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Read My Novel-kid Fight Temptation by christainslove: 10:56am On Feb 17, 2017
'Kids it is time for Sunday school' called Toby the Sunday school teacher .The row of six kids that had just been dropped off at the new little Pentecostal church all turned to stare him in the face.
‘What are we learning today?' called a little boy called Adam, a lean blue- eyed seven year old.
‘First thing first, who here has ever told a lie?'
All the kids raised their hand except Junior who stared.
Toby started from the front of the little room, a rush of cool wind nearly blowing him aside and chilling his bones.
'Have you ever committed any other sin like stolen even a pen or disobeyed your mommy? He asked Junior.
The brown haired and gray- eyed boy nodded yes.
'The word of God, the bible says that all have sinned'
Moving to the board, he tapped on it and the first message of the day appeared -Romans 3:23- For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
'Everyone has sinned, our next lesson is this - after everyone me, you and
Any other persons dies we are to face judgement'
He tapped hard on the board again and it appeared again-Hebrews 9-27-And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
All of the little faces looked up to him alarmed.
'Worry not, little ones' He nodded.' there is hope, a way out for believers'
‘What way out' asked Jacob, a small bespectacled boy.
' John 3: 16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'

'Jacob tells me who Jesus Christ is' he touched the boy soft hair on the head.
'The son of God' Jacob said immediately.
'Long ago he came to this world to die as a ransom for many and now Romans 10:9-That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.
'Now let take notes' he gestured to them to copy the bible passages on the board.
‘After this, we can have some tea, okay'
The kids all smiled as they could all smell the tea brewing from the next room. Ten minutes later, they all drank the delicious tea.

The kid came for a lesson in his small condo the next evening.
Toby served them orange juice in his patio outside where the air was cool.
'Are you going to teach us about Jesus again' asked a blonde blue eyed girl called Daisy.
'Of course' Toby nodded as he poured her juice.
'Have you ever heard the story of Adam and Eve, the first humans?' he asked.
'Yea' they all said.
'We were all taught in school' said Juliet, a red haired with green eyes.
Good, Good Do you know of the demons headed by Satan, the deceiver who tempts human to do wrong'
All the kids looked unhappy to hear that.
‘They are mankind enemies ‘said Juliet sharply
The third girl, Lucy a brunette with dark eyes raised her hands. 'Is there any way to resist temptation?’
Yes, children, Jesus Christ, Our saviour was also tempted by Satan and guess what he did-he spoke the word of God'
He put a pen on his laptop next to them and read to them-Matthew 4:3-4 -And when the tempter came to him, he said, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD.
We need to live by not just bread, but by the word of God.
We can resist the devil with the word of God as Lord Jesus did.
He switched off the laptop and nodded to them.
As Christians it is our duty to do the will of God, however Satan seeks to stop us, the bible says to-James 4:7-Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
The kids all nodded.
'Sin is to be avoided at all costs, the bible says in -Ephesians 6:17: And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

Jacob was ill.
Toby received a call from his mom at the end of the week
‘I take the kids along to see him' he told her. ‘I am sure they be happy to see him'
So, the next day, he drove the five remaining kids to the hospital.
They found Jacob in bed, a drip attached to one arm.
‘He looks ill' said daisy tossing her blonde hair from her face worriedly.
'Jacob, how are you?' Juliet had her green eyes wide open. All the kids looked worried.
' Fine' he grunted, reaching for his glasses on the bedside table, his hand hitting Toby who felt it hotness.
'Now kids what do we do when someone is sick?' Toby asked.
‘We pray to God' Junior said.
'Yes, Philippians 4:6-Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.'

‘So don't worry about anything just pray instead, let's start with thanksgiving' continued Toby. ‘Let’s start with a thanksgiving song'
'I will enter his gates with thanksgiving, Halleluiah’ Toby led the song and the kids followed.
Next we say the 'prayer' Toby said.
They all closed their eyes and knelt down ' in Jesus name, Luke 11:1-4-9-Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11Give us this day our daily bread.
12And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.
Toby continued to pray, placing his hand on Jacobs’s forehead. ‘Thank you for all the good things you have done for us, please heal our friend, Jacob"
'Amen' said the children.
'Children, you must pray always because the bible in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says- Pray without ceasing.'


