to that driver's left to see brake lights ahead of him.

Process what you see. When the brake lights of all the cars ahead of you flash, something is happening ahead. Slow down.

Emergency 2: "Invisible" Pedestrians, Motorcycles and Small Vehicles
Approximately 36 percent of crashes involved a vehicle that was turning or crossing an intersection, according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Because today's cars often have thick roof pillars to hold side curtain airbags, it's a lot harder to spot small cars, motorcycles and pedestrians that are about to cross your path than it used to be. So before you turn the steering wheel, look where you want to go. Remember this mnemonic: BLT, which in this case stands for brake, look and turn. This often means looking through the side windows. For U-turns, it requires looking through the rear passenger window. Even if you're travelling straight, a quick glance through the side glass before you cross an intersection will reveal red-light runners and stop-sign skippers.

Emergency 3: Panic Stops
Imagine the freeway is completely blocked. A big rig has spilled its load, a motorist has run out of fuel in the middle lane of rush-hour traffic or a herd of mule deer is crossing I-70 in Utah. You must stop NOW. If your vehicle has computer-controlled antilock braking systems (ABS), all you need do is stomp, stay and, if necessary, steer. You will stop in an unbelievably short distance. Beginning with the 2012 model year, new passenger vehicles have been required to have electronic stability control (ESC), a system that includes ABS as a key component. And about half of 15-year-old cars are equipped with ABS, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

To properly use ABS, stomp on the brake pedal as if you'd win $1 million if you break it off. Use no finesse: Pound it to the floor. Next, stay hard on the pedal until the car comes to a complete stop. Ignore nasty noises or a pulsating brake pedal. That's ABS doing its job. After a half-dozen stops, a 15-year-old on a permit can stop the car as quickly as the best race driver on the planet.

But you must practice. That's because there's a problem in ABS's organic software: the driver. If people are not trained, they don't use ABS properly. (An important note: If your car was built before 2012, make certain it has ABS before you stomp the pedal. Watch the warning lights when you start the vehicle for one that says "ABS."wink

One last word on panic stops: If the situation calls for emergency braking, don't worry about the vehicle behind you. If you hit the car in front of you, you get the ticket and may get sued. If the car behind hits you, he gets the ticket.

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Emergency 4: Accident Avoidance With ABS
One of the beauties of ABS is that it allows steering during hard braking. But this can create serious problems if you do it improperly. A quick technical note explains why: Tires produce their best stopping force when pointed straight ahead. Without ABS, turning while braking hard will cause the tires to stop rolling. That reduces the stopping power and there's absolutely no turning ability. With ABS, the computer allows some of that stopping force to be traded for cornering power.

Here's the problem, however. Many drivers will pound the brake and steer — to miss a deer, for example. They then release the brake pressure with the wheels still turned. With the request for braking removed, the tires are now free to produce maximum cornering power, so the car darts right and hits a second deer — and a tree. That's why you practice centering the wheel before releasing brake pressure.

Emergency 5: Running off the Road
About a quarter of fatal crashes are single-vehicle accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Of those, about 70 percent happen when drivers run two wheels off the pavement and, in a panic, over-correct. This causes the vehicle to spin off the highway and flip, or dart into oncoming traffic. The sad part is that almost all of these accidents could be avoided if the driver just kept calm and drove on.

If you find yourself with two wheels off the road, release the accelerator, keep the steering wheel straight, allow the vehicle to slow on its own and smoothly steer back on the road. If you do it properly, passengers won't even notice your hands moving. It's best to stay away from the brake pedal, but it's OK to use ABS if all four wheels are about to go off the roadway or you're about to hit something harder than a country mailbox. Be sure to center the wheel before you release the brake.

Emergency 6: Tire Blowout
To survive a tire blowout, pretend you're the bad guy in a police chase and you've just run over the cops' spike strips. Push the accelerator (for a moment) and drive straight ahead. The shotgun-blast noise of a tire blowout makes most law-abiding drivers do exactly the wrong thing. They attempt to slow down quickly and get off the road. With a rear-tire failure, any turning at high speed will likely result in a spin and a devastating crash.

When I trained drivers in emergency techniques, hundreds of them correctly handled a tire blowout while I sat in the passenger seat and pressed the detonator to ignite a plastic explosive that blew a gaping hole in the tire. Not one driver lost control. You can be that calm, too.

Pressing the accelerator for an instant will give you time to collect your wits. You'll remember to drive straight down your lane and to stay away from the brake pedal. Allow the car to coast down to slow and then gently pull onto the shoulder. The car will not gain speed no matter how long you press the accelerator. The drag force of a completely flat tire is that potent.

Almost all highway blowouts and tread separations occur on hot days with the car traveling in a straight line at high speed on an underinflated tire or tires. The repeated flexing of an underinflated tire causes the failure. Check your tire pressures and you won't have to deal with blowouts.

Emergency 7: Over-Reactive Steering
In an urgent situation, your goal is to move the steering wheel rapidly but smoothly. Jerking the wheel may cause your tires to lose traction. If rough steering causes the rear tires to lose traction, you might go for a spin. Turning the same amount but doing so smoothly will introduce the tires to the request for cornering force and avoid overwhelming them.

Here's an example of why you don't want to be a steering jerk: On a recent rainy evening in the mountains of Virginia, I suddenly came upon a truck tire tread in my lane. The dark, water-filled wagon-wheel ruts were perfect camouflage for the giant black road gator. I calmly and smoothly turned the wheel just enough to miss 80 pounds of steel-reinforced rubber, paused an instant to allow the tires to regain full grip, and then smoothly turned right to return to my lane. If I had snapped the wheel back and forth, there's a good chance I would have wound up in the ditch.

Emergency 8: Stuck Throttles and Sudden Acceleration
Thanks to things like loose floor mats and a poorly placed racecar throttle cable, I have experienced stuck throttles. If your engine starts racing away uncontrollably, you must stop it immediately. If the car started accelerating when you pushed the brake, release that pedal. If the engine stops screaming, you were actually pushing the throttle. Now try pushing the pedal to its left. If that doesn't stop the vehicle, slap the transmission into Neutral. Don't worry about inadvertently shifting into Reverse. Most modern vehicles will not allow you to do that without manipulating a button on the shift lever. And if you do manage to get to Reverse, the computer in the transmission of all modern vehicles will reject your request. As a very last resort, turn off the ignition.

While taking these actions, press the brake as hard as you can. In every well-maintained modern car, the brakes easily overpower the engine, even if the transmission downshifts a gear or two. If you're truly pushing the brake as hard as you can, the car will stop, even with the engine going full speed. However, the brakes can't beat the engine forever and people with physical problems may not be able to maintain adequate brake pressure, so select Neutral and turn off the ignition.

Emergency 9: Front-Tire Slide
When front tires lose grip, most drivers' natural reaction is the correct reaction:
Say "Oh, shoot" (or similar).
Remove your foot from the gas pedal.
Stay away from the brake pedal.
Leave your hands where they are. More steering won't help and might hurt.
Wait for the traction to return.
Pray that the grip comes back before you get to the trees or concrete barriers.
Turning the wheel more or stepping on the brake is like writing checks from an overdrawn account. You're already asking for more grip than the tires can provide.

Emergency 10: Rear-Tire Slide
Words can't teach you to hit a curveball. And they can't tell you how to catch a rear-tire slide, which stock car drivers call "loose" and engineers call "oversteer." Unlike a front-tire slide, you cannot successfully react to a rear-tire slide. You must anticipate it.

Electronic stability control (ESC) is making the ability to catch a slide as obsolete as being able to rapid-fire a muzzle-loading musket. But ESC can still use your help. Make sure your tires have adequate tread depth and are properly inflated. The tires with the deepest tread should be on the rear. Know that ESC does not offer diplomatic immunity from the laws of physics. If you enter a 30-mph turn at 60, you're going to crash, ESC or not.

If your vehicle lacks ESC, there are a few moderate-cost ways to learn how to catch a sliding tail. The biggest bang for the buck is the "slick track" go-kart tracks found at many amusement parks.  For a few dollars more, try the indoor kart tracks found in most metro areas.

Health / Re: Schiff Megared Omega Dietary Supplements For Sale At Micostarmal by UsamaRafiq: 2:24pm On Mar 11
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Agriculture / Re: Pigs Are Intelligent And Clean by UsamaRafiq: 1:46pm On Mar 11
Pigs are highly intelligent and clean animals that have been domesticated and used for food, leather, and other purposes for centuries. These creatures are much more than just farm animals. They are also highly social creatures that possess an array of fascinating behaviors and characteristics. Despite their unsavory reputation, pigs are intelligent, social, and clean animals. This article will explore some of the reasons why pigs are considered intelligent and clean animals.

Pigs are often seen as dirty and unintelligent animals, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Pigs are actually very intelligent creatures, capable of complex thought and behavior. For example, pigs can learn tricks and commands, just like dogs, and they can even use mirrors to recognize themselves. In addition, pigs are one of the cleanest animals on the farm. They keep their living spaces clean by using designated areas for sleeping, eating, and going to the bathroom. They even bathe themselves regularly, just like cats.

According to research, pigs are ranked fourth in animal intelligence after chimpanzees, dolphins, and elephants. They have a remarkable intelligence level that is equivalent to that of a three-year-old child. Pigs are incredibly social and communicative, and they can learn and comprehend commands quite quickly. Studies have also shown that pigs possess a self-awareness capability that is unique to animals. They are also able to remember their experiences and the locations of things they've encountered before, which makes them good at problem-solving and adapting to new environments.

For more info: Save the Elephants

Pigs are also hygienic animals that naturally instinctual cleanliness. They have a strong desire to keep themselves and their living space clean. Pigs are known to use one corner of the pen as a toilet and keep the rest of the area clean for sleeping and relaxing. In addition, pigs are very careful not to soil their food or water sources, and they have a preference to eat and drink from a clean environment. If given proper living conditions, pigs can remain clean and healthy animals.

