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Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! - Autos - Nairaland

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Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by inspiredm(m): 10:16pm On May 16, 2013
[b]Day In Day Out, Fraudsters are seeking for New Ways to Fleece Nigerians of their Hard Earned Money, The Latest Scheme is about Purported sales of Nigerian Customs Seized Vehicles Online Auction.

Within the past 30 days, I have Banned Over 200 usernames and Over 1000 Fraudulent Posts and Threads of Sales of Customs Seized vehicles on the Autos Section Which were without any Doubt Fraudulent.

The Modus Operandi of these Nefarious Elements are to Post Purported Customs Seized Vehicles at RIDICULOUSLY LOW Prices and Demand for Deposits to "Secure the Car " or "Secure the File" at Customs Offices.

Most Times, they go as far as Posting Photos of Customs Officials on their Profile Pages thereby Impersonating genuine Customs Officers.

They have Flooded the Nigerian Online Space now and are On Every Major Car Websites with Free Listings.

A Couple of Months Ago, The PUNCH Newspapers Nabbed a Syndicate of These Type of Fraud from an Innocent Buyer Who wanted to Buy a 2010 Toyota Camry for N400,000.

You can read it here http://www.punchng.com/feature/saturday-people/customs-officer-duped-me-says-man-who-wanted-to-give-mum-a-car-gift/

We Encourage Buyers to Beware of Auto Adverts with Ridiculously Low Prices, It takes a certain level of Greed to Fall Victim of Fraud in Most cases.

2007 Toyota Camry for N300,000

2010 Honda Crosstour for N700,000

2008 Mercedes Benz GL450 for N900,000

2006 Lexus GX470 for N600,000

2010 Toyota Camry for N400,000

2008 Toyota Highlander for N800,000

NIGERIAN CUSTOMS DO NOT Auction Cars Online, NOT Anywhere in the Country, All Customs Auction Bids Are Done Physically from ABUJA.

Furthermore, We Encourage Buyers to Know Who they are dealing With, Not all that Glitters is Gold and Not Everything You see Online is Genuine.

We Implore Members to report Suspicious Adverts to the Moderators Via the " Report to Moderator Button" Located on every Post.


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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by inspiredm(m): 10:23pm On May 16, 2013

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Nobody: 11:17pm On May 16, 2013
This is express front page material.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by olanshi: 11:25pm On May 16, 2013
They also go as far as stealing other genuine auto dealers car pictures posted online and re-advertise them at a ridiculous prices in other to defraud unsuspecting buyers of there hard earn money...

Couple of weeks ago, one Mr Chidi called me when he saw one of my 2010 Land Rover LR4 advert I made, he asked where the car was and I told him in my office in Ikeja.. I can feel he was very nervous, and I ask him what is the problem he told me a guy sent him the same pictures of my LR4 that it is been auctioned by Nigerian Customs at a very ridiculous price of 3,000,000 naira.. The scammer told Mr Chidi to pay some certain amount of money to a bank account, while Mr chidi didn't know he has fallen into the hands of scam artist. He paid a total sum on 1.8m naira, instal mentally to the scammer.

I felt bad, but there is a little I could do to help him get the scammer though he has reported the issue to the Nigerian Police and EFCC, I believe underground investigations is on..

Please and please, be very cautious about the car you want to buy.. Alot of people like awourf cars which can lead you into fallen for scam artist.. Not all that Glitters is Gold, open your inner eyes!

A word is enough for the wise!

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Nobody: 11:44pm On May 16, 2013
I think, greed, ignorance and utter foolishness is d real problems of persons falling victim, its obvious, if not why will u cee a vehicle with a rediculuosly cheap price nd u re asked to pay into a bank acct. 4 someone u re yet to meet, n u hastely do dat to secure d "cheap" vehicle... I really don't understand sha! Buh I have not n can nvr fall 4 such cheap scam.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by albacete(m): 8:26am On May 17, 2013
Inspired, u are doing a nice job. Keep exposing them and they will have no other option than to quit their nefarious activities.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Lilimax(f): 9:22am On May 17, 2013
Noted. But who are the people that buys those cars impounded by Customs?.
They are just selected few people and often times their family members posing as potential buyers.
They will end up selling the cars to them at a give away price.
Corruption in high places angry angry


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Decapo: 9:23am On May 17, 2013
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by gen2briz(m): 9:29am On May 17, 2013
Eni toun wa ifa oun wa ofo (In my dialect)

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by maxjax(m): 9:29am On May 17, 2013
1 dude dey worry for FB on this damn issue undecided

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by dridowu: 9:29am On May 17, 2013
I hope my people can learn
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by onyeguy: 9:31am On May 17, 2013
We don hear oh, but why people doing this to fellow Nigerians but why
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by kibuu01(m): 9:38am On May 17, 2013
Hmmmmm, a colleague of mine in the office almost fall victim recently. He was asked to come & pay 1.2m for a 2010/2011 highlander.....Nigerians shine yah eyes!!!
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Policewoman(f): 9:41am On May 17, 2013


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by leftone: 10:01am On May 17, 2013
God bless you,inspired...
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Fogman(m): 10:12am On May 17, 2013
Very Glad that this has finally gotten to FP, because i have posted series of Scam Alerts about this issues in the past, to sensitize forumite.




Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by JideTheBlogger(m): 10:46am On May 17, 2013
shocked shocked
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by RickyRoss1(m): 11:12am On May 17, 2013
No matter what you say bro, GREEDY people would still fall to this trap.
90% of Scam victims are gullible people.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by rozayx5(m): 11:19am On May 17, 2013
lipsrsealed lipsrsealed embarassed
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by DanIlon(m): 11:28am On May 17, 2013
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Ukpekeson(m): 11:46am On May 17, 2013
Well done oga Inspired
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Nobody: 11:47am On May 17, 2013
inspired_m: [b]Day In Day Out, Fraudsters are seeking for New Ways to Fleece Nigerians of their Hard Earned Money, The Latest Scheme is about Purported sales of Nigerian Customs Seized Vehicles Online Auction.

Within the past 30 days, I have Banned Over 200 usernames and Over 1000 Fraudulent Posts and Threads of Sales of Custom Seized vehicles on the Autos Section Which were without any Doubt Fraudulent.

The Modus Operandi of these Nefarious Elements are to Post Purported Customs Seized Vehicles at RIDICULOUSLY LOW Prices and Demand for Deposits to "Secure the Car " or "Secure the File" at Customs Offices.

Most Times, they go as far as Posting Photos of Customs Officials on their Profile Pages thereby Impersonating genuine Customs Officers.

They have Flooded the Nigerian Online Space now and are On Every Major Car Websites with Free Listings.

A Couple of Months Ago, The PUNCH Newspapers Nabbed a Syndicate of These Type of Fraud from an Innocent Buyer Who wanted to Buy a 2010 Toyota Camry for N400,000.

You can read it here http://www.punchng.com/feature/saturday-people/customs-officer-duped-me-says-man-who-wanted-to-give-mum-a-car-gift/

We Encourage Buyers to Beware of Auto Adverts with Ridiculously Low Prices, It takes a certain level of Greed to Fall Victim of Fraud in Most cases.

NIGERIAN CUSTOMS DO NOT Auction Cars Online, NOT Anywhere in the Country, All Customs Auction Bids Are Done Physically from ABUJA.

Furthermore, We Encourage Buyers to Know Who they are dealing With, Not all that Glitters is Gold and Not Everything You see Online is Genuine.

We Implore Members to report Suspicious Adverts to the Moderators Via the " Report to Moderator Button" Located on every Post.


Thank You! I hope people will read this and say no to these scammers.


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Nobody: 1:22pm On May 17, 2013
I was almost a Victim to these guyz.. The dude advertised a Honda Evil Spirit (2010) for N800k, we had 1.2M budgeted for EOD already, i tot it was Ans prayers.. I called d cwasy fellow, and he asked me to come to their Auction park at Abeokuta, Mind U, I work at VI.. I left the office to go down to Abeokuta during office hours to go pay for the ride. I held 100k along, in other to make deposit as initially requested by him to secure the car.

As soon as I got to Abeokuta, I called the Eediot, he picked up and told me dat he's sorry that he said Sango, not Abk.. I went back to Sango n called him.

He picked n said dat he was sorry that he was sent to Sagamu.. It was den dat I began to suspect him.

I called one of my friends at MTN office to help me trace his line immediately and send me his full details. I was informed dat he registered his name as just Josef n he wrote Airport road as his address..

I was VEXED!!! angry

But I fank God dat he saved me from his hands..


Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by BizBooks(m): 2:44pm On May 17, 2013
This is a good move. They have already destroyed several Nigerian websites. If care is not
taken, they will destroy this one too.
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by chronique(m): 5:02pm On May 17, 2013
This topic is highly needed on the top page in this section. I've had to scream scam on most of these fraudulent posts being posted here but unfortunately,it hasn't discouraged these fraudsters as they keep coming back with more vigour. Secondly,I've noticed that the average car buyer has a certain level of greed and this is why they keep falling for these scam. Personally,I don't pity these folkss again. So long as people can't curtail their greed,they'd keep losing their money to fraudsters. Keep up the good work and let this thread stay up in this section so people can easily identify it before they move to other topics.

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by Kunleoduwole(m): 5:16pm On May 17, 2013
I fell victim to the same scammers,but this time it was airconditioners and other home appliances that was advertised on google traders.I actually wanted to buy airconditioner 2hp that was advertised between the price range of 27000 to 40000.I was told to make a commitment of say half of the price ,after which they deliver the appliance to my house address..After making the payment of 15000 to an account number which they sent to me,up till now I have not seen the delivery...I called the sellers phone number a couple of time only for me to hear that the number has been switched off..today is making the 5th day I payed for the product.Pls people should bEWARE of this online scammers posing as genuine traders.

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by ume(m): 5:35pm On May 17, 2013
@ op God bless you for exposing the impostors becaucse i am one of the victimes though i suspected that the website with name (kaduna costum sales) was a fraud but back off when the bastard with name officer mustafa monseour rob me of 100k
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by omograndma(m): 5:55pm On May 17, 2013
inspired....its good you put them up, ive been blocking some of the sites from my end already, when i av some money again upload pop-blocks
Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by chronique(m): 5:56pm On May 17, 2013
angry angry Some of the comments I read here are pretty annoying? How do you pay money into an account of a person you don't know and you've not met? If you're too busy to inspect a car;can't you send someone you trust to do it?

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by embee3(m): 8:48pm On May 17, 2013
I thought as much. I was seriously in doubt when I saw an auctioning adds almost in every car dealing websites. These cars a incredibly cheap. You can see it for yourself:

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Re: Nigerian Customs Do Not Auction Cars Online: Beware of FRAUD! by inspiredm(m): 9:20pm On May 17, 2013
embee3: I thought as much. I was seriously in doubt when I saw an auctioning adds almost in every car dealing websites. These cars a incredibly cheap. You can see it for yourself:

That is a scam Infested Website, 99% of vehicles listed there are FAKE Custom Seized Vehicles.

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