Jacob recovered and soon recovered home.
Three days later, the kids were learning about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when Toby noticed Jacob clutching his arm.
'Are you all right, Jacob' he asked the small boy.
‘Yea, I am fine' the boy said quickly gazing aside to the other boys.
Toby was really suspicious so he decided to keep a closer eye on him.
Just a week later, Jacob was leaving the clean scented toilet when Toby saw him with his glasses askew.
He bent over to put it straight when he noticed that his face was injured.
'Who did this to you' he asked.
'None just hit my face'
Toby ignored him and opened the bathroom door wide.' Come out' He said firmly.
Adam and Junior both came out. They had obviously been bullying Jacob. Toby took the three of them to the Patio where the three girls were waiting.
‘Our next topic is about Love he said as the three boys took their seats.

‘Who has heard of the Golden rule’ Toby asked the class.
Daisy the blonde girl raised her hands.
'Treat others the way you want to be treated' she said.
'Yes, yes our bible tells us we should love our neighbour as ourselves and even love our enemies’ he nodded to the class. 'Christians should have no hate for anyone in their hearts and they should also forgive one another’ He nodded pointedly at Jacob.
'Look here' he switched on his laptop and read- 1 John 3:23And this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.
He smiled at them. 'The solution to most of the world problems today is love, do you know the bible says-1 John 4:20-If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
The bible also says that-Luke 6:31-And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
Everyone needs to obey God commands so they can go to heaven’ Toby concluded.
'Yea' they all said.
'Now Adam and Junior, you heard all we have said, apologise to Jacob and shake hands with him'
The boys obeyed happily though Jacob seemed a little reluctant.
‘Now we are all friends’ Toby laughed. 'Let's sing a friendship song- we love each other -----'
The kids joined in happily.
'So, kids what we do when we are tempted to bully another’ asked Toby.
‘We speak the word of God' said Juliet. 'We can say-it is written love your neighbour as yourself'
'It is just as Jesus did when he was tempted in the wilderness, he spoke the word of god-Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD.

Juliet was reading on the coach.
‘Your parents are here, Juliet'. Toby called to her from outside before leading the quiet unassuming couple in.
The rest of the kids started at the sight of the redhead parents. Toby watched surprised, as they were both old and simple, nothing striking about them.
'Juliet, are they your parents?' Adam the tall blue- eyed boy asked.
'Yea' said Juliet looking uneasy like a mouse caught in a trap.
'What's wrong' asked Toby looking from Juliet to Adam.
Adam shrugged, Juliet looked away but Junior shouted, his grey eyes flashing.
'Juliet is a liar that what's up'
Juliet parents looked astonished. Toby was shocked.
'Apologise to Juliet at once' Toby said firmly.
'But it is true, she lied that her mom is a TV presenter Diana’ Junior cried.
'It is true'. Lucy put in 'She said over and over again that her mom was Miss Diana'
'Didn't we learn about forgiveness and love just yesterday' Toby signed. 'Tell Juliet sorry'
'Sorry' both Lucy and Junior said.
‘Oh it’s our entire fault for not raising Juliet well' said Juliet mom sadly.
‘Juliet’ Toby faced her now. 'Do you know what the bible says about liars-Proverbs 6 says: 16 these six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue,
'So then Juliet' Said Toby. 'What do you do when you are tempted to lie because of pride or anything else?'
'I do what Jesus did' said Juliet remorsefully ‘I speak the word of God, I say it is written-yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue,
'Very good' said her mother. ‘We take her home now, she seems properly chastised'
Juliet waved her goodbyes as she left.