Moreover, pigs have a high level of emotional intelligence, which is closely associated with their social nature. Pigs have the ability to experience a wide range of emotions, such as joy, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise. They are also capable of empathy - being able to sense and understand the feelings of others. Studies have shown that pigs are loyal and form strong bonds with their owners or caretakers. These relationships have a considerable impact on the well-being of the animal, and they thrive when given proper care and attention.

In conclusion, pigs are highly intelligent and clean animals that have been misunderstood for a long time. They are highly social creatures, capable of learning, problem-solving, and adapting to new environments. Despite their reputation for being dirty animals, pigs are naturally clean and are keen on keeping their living spaces tidy. Moreover, pigs have strong emotional intelligence and can form bonds with humans, making them loyal and affectionate pets. With the right treatment and environment, pigs can live healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives, just like any other animal. It is imperative that we recognize the intelligence and value of these animals and treat them with respect and empathy.
Nairaland / General / Re: Conditional Call Forwarding: A Comprehensive Examination Of Features And Deploy by UsamaRafiq: 2:34pm On Mar 08
Introduction: Understanding the Essence
In the realm of seamless communication, conditional call forwarding emerges as a pivotal feature that warrants a closer examination. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of this functionality, exploring its features and deployment strategies.

Decoding Conditional Call Forwarding
Conditional Call Forwarding serves as a dynamic tool for optimizing call management. By intelligently redirecting calls based on predefined conditions, this feature enhances accessibility and responsiveness.

Features at a Glance
1. Time-Based Call Forwarding

Efficiency meets flexibility with time-based call forwarding. unconditional call forwarding during specific time frames, ensuring a tailored communication experience.

2. Location-Driven Forwarding

Tailor your call forwarding based on geographic locations. This feature ensures that calls are directed to the most relevant destination, optimizing responsiveness.

3. Call Forwarding on Unanswered Calls

Never miss an important call again. Set up conditional call forwarding to redirect unanswered calls to a designated number, guaranteeing a comprehensive communication strategy.

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4. Sequential Call Forwarding

Create a seamless call flow with sequential call forwarding. Calls can be directed through a sequence of numbers until successfully answered, ensuring optimal accessibility.

Deployment Strategies: Maximizing the Impact
1. Business Optimization

For businesses, leveraging Conditional Call Forwarding can mean improved customer service and streamlined communication. Redirect calls based on business hours, ensuring clients are always attended to promptly.

2. Personalized Communication

On a personal level, this feature allows individuals to tailor call forwarding according to their schedules and preferences. Never be disrupted during crucial meetings or personal time.

3. Emergency Preparedness

In critical situations, conditional call forwarding can play a vital role. Redirect calls to designated emergency contacts or backup numbers, ensuring swift response and support.

Unlocking the Potential: How to Activate Conditional Call Forwarding
Activating Conditional Call Forwarding is a straightforward process, enhancing the user experience with minimal effort. Follow these simple steps:

Open Phone Settings
Access your phone settings to locate the "Call Forwarding" option.

Choose Forwarding Conditions
Select the specific conditions under which you want calls to be forwarded – whether it's based on time, location, or other criteria.

Enter Forwarding Number
Input the number to which calls will be forwarded when the chosen conditions are met.

Save Settings
Ensure to save your settings, activating Conditional Call Forwarding and optimizing your communication strategy.

Conclusion: Elevating Communication Efficiency
In conclusion, Conditional Call Forwarding emerges as a game-changer in the realm of communication. By understanding its features and deploying it strategically, individuals and businesses can unlock a new level of efficiency and accessibility. Embrace the power of Conditional Call Forwarding and revolutionize the way you manage calls.
Car Talk / Re: Best Car Brands Of 2021. (shegzz) by UsamaRafiq: 1:25pm On Mar 08
1. Mazda
Japanese car brand, Mazda, takes out the top spot as the best car brand of 2021. Not only did it score Best Overall, but it also took the top place in Best Overall Mainstream and Best Reliability, beating luxury brands like BMW, Tesla, and Porsche. The Mazda CX-30 is also listed in the top ten vehicles as the best Subcompact SUV. The company has been in business since 1920, with a brand essence to ‘celebrate driving,’ making fun-to-drive models across the range. As of 2020, the company had sales in over 130 countries and regions, with SUV/crossover vehicles, like the CX-3, constituting 52% of global sales.

2. BMW
Runner up on the list is the German luxury car manufacturer, BMW, which is an improvement from the previous year. Technology, excellent comfort levels, fuel efficiency, and powertrain refinement are the cornerstones of the brand’s reputation. The cars are fun to drive, with intuitive infotainment, good reliability, and stylish looks. There’s also a focus on innovating production technology and sustainability, using intelligent materials, increased digitalization, and resource-efficient production.

3. Subaru
Not only did Subaru come third in overall brand rating, but it also had two individual cars named in the top ten. The Forester is the Best Small SUV, while the Outback is the Best SUV/Wagon. Focusing on these kinds of vehicles is a winning formula, with the signature all-wheel-drive consistently leading the brand to be ranked high on the Consumer Reports Top Picks. The Japanese company has an engineering spirit that offers intelligent packaging of outstanding safety and driving performance in every vehicle.

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4. Porsche
Luxury brand Porsche is synonymous with both high-end sporty vehicles and race cars. While there is still a focus on the sporty models, newer additions to the range include SUVs like the Cayenne and Macan. All models boast beautiful interiors, excellent handling, and superb braking. The company can also claim the three-way tied title of Best Road Test Score Overall (tied with Audi and Tesla) in the Consumer Reports 2021 testing. Plus, it’s the highest-ranking European brand for reliability in its SUVs.

5. Honda
Moving up ten spots from last year, Honda showed the most improvement in the 2021 list. It always had a competitive fuel economy and energetic powertrains. However, the rise in the ranking was primarily thanks to advancements in reliability, with most models now boasting average or higher reliability. The Ridgeline took out top ranking for the Best Compact Pickup Truck with revised styling and an updated infotainment system. The latest innovation from the more than 70-year-old Japanese brand is the Honda SmartChargeTM beta program to reduce drivers’ environmental footprints

6. Lexus
The Lexus RX combines comfort, performance, safety, and reliability to win the Best Midsize SUV. Beyond that, the brand is all about luxury. It embraces Omotenashi, the Japanese spirit of hospitality, to anticipate and fulfill all your needs before you know you have them. Enjoy the latest innovations, including electrification, unrivaled comfort and attention to detail, and the most deluxe finishes. As the luxury arm of Toyota, you’ll find Lexus in more than 70 countries and territories globally.

more info: Racing Go Kart Hubs

7. Toyota
Three Toyota vehicles ranked in the Top 10, while the company itself is number seven in the overall brands’ rating. The Corolla is the Best Small Car, the Prius is the Best Hybrid, and the Camry is the Best Midsize Sedan. The Japanese brand is consistent in terms of reliability, quality, and customer satisfaction. Plus, all three of their top models also earned the Consumer Report Green Choice label, something that’s increasingly important for consumers. This label means they’re in the top 20% for lowest carbon emissions and pollutants, and it’s the 18th year in a row the Prius has boasted the title.

8. Chrysler
Best American Brand Overall goes to Chrysler, original makers of the minivan. There are currently three models, including the 300 sedan, Pacifica, and Voyager minivans. All have excellent storage capacity and intuitive infotainment and controls. The company is part of the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles group, which joined forces in January 2021 with Groupe PSA to create Stellantis, a leader in sustainable mobility. Plus, it’s also one of the big three automotive manufacturers in the United States, along with Ford and General Motors.

9. Buick
Buick sits under the General Motors (GM) umbrella and straddles the line between mainstream and luxury. It’s more luxurious than the GM’s mainstream brands but not quite the same standard as the flagship Cadillac. The current focus is the selection of SUVs that features small, compact, and mid-size options. Each has beautiful, signature interiors with inspiration in every detail, intuitive storage, quality infotainment and controls, and excellent reliability. However, the gas mileage doesn’t quite meet the standards set by competitors.

10. Hyundai
Hyundai has one of the largest fleets on offer with sedans, hybrids, a sports car, SUVs, and a pick-up truck. Most of the styles from this Korean brand are solid performers, with nice fit and finish, useful details, and good controls. As such, it’s one of the most trustworthy brands. It also boasts a commitment to creating a better, smarter, more sustainable future, which is why the hybrid Ioniq is such a great challenger to the Toyota Prius.

11. Audi
German luxury brand Audi tied equal third for Best Road Test Score Overall, with Porsche and Tesla. Sitting under the Volkswagon umbrella, the brand is known for its high level of elegance, including well-crafted interiors and style. However, it also boasts advanced technology, excellent performance, and the trademark Quattro all-wheel-drive system, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2020. It also has quite a large selection of vehicles, including sedans, wagons, sports cars, and SUVs. Sustainability and digitalization are the cornerstones of future development in a new era of premium mobility.

12. Infiniti
Launched in 1989, Infiniti is a division of Nissan, created to compete with the European and American luxury brands that were dominating the market in the 80s. The range includes a sedan, a sports car, and several SUVs. Many safety features come standard, which sets the brand apart, as does the quality fit and finish and strong powertrains. However, according to Consumer Reports, the performance and reliability outcomes vary across the range, while the infotainment is not as advanced as it could be.

13. Nissan
Nissan sits in the middle of the pack because the test results fluctuate considerably across the range, which also happens to be quite large. Consequently, it’s essential to do some research before committing to a model. However, most feature forward collision warning (FCW) and automatic emergency braking (AEB) which are both advanced safety features. As part of the Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance, it’s one of the world’s largest vehicle manufacturers, with distribution worldwide.

