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Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. - Culture - Nairaland

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Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 9:54pm On Dec 20, 2012
Calling somebody black or white, reffering to africa as a black continent. Using the term "red india" to address someone. In ur view,is it right or wrong. How should it be done?
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 12:20am On Dec 21, 2012
In some cases it can be done esp. if we are talking about history (the beginning)
however today it would be an issue because of diversity which can be found everywhere due to invasions/mixing/traveling and of course political correctness. tongue
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by PAGAN9JA(m): 6:45am On Dec 21, 2012

Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 7:12am On Dec 21, 2012


pls. fck off with that.
this is coming from someone who is quick to call Jallobaw white and says she has no place on nl while living IN Europe. "to hell with racism indeed" grin

grouping by skin color has everything to do with history. Even our ancestors from waay back, as divided as they were knew that other africans existed and looked like them, hence the need to perform tribal markings to differentiate themselves. tongue

i dont care how many tribes there are in africa, the point is all africans have the same origin. just like the "red men" of the americas; etc. we are indeed ALL HUMAN..but don't act like race doesn't exist.

you can call yourself hausa, which in itself IS social classification but your dna says african. period. if not, little ol Jamo/Akata me who has NO TRIBE would not have the same genetic markings as "Hausa" you..which I most likely do.
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 7:47am On Dec 21, 2012

pls. fck off with that.
this is coming from someone who is quick to call Jallobaw white and says she has no place on nl while living IN Europe. "to hell with racism indeed" grin

grouping by skin color has everything to do with history. Even our ancestors from waay back, as divided as they were knew that other africans existed and looked like them, hence the need to perform tribal markings to differentiate themselves. tongue

i dont care how many tribes there are in africa, the point is all africans have the same origin. just like the "red men" of the americas; etc. we are indeed ALL HUMAN..but don't act like race doesn't exist.

you can call yourself hausa, which in itself IS social classification but your dna says african. period. if not, little ol Jamo/Akata me who has NO TRIBE would not have the same genetic markings as "Hausa" you..which I most likely do.
you spoke well. I don't really see it as racism because not everybody knows your tribe.

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Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 7:55am On Dec 21, 2012
Antivirus92: you spoke well. I don't really see it as racism because not everybody knows your tribe.

i dont know what is wrong with some people.
they just like to argue JUST CAUSE...life doesn't have to be that hard. lol
why some folks want it that way, i don't know.

saying one is black does NOT take away from their culture OR identity.

You and I are black but we still have different cultures. smiley
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by PAGAN9JA(m): 7:57am On Dec 21, 2012

pls. fck off with that.
this is coming from someone who is quick to call Jallobaw white and says she has no place on nl while living IN Europe. "to hell with racism indeed" grin

grouping by skin color has everything to do with history. Even our ancestors from waay back, as divided as they were knew that other africans existed and looked like them, hence the need to perform tribal markings to differentiate themselves. tongue

i dont care how many tribes there are in africa, the point is all africans have the same origin. just like the "red men" of the americas; etc. we are indeed ALL HUMAN..but don't act like race doesn't exist.

you can call yourself hausa, which in itself IS social classification but your dna says african. period. if not, little ol Jamo/Akata me who has NO TRIBE would not have the same genetic markings as "Hausa" you..which I most likely do.

are you stupi.D!

Our Ancestors didnt even know what is Africa. the term Africa was used only in the NOrth-West Berber regions.

and dont speak about stuff that you dont understand. Tribal Markings are means of identification between different tribes. they exist all over the world all the way upto SOuth America and PApua New Guinea.
they are not meant to identify as black. this is absurd!

Africans dont have the same origin. THe Berbers are different, The Nilotes are different, THe Bantus are different, THe Chadic Sahelians are different, etc. We are Humans and human have sub-species, a.k.a, ethnic groups. and under wider ethnicities as i above mentioned, come the tribes.

race exists only under the clasification of the racist west which includes you oyinbos and akatas.