Daisy, Toby blonde blue-eyed student brought invitation cards to her birthday party to the kids on their next meeting.
'Thank you' Toby heard the rest of the kids say as they each accepted one by one.
They kept talking about it.
‘Is there going to be a clown?' Junior asked.
'Yea, but my mom making cheese to avoid sugar' said Daisy, smiling at the attention. She had always been the quietest of the students.
‘And are there going to be balloons'. Jacob sounded eager.
‘Yea, of course'
'Let's pick out a theme colour for the party, which colour you want us to wear, Daisy' Lucy looked like she could hardly wait for the party to begin.
'Yellow ‘said Daisy, who was bent over a flower- pot sniffing the roses.
Days passed quickly and the evening before the party came. Outside the sounds of a car stopping came and next thing you know, Lucy came looking glum.
‘What’s wrong, Lucy' Toby asked.
'My mom is singing at an Easter concert tomorrow' said Lucy. 'And she wants us all to come'
Adam leapt to his feet.' yep, yep’
'Hurray' cried the rest of the kids except Daisy who looked like she wanted to cry. ‘We are going to the concert'
‘No, you are not, what of Daisy birthday' said Toby firmly. 'Didn't you all agree to go?'
'Yea, but the concert is more fun' said Junior biting his lip.
‘We did not swear to go to the party'. Adam insisted.
'Yea, we didn’t' added Juliet.
'Do you know what the bible says about swearing-James 5:12-But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.

‘So, we are not allowed to swear' Toby nodded. But you should keep your word, now who is willing to go to daisy party?'
Everyone raised their hands except Lucy who was to go to her mom Christian concert.
Daisy was smiling again.
Re: Read My Novel-kid Fight Temptation by christainslove: 11:18am On Feb 17, 2017
The party was just beginning .There was a clown, balloons and a white long table filled with delicious food. There was rice and large jugs of fruit juice.
'Time for the happy birthday song' Daisy mother said immediately the party started.
Everyone gathered round. Toby led the song. 'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you---'
‘Hip hip hip'
Daisy mom gave her a kiss, fondly stroking her soft cheeks.
'Let's dance' said Daisy leading the way to the wooden dance floor that had been set up. Sounds of a children song was soon playing and the children footsteps.
Next they had a puppet show then it was time for the feast. They all gathered at the table.
‘In the bible- Matthew 15:6And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, -Jesus gave thanks for his food, we all should give thanks as well'
They all closed their eyes and gave thanks and dug in. Toby loaded fish, fried rice on a plate and found a nice stone table in the garden to eat. It all tasted delicious.
As he ate, he kept watch of the kids. Adam and Jacob and Juliet ate their food quietly, Daisy picked at her food but Junior kept going to the table to get more food.

Toby walked up to Junior as he was about to load another plate of spaghetti on his plate.
'Junior isn't that your fourth plate of food?' Toby commented. 'Aren’t you over-eating?'
'I can't help it, I am addicted to food' Toby had noticed that he had a big belly.
Toby called the rest of his group together in the garden.
'Daisy I noticed you hardly touched your food'
'I don't want to be fat' said the blonde by Juliet side, her eyes flashing.
'Philippians 4:5-Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand’ Toby said
‘Of course fasting is good but will you consider over eating or under eating for your own desires to be moderate' He continued.
The kids nodded no.
'So you speak the word of God just like Jesus did when he was tempted by Satan if you are tempted to not be moderate, okay'
‘Yea’ mounted the kids.
Later on, after the clown did his show, the party ended. However they were piles of food everywhere. Toby called his class together.
'. Everyone Romans 8:29. Says-For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.'
'Meaning we are to conform to the image of the Son-Matthew 15-37And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full'
‘Jesus gathered up the left-over’s, this means we shouldn't waste food, let’s gather all the leftovers' He nodded at them.
Soon, they had two full dishes of rice and lots of meat, fish and drinks.
'I drop it off at the church shelter ‘Daisy mom was smiling.
‘Oh, your birthday was so nice and we learnt so much, we should tell Lucy all about it' Juliet was telling Daisy.
'Sure' Daisy said happily.

Adam mom called two days after the party.
'We need to have a talk about Adam' she said sounding distressed.