14. Dodge
It’s all about muscle cars at Dodge, a division of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. The Dodge brothers, Horace and John, founded the company in 1900, after initially supplying parts and assembly to other manufacturers, including Ford. The current range focuses on just three models — the Challenger, Charger, and Durango, an SUV. All are comfortable cruisers with a choice of engines depending on how much grunt you want. However, visibility isn’t the best as design trumps functionality in this area.

15. Genesis
Genesis is a South Korean brand founded in 2015 under the Hyundai Motor Group. It’s the parent company’s upscale brand, intended to compete with other luxury manufacturers, including BMW, Lexus, and Mercedes-Benz. According to Consumer Reports, the 2021 models in the small range display excellent handling balance, nice fit and finishes, and plenty of advanced driver systems as standard. Complicated controls are the one downside to the designs. Style-wise, look for the signature crest grille, single line along the side, quad lamps, and elegant interiors that embrace ‘white space.’

16. Tesla
Elon Musk’s Tesla leads the pack in electric vehicle design and innovation. The original Roadster is still in the collection but has since been joined by the Model 3 and S sedans, Model X and Y SUVs, and the space-age-looking Cybertruck. Telsa ranks high in technological innovation and impressive driving distance. The Model 3 was also originally classified as the Best Electic Car in the Consumer Reports top picks. However, this was repealed due to changes in standard feature inclusions, such as dropping radar for camera-based automatic emergency braking.

17. Mini
Mini is a quintessential Brtish brand, designed and engineered by BMW, but with a mixed bag of reliability in testing. Every car in the range is perfect for zipping around town, redefining urban life. Enjoy a go-kart feeling with ground-hugging designs, excellent agility, and brilliant maneuverability, which, combined with the compact size, makes parking a breeze. Environmentally conscious drivers can also choose the newer electric and hybrid cars, with the same unique character but fewer emissions destroying the environment.

18. Volkswagen
The fun-to-drive factor is high in the Volkswagon vehicles. Generally, they’re a comfortable ride, with a good fit and finish, agile handling, and a more premium feel than similar brands. Additionally, they feature FCW and AEB as standard in most models. However, the reliability lets the brand down, especially in the SUV models. The yet-to-be-released ID.4 is the latest innovation from the German brand. It’s a long-range electric vehicle that has a striking road presence and a spacious, comfortable cabin.

19. Kia
Founded in 1944, Kia is Korea’s oldest motor vehicle manufacturer. It’s now part of the global Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, employing more than 40,000 people with sales in 172 countries. The brand is positioned as excellent value with lower price points but good value for money. It boasts an extensive range that includes small cars, sedans, SUVs, and minivans. Each is modern, stylish, and competent, with decent acceleration and fuel economy. Regular refreshers to both the design and range keep things up to date and innovative.

20. Volvo
Swedish brand Volvo has a reputation for being solid and safe. This reflects the spirit of omtanke, meaning caring, considering, and think again, which is core to the organization. Typical features in the cars include secure handling and comfortable seats. However, the ride can be a little stiff, and reliability is mixed across the board, with some models (S60/V60 and XC40) scoring high, while others were in the bottom ten. Despite the moderate rest results, innovation is key at Volvo, and one of the brand’s biggest goals is replacing all combustion engines in its range entirely with electric cars only by 2030.

21. Mercedes-Benz
Janis Joplin once sang, “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me, a Mercedez-Benz.” Even though the brand is sitting at number 21, you might still be singing this to yourself. Some of the models, including the C, E, and S class sedans and GLS and GLE SUVs, performed well under scrutiny. In general, they had a plush, luxury ride, beautiful interiors and styling, crisp handling, advanced safety systems, and a quiet cabin. What let them down, though, was the reliability. The German brand also has some more affordable options, including the A-Class, GLA, and GLB SUVs with an innovative electric vehicle on the way. If you’re looking for some celebrity-style street cred, choose the G-Class, also colloquially known as a G-Wagon (but good luck getting the Post Malone song out of your head).

22. Cadillac
Innovation is coded into the DNA of GM’s flagship brand, Cadillac. As such, the brand is reinventing how people drive through new technology such as Super Cruise self-driving and an increasingly connected experience. The recently renewed line of vehicles features bold styling and well-finished interiors for a luxury feel. Plus, the V series is the sportiest release yet, with a very engaging drive. While those models haven’t been tested, reliability across the remaining models is a mixed bag.

23. Acura
Honda’s premium brand, Acura, was established in 1986 and is the first Japanese luxury car brand. The range includes a mix of sedans, SUVs, and a super-fast hybrid sports car, the TLX. Innovation, performance, and design are the cornerstones of the company; however, based on Consumer Report’s testing, there are still some issues. This includes a clunky drive, less-than-ideal controls, and unreliability. All are factors that mean, as a premium brand, it doesn’t quite meet the same overall standards as the European competitors.

24. Chevrolet
While the sporty Camaro and Corvette remain key assets in the Chevrolet line, the American company, like many others, is shifting focus to SUVs. Examples include an all-new Tahoe, Trailblazer, and Suburban. There’s even a new all-electric option, the Bolt. All of this aligns with the goals of creating peace of mind, a better world, a smarter future, and a fresh perspective. Regarding the test results and its position in the list, the infotainment system is incredibly easy to use, but the fleet is, unfortunately, let down by reliability, sitting in the bottom half of the rankings.

25. Ford
Ford has been a pioneering brand since its inception in 1903. This is continued today through the Ford Smart Mobility plan to lead in customer experience, connectivity, and autonomous vehicles. The brand also has a reputation for good handling, excellent shock absorption, and a solid ride. Like many other manufacturers, there’s a shift towards SUVs and pick-up trucks, as well as electric vehicles. Despite decent performances in the former two categories, the only car to score above average in reliability is the Edge SUV, resulting in a low position on the list.

26. GMC
It’s all about trucks and SUVs at GMC, where they’ve been manufacturing them since 1912. Sitting in the General Motors family, the American brand shares many mechanical and construction similarities with the less premium brand Chevrolet. However, this does mean, comparatively, they don’t stand out as much as they could. Despite this, there are still some significant innovations coming out of the brand, including the world’s first all-electric super truck, the Hummer EV. Regarding the Consumer Reports testing, reliability is mixed across the collection ranging from better to below average, so check the rating on each model individually.

27. Jaguar
Luxury British brand, Jaguar, is known for powerful engines, excellent comfort, driving agility, and of course, a distinctive aesthetic. These cars make you feel things. They’re sleek and sit low to the ground, which looks great and adds to the drive but can be tricky to get in and out of elegantly. Electrification is the next frontier for the company, with the release of the all-electric I-PACE, which takes inspiration from the race track. However, reliability and slow infotainment systems are the two major areas where the brand lost points in the ranking.

28. Lincoln
Ford owns Lincoln, and consequently, the brands share much of the same powertrains, platforms, and technology. However, as a luxury brand, Lincoln is better equipped and much plusher, with insightful technologies, connectivity, and interior amenities. The latest focus is on SUVs only, like the Navigator and Aviator, which demonstrated a decent ride and handling. However, like many brands towards the bottom of the list, reliability is the fall point.

29. Jeep
Jeep fans tend to be loyalists. The brand portrays a rugged essence full of adventures, but in reality, they can be a bit uncomfortable, not great on fuel, and lacking in interior fit and finish. Having said that, off-road adventures across all kinds of landscapes aren’t taken for the first-class comforts, so reflecting that in your ride is less essential. An exception is the Grand Cherokee, which has the highest road test score from the range with excellent handling, high comfort, and easy controls. The American company is part of Chrysler but was included in the recent merger into Stellantis.

30. Mitsubishi
Unfortunately for Mitsubishi, its vehicles were largely unsuccessful in the 2021 Consumer Reports testing. The collection consists primarily of SUVs like the Outlander and Eclipse, including some electric options. There are also a couple of small cars like the Mirage and Lancer. Not all vehicles were tested, but those that were qualified for a participation medal at the most. One of the biggest positives for the brand is the inclusion of standard active safety features like FCW and AEB with pedestrian detection, resulting in a safe ride.

31. Land Rover
Despite presenting an image of cross-country ruggedness, Land Rovers are second from the bottom on the 2021 Consumer Reports list. First introduced in 1948, the English brand was a utilitarian design for off-road adventures. Now, it’s positioned as a luxury brand, favored by the upper class, and more likely to be seen at the country club than traversing the country. While the interiors are plush and comfortable, reliability lets the brand down. However, if you are looking for the best off-road capabilities, the Defender, Range Rover, and Discovery remain first-class and an excellent choice.

32. Alfa Romeo
Italian company Alfa Romeo has the unenviable position of last in the 2021 rankings. While technical evolution and driving pleasure are at the soul of the company, its place in the list is low based on reliability and human factors. Nonetheless, the designs ooze Italian charm and character and have excellent, sports-car-like handling, with distinctive engine sound. The brand is based in Turin, Italy, and has been around since 1910. Plus, it’s also involved in motor racing since 1911, hence the excellent handling across the collection.

Fuel Economy
All cars have government EPA quoted feul-economy figures, plus manufacturer claims. However, independent testing is just as valuable to verify these assertions. That’s why Consumer Reports runs it


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Foreign Affairs / Re: 5 Dead In Israel Strike On Syria Targeting 'iran-aligned Leaders' (photos) by UsamaRafiq: 12:48pm On Mar 07

This is mind boggling...muslims I know you lots are on this thread seeing this....I can see you ediots down there 😂 please come out of your shell and tell me this is untrue.

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Imagine a human being reading this evil incantations to a boy of 5 yrs old 5 times daily till he becomes an adult....how on earth will he not become a suicide bomber.