By the Gods! how can dna say African , instead of HAusa??!!!!! shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked

My word, you are foolish! Africa is a continent. a piece of land!

you akatas are half-bred and mixed. so obvioulsy you :"might" have some of my genetics. you will even hav native and european markings. does that mean i as a Hausa am also descended from those people angry angry *smh
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 8:48am On Dec 21, 2012

are you stupi.D!

you must be talking to the face you see when looking in the mirror.
you're definitely not talking to me with this epic failure of a response. smiley

Our Ancestors didnt even know what is Africa. the term Africa was used only in the NOrth-West Berber regions.

Where did I say they knew that the continent was to be called Africa? Or did I not CLEARLY state they were familiar with each other due to their similarity in outer appearance? There is a DIFFERENCE! I used "African" because that is the only term I can think of to use to describe our ancestors collectively. Or would you rather I call them e1b1 people or the dark folks? you choose! smh.

and dont speak about stuff that you dont understand. [size=18pt]Tribal Markings are means of identification between different tribes[/size]. they exist all over the world all the way upto SOuth America and PApua New Guinea.
they are not meant to identify as black. this is absurd!

talking to you is like talking to a rock.
one's IQ drops with each line! seriously?! You have just SLAYED yourself. I specifically said the same rule applied to ALL men (even citing the "red men" of the west) who TOO had to use tribal markings to IDENTIFY BECAUSE OTHERWISE THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE! grin This is why LIKE THE "RED MEN", "BLACK PEOPLE" who were not used to seeing outsiders, were in awe when they saw lighter skinned whites/arabs upon encountering them. They were used to seeing people who looked like them. So again, let's not try too hard and ignore the fact which is that at one point ALL OF HUMANITY WAS DIVIDED BY COLOR/RACE.

Africans dont have the same origin. THe Berbers are different, The Nilotes are different, THe Bantus are different, THe Chadic Sahelians are different, etc.

I sound like a broken record but E1B1...period. If you don't know what that is LOOK IT UP. And the only difference between those groups are the levels of mixture they have acquired in RECENT HISTORY due to the Islamic expansion periods and migration as well as culture. lol BUT the origin is the same.

We are Humans and human have sub-species, a.k.a, ethnic groups. and under wider ethnicities as i above mentioned, come the tribes

grin grin
go hug a tree!

race exists only under the clasification of the racist west which includes you oyinbos and akatas.

and so does tribe! grin you can't blast classification and then rely on classification. lol makeup your mind.

By the Gods! how can dna say African , instead of HAusa??!!!!! shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked

My word, you are foolish! Africa is a continent. a piece of land!

the same Gods/God that created that "piece of land" called Africa, created the same genetics that made you and me..kill that noise.

Hausa is a term your ancestors dubbed themselves post separating into their own clans/tribe. Then came the culture, separate identity and the likes. Even the same scientists who want to claim race should be ignored can pin point time periods/eras which prove at one point all of "black africa" was under one umbrella.

you akatas are half-bred and mixed

so what? whose fault is that? exactly. i could go in on how your same pathetic mentality is the reason for our existence (slavery)...but that's another issue.

so obvioulsy you :"might" have some of my genetics. you will even hav native and european markings. does that mean i as a Hausa am also descended from those people angry angry *smh

You have got to be the slowest person on this forum. you've just CONTRADICTED YOURSELF! grin
there is no "might"..it is what it IS!

THE GENETICS WE SHARE IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. That's all I have talked about from the East African debates to this one. MY GOD!

George Lopez is 5 percent black..does that no longer make him a descendant of or related to Aztecs/ "red men"?! grin grin




Get it together man. It's not complicated.
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 10:49am On Dec 21, 2012
@*Kails*, thanks for setting that dogmatic fellow straight grin
Not many people know that, by going tribal with embolden fonts as he does on every discussion thread, he projects a form of ethnocentrism inimical in equal measure to what he aims to counter.

Yes, I am referring to the tribal fellow who craves for acceptance in a pluralist society, yet sees no contradiction in his misplaced opposition to multiculturalism. cheesy

@OP, while I do not have a problem with being regarded as a Black man, I think it is essentially wrong to stratify people into groups on the basis of skin colour.

When Brown people think they are White

Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 12:09pm On Dec 21, 2012
eGuerrilla: @*Kails*, thanks for setting that dogmatic fellow straight grin
Not many people know that, by going tribal with embolden fonts as he does on every discussion thread, he projects a form of ethnocentrism inimical in equal measure to what he aims to counter.