Toby was at his workplace filing papers for his boss. He was only allowed to take a call for two minutes. 'Why don't we meet for tea at five in Stabuck' He would leave work at four and only have time to rush home and change clothing.
'Fine' she switched off abruptly and. Toby returned to his work.
Several hours later Toby was sitting opposite her at the cafe.
‘What is wrong' He asked her as she kept signing.
'Adam won't stop ‘She said before returning to signing again.
Toby called a waiter and ordered two large cups of tea. He could see the sky from the windows seat was clear outside but the weather was chilling. He pressed his arms together.
The waiter returned with their tea. Toby gave thanks to God then took a slip, and was relieved to see not too hot.
'So, what is wrong with Adam ‘he asked feeling troubled. Adam mom,
Sophia was touching her tea.
She bowed her head.’He is a thief'
Toby was confused. 'Whatever do you mean?'
‘He steals stuff a lot, just little things but he does it often, that why I enrolled him in a Christian foundation class so he could change'
'And are you sure it is him taking this stuff'
He paused for a moment. 'What evidence do you have' he took another slip of the sweet, hot tea.
'Both I and my husband and his sister and several of his relations have caught him red-handed and in possession of stolen goods'
Toby nodded.2 Corinthians 13:1 says -This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.
'I try and do something'
The next day, he called the children together.
' We need to talk' he said. Can anyone tell me how to resist temptation'
All raised their hands.
'Tell me, Juliet'
Juliet stood. 'By speaking the word of God like Jesus did when he was tempted by Satan'
'Tell me what would I do if I am tempted by anger? He pointed at Jacob. Toby had been reading the Bible for weeks with them now.
‘I would say-James 1:20-For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God' Jacob answered.
And if I were tempted by fear, what would I say? He pointed to Lucy to answer.
'2Timothy 1:7-For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. ‘She said boldly.
'And what if I was tempted to steal, what would I do? Toby asked them. No one raised their hand. It was obvious that they hadn't learning that one yet.
'Well I tell you whenever the temptation comes I would say-Ephesians. 4:8-Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.'
'So what would anyone do when they are tempted to steal' he asked.
'It is written - let him that stole steal no more' they shouted together.
‘And don't forget that Romans 6:23 says-For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord'
That evening, Adam was in his room reading when the cold voice came.
‘Why don’t you go take some money from your mom’s bag’ said the voice. ‘They won’t find out this time’
Adam felt like going to take the money then he remembered Jesus.
‘I can’t’ he said. ‘The Bible says that- Let him that stole steal no more’
He no longer felt like stealing. He felt happy.
Two weeks later, Adam family called to say he had become the most honest little boy and they were delighted.

Junior and Lucy were fighting.
‘It is mine' Lucy said
‘But I found it first' said Junior, clutching a teddy bear.
'Please stop that, no arguing, okay' Toby was tired of the constant fighting for stuff that took place between the kids during their allocated playtime. It was time to teach them about giving.
‘Come together' he pointed to the round marble table that stood in the middle of his living room then waited for them to take their seats
‘Do you know what the bible says' He told them. '2 Corinthians 9:7-Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver’.
' So, you see that God loves a cheerful giver, people say that there is love in sharing and shouldn't there be love among Christians'
‘Yea’ said the kids.
'So from now on, you guys will share the toys I brought you?
'Yea' said the kids.
Junior raised his hands. 'So, if we give to those in need, we obey God'
'Yes' said Toby. '1 john 4:8-He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.'
'But there is something you should know, the Bible also says -Matthew 6-3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: 4That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.'
' So we keep our good deeds secret to obey our father in heaven'
Junior turned to Lucy. ‘Come, let’s play with the teddy bear’ He held out the teddy.
Lucy made a mental note to give her piggy bank savings to the children home without telling anyone.


'Leave me alone' Junior screamed at the other kids. He had a ranging temper.
His mom called to say that he had blow a fuse when she told him to eat his vegetables.
He threw temper tantrums every day
Toby reminded him to say the word of God whenever he felt tempted just like Jesus did when he was tempted like Jesus did.
'What do you say when you are tempted by anger? He told him. ‘James 1:20-For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God'
'I do try and it restrains my anger a lot-but I get so angry sometimes that I don't say the words' Junior said
Toby thought for a while.
'Try to days the word of God before you get too angry' he told him 'But you know what, another way you can resist is by praying to God for help whenever you get angry or are tempted to sin in any other way - you can say- 1 Thessalonians 5:17- Pray without ceasing.'
‘Okay’ said the boy 'I do it'.
Two days later, he was finishing his drawing when his sister slipped and poured ink on his drawing.
Fury filled him. ‘Push her’ a dark thought came.
‘Remember what Toby said’ came to his mind.
Junior prayed. ‘God, please help me’ and the Word of God came to his mind. ‘It is written- For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God'
His anger cooled and he hugged his sister instead of shouting at her.