May God bless the Jews and all Christians 🙏 make Israel continue to dey bomb dem abeg.
Evil religion see wetin dey una book, there has never been any greater hate speech than those verses in their so called holy unholy book
Health / Re: What Is Teletherapy? by UsamaRafiq: 2:28pm On Mar 05
Teletherapy, also referred to as online therapy or e-therapy, represents a groundbreaking approach to delivering therapy remotely through video conferencing technology. This innovative method enables individuals to access therapy services conveniently from their homes, eliminating the necessity for in-person appointments. With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, teletherapy has surged in popularity, offering a safe and accessible alternative for therapy sessions. By incorporating [a href="https://www.readysetconnect.com/"]therapy notes software[/a] and [a href="https://www.readysetconnect.com/education-webinar/"]physical therapy webinars[/a] into teletherapy practices, therapists can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of remote therapy sessions, ensuring optimal care and support for clients.

For more info: Physical Therapy Oviedo Florida
Romance / Re: How Does Marriage Counselling Work For You And Your Relationship? by UsamaRafiq: 2:27pm On Mar 05
Have you ever wondered why some couples effortlessly navigate the twists and turns of their relationships, while others seem to hit more bumps along the way? You may have pondered if there's a secret to boosting communication and understanding with your partner. If the thought of seeking expert advice for your relationship has ever crossed your mind, know that you're not alone. Marriage counseling isn't just a safety net for tough times; it's like having a skilled guide to help you both tackle challenges, improve communication, and fortify that special connection. It's not just about crisis management; it's a proactive step toward building a relationship that's not just strong but also brimming with resilience. In this article, we'll dive into why countless individuals have discovered genuine value in the practical support offered by marriage counseling.

What is Marriage Counselling?

Marriage counselling encompasses a range of strategies aimed at assisting couples in addressing challenges and enhancing their relationship. The primary goal is to tackle immediate issues while offering emotional support and nurturing the self-esteem and optimism of both partners.

Research has found that couples with better family functioning and those without children tend to do well in therapy. In counseling, couples learn that relationship problems often involve contributions from both partners. Recognizing this, they can adjust how they interact to resolve issues. It is also available for anyone seeking to enhance their relationship. Whether dealing with behavioral issues, relationship challenges, or mental and emotional struggles, the support is open to all.

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Identifying Signs: Is Your Relationship Ready for Counseling?

Each query explores aspects that can significantly influence the dynamics of a relationship. Recognizing these signs is the first step towards fostering a resilient and thriving connection and seeking the support of marriage counseling.

● Do you often find yourself attacking your partner's character or personality with blame and accusations, creating an environment of constant attack and erosion of your relationship's foundation?
If you frequently criticize your partner or find that this often happens to you, it may be a sign that your relationship needs attention. Constant criticism can lead to anger and insecurity, impacting the emotional connection between you and your partner.

● Are insults, deliberate name-calling, sarcasm, or eye-rolling a common way of expressing yourself?
Expressing contempt through insults and disrespect can create an environment of hatred and resentment, making it challenging for couples to express themselves or resolve conflicts peacefully. If contempt is a frequent presence in your relationship, seeking counseling may help rebuild respect and facilitate healthier communication.

Do you often feel defeated in response to criticism and contempt, therefore finding yourself putting up a defensive wall that hinders communication and issue resolution?
When someone dodges taking responsibility, like being defensive, it is difficult to have open and healthy communication. If you notice this happening a lot in your relationship, maybe giving therapy a shot could help you both figure out better ways to handle criticism and contempt.

Do you or your partner ever just tune out during talks, shut down, or avoid communication, especially when things get a bit heated?
This kind of behavior, called stonewalling, is characterized by checking out and avoiding conversation and can severely impact emotional connection. It is one of the most dangerous and important factors in predicting divorce among couples.

Do your conversations often begin with a negative and accusatory tone, especially when discussing sensitive topics or conflicts?
Starting conversations on a harsh note, marked by criticism, sarcasm, or hostility, can hinder positive resolution and create an environment where negativity makes resolution difficult. If you find this to be a common occurrence, then therapy can provide tools to foster a more constructive communication style.

Do you experience emotional waves during discussions, feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable?
Frequent emotional flooding can shake the stability of a relationship. If you often feel overwhelmed and vulnerable during discussions, it may be a sign to discuss it with your partner as well as seek counseling to address these emotional challenges.

Do your attempts to de-escalate tension during sensitive discussions go unnoticed?
In relationships dominated by criticism, contempt, and defensiveness, repair attempts may go unnoticed, contributing to a negative cycle. The sooner you and your partner can acknowledge and address failed repair attempts is crucial, and seeking marriage counseling can offer guidance in breaking this pattern.

The recognition of these signs is a testament to your commitment to a healthy and enduring partnership. Whether it's breaking the cycle of criticism or weathering emotional floods, the journey of self-discovery within a relationship is an ongoing process. Sit with your partner and go through these questions together. If you both find yourselves agreeing to these questions or saying “yes” in response, it could be a sign that seeking counseling together might be a good move. It's not about blaming each other; it's about figuring things out and getting the extra support you both might need.

Is Couples Therapy or Marriage Therapy Effective?

Couples therapy, often regarded as a confidential space for relationship healing, has garnered substantial support through rigorous research. Here’s how couples therapy has proven to be effective:

Specific Relationship Problems: Dealing with particular relationship challenges, recent studies indicate that couple therapy proves effective in tackling issues like sexual difficulties, infidelity, and intimate partner violence.

Real-world Effectiveness: Examining its real-world impact, a 2020 study by Bradbury & Bodenmann revealed that while couples therapy tends to bring about positive changes in the short term, with many reporting improvements during the therapy period, the long-term effects aren't consistently maintained for everyone. About half of the couples, after a few years, may find that the positive changes achieved during therapy tend to fade or lose their impact. This could be due to various factors such as life stressors, evolving dynamics, or relationships' natural ebb and flow over time. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing efforts and possibly follow-up interventions for some couples to maintain the gains achieved through couples therapy in the long run.

Comparison with Other Interventions: A study by Shadish and Baldwin in 2005, indicated that both behavioral and nonbehavioral therapies have similar impact rates on couples. The average person undergoing couple therapy experiences improvement comparable to or exceeding the effectiveness of leading interventions for individual mental health disorders. suggests that individuals Individuals undergoing couple counselling tend to experience improvements in their well-being that are not only comparable but can even surpass the effectiveness of leading interventions designed for individual mental health disorders.

Overall Effectiveness: Research indicates that couples therapy is substantiated as an effective method for reducing relationship distress. Various therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, integrative behavioral therapy, and emotionally focused therapy, have all demonstrated significant effectiveness in bringing about positive changes and improvements in distressed relationships.

Therefore, couples therapy emerges not just as a remedy for strained relationships but as a holistic approach fostering emotional well-being and behavioral resilience in human connection.

Approaches to Couples Therapy

In therapy, practitioners often turn to evidence-based methods to support couples.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: In the realm of online therapy, the focus is on understanding how partners tackle challenges and digging into thought patterns. Therapists use practical exercises to show how thoughts impact daily life, working collaboratively to help couples tweak unhelpful thinking for a more positive relationship shift. Through convenient online therapy sessions, couples can explore these aspects from the comfort of their own space, fostering a positive shift in their relationship dynamics.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT): It is a purpose-driven approach that stands out. Unlike diving deep into exhaustive problem analysis, SFBT guides couples toward specific, desired outcomes. It's about a purposeful journey rather than getting lost in the intricacies. It's like having a roadmap tailored for success. SFBT is not just about discussions; it's a dynamic process that crafts a structured plan, arming couples with practical tools and skills to conquer the intricacies of everyday life. Unlike more conventional methods, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a distinctive experience where couples, working closely with their therapist, zero in on specific issues. Together, they craft a narrative woven with solutions, resilience, and lasting fulfillment.

Gottman Method: It brings a unique and data-driven touch, courtesy of the groundbreaking work of Professor John Gottman from the University of Washington. This method is tailored for committed, long-term couples seeking to build trust and enrich the journey of marriage. Working with therapists who follow this approach involves a comprehensive initial assessment, reflecting the method's deliberate, research-oriented roots. Couples embark on a journey of deep understanding, respect, and empathy, guided by scientifically structured therapeutic interventions and research-oriented exercises. The Gottman Method is a personalized exploration aimed at overcoming barriers and cultivating a profound connection that transcends complacency, offering couples a distinctive and research-therapy path toward a thriving relationship.

Emotion-Focused Therapy: This is an empathetic approach that involves peeling back layers in sessions where you and your partner dive into specific tough moments. Together with the therapist, it's about really understanding the emotions behind those situations and connecting the dots. The unique strength of Emotion-Focused Therapy lies in its emphasis on understanding and managing emotions, fostering open discussions to gain new perspectives and knowledge about each other's emotional reactions. The overarching goals are to build a strong bond, enhance communication skills, and cultivate a foundation of trust, making EFT a distinct and effective path toward a more connected and resilient marital relationship.

The common thread tying these approaches together is the shared goal of fostering understanding, trust, and resilience. So, as couples dive into these therapeutic journeys, it's not just about fixing today's problems. It's about discovering tools that feel like they're made just for them, laying the groundwork for a lasting sense of fulfillment in their journey together.
Celebrities / Re: AFRIFF 2018: Here’s Full List Of Winners At The Globe Awards by UsamaRafiq: 12:38pm On Mar 05

The 2018 edition of the Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) ended yesterday, November 17, with the annual AFRIFF Globe Awards at The Twin Towers in Lagos.

It is understood that 30 Nigerian films made it to the final list of the 140 films that were screened at the 2018 edition of AFRIFF.

Some of the movies screened at the festival include Letter from Masanjia, Take Light, The Gospel According to Mattei, Cantadoras: Musical memories of Life and Death, Songs of Ossobo, Manta Ray Watching, T-Junction, The Teacher, Wallay and The Poets.

Below is a list of winners at the 2018 AFRIFF Globe Awards.

