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5 Things Husbands Never Tell Their Wives - Romance - Nairaland

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5 Things Husbands Never Tell Their Wives by Jollof(m): 8:21pm On Jul 15, 2013
I'm first going to go into the whole positive spiel about how happily married couples share everything including the toothbrush (eew!) and how they keep absolutely nothing from each other (in case you missed it, I just said the positive bit!). The negative bit I'm about to unleash (Armageddon style) is not for the faint-hearted wives or judgmental/paranoid wives-to-be. If you fall into either category then please close this article now and wait for another publication, otherwise please read on...

Men have secrets, some more than others. When they get married they may choose to share some secrets but where do they draw the line without triggering a marriage meltdown? A husband may want to 'put a sock in it' if they woke up one morning and decided to narrate an intimate dream that didn't involve their wife (even if the woman involved was some impossible-to-get celebrity). That's just asking for a whole lot of trouble. How about that special female friend whom he's been in touch with before and after marriage? I don't think a married man will see sense in disclosing that kind of info, unless of course his wife wasn't the jealous type (that's like saying there are dogs that aren't the barking type!).

On a scarier note, a considerate husband would not disclose any possible regrets for marrying his wife...at least not to the wife. It's a tough pill to swallow but marriage proposals founded on pity, unplanned pregnancy or financial gain may soon begin to see Frustration rear its ugly head. Next thing you know, the truth is out there like the X-files! Sadly some women just can't handle the truth; which brings me to the fourth thing husbands won't tell their wives - how their wives REALLY look. I'm not talking about the diplomatic 'You like fine, dear'. I mean If she's having a real 'off' day e.g. she's a little heavy and she's concerned about her weight, she's got extremely sensitive skin and she's concerned about her spots, or perhaps she's got a freakishly futuristic hairdo she loves but you have a big question mark about, etc.

But it's not all about the wife, what she looks like or what private relationships or dreams she's unaware of - there's also other 'assets' to worry about. I heard about joint bank accounts for couples where either can sign to make withdrawals but let's face it; how many husbands would tell their wives about that private account where their (back-up) funds are kept safe from frivolous spending, possible divorce settlements, etc? You only know what you know, you know wink
Re: 5 Things Husbands Never Tell Their Wives by 4tunebest(f): 9:37pm On Jul 15, 2013
OMG. I love this cheesy
Re: 5 Things Husbands Never Tell Their Wives by Djtm(m): 10:23pm On Jul 15, 2013
Why will you keep a joint account when you'll still save elsewhere?

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