Everyone was unhappy.
Daisy signed by the corner, the boys cried sadly as they played with the toys and even Toby was sad. They seemed to be little joys today.
‘What’s wrong? What happening?' Jacob said from the sofa. ‘Why is everyone so glum?'
Toby could not for a second understand why everyone seemed so sad. His own problems of not having a wife were flashing in his mind.
' Something is wrong' Lucy said.' We are being attacked by Satan' She herself kept getting flashes of her long lost cat.
'With what?' asked Jacob?
‘Depression' Toby put in calmly. 'I think I have an idea of what we can do'
He searched the Bible for awhile. 'Here it is-1 Thessalonians 5:18-In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.'
So the kids gathered round.
'Time to give thanks to god' Toby said.
'But I are so sad' said Daisy. She kept receiving thoughts of herself getting fat.
'The bible says we should give thanks in everything'
So they clapped hands and sang thanksgiving songs. Everyone suddenly felt much happier.
'We should give thanks when we are sad or when we are happy or when we are rich or when we are poor or any other circumstances, always, always give thanks'
'If tempted not to give thanks say the word of God--In everything give thanks: ' concluded Toby.


Daisy failed her exams. Her mom brought her over with her report card.
'She didn't make a credit in any subject' she cried to Tega.
'Doesn't she study?' He asked her
' She does but she can't concentrate, the teachers tried everything but she still isn’t doing well'. The lady wiped tears from her eyes 'what can we do?'
'I see what I can do 'Toby said calmly.
The next day, it was lesson time.
'Today we are going to learn about diligence, we all have to work hard, for instance I have a job where I have to do my duties very well'
'You guys go to school while I go to work but you must know Proverbs 22:6-Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.'
‘So we need to start up your training now'
Toby continued.
2 Thessalonians3:10-For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.'
'So, in the future, you may have to work for a living and it is very good you do so, tell me class what did Jesus do the first time he was tempted by Satan?'
The kids all read from their notes together-
Matthew 4:3-4 -And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD.
‘So, we need to speak the word of God when we are tempted like Jesus did'
'If you are tempted to lax off work and your studies you can say -He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.'
'And if you don't have the confidence to work or you feel discouraged about your studies or work
You can say-Philippians 4:13-I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
All the kids nodded and clapped.
Daisy went home and her mother took her books to her.
‘Try and study a little’ she pleaded.
Daisy opened her English book and looked at the drawings of a clock. It seemed boring.

She read a little then lazy sleep clouded her eyes.
The Word of the Lord came to her-‘the hand of the diligent maketh rich’
Her eyes cleared immediately. She wanted to be successful in life.
‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me’ She told herself again and again as the temptation to slack off came. She could be diligent.
The next term her report card came. She was the best in her class, her teachers wrote in amazement
Re: Read My Novel-kid Fight Temptation by christainslove: 11:22am On Feb 17, 2017

Juliet and Junior were fighting. Toby did everything to dissuade them but they refused to stop.
‘Why are you fighting?’ He asked
them. The two of them eyed each other and looked away.
‘Aren’t we all Christians here?’ he asked them. ‘Shouldn’t we love each other?’
The condo looked a royal mess thanks to their fight. Toby wondered what to do about it.
‘It is junior fault’ said Juliet, her green eyes flashing. ‘He tore my new dresses
‘And I told her sorry like ten times ‘Junior cried. ‘But she refused to listen’
Toby signed. ‘Everyone, gather round’ said Toby. ‘For another lesson’
His students took their seats on the sofa. They looked tired as they had been studying the bible for more than an hour on their own.

‘Who here has ever made a mistake?’ he asked them. Everyone raised their hands.
‘And `did you want to be forgiven?’
‘YES’ they all chimed.
‘Who wants God to forgive them their sins?’
‘Me, me’ the kids were on their feet, Juliet jumping.
‘That’s good, calm down all but do you know what the bible says-Matthew 6-14-For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
‘OH’ said the children.
‘Yes, so what do we do when we are tempted to not forgive others’
‘We speak the word of God like Jesus did when he was tempted by Satan’

Juliet stood up happily. ‘It is written- For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
‘The Lord prayer even says so Matthew 6: 12- And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
Toby went to Juliet. ‘So now will you forgive Junior?’
‘Yes’ she said quickly.
‘And you, Junior`, will you forgive Juliet?’
He nodded yes.
‘Everyone gives them a sound clap’ He said pleased.
The class clapped very, very hard.