Best Short
NIGERIA: Coat of Harms by Stanlee Ohikuare

Best Animation
UGANDA: A Kalabanda Ate My School Work by Raymond Malinga

Best Student Short
RWANDA: Imfura by Samuel Ishimwe

Special Mention
COLOMBIA: Cantadoras. Musical Memories of Life and death in Colombia by Maria Fernanda Carrillo

Best Documentary
SOUTH AFRICA: Ramothopo the Centenarian by Riaan Hendricks

Special Mention
Poisonous Roses by Fawzi Saleh

Best Male Performance
SOUTH AFRICA: Ezra Mabengeza in Sew the Winter to My Skin

Best Female Performance
GHANA: Asana Alhassan in Azali

Best Director
SOUTH AFRICA: Jahmil X. T. Qubeka for Sew the Winter to My Skin

Best Screenplay
GHANA: Kwabena Gyansah for Azali

Best Nigerian Film
The Delivery Boy by Adekunle “Nodash” Adejuyigbe

Best Feature Film
GHANA: Azali by Kwabena Gyansah

Special Jury for outstanding film
(usually fiction but Jury selected documentary for outstanding achievement overall)

SOUTH AFRICA: Not in My Neighbourhood by Kurt Orderson

Viewers choice award


Cc Lalasticlala
Food / Re: Economic Hardship: Parents Shun Noodles As Prices Soar by UsamaRafiq: 12:26pm On Mar 05

There are numerous ways to prepare noodles to make it healthy. But majority of Nigerians just prepare it like that, with boiled or fried eggs.

I eat noodles ones in a while with my kids. I prepare it with lots of vegetables( carrots, scallion, peas, runner beans, sweet corn, red/green/ yellow bell pepper etc poultry or Sustainable Seafood. And I don't use the seasoning in the pack.

Not the poverty noodles most Nigerians dey eat
Politics / Re: Nigeria Military Backs Sunday Igboho’s Plan To Combat Insecurity In South-west. by UsamaRafiq: 12:06pm On Mar 05

Nigeria Military Backs Sunday Igboho’s Plan To Combat Insecurity In South-West.

The Nigerian Military has expressed support for the vow made by Yoruba Nation activist, Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, to assist security agents in eradicating killer herdsmen from Save the Forest in the South-West.

Spokesman of the Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, in a statement at the weekend further emphasized the collective effort required to combat the nation’s security challenges.

He remarked, “I have not seen the video where he made that statement, but one thing I must say is that people and communities are always welcomed. If what he said is to make the situation better, he is welcomed, but if what he is saying is that we should disregard the armed forces of Nigeria, definitely, he is out of line because that is against Nigeria’s constitution.”

In an operational update, Buba shared that in February 2024, the armed forces neutralized 974 terrorists, apprehended 621, and successfully rescued 466 kidnapped hostages. He expressed the military’s unwavering commitment to ending terrorism and insecurity across the country through decisive actions and strategic operations.

“For us, creating a safer environment for citizens translates to eliminating all threats hindering the safety and security of citizens. Troops conducted synchronised strikes between the ground and air forces on terrorist enclaves, killing a significant number of them. It is possible to say with significant certainty that these strikes have had a significant impact on the terrorists adversely,” he stated.

Investment / Re: Treasury Bills In Nigeria by UsamaRafiq: 11:59am On Mar 05

Look at d conclusion you are making after heavy media trials........

Under whose watch did emefiele action occur

We Nigerians should please elevate ourselves from tribal sentiments and see the game our leaders are playing, they don't have the interest of the people at heart

Emefiele announced total naira change a month to elections( this action single handedly nearly ruined tinubus presidential bid, that action alone elevated obi from a distant third opposition to second, there was practically no cash in circulation to prosecute elections the Nigerian way( it usually goes to the highest bidders)

Nigerians have suddenly forgotten their suffering during dat period and are now doing economic analysis of what they barely understand for example people sold old #1000 naira notes for #700 for fear of it turning waste in their hands

And we all think Tinubu won't retaliate

As usual tribal sentiments have been whipped up as smoke screens while Save The Elephants fight heavily among themselves

As a Nigerian ur most important perogative should be not to get slaughtered with the pigs

Science/Technology / Re: Handcuffed For Making Clock, ahmed Mohamed, 14, Wins Time With Obama by UsamaRafiq: 1:40pm On Mar 04
Ahmed Mohamed’s homemade alarm clock got him suspended from his suburban Dallas high school and detained and handcuffed by police officers on Monday after school officials accused him of making a fake bomb. By Wednesday, it had brought him an invitation to the White House, support from Hillary Rodham Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg, and a moment of head-spinning attention as questions arose whether he had been targeted because of his name and his religion.

As a result, a 14-year-old freshman at MacArthur High School in Irving, Tex., who is partial to tinkering, technology and NASA T-shirts and wants to go to M.I.T., found himself in a social media whirlwind that reflected the nation’s charged debates on Islam, immigration and ethnicity.

“Cool clock, Ahmed,” President Obama said on Twitter. “Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.” Mr. Obama’s staff invited Ahmed to the White House for Astronomy Night on Oct. 19, an event bringing together scientists, engineers, astronauts, teachers and students to spend a night stargazing from the South Lawn.

The president’s spokesman said the episode was a case study in unreasoned prejudice in an era when the country is fighting Islamic terrorism at home and in the Middle East.

“This episode is a good illustration of how pernicious stereotypes can prevent even good-hearted people who have dedicated their lives to educating young people from doing the good work that they set out to do,” said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary.

But on some conservative sites, he was the subject of slurs and vitriol and suggestions that he and his family did not belong here.

Shortly before a news conference Wednesday outside his home in Irving, Ahmed waved to a thick crowd of reporters from the doorway as his family brought pizzas and drinks for the news media. Ahmed said he was considering transferring out of MacArthur High and had indeed accepted Mr. Obama’s invitation.

Asked about the attention and support he had received from Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Zuckerberg, a founder of Facebook, Ahmed said, “It felt really outstanding,” adding that he wanted to use his moment in the spotlight to “try my best not just to help me but to help every other kid in the entire world that has a problem like this.” He introduced himself, after saying “as-salaamu alaykum,” the Muslim greeting of peace, as “the person who built a clock and got in a lot of trouble for it.”

Ahmed’s father, Mohamed El Hassan, 54, was at turns humble, emotional, grateful and patriotic, making it a point to mention they lived in their house for more than 30 years and that his son had fixed his car, his phone, his electricity and his computer and had built, in true all-American fashion, a Go Kart Tank. “That is not America,” he said of Ahmed’s detainment. “That is not us. That is not like us.”

The Irving police chief, Larry Boyd, said at a news conference on Wednesday that the officers were justified in detaining the teenager based on the information they had at the time, when initially it was “not immediately evident that” Ahmed’s clock was a class experiment. He added, however, that the police had “no evidence to support that there was an intention to create an alarm.” Asked whether the police would have reacted differently if Ahmed had been white, Chief Boyd said they would have followed the same procedures.

“You can’t take things like that to school,” he said.

The thing in question was the product of Ahmed’s love of invention. He made the clock out of a metal briefcase-style box, a digital display, wires and a circuit board. It was bigger and bulkier than a typical bedside clock, with cords, screws and electrical components.

He said he took it to school on Monday to show an engineering teacher, who said it was nice but then told him he should not show the invention to other teachers. Later, Ahmed’s clock beeped during an English class, and after he revealed the device to the teacher, school officials notified the police, and Ahmed was interrogated by officers.

“She thought it was a threat to her,” Ahmed told reporters Wednesday. “So it was really sad that she took a wrong impression of it.”

Fingerprints and a mug shot were taken at a juvenile detention center. The clock was confiscated, and Ahmed was suspended from school for three days, until Thursday.

In a letter to parents, the school’s principal, Dan Cummings, informed them that the police had responded to a “suspicious-looking item on campus.” The Irving school district acknowledged in a statement Wednesday that the information released about the incident was “unbalanced,” but officials said they could not comment further because of student privacy laws.

Texas Democrats said Ahmed’s detention was an outgrowth of the anti-Muslim sentiments of Irving officials. The city’s mayor, Beth Van Duyne, has been outspoken in criticizing a Muslim group that mediates disputes between the area’s Muslim residents, accusing it of establishing an anti-American Shariah court of law.

“Ahmed’s arrest is a logical conclusion to Islamophobia in Irving and it’s deplorable,” the chairwoman of the Dallas County Democratic Party, Carol Donovan, said in a statement.

The mayor could not be reached for comment Wednesday night. She wrote on Facebook that she did not fault the school or the police “for looking into what they saw as a potential threat,” but added that as a parent she would be upset if the situation had happened to her child.

“Hopefully, we can all learn from this week’s events and the student, who has obvious gifts, will not feel at all discouraged from pursuing his talent in electronics and engineering,” Ms. Van Duyne wrote.

For his part, Ahmed said the police still had his clock. Before mentioning that he would love to present his inventions to celebrity investors on the “Shark Tank” television show, Ahmed was asked if he had any message for other young gadget-builders.

“Go for it,” he said. “Don’t let people change who you are.”


Cc: lalasticlala ishilove seun
Sports / Re: FORMULA ONE F1 Official SeasonThread - Revamped by UsamaRafiq: 1:29pm On Mar 04

I think you need to go learn about Lewis and racism in Jotech Motorsports. It starts back in carting way before he became a teenager.

As for women in F1, it's always been open to women. All they need show is a time competitive with the men, and it would be rather difficult to deny them a place on track if they find a team willing to take them.
Autos / Re: Tips On Acura Integra Luggage Test: How Big Is The Trunk by UsamaRafiq: 1:15pm On Mar 04
Tips on Acura integra luggage test: how big is the trunk; the Acura Integra B-Series is a pretty good car to own and drive: it’s easy to find parts for, it gets great gas mileage, and it has a solid reputation for reliability. But if you’re like me, you’ll be disappointed when you try to put your luggage in the trunk—because there simply isn’t enough space. I’ve had two cars with small trunks (a Honda Civic and an Acura Integra), so that really shouldn’t have been a surprise. Still, maybe your expectations were set too high by the one-trunk rule? The truth is that even though the Honda Civic has a bigger trunk than its Subaru Impreza rival (and therefore more room), they both have very limited space when compared to vehicles such as SUV or station wagons.

