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A Must-read Drama: Devil The Satan (B) - Religion - Nairaland

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A Must-read Drama: Devil The Satan (B) by tungamaje: 6:45am On Apr 22, 2018
Act 2
Scene 1
Lights on to show Samuel in his room. He is reading a newspaper as Moses and Jackson knock at his door
Knock knock knock!
Samuel: Yes? Come in please
They stand at the door while he welcomes them
Aaah, my good friends, you are welcome, please come inside
Moses: Inside your room? Never! We cannot enter inside your room
Samuel: (Surprised) But why? Why not come inside?
Jackson: Just bring chairs outside
Samuel Is that so? Then I am coming
He brings out chairs and sets them at the verandah
Please you can sit down. Now what's the matter?
Moses: It's because of your yesterday's blasphemy we came; we want you to explain why you said God does evil
Samuel: Okaaay, is that why you came?
Jackson: (in support) Yes, we want you to explain
Samuel; Please I am coming (Goes to collect his Bible) Please I want us to see what God said in Isaiah 45:5-7
Jackson: Isaiah 45:5-7? Let me read. (He opens his Bible and reads)
'I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me: that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things'
Samuel: My dear good friends please help me explain what God said in that place
Both friends stare at each other and look confused
Jackson: Do you mean God himself said that?
Moses: Wonderful! (Collects Jackson's Bible to crosscheck) Let me be sure it's not the Devil's Bible you just read
Jackson: But this is the King James Version
Moses: (misinterprets the portion) But Sam that place is right after all, it is God who created the devil, no doubt about that, he created the evil one too.
Jackson: You are right Moses, God created both good and evil
Samuel: My friends please carefully read and understand what those verses are saying; God in the last verse said he creates and continues to create both good and evil. He said 'I the LORD do all these things', he didn't say 'I the Lord did all these things', the sentence is in the present tense.
Moses: I think you are right. But Jackson, are you really sure your Bible is the King James Version?
Jackson: But look at it, it is
Samuel: Please let us also see Deut 32:39, there is something there
Moses: (To his friend) Jack, please let me read the portion myself from my own Bible, I want to be sure
(He reads)
'See now, that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.'
(The same effect)
Moses: (Couldn't believe it, he exclaims) Jah Jehovah Emmanuel!!
Samuel: So have you seen it? God has no challenger; he it is who creates both good and evil. No one can destroy what he created
Jackson: I am really confused. Do you mean those two places are in the Bible?
Moses: I can't believe it. (Checks his Bible cover again and says to himself) But this is the Holy Bible, yes it is
Samuel: (Speaking to both friends) I want both of you to know there are still many other places in the Bible which confirm it
Moses: (Remembers) But Samuel, if you say there is nothing like the Devil, then who tempted Jesus?
Jackson: Correct! Up you Moses! You've got him! (Both laugh) Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Now what do you have to say? (Taunting him, they begin to sing and dance)
Satan shame unto you, all powers belong to Jesus
Satan shame unto you, all powers belong to Jesus
Satan shame unto you, all powers belong to Jesus
Satan shame unto you, all powers belong to Jesus
Moses: (To Samuel) Sam, I am asking you: Who tempted Jesus? I want to know
Samuel: I want to say something before I answer the question
Both (still celebrating) It's the answer we are waiting for o!
Samuel: (Explanation) Do you know it wasn't in English language they originally wrote the Bible?
Moses: Are you telling me? They used the Hebrew language and some Aramaic to write the Old Testament and used Greek to write the New
Samuel: You are right. But have you noticed that the word, the Devil never appeared in the Old Testament?
Moses: (surprised) Do you mean it? Anyway, I haven't checked it.
Jackson: Me too, I haven't observed it. (Remembers) Yes Moses, I think I have the Bible in my phone, let me check it right away.
He types and searches the word 'devil' and four references in the Old Testament appear- Lev 17:7, Deut 32:17, 2 Chronicles 11:15 and Psalm 106:37
But Samuel although the word ‘the Devil’ didn't appear, I can see the word ‘devils’. Does it make any difference?
Samuel: You see, carefully reading those four portions will show you that those places you saw were actually talking about the children of Israel abandoning God to sacrifice to idols, the Old Testament used the word devils to refer to idols