Lucy mom called to complain every week during the short break. Lucy was stubborn. She didn’t do her homework, she never cleaned her room, and she refused to eat her vegetables. Her mom wondered if she was ever even listened to the Christian foundation class.
Finally, they had a class after the short break. Because the weather was cool, they all went to the patio.
Toby looked at the brunette. ‘So, Lucy how was your holidays’
‘Fine’ she raised big dark eyes at him.
‘Your mom called me a few times’
‘What!’ The eight year old seemed furious.
‘Do you know what the bible says about the child relationship with their parents? I will read it to you’

‘ Ephesians 6:1-Children,obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2-Honour thy father and mother;(which is the first commandment with promisewink
3-That it may be well with thee,and thou mayest live long on the earth.

‘You see, the lord wants us to obey our parents at it is right, if our parents tell us to clean our room ,we obey, if they tell us to do our homework or finish our food, What do we do?’

‘We obey’ shouted the class.
‘And the bible also reads that we should honor our parents and it is the first command with a promise, you should honor your parents, that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth’

The children all nodded in delight.
Adam raised his hand. ‘Uncle, I obey my parents’ he said.
‘Very good, if you are ever tempted not to obey our parents, what should we say? He asked. As usual, everyone raised their hands.
He picked Lucy.
‘I would say-It is written Children obey your parents like Jesus spoke the Word of God when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness’
‘And if we are tempted to dishonor our parents?’ He asked Lucy again
‘I would say-Honor your father and mother that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth’.
‘Very Good’ He said. ‘You learnt well, Lucy’
She smiled while the other kids applauded.
At home, it was time for dinner.
‘Eat your vegetables’ said Lucy mom.
A thought from Satan came-I don’t like vegetables so I won’t eat it’
‘No, it is written- Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right’ said Lucy.
And she ate her vegetables.
‘I can’t believe it’ Lucy mom told Toby later that week. ‘She is so obedient now’


‘What does it mean to love another as you?’The class were in Jacob bedroom drinking lemonade to celebrate his prefect grades.
‘Why do you ask, Jacob? Daisy asked looking away from the windows where the pretty flowers were.
‘Because it seems hard’ Jacob took a bite of a yummy cookie. ‘What does it mean?’
Adam searched for his bible.
Luke 10-27- And he answering said-
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,and with all thy soul,and with all thy strength,and with all thy mind;and thy neighbour as thyself.
It was in the bible so it had to be obeyed.
‘The bible also says in Luke 6:31 – And as ye would that men should do to you,do ye also to them likewise’ continued Adam.
The room felt chilly so the children now covered themselves with a large thick blanket.
‘But what does it mean?’ Jacob asked again.
‘For example if I don’t want to be stolen from I shouldn’t steal from another,right’Juliet said, cuddling under the blanket.
‘My mama said that love worketh no ill to his neighbour’ Daisy stood up as the smell of potato porridge filled the room. It smelt delicious.
Adam nodded-‘I think that love means being kind to each other’
‘Let do and have dinner’ said Jacob as the sounds of his mother footsteps came, no doubt to call them for dinner.

Jacob screamed when the new post man came to the door and ran to his room.
He was scared of everything except schoolwork and even at night he woke up shakily because of nightmares.
‘How can we help Jacob?’ about Jacob ‘asked his father.
‘Should we call Toby? ’ asked his mom
‘No, no, we can take care of these ourselves’
So, they sat Jacob down to give him the talk.
‘Why do you get so scared, Jacob?’ His father asked
‘You are the best student in your school, you should be a little bolder’ said his father again.
‘When Jesus was tempted by Satan didn’t he speak the word of God’ said his mother. ‘Shouldn’t you do the same?
‘it is written - - 2 Timothy 1:7- For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind’
Said his father. ‘Say it whenever you feel fear ’
‘I can’t think well when I am afraid’ said the boy
‘We will pray about it, then’
So the family came together to pray every day.
Two days later, Jacob was alone in his bedroom.
‘You are alone now, something scary is going to come’ A scary thought came from Satan.
Jacob remembered what his father had said. ‘It is written- For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind’
The fear went away and he went to bed happy and content.