The [b]Acura Integra B-Series is a quite good car to own and drive, but the trunk is surprisingly small.,[/b]

The Acura Integra is a quite good car to own and drive, but the trunk is surprisingly small. It can fit two large suitcases or one carry-on bag. However, if you want to take your roller skates with you on vacation, you’ll have to leave them at home because they won’t fit in the trunk.

The Acura Integra’s trunk is big enough for only one large suitcase and one carry-on bag.

The Acura Integra’s trunk is big enough for only one large suitcase and one carry-on bag. The rear seats can be folded down to make more space, but even then the trunk is small.

The Acura Integra’s rear seats collapse for more space

The rear seats can be folded down, opening up more space for larger items.

You can fit a bike inside the car if you fold the seats down.

You can fit a small dog inside the car if you fold the seats down.
Red More: https://autoremedy365.com/tips-on-acura-integra-luggage-test-how-big-is-the-trunk/
Nairaland / General / Re: 10 Reasons Why A Teak Wood Sofa Is A Great Investment by UsamaRafiq: 2:14pm On Feb 29
Investing in furniture is a decision that requires careful consideration. When it comes to sofas, there are numerous options available in the market. However, if you are looking for a truly exceptional piece of furniture that not only adds beauty to your living space but also offers durability and longevity, a teak wood sofa is the perfect choice. In this article, we will explore 10 reasons why investing in a teak wood sofa
is a great decision.

1. Exceptional Durability

Teak wood is known for its exceptional durability. It is one of the hardest woods available, making it highly resistant to wear and tear. This means that a teak wood sofa can withstand heavy use for many years without losing its beauty or structural integrity.

2. Natural Resistance to Weather

Teak wood contains natural oils that act as a protective barrier against weather conditions such as rain, sunlight, and humidity. This makes teak wood sofas ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. Whether you place your teak wood sofa in your living room or on your patio, you can be confident that it will maintain its beauty and strength.

3. Timeless Beauty

Teak wood has a natural elegance and timeless beauty that adds a touch of sophistication to any living space. Its warm, golden color and beautiful grain patterns make it a focal point in any room. Investing in a teak wood sofa not only provides you with a comfortable seating option but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home.

4. Low Maintenance

Unlike other types of wood, teak requires minimal maintenance. Its natural oils protect it from pests, rot, and decay. To maintain its original luster, all you need to do is wipe the teak wood sofa with a damp cloth occasionally. This low maintenance requirement makes teak wood sofas a convenient and hassle-free choice.

5. Longevity

A teak wood sofa is an investment that stands the test of time. Due to its exceptional durability and resistance to weather and wear, it can last for generations. Whether you pass it down as a family heirloom or sell it in the future, a teak wood sofa retains its value and appeal.

6. Versatility

Teak wood sofas come in a wide range of designs, styles, and sizes. Whether you prefer a modern and sleek look or a more traditional and ornate design, you can find a teak wood sofa that matches your taste and complements your decor. This versatility ensures that you can find the perfect teak wood sofa for any room in your home.

7. Comfort

In addition to its beauty and durability, teak wood sofas offer exceptional comfort. The natural contours of teak wood make it a comfortable seating option, allowing you to relax and unwind after a long day. Whether you are watching TV, reading a book, or spending time with loved ones, a teak wood sofa provides a cozy and inviting space.

8. Eco-friendly Choice

If you are conscious of the environment, choosing a teak wood sofa is an eco-friendly decision. Teak wood is a sustainable resource and is harvested from responsibly managed forests. By investing in a teak wood sofa, you are contributing to the preservation of forests and promoting sustainable practices.

9. Investment Value

Teak wood is highly sought after in the Sustainable Furniture market due to its exceptional qualities. As a result, teak wood furniture, including sofas, retains its value over time. If you decide to sell your teak wood sofa in the future, you can expect a good return on your investment.

10. Unique and Exquisite

Each teak wood sofa is unique and showcases the natural beauty of the wood. The grain patterns and colors vary from piece to piece, making your teak wood sofa truly one-of-a-kind. Investing in a teak wood sofa allows you to own a piece of furniture that is not only functional but also a work of art.
In conclusion, a teak wood sofa is a great investment for several reasons. Its exceptional durability, natural resistance to weather, timeless beauty, and low maintenance make it a reliable and long-lasting choice. Additionally, the versatility, comfort, and eco-friendliness of teak wood sofas further enhance their appeal. Lastly, the investment value and uniqueness of each piece make it a wise investment for both your living space and your financial future.
So why wait? Choose a teak wood sofa today and enjoy its countless benefits for years to come.
Politics / Re: Throwback: When Fulani Herdsmen Destroyed 46 Acres Of Cocoa Farmland In Ghana by UsamaRafiq: 2:12pm On Feb 29
The huge farm was located at a small village called Kwafre near Nkoranza in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana.

According to Nana Baffoe Agyei who is also the Onyinasehene, (traditional ruler) narrated the story to News Ghana, that he had the information from the care taker of the cocoa farm that, some Fulani herdsmen have set fire into the forest which has eventually gutted the cocoa farm.

“Before we rushed to the place, the whole cocoa farm was already on fire, and there was nothing we could do about it” Nana Baffoe lamented.

He added, the Fulani herdsmen attacked the care taker, tried to killed him but God on his side, he narrowly escaped from the place to the next town of which they lodged a complaint at the police station.

The place is full of about 10,000 cows and the Fulani herdsmen are scattered all over their farms, leaving the people in the village scared to go to their farms.

On that effect, the Police have been able to arrest 8 Fulani herdsmen. He then pleaded to the police, fire officials and who ever it may concern to come to their intervention.

for more info: Save the Forest

Nairaland / General / How Ocean Conservation Saves The Whales by UsamaRafiq: 11:46am On Feb 29
Save the Whales, the gentle giants of the ocean, have long captured the imagination and admiration of people around the world. Their immense size, intelligence, and grace as they glide through the water have made them icons of the marine environment. However, whales face numerous threats, many of which stem from human activities. From pollution and climate change to habitat destruction and overfishing, the challenges facing whales are immense. Ocean conservation efforts play a crucial role in addressing these threats and safeguarding the future of these majestic creatures.

Understanding the Role of Save the Whales in the Ocean

Save the Whales are not just charismatic creatures; they are also keystone species in marine ecosystems. As apex predators, whales help regulate the populations of other marine species, maintaining a delicate balance that is essential for ecosystem health. Their movements and migrations play a vital role in nutrient cycling and the distribution of marine resources. Additionally, the carbon sequestration abilities of whales help mitigate the impacts of climate change by storing carbon in their bodies and promoting the growth of phytoplankton through their nutrient-rich excrement.

The Threats Facing Whales

Despite their importance, Save the Whales are facing numerous threats to their survival. Historically, commercial whaling posed the most significant threat to whale populations, leading to dramatic declines in numbers across many species. While commercial whaling has been largely banned, some countries continue to engage in whaling under the guise of scientific research. In addition to whaling, whales are also threatened by habitat degradation, pollution, ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear, and the depletion of prey species due to overfishing. Climate change further exacerbates these threats by altering ocean temperatures, currents, and prey availability.

The Importance of Ocean Conservation

Ocean conservation efforts are critical for addressing the complex challenges facing whales and other marine species. By protecting marine habitats, reducing pollution, mitigating climate change, and promoting sustainable fishing practices, ocean conservation initiatives help create a healthier and more resilient ocean environment. Through collaborative efforts involving governments, NGOs, scientists, and local communities, significant progress can be made towards preserving marine biodiversity and ensuring the long-term survival of whales.

Marine Protected Areas

Marine protected areas (MPAs) play a crucial role in ocean conservation by providing refuge for marine species and ecosystems. By establishing areas where fishing, mining, and other extractive activities are restricted or prohibited, MPAs help safeguard critical habitats and promote the recovery of threatened species, including whales. These protected areas serve as breeding grounds, feeding areas, and migratory corridors for whales, allowing them to carry out their life cycles free from human interference.

Sustainable Fisheries Management

Overfishing poses a significant threat to whales and their prey species. Unsustainable fishing practices not only deplete fish populations but also disrupt marine food webs, making it harder for whales to find an adequate food supply. Sustainable fisheries management, which involves setting catch limits, protecting spawning grounds, and minimizing bycatch, is essential for maintaining healthy marine ecosystems and ensuring the availability of prey species for whales. By supporting sustainable fishing practices, consumers can play a role in promoting ocean conservation and protecting whale habitats.

Reducing Pollution

Pollution, particularly plastic pollution, poses a serious threat to whales and other marine life. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste enter the ocean, where it can harm marine animals through ingestion, entanglement, and habitat destruction. Chemical pollutants, such as pesticides and heavy metals, also accumulate in the tissues of marine organisms, posing health risks to whales and other top predators. By reducing plastic use, recycling, and supporting policies that limit pollution, individuals can help mitigate the impacts of pollution on marine ecosystems and protect whale habitats.

Mitigating Climate Change

Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat facing whales and marine ecosystems as a whole. Rising temperatures, ocean acidification, sea level rise, and extreme weather events all have profound impacts on marine life. Changes in ocean temperatures and currents can alter the distribution and abundance of prey species, forcing whales to travel greater distances in search of food. Ocean acidification, resulting from the absorption of carbon dioxide by seawater, threatens the survival of shellfish and other marine organisms at the base of the marine food chain. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and supporting climate resilience initiatives, we can help mitigate the impacts of climate change on whales and their habitats.