Jackson: I think you are right, those places are not talking about the Devil the enemy
Moses: But Sam, who was the devil that tempted Jesus, that's what I want to know
Samuel: As I was saying, there is a Greek word in the New Testament called diabolos which those who translated the Bible from the Greek language to English called the Devil
Jackson: Please what did you call the name again?
Samuel: I said diabolos- (spells it) d-i-a-b-o-l-o-s
Jackson: So what is diabolos?
Samuel: The original meaning is 'a slanderer', but the New Testament writers figuratively used it to represent the evil tendency in our human nature which we can call sin
Moses: I don't understand
Samuel: I said that diabolos or what we call the devil in English is a word in the New Testament which the people who wrote the Bible used to represent the way evil manifests in our human nature
Moses: So what you mean is that the evil tendency or the way evil manifests in our human nature is what the New Testament called the Devil?
Samuel: That's it, but they personified the word, they made it look like a person
Jackson: So what you mean is that the evil tendency inside Jesus Christ tempted him, isn't it?
Samuel: You are right, but they wrote the story of Jesus’ temptation in a drama form, as if he was speaking with someone
Jackson: So are you really saying the temptation of Jesus by the Devil was not a literal story?
Samuel: No, it wasn’t literal. There are reasons why the story should not be taken for real
Both: (Surprised) True? D'you mean it? Please we want to see the reasons
Samuel: Ok, number 1. You will agree with me that since about 2000 years ago that Jesus went to heaven, this world has not changed physically, has it?
Both: (Agree) No, it hasn't. You are right
Samuel: They said the Devil placed Jesus on top of a very high mountain and showed him all the parts of the world at once. Please tell me, which mountain was that? Was it Mt Everest or Mt Kilimanjaro?
Moses: (looks thoughtful and says) Ah ah, in fact there is sense in what you are saying because if such a mountain exists, we should be seeing it from here. Or Jackson, what do you say?
Jackson: Yes I agree with you, you are right my brother, it's true
Samuel: Moreover, bearing in mind that the earth's shape is round, how could Jesus be shown all the parts of the earth at once?
Jackson: That's also a good point; the earth's shape is like an orange. You see this side; you won't see the other side
Samuel: Second reason. Where did the temptation of Jesus take place?
Moses: (Emphatic answer) But the temptation took place in the wilderness of course
Jackson: Yes, the Bible said that after baptism the Holy Spirit took him to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil, yes Moses, that's correct
Samuel: Both of you are right. But how do you explain this: the devil was tempting Jesus in the wilderness, why did he place him on top of the temple which was inside the city and not in that wilderness where they were?
Jackson: Please I don't understand what you mean
Moses: (To his friend) What didn't you understand? He said Jesus and the devil were in the wilderness whereas the temple was inside the city
Samuel: Yes, how were they able to be at two different locations at the same time?
Jackson: (baffled) Ah ah! But I haven't seen this story like this before
Moses: But it looks somehow
Samuel: What I want you to know is that only in a person's mind can he be at two different locations at the same time. As I am here talking with you, I can find myself in Lagos on the Third Mainland bridge
Both: (Agree) Yes, you are right
Moses: You are right Sam; in fact I agree with you, that story is not literal
Jackson: (to his friend) But Moses, we should sometimes make use of our head when we read some things in the Bible. Truly that Jesus' temptation wasn't literal
Samuel: You should even ask yourselves how the scribes and Pharisees would have felt to see Jesus hanging on top of their temple.
Jackson: You are right; they would have instantly stoned him to death
Moses: It's true my brother, climbing their temple would have been suicidal.
Just then, Moses' phone rings, and he speaks with someone.
Hello my dear, Okay, I am coming home right away
(To his friend Jackson) Jack, it's my wife who just called, she said we have visitors, so I need to rush down home
Jackson: It's okay, we better go
Moses: It's alright
(To Samuel) Em Sam, please we shall come back tomorrow to continue with our discussion. (To Jackson) Or Jack, what do you say?
Jackson: Yes, tomorrow is okay
Both greet Samuel and leave while lights go off