One quiet day in June, Lucy received a friend in her home for tea.
'Are you still going for those foundation class' the girl Hannah asked. Lucy had told her all about the lessons.
'So they still teach you to resist temptation by speaking the Word of God as Jesus did when he was tempted by Satan'
' Yea' Lucy got the saucer and poured the tea into her cup, nosily.
'And why do you need to do them, why can't you come more often to play with meme mean I face temptation too but I just ignore most of them' Hannah was annoyed.
' My mom said that it is important because the bible says in 1 Samuel 2:9-He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.

Lucy continued-Even Paul too- Acts 23: 5 Then said Paul, I wits not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, Thou shall not speak evil of the ruler of thy people.
And Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11-1-Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.


‘Find him' The neighbourhood boys, at the order of their leader pursued Junior.
He ran past the junkyard, past the streetlights and down the streets and almost to the doors of his house.
He heaved and panted and was almost at his house when he was caught.
They held him tight, blowing and hitting him hard.
'Who is there?' a voice called and the bullies ran, leaving behind the sounds of running footsteps.
Junior dusted his clothing as best he could, before entering his home. His mother and father didn’t notice anything amiss.
'They are bullying you again' said. Adam the next day.
'How are you coping?'
'Fine, no visible injuries, and I have forgiven them’
'Let search the bible on what to do about enemies' Adam said. ‘What did Jesus say?’
They searched the bible and found-

Matthew 5:44-But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

'So what are we going to do?' asked Adam.
'We are going to say -it is written- love your enemies OR it is written- repay evil with good whenever we are tempted to do otherwise'
'Yea, you are right; Jesus Christ spoke the word of God when Satan tries to tempt him in the wilderness so we should do the same'
.The thoughts kept coming.
‘Are you really going to love those who hurt you?' came a dark thought from Satan.
Junior said ' it is written- love your enemies and repay evil with good'
James 4: 7 Submit you therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Four days later, Junior was walking down the street when he saw the leader of the bulliers, David younger sister of three wandering lost in the street.
'Just let her be, he always bullied you ‘the thought from Satan came.
'No, I will do the will of God' He said. 'To love our enemies'
He took her hand and led her home.
'Thank you so much' both parents said.
'I am sorry' David added.
The neighbourhood bullies never bullied anyone again.
Re: Read My Novel-kid Fight Temptation by christainslove: 11:24am On Feb 17, 2017

Lucy walked down to Hannah house on Saturday.
'Welcome' said Hannah leading her to her room where a silver tea tray was.
Lucy looked around. The room was a mess. There was clothing everywhere.
‘Your room is always so clean, Lucy, please help me clean my room' said Hannah
They cleaned and dusted and soon the room was sparkling.
'How do you do it? , I so want to keep my room clean but I keep failing'
Lucy smiled. ‘it is the word of God, I used to have a dirty room as well but my uncle taught me to resist temptation with the Word of God like Jesus did when tempted by Satan'
‘ The bible says in Proverbs 11:14-Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety’
‘And people say cleanliness is next to godliness’
'And so whenever the temptation came to leave my room dirty came I would say cleanliness is next to godliness and I would end up cleaning the room'
Hannah nodded. The girls had their tea and Lucy left for home.
Two days later, Hannah room was beginning to be dirty again.
'Just leave it for later, and relax' a thought from Satan came.
‘No, Cleanliness is next to godliness ‘Hannah said.
She cleaned her room. It wasn't that hard if you cleaned it regularly. She always kept herself and her room clean from that day.


Adam mom drove them to work every day.
She didn't know why but every time, she ended up complaining a lot.
‘Why is the streets blocked?' she murmured on Monday.
'You there, stay on your lane, where are the police officers to deal with this nonsense?' she shouted on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, She called Toby about it.
'Is there anything I can do to stop disputing when I drive? She asked him
‘Whenever you feel like disputing you cans say- Philippians 2: 14-Do all things without murmurings and disputing’
‘Will it work?' she asked
‘When Jesus was tempted in the desert, he spoke the word of God, we should do the same when we are tempted too'
She drove Adam to school again that morning. On the way, a car hit her bonnet.
'Look what that driver did, I get out right now and dispute’ Dark thoughts from Satan hit her mind immediately.
'No' she said. ‘It is written- Do all things without murmurings and disputing’
The temptation eased. And she drove off.