Education and Outreach

Education and outreach are essential components of effective ocean conservation efforts. By raising awareness about the importance of whales and marine ecosystems, inspiring action, and promoting sustainable behaviors, we can mobilize individuals and communities to become stewards of the ocean. Educational programs, public events, and outreach campaigns can empower people of all ages to take meaningful action to protect whales and preserve the health of our oceans.


In conclusion, ocean conservation plays a vital role in saving the whales and preserving marine biodiversity. By addressing threats such as habitat destruction, pollution, overfishing, and climate change, we can create a more sustainable future for whales and other marine species. Through collaborative efforts and collective action, we have the power to protect our oceans and ensure that whales continue to thrive for generations to come. As guardians of the sea, it is our responsibility to act decisively and preserve the wonders of the ocean for future generations.

Also Read: [urlhttps://friendofthesea.org/sustainability-index/]Sustainability Index[/url]

Nairaland / General / Exploring The Top Features Of REV Sprockets For Enhanced Productivity by UsamaRafiq: 2:22pm On Feb 28
In the realm of mechanical systems, where efficiency and precision reign supreme, every component plays a crucial role in achieving optimal performance. Among these components, sprockets stand out as fundamental elements that facilitate motion and power transmission in various machinery and equipment. REV Sprockets, renowned for their innovative design and superior quality, offer a plethora of features geared towards enhancing productivity across diverse applications. Let's delve into the top features of REV Sprockets and how they contribute to improved efficiency and performance.

1. High-Quality Materials:

One of the defining features of REV Sprockets is their utilization of high-quality materials in construction. Engineered with precision and durability in mind, REV Sprockets are crafted from premium-grade metals such as hardened steel or aluminum, ensuring exceptional strength and longevity even under the most demanding operating conditions. This robust construction not only enhances reliability but also minimizes wear and maintenance requirements, thereby increasing overall productivity.

2. Precision Machining:

Precision is paramount when it comes to sprockets, as any deviations can result in inefficiencies and performance issues. REV Sprockets boast state-of-the-art machining techniques that guarantee precise tooth profiles and pitch diameters, facilitating smooth and seamless engagement with compatible chains or belts. The meticulous attention to detail in the manufacturing process ensures consistent performance and optimal power transmission, enabling machinery to operate at peak efficiency.

3. Versatility and Compatibility:

REV Sprockets are designed with versatility in mind, offering compatibility with a wide range of chain and belt configurations. Whether used in automotive applications, industrial machinery, or robotics, REV Sprockets can seamlessly integrate into diverse systems, providing flexibility and adaptability to varying operational requirements. This compatibility simplifies the procurement process and reduces the need for specialized components, streamlining maintenance and replacement procedures for enhanced productivity.

4. Optimized Tooth Profiles:

The tooth profile of a sprocket plays a crucial role in the smooth and efficient transfer of power from the driving to the driven component. REV Sprockets feature meticulously engineered tooth profiles that minimize friction and wear while maximizing contact area with the mating chain or belt. This optimized design reduces energy losses and ensures consistent power transmission, allowing machinery to operate with greater efficiency and reliability.

5. Corrosion Resistance:

Harsh operating environments, characterized by exposure to moisture, chemicals, and extreme temperatures, can accelerate the degradation of sprockets and compromise performance. REV Sprockets are equipped with corrosion-resistant coatings or finishes, such as zinc plating or anodization, which provide an additional layer of protection against rust and corrosion. This extended durability ensures prolonged service life and minimizes downtime associated with premature sprocket failure, thereby enhancing overall productivity.

6. Lightweight Design:

In applications where weight savings are critical, such as aerospace or automotive engineering, REV Sprockets offer a lightweight yet robust solution. By employing advanced materials and engineering techniques, REV Sprockets achieve significant weight reductions without sacrificing structural integrity or performance. This lightweight design not only improves overall system efficiency but also contributes to fuel savings and reduced operational costs over the long term.

7. Easy Installation and Maintenance:

Time is of the essence in industrial settings, where downtime translates to lost productivity and revenue. REV Sprockets feature user-friendly designs that facilitate quick and hassle-free installation, minimizing downtime during maintenance or replacement procedures. With features such as pre-drilled mounting holes and standardized dimensions, REV Sprockets enable seamless integration into existing systems, allowing operators to maximize uptime and productivity.

8. Enhanced Wear Resistance:

Constant friction and mechanical stress can take a toll on sprockets over time, leading to premature wear and degradation of performance. REV Sprockets are engineered with advanced surface treatments and hardening techniques that enhance wear resistance and durability. Whether subjected to high-speed rotation or heavy loads, REV Sprockets maintain their integrity and performance over extended periods, ensuring consistent productivity and reliability in demanding operating environments.

In conclusion, REV Sprockets embody a synergy of advanced engineering, precision manufacturing, and innovative design features aimed at enhancing productivity across a wide spectrum of applications. From their high-quality materials and precision machining to compatibility and corrosion resistance, REV Sprockets set a benchmark for reliability and performance in motion transmission systems. By incorporating these top features, REV Sprockets empower industries to achieve greater efficiency, reliability, and productivity in their operations, driving innovation and progress in mechanical engineering realms.

For more info: Kart Store-USA

Nairaland / General / Exploring The Best Brands Offering Innovative Tucked Radiator Combos by UsamaRafiq: 12:30pm On Feb 28
In the realm of home heating solutions, tucked radiator combos have emerged as a contemporary and efficient choice for modern living spaces. These innovative heating systems integrate both functionality and aesthetics, providing warmth while seamlessly blending into interior designs. As the demand for energy-efficient and stylish heating options rises, several brands have stepped up to offer cutting-edge tucked radiator combos. Let's delve into some of the best brands leading the way in this innovative niche.

1. Nest

Nest, known for its smart home solutions, has introduced a range of tucked radiator combos that combine sleek design with intelligent heating technology. These systems can be controlled remotely via smartphone apps, allowing users to adjust temperature settings and schedules with ease. Nest's commitment to energy efficiency ensures that users can enjoy warmth without compromising on sustainability.

2. Dyson

Renowned for its revolutionary approach to household appliances, Dyson offers Tucked Radiator Combo that prioritize both performance and style. Dyson's products feature innovative heating elements designed to distribute warmth evenly throughout the room. With their minimalist designs and user-friendly interfaces, Dyson's radiator combos complement modern interiors while providing efficient heating solutions.

3. Runtal

Runtal has established itself as a trusted name in the heating industry, offering a diverse range of tucked radiator combos designed to meet the needs of various spaces. Runtal's products are characterized by their durability and reliability, making them a popular choice among homeowners and designers alike. With customizable options available, Runtal ensures that customers can find the perfect radiator combo to suit their preferences and requirements.

4. Stelrad

Stelrad stands out for its commitment to innovation and quality craftsmanship, reflected in its range of tucked radiator combos. These systems incorporate advanced heating technology to deliver optimal performance and efficiency. Stelrad's radiators are designed to blend seamlessly into any environment, providing both warmth and visual appeal. With a focus on sustainability, Stelrad continues to lead the way in eco-friendly heating solutions.

5. Vogue

Vogue combines style and functionality in its lineup of tucked radiator combos, catering to the discerning tastes of homeowners and interior designers. Vogue's radiators feature elegant designs and premium finishes, making them a standout addition to any living space. Beyond aesthetics, Vogue prioritizes performance, offering efficient heating solutions that contribute to a comfortable home environment.

6. Bisque

Bisque specializes in designer radiators that add a touch of sophistication to interior spaces. With a focus on creativity and innovation, Bisque's tucked radiator combos are designed to be both visually striking and highly functional. From contemporary to classic styles, Bisque offers a diverse range of options to suit various design preferences and heating requirements.

7. Zehnder

Zehnder is synonymous with excellence in heating and ventilation solutions, offering tucked radiator combos that combine cutting-edge technology with elegant design. Zehnder's radiators are engineered for optimal performance and energy efficiency, providing reliable heating solutions for residential and commercial applications. With a reputation for craftsmanship and innovation, Zehnder continues to set the standard for quality heating systems.

In conclusion, the market for tucked radiator combos is brimming with innovative options from leading brands that prioritize both form and function. Whether it's Nest's smart home integration, Dyson's sleek designs, Runtal's durability, Stelrad's sustainability, Vogue's style, Bisque's creativity, or Zehnder's excellence, homeowners and designers have a plethora of choices to suit their heating needs and aesthetic preferences. As technology advances and consumer demands evolve, these brands remain at the forefront, reshaping the landscape of home heating with their ingenuity and commitment to quality.

For more info: JoTech Performance
Health / Re: Navigating Hope: Comprehensive Oral Tumor Treatment In Aurangabad by UsamaRafiq: 3:10pm On Feb 23
In the heart of Maharashtra, where history and culture intertwine, the city of Aurangabad stands as a beacon of healthcare excellence. Amidst the historical tapestry, a modern journey unfolds for individuals grappling with the challenges of oral tumors.

This blog aims to delve deeper into the complexities of oral tumor treatment in Aurangabad, exploring its profound significance, the multidisciplinary approaches employed, and the compassionate healthcare professionals dedicated to guiding patients through this intricate journey.

Understanding Oral Tumors
Oral tumors, encompassing both benign growths and malignant cancers, present a significant health concern. Affecting structures such as the lips, tongue, cheeks, and other oral tissues, these tumors can profoundly impact speech, eating, and overall well-being.

Oral tumor treatment in Aurangabad involves a multidisciplinary approach, seeking to diagnose, manage, and provide the best possible outcome for individuals facing these challenging conditions.

Why Opt for Oral Tumor Treatment in Aurangabad?

1. Comprehensive Diagnosis: Aurangabad's healthcare facilities are equipped with advanced diagnostic tools, facilitating accurate and comprehensive diagnoses of oral tumors. This is pivotal for developing tailored treatment plans based on the specific characteristics of each tumor.