Yes, I am referring to the tribal fellow who craves for acceptance in a pluralist society, yet sees no contradiction in his misplaced opposition to multiculturalism.

@OP, while I do not have a problem with being regarded as a Black man, I think it is essentially wrong to stratify people into groups on the basis of skin colour.

When Brown people think they are White


why thank you sir!! cool cool smiley
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 1:03pm On Dec 21, 2012
alright i am about to post a long essay lol.
i hope it doesnt get hidden. tongue

excuse the typos and grammatical errors below...lol
im too lazy to fix them. cool grin
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 1:03pm On Dec 21, 2012
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 1:05pm On Dec 21, 2012
lol i knew it. grin
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 2:30pm On Dec 21, 2012
Haplogroup E1b1 which is characterized by a high degree of internal diversity is the most represented Y chromosome haplogroup in Africa. Here we report on the characterization of 12 mutations within this haplogroup, eleven of which were discovered in the course of a resequencing and genotyping project performed in our laboratory.

There are several changes compared to the most recently published Y chromosome tree [2]. Haplogroup E1b1 now contains two basal branches, E-V38 (E1b1a) and E-M215 (E1b1b), with V38/V100 joining the two previously separated lineages E-M2 (former E1b1a) and E-M329 (former E1b1c). Each of these two lineages has a peculiar geographic distribution.

E-M2 is the most common haplogroup in sub-Saharan Africa, with frequency peaks in western (about 80%) and central Africa (about 60%). The same haplogroup is also present in North Africa, although at a lower frequency (usually below 10%) [9]–[11]. Haplogroup E-M329, on the other hand, was observed almost exclusively in eastern Africa [10], [12 and R.S. unpublished data], where E-M2 is virtually absent. The second basal branch of E1b1, E-M215, has a broad geographic distribution from southern Europe to northern and eastern Africa where it has been proposed to have originated [8].

[size=18pt] The new topology here reported has important implications as to the origins of the haplogroup E1b1. Using the principle of the phylogeographic parsimony, the resolution of the E1b1b trifurcation in favor of a common ancestor of E-M2 and E-M329 strongly supports the hypothesis that haplogroup E1b1 originated in eastern Africa, as previously suggested [10], and that chromosomes E-M2, so frequently observed in sub-Saharan Africa, trace their descent to a common ancestor present in eastern Africa.[/size]

I have said this ALL ALONG! grin grin grin grin grin

Lord...Thank you for blessing kails with such wisdom. grin
WHEEEEEW! grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

SO PAGAN, please kill that we dont have the same origin noise. wink
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by PAGAN9JA(m): 3:44pm On Dec 21, 2012
wow this thread is hijacked by akatas typing nonsense in big fonts. it is time to leave now! (before they get too excited and pi$$ in their pants)
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 4:14pm On Dec 21, 2012
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 9:41am On Dec 22, 2012
i love this thread. Kails,msdarkskin, pagan9ja and co,please keep the lesson going. I am really enjoying it.
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 2:28pm On Dec 24, 2012
Antivirus92: i love this thread. Kails,msdarkskin, pagan9ja and co,please keep the lesson going. I am really enjoying it.

grin grin grin

i would but pagan has already conceded to defeat babes.

Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 4:13pm On Dec 24, 2012

grin grin grin

i would but pagan has already conceded to defeat babes.

so you mean that he has given *p?
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 4:14pm On Dec 24, 2012
Antivirus92: so you mean that he has given *p?

yup. smiley
but he's too busy reeking havoc elsewhere anyway. grin
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 4:21pm On Dec 24, 2012

yup. smiley
but he's too busy reeking havoc elsewhere anyway. grin
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 4:22pm On Dec 24, 2012

yup. smiley
but he's too busy reeking havoc elsewhere anyway. grin
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 4:30pm On Dec 24, 2012
Antivirus92: grin

lol yeah he's "special" grin
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 4:32pm On Dec 24, 2012
It's wrong
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 4:41pm On Dec 24, 2012
mondi_cheeks: It's wrong
explain now, what makes it wrong?
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Nobody: 4:51pm On Dec 24, 2012
Antivirus92: explain now, what makes it wrong?
most of the times it creates barriers between races, a person is discriminated against simply because of his/her race and not each individual's character and actions... I have seen a lot of " I didn't do it" episodes where Hispanic people are forced to admit guilt to the crimes committed by white people... Pple end up taking fall for the crimes committed by other people because of how other races views of that particular race. These people serve over decades for crime they didn't commit because their " reputation" (created by other races) and not a person did
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by somalia9: 4:10am On Jan 03, 2013
If you were to divide africa it would be horners, berbers, negroid.