Scene 2
On their way they meet Abu and try to greet him by stretching their hands to him
Both: Malam, yaya deyi? How are you?
Abu: (still furious) Get out pfrom my pfresence! Durua! Idiots! Nonsense! Were you not the ones who insulted me arlier?
Both: (trying to explain) Please believe us, we are really sorry…
Abu: Don't only be sorry, why not a lorry? Shegeya!
He leaves them and lights off

Scene 3
At Samuel's the next day, both friends knock
Knock, knock, knock!
Samuel: Yes? Come in please
Moses: It's us Sam, how are you?
Samuel: Very fine, and you?
Jackson: We are fine too. I hope there is food because I am very hungry
Samuel: Of course, I prepared rice and beans
Jackson: Please serve me
Moses: Jack, me too I am hungry, I will join you
Samuel: Don't worry, there is enough food
He serves them the food and conversation follows
Jackson: Sam, you have a point in all that you have been explaining to us. How then do you explain this Jesus' temptation as it was the evil tendency in him that tempted him?
Moses: (in support) I think that's what you told us yesterday, wasn't it?
Samuel: Yes you are right. After baptism, God gave Jesus his power without measure so that he could perform miracles
Moses: The Holy Spirit, the power of God you mean?
Samuel: Yes. After fasting for 40 days and nights, he was hungry. If I had the power given to Jesus, I myself would command stones to turn to food, or wouldn't you do likewise?
Both (agree) Haba! Why wouldn’t I? (A proverb) Would I be bathing in a river and soap lather enters my eyes without me washing it off with water? I will definitely command them
Samuel: But Jesus didn't, he said to himself, 'Man shall not live by food alone', such a miracle wouldn't bring glory to God
Both: (nodding their heads) Okay, Okay, Okay
Samuel: But when he fed thousands with that power of God, people gave glory to God
Jackson: I think this your explanation makes sense
Moses: (agrees) Yes, but what about the other temptations? Can you explain them too?
Samuel: Yes, he said to himself, 'What if I prove to people that indeed God has given me his power and I jump down from the top of the temple unhurt? 'No, no, no', he said to himself, 'that's not how I will show people the power God gave me'
Both: Sam, you have opened my eyes, but what about the third temptation?
Samuel: He said to himself, 'Now that I have become equal with God, why not I become a king so that people will worship me' but he rejected that idea as well
Moses: Sam my brother, so it means the power God gave him was for him to use and serve other people and not to serve himself?
Samuel: That's it. You can see that whenever he performed a miracle, people praised and glorified God
Moses: Ol' boy, you have really opened my eyes. It's now I understand what Hebrews 4:15 was saying
Jackson: So what did that place say?
Moses: Let me read it (He reads)
'For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all point tempted like as we are, yet without sin'
(Explains) It said they tempted Jesus in every point the same way we human beings are tempted but that he didn't commit any sin. Which day did the devil lead me wandering about saying he was tempting me?
Jackson: Even me Jackson, I have been asking myself why Jesus in the first place even agreed to follow the devil wandering about.
Moses: Me too, it surprised me. You know what I did not understand before?
Jackson: What was that?
Moses: How did the Holy Spirit hand Jesus the Son of God over to the devil to tempt him? How could that have happened? I didn't know that that Jesus' temptation actually took place in his mind
Samuel: You are right. Jeremiah 17:9 said that our human heart is really wicked. Evil plans and ideas including ego actually come out from our heart. Our heart is God's greatest enemy
Jackson: Sam my friend, you are right
Samuel: There is something Jesus said about our human heart
Both: What did he say? Please tell us
Samuel: He said there is nothing that enters into a person from outside of him which makes him to be an evil person
Both: Do you mean it? Did Jesus actually say that?
Samuel: Yes, he said that all evil plans and ideas originate from our heart. He listed all the evil which men do and said they all originate from inside of us
Moses: Did he say that? Please show me where I can see it
Samuel: You will find it in Mark 7:21-23
Moses: Jack, please read that portion for me
(Jackson reads)
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, theft, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.
Jackson: (Exclaims) Heeeey! That means when a person inside his room plans an evil and executes it, he should not blame any devil that it possessed him?
Samuel: That's it my brother
Jackson: Then it means I should try to control my heart and mind
Others: That's it
Abu arrives Samuel's to collect his pay, Moses and Jackson again greet him
Both friends: Good evening malam, how are you? Abokinan, it's you we are greeting
Abu: (Still furious) Get out pfrom my pfresence, idiots! Shege banza! Kaini aboki nku? Who is your pfriend? Dan boroba! Nonsense!
(Speaking to his host) Mr. Samuel, pflease it's because of you I came, don’t mind these idiots. I have pfinished the work
Samuel: (surprised at Abu's reaction to his friends) But why Abu, do you know these people that you are insulting them?
Abu: Don't mind these pfoolish pfeofle (foolish people). As I was going home the other day I came here, I slipffed (slipped) and nearly pfell (fell) down. As my hand touched them, they really embarrassed me as ip I am a lepfer (leper)
Jackson: (apologizing) Please don't be annoyed. (Explains to Samuel) Sam, you see, we didn't know he was your labourer. As we saw him wearing black and coming out from your room, we thought the devil sent him to deliver you a message.
Moses: (In support) Yes, we thought he was one of the devil's agents. Please forgive us
Samuel: (laughing) Ha ha ha ha! So you thought a devil's agent came to deliver me a message huh? Ha ha ha ha ha! Please he is Abu my friend
All laugh and part 1 ends
(To be continued next week)

Please note: If you would like the complete drama 'Devil the Satan' (The Original Gospel) PDF sent to you free of charge, send your request to akurechristadelphians@yahoo.com

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