2. Experienced Healthcare Professionals: The healthcare professionals in Aurangabad specializing in oral tumor treatment bring a wealth of experience and expertise to patient care. Their multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive and personalized treatment, incorporating the latest advancements in medical science.

3. Holistic Patient Care: Beyond medical interventions, oral tumor treatment in Aurangabad emphasizes holistic patient care. This includes psychological support, nutritional guidance, and rehabilitation services aimed at enhancing the overall well-being of patients undergoing treatment. The focus extends beyond the tumor itself to the individual's quality of life throughout the treatment journey.

The Oral Tumor Treatment Journey Unveiled
Understanding the journey of oral tumor treatment provides insight into the comprehensive care provided to patients facing these complex challenges.

Step 1: Diagnosis and Staging
The treatment journey commences with a thorough diagnosis, incorporating a range of imaging studies, biopsies, and laboratory tests. This meticulous approach allows healthcare professionals in Aurangabad to accurately stage the tumor, determining its size, location, and potential for spreading to nearby structures.

Step 2: Surgical Intervention
For many oral tumors, surgical intervention is a primary treatment modality. Skilled surgeons in Aurangabad employ advanced techniques to remove tumors while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. This may involve reconstructive surgery to restore form and function, enhancing both the aesthetic and functional aspects of the treated area.

Step 3: Radiation Therapy
In cases where surgical intervention alone may not suffice, radiation therapy becomes a vital component of treatment. Advanced radiation oncology services in Aurangabad utilize cutting-edge technology to target the tumor with precision, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. This targeted approach is crucial for achieving optimal therapeutic outcomes.

Step 4: Chemotherapy
For some patients, especially those with advanced or aggressive tumors, chemotherapy may be recommended. Aurangabad's healthcare professionals customize chemotherapy regimens based on the specific characteristics of the tumor, aiming to maximize effectiveness while minimizing side effects. This personalized approach reflects the commitment to patient-centered care.

Step 5: Rehabilitation and Support
The treatment journey doesn't conclude with medical interventions. Aurangabad's healthcare professionals prioritize rehabilitation services as a crucial component of oral tumor treatment.

This includes Speech Therapy, nutritional counseling, and psychological support to help patients regain optimal functioning and quality of life. Rehabilitation extends beyond physical recovery, addressing the holistic needs of patients to foster a complete and sustained recovery.

Compassionate Healthcare Professionals in Aurangabad
Aurangabad's healthcare landscape is graced by compassionate professionals dedicated to guiding patients through the challenges of oral tumor treatment. Their commitment extends beyond medical expertise to fostering a supportive and empathetic environment for patients and their families.

This compassionate approach recognizes the emotional and psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis, emphasizing the importance of patient well-being throughout the treatment journey.

Oral tumor treatment in Aurangabad represents a beacon of hope for individuals facing the complexities of these challenging conditions. It is not merely a medical intervention but a comprehensive journey guided by experienced healthcare professionals who prioritize the overall well-being of their patients.

In the historical city of Aurangabad, where every step echoes the past, the journey of oral tumor treatment signifies a modern chapter in healthcare. Visit healthcare facilities in Aurangabad, and let the expertise and compassion of healthcare professionals illuminate the path to recovery and renewed vitality for those facing the challenges of oral tumors.

The city's commitment to advanced, multidisciplinary care ensures that each patient receives personalized attention and the highest standard of treatment, offering hope and navigating individuals towards a brighter, healthier future.

For More Info: Speakeasy Solutions
Career / Re: Being A Professional Female Photographer In Nigeria by UsamaRafiq: 3:01pm On Feb 23
5 Female Photographers That Need To Be On Your Radar: Meet The Women Redefining Photography in Nigeria

Over the last few years, the Nigerian photography industry, previously dominated by men began to experience the rise of female photographers. Thriving in their craft, these women have made several accomplishments, from working with the international design authority; Architectural Digest, and other reputable companies in the continent, getting featured on the New York Times to taking some of the best images in Nigeria, these women are steadily redefining photography in Nigeria.

To celebrate the 2022 International Women’s Day, we curated a list of female photographers we think you should be familiar with. These women are changing the narrative as they are thriving in a previously dominated male industry. For us, they have displayed the theme of this year’s IWD; Break the Bias, as their images have one time or the other brought us clarity on life, nature, and societal subjects.

1. Bamidele Oluwapelumi

Bamidele Oluwapelumi is a published photographer and member of the black women photographers. A creative artist driven by a constant need to express herself through interesting and well-thought photographs, she has worked on major projects from fashion magazines, editorials, look books, street styles photos, and even runway shoots. The international photographer with a major focus in reflecting elements of art, fashion, and beauty has worked with national and international brands including Access Bank, L’oreal, Detail Africa, Just Afang among others.

2. Eleanor Goodey

Eleanor Goodey is a Paris-trained Nigerian portrait photographer based in Lagos, Nigeria. With a knack for exploring light and shadows, she dives into portraits, food, and product photography. Her list of clientele includes both national and international reputable brands including Access Bank, Coca-Cola, Interswitch among others. Her famous works are the beautiful mother-child portraits, all of which display her eye for color.

3. Iyesogie Ogieriakhi

A visual storyteller and content creator, Iyesogie Ogieriakhi is passionate about creating visuals that tell a certain story. Her works are aimed at capturing beauty, essence and soul. Her works include editorial shoots for brands, birthday portraits, and lifestyle campaigns. Also an artist, she makes art about everyday life infusing her huge dose of creative energy into each piece.

4. Yagazie Emezi

Talk about unusual creativity and you have Yagazie Emezi. The photojournalist, NatGeo explorer, and canon ambassador are definitely one of the photographers to get familiar with. Her works addressing the identities of the “black” and “women” are available on exhibitions in Nigeria, St.Louis grand center for the arts, Los Angeles, and all over Africa. Her photo journals seek to address the various ills of society. Her work on the oil pollution in Ogoniland in the Niger Delta aimed at restoring Save The Mangroves destroyed by oil pollution in the area made it to the front page of the New York Times in 2021.

5. Aisha Ife

Aisha Ife is what you can call a creative masterpiece. A creative product and product photographer based in Lagos, Nigeria. To create timeless images that speak for her clients, she infuses her creativity into all her photos. She currently has five personal editorials; Eso, The Gele Series, Skin Series, Melanin and Colours- Reds, Melanin and Colours – Contrasts. She is one of those photographers who make money off Lagos buildings as she takes breathtaking photographs of Lagos structures and turns them into a high-quality landscape illustration printed with archival ink where she sells from her print store.

For More Info: Friend of The Earth

Source https://exquisitemag.com/more-on-em/em-features/5-female-photographers-that-need-to-be-on-your-radar-meet-the-women-redefining-photography-in-nigeria/
Nairaland / General / Unveiling The Top Benefits Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by UsamaRafiq: 12:15pm On Feb 23
In the realm of mental health treatment, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands out as a beacon of hope and transformation. Its effectiveness in addressing a myriad of psychological challenges has garnered widespread acclaim among therapists and patients alike. Let's delve into the top benefits of CBT, shedding light on its profound impact on individuals seeking solace and healing.

1. Empowerment through Understanding

One of the paramount benefits of CBT lies in its emphasis on understanding the intricate interplay between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By unraveling the underlying patterns and beliefs that fuel distress, individuals gain invaluable insights into their mental landscapes. This heightened awareness empowers them to navigate life's challenges with clarity and resilience.

2. Practical Tools for Everyday Life

Unlike some therapeutic approaches that dwell solely on introspection, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy equips individuals with practical tools and strategies to confront negative thought patterns head-on. Through techniques such as cognitive restructuring and behavioral experiments, patients learn to challenge irrational beliefs and cultivate healthier coping mechanisms. These tools serve as a compass, guiding individuals towards meaningful change in their daily lives.

3. Tailored to Individual Needs

CBT is inherently flexible, adapting to the unique needs and circumstances of each individual. Therapists work collaboratively with patients to identify specific goals and tailor interventions accordingly. Whether tackling anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder, CBT offers a personalized roadmap towards recovery, fostering a sense of ownership and agency in the healing process.

4. Lasting Results and Relapse Prevention

One of the hallmarks of CBT is its focus on sustainable change and relapse prevention. By delving into the root causes of maladaptive behaviors and thought patterns, CBT equips individuals with lifelong skills to manage and mitigate symptoms effectively. Through regular practice and reinforcement, the benefits of CBT extend far beyond the therapy room, paving the way for lasting emotional well-being.

5. Collaboration and Support

Central to the success of CBT is the collaborative relationship between therapist and patient. Unlike traditional therapeutic approaches characterized by passive listening, CBT fosters an active dialogue where patients are encouraged to participate fully in their healing journey. This sense of collaboration and support creates a safe space for exploration and experimentation, catalyzing profound shifts in perspective and behavior.

6. Versatility and Applicability

Another notable advantage of CBT is its versatility and applicability across a wide range of psychological conditions. From phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder to substance abuse and eating disorders, CBT has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in diverse clinical settings. Its adaptable nature makes it a valuable tool not only for treating individual disorders but also for addressing underlying issues that cut across diagnostic boundaries.

7. Enhanced Self-Esteem and Resilience

As individuals progress through the stages of CBT, they often experience a profound enhancement in self-esteem and resilience. By challenging negative self-perceptions and reframing internal dialogue, patients cultivate a newfound sense of self-worth and empowerment. This ripple effect extends beyond the confines of therapy, permeating every facet of their lives and relationships.

In conclusion, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy stands as a beacon of hope and transformation for individuals grappling with mental health challenges. Its emphasis on empowerment, practicality, and collaboration sets it apart as a highly effective therapeutic approach. By harnessing the power of cognition and behavior, CBT illuminates the path towards healing, resilience, and emotional well-being. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the human mind, CBT remains a steadfast ally in the pursuit of holistic health and happiness.

For More Info: Speakeasy Solutions

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