Toby was at work
He was leaving work when he saw Peter, fellow co-worker.
‘Let’s have dinner together' Toby called as he passed by.
Later that evening they meet at Brown sticks for their meal. They were led to a table and sat down.
‘How is church these days' Peter asked as they ordered hot plates of salmon and rice?
'Fine' Toby nodded. Toby had once talked to Peter about Christ and even invited him to his church.
'I like to still attend church but I just get too lazy to go when it is time, what to do?’
'Psalm 122:1-A song of degrees of David. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord'

'Yea, but I don't think that God will punish me for such a small thing'
'It is a temptation, whenever it comes, do what Jesus did when he faced temptation from Satan; he spoke the word of God’
'For example if I am tempted not to go to church I can say it is written - A song of degrees of David. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord'
Or another way would be to say - it is written-Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with thy entire mind
'We have to love the Lord that much 'said Peter
‘Yea but God loves us so much more than we can ever love him’
Three days later, it was Sunday and Peter was at home.
'Why don't you stay at home and just rest as before, dont listen to what that guy says' a dark voice from Satan was in his mind.
' No ‘said Peter. 'It is written- A song of degrees of David. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord'
And he went off to church.

Daisy prayed anytime she sinned.
‘God forgive me' she would say when her mom asked her to tidy her room and she lied that she had.
She was sure that God would forgive her but she still felt guilty after her prayers. What was the need for being worried? Jesus died for our sins.
One quiet evening her mother asked her if she had finished her homework.
'Yea' she lied and made her way to her room. Her mom followed her and asked for her homework.
Daisy was taken to Toby for a lesson. The other children came too.
'Daisy the bible says –Hebrews 10: 26- For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remained no more sacrifice for sins.
'So what do you do when the temptation to sin wilfully comes?'
‘We can say- it is written - For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remained no more sacrifice for sins.
Later that week, Daisy mom asked her if she was unwell. She felt perfectly fine.
'Just say yes and she let you do whatever you want' came a thought from Satan. 'And you can pray for forgiveness later'
' No' said Daisy. 'it is written- For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remained no more sacrifice for sins.
‘I am perfectly fine’ she told her mom.


Junior was walking down the street when David the head of the bullies meet him.
He shivered and tried to run but David held his arm.
'Please stop, I want to be friends’David said.
They soon got talking.
'I want to be like you' said David. 'You are so full of graceful and well mannered'
'It is the Lord's doing'
'You are helped by your Christian faith'
'Yea it has helped me stop being a servant of sin for the bible says in John 8:34-Jesus answered them,Verily,verily,I say unto you, Whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin.
'I have a problem myself - people say I am always gossiping about people'
‘What kind of gossip? ‘Said Junior.
‘I talk unfavourable behind people’s back, have you any idea how I can resist the temptation?'
‘When Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan he spoke the word of God so we should do the same when we face temptation'
' Ephesians 4: 29- Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers’
David took the advice seriously.
The next day, he was with his friends when a boy called Charles walked by.
‘Look at his clothes, they are so old-fashioned, why don't you tell your friends so you can laugh about it' a dark voice from Satan came.
‘No’ said David. 'It is written - ' Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth’
The temptation went away. Praise God.

‘Can we go, please' said Junior.
They were having their graduation dinner as they were leaving the Christian foundation class.
It was Halloween and they wanted to go trick a tricking.
'No, it is a witchcraft holiday, and we are Christians, unrepentant witches and wizards would go to hell ‘said Toby
‘But they are not real witches or wizards, only people dressed up as one ‘said Juliet.
‘Yea, but the word of God says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22- Abstain from all appearance of evil' said Toby
‘Everything that had the look of evil like witchcraft books and Halloween and bad films are to be avoided'
The children all sat up later watching a Christian program on TV.
Voices appeared in all their heads- Why are you sitting here when many of the other kids are having fun in Halloween'
They all said- It is written- Abstain from all appearance of evil.

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