Why does negroid claim horners when many horners look more indian/arab.

That is called invading and trying to take and hijack our culture.

You guys all look the same, and so do horners. Why does one claim the other when clearly we speak diffrent language groups.

Why do horners who speak afro asiatic languaes like arab and hebrew and who look quasi indian/arab are being called by u negroids?

Your real problem is you hate yourselfs thus you sold yourselfs and now you try to hide from your past and try to lay claim to hispanics, berbers and Ethiopians/Somalis. Even the long gone ancient egyptians cant find rest in their graves as you try to steal their history. Horners who knew and traded and speak the same afro asiatic language dont even claim ancient egyptians. Why do you?

When u lay claim to everything its diluted thus havin nothing. If i say all of africa is black than the meanin of black becomes useless.

Thus today the meanin of black is worthless while to be called is more exclusive thus not anyone who is not pure can be white.

That is why being Somali is more meaningful than being anything else.
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 4:26am On Jan 03, 2013
somalia9: If you were to divide africa it would be horners, berbers, negroid.

Why does negroid claim horners when many horners look more indian/arab.

That is called invading and trying to take and hijack our culture.

You guys all look the same, and so do horners. Why does one claim the other when clearly we speak diffrent language groups.

Why do horners who speak afro asiatic languaes like arab and hebrew and who look quasi indian/arab are being called by u negroids?

Your real problem is you hate yourselfs thus you sold yourselfs and now you try to hide from your past and try to lay claim to hispanics, berbers and Ethiopians/Somalis. Even the long gone ancient egyptians cant find rest in their graves as you try to steal their history. Horners who knew and traded and speak the same afro asiatic language dont even claim ancient egyptians. Why do you?

When u lay claim to everything its diluted thus havin nothing. If i say all of africa is black than the meanin of black becomes useless.

Thus today the meanin of black is worthless while to be called is more exclusive thus not anyone who is not pure can be white.

That is why being Somali is more meaningful than being anything else.
you look arab/indian yet you're not one of them. Negroes are not claiming you but you are negro. Go to america and tell them that you're not negro and see the consequence. Horner is NOT a human race! It is a geographical location just like middle east. Horn of africa are inhabited by negroes who are mixed with arabs due to their closeness.
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by somalia9: 4:29am On Jan 03, 2013
Dude so ur sayin 100 million ethios and somalis and sudan are all mixed?

Negro is black. Somali is its own ethnicity. So is amahara and tigrey.

why dont kenyans look like somalis even tho they speak sawahili which is half arab half negroid languaes

also a half somali half arab child looks 100 percent arab. why is this
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by Antivirus92(m): 4:54am On Jan 03, 2013
somalia9: Dude so ur sayin 100 million ethios and somalis and sudan are all mixed?

Negro is black. Somali is its own ethnicity. So is amahara and tigrey.

why dont kenyans look like somalis even tho they speak sawahili which is half arab half negroid languaes

also a half somali half arab child looks 100 percent arab. why is this
kenyans speak swahili but they are not as close to arabs like somalians. When people live very close to each other,they inter-marry and that's the case of somalia. Again, no somalia looks 100% arabic.
Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by somalia9: 5:08am On Jan 03, 2013
their are many somalis called reer xamar and barawe who look arab.

I also could pass for indian and rest of my family. Somalis who are lighter look arab but not all somalis look light.

these two somali cabinet ministers in the somali government could pass for arab and indian.

Re: Right Or Wrong?grouping Human Being According To Skin Colour. by somalia9: 5:09am On Jan 03, 2013
how many of these somalis look negroid? None.

They could pass for south indian and or biracial

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