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Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? - Religion (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Reptyle(m): 8:37am On Sep 03, 2013
GRAILELEM: Gay people are better christians than many straights i have interacted with.

Yeah right. I suggest you read 2nd Timothy 3 vs 1 - 5 and be very wary of the times that we live in. Beware, not just of gays that "are better Christians" according to you, but of all the other pretenders to Christianity and holiness that abound these days.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by esere826: 8:39am On Sep 03, 2013
Well, I am no fan of some male sticking sticks into another male's behind
I cringe at the tought, and think as much folks as possible should stop..... but that's my thinking

"but, let me show you a new level of grace"
For any Nigerian xtian homosexual facing this dilenma, this is how I would expect you could reason it:

-Can one be a xtian pastor and commit serial adultery with his church members?
-Can one be a xtian brother and nack every girl in his part?
-Can one be a xtian sister and exchange her punni for school fees and pocket money?
-Can one be a xtian deacon and steal the commonwealth of children yet unborn, and donate part of the "loot' to the church?
-Can one be a xtian elder and steal the votes of his people?
-Can one be a xtian pastor and stab his wife to death in cold blood?
-can one be a xtian a r.a.pe girls both underaged and overaged?
-Can one be a xtian missionary and capture, trade, buy and own slaves?
-Can a xtian say that others cannot be judged, and yet turn around to you to judge you? ,..........uhnnnnnnnn

...if they that have done these things have been accepted by the xtian community 'and probably by christ', then who am I to condemn you
(if i choose to condemn you, it would not be from a religious viewpoint, but from a cultural one)

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 8:47am On Sep 03, 2013
Its not normal, its not moral the anus is meant for defecation or shitting and not for sex. Have you ever seeing gay animals? No, this is the work of the devil, some ignorant people from the west under the total control of extreme secular deception think otherwise
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 8:58am On Sep 03, 2013
Christianity is NEVER, has NEVER and will NEVER provide a religious,moral and ideological justification or backings for those who want to continue to indulge in sin or sexual immorality in homosexuality. Christianity takes you out of DARKNESS and not encourage you to live in DARKNESS
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Chomzy19(f): 8:59am On Sep 03, 2013
esere826: Well, I am no fan of some male sticking sticks into another male's behind
I cringe at the tought, and think as much folks as possible should stop..... but that's my thinking

"but, let me show you a new level of grace"
For any Nigerian xtian homosexual facing this dilenma, this is how I would expect you could reason it:

-Can one be a xtian pastor and commit serial adultery with his church members?
-Can one be a xtian brother and nack every girl in his part?
-Can one be a xtian sister and exchange her punni for school fees and pocket money?
-Can one be a xtian deacon and steal the commonwealth of children yet unborn, and donate part of the "loot' to the church?
-Can one be a xtian elder and steal the votes of his people?
-Can one be a xtian pastor and stab his wife to death in cold blood?
-can one be a xtian a r.a.pe girls both underaged and overaged?
-Can one be a xtian missionary and capture, trade, buy and own slaves?
-Can a xtian say that others cannot be judged, and yet turn around to you to judge you? ,..........uhnnnnnnnn

...if they that have done these things have been accepted by the xtian community 'and probably by christ', then who am I to condemn you
(if i choose to condemn you, it would not be from a religious viewpoint, but from a cultural one)

d only difference B/w d op and all these scenarios is that while these instances above may commit thses sins, they acknowledge d sinful nature of their acts, repent n strive towards a true xtian life free of sin.... D OP on d other hand is justifying his sins(wch is a sin on its own) n n seekin for a way to remain a TRUE HOMOSEXUAL CHRISTIAN, if he is struggling wit d sin n seekin for a way to live a true xtian life it wld hv been a diff thing, but he has acceted to live as n call himself gay n xtian at d sme tym. So also is all d examples u gave above any of them who hv decided to remain in d sin instead of repenting n asking for forgivness is nt a true xtian be it a pastor or watever, on d last day as Christ said d wheat shall b separated from d chaff...
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by HezronLorraine(m): 9:13am On Sep 03, 2013
rigormortis: can you give birth and still be a virgin?
aw come I didn't see this.

Well,the bible made us understand Mary gave birth as a virgin.

@Everyone,thanks for your kind contributions.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Classicman47(m): 9:21am On Sep 03, 2013
To all these DIM-WITS quoting bible verses.....i say u better SHOVE IT down ur SHITHOLES!!! Idiots eagerly waiting to jump on anyone with a difrent orientation because they think they are better. Fools!!!!
U forget dat d same bible condenming homosexuality also frowns at any form of unrighteousness(including any other type of sexual immorality). Yet everybody becums a pastor as soon as dis issue is raised....smh
i tell u this..if d gays are supposed to go to hell....then rest assured dat a Special part of hell is currently being prepared for all of u miserable HYPOCRITES!!! Nonsense!

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 9:32am On Sep 03, 2013
Nobody is judging Gays and nobody should, but the fact remains that gay a wrong and was forbidden by God and its one of the reason why Sodom and Gormora was destroyed by God. People must stop giving excuses that fornication and other immoral acts are sin as well obvious they are all sin from the religious perspective. But allowing another man to stick his penis into another mans anus? Is degeneration of man. Men!!! that is a disorder. There is a spirit behind this act because even animals who are considered less intelligent to humans do not practices Gay.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 9:34am On Sep 03, 2013
Hezron Lorraine: aw come I didn't see this.

Well,the bible made us understand Mary gave birth as a virgin.

@Everyone,thanks for your kind contributions.

did she remain a virgin AFTER the birth..

Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by dazzy4real(m): 9:35am On Sep 03, 2013
Let's call a spade a spade. U can't say u are a christian n believe in gayism. Been a christian means christlike which is righteousness. Wen u re born again u shud knw dt! My point is dt a gay sinner is d same wit a furnicator so if u re a christian wit d word of God deposited in u. Wen u search ur heart well den u can tell d difference btw right n wrong!
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 9:37am On Sep 03, 2013
Scorn of a Gay... Come out make yourself known let everybody know you. Its your anus you can give it to even Dogs, donkey, horse or man its your anus bro
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by imotondo(m): 9:48am On Sep 03, 2013
joel lala: @OP, sorry but you cant be a christain( or else maybe by mouth) and still be gay.

What has the act of darkness have to do with light

no vex but i leave you with these verses.

Kindly ponder on them okay:

Romans 1:21-32:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;


1 Kings 14:24:

'There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites'

To crown it up read,

1 Corinthians 6:9

'Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality':

The sad thing is that gays, lesbians and all forms of homosexuals know about all these verses..they know that God does not like that act of homosexuality but they are looking for all means to hide themselves from their shameful acts, now they want to hide their acts in the disguise of being christains.

I want you to know that i can not force you to change your acts but only you can make that bold steps by yourself.

Always remember that God loves you..wink

Am bookmarking this page because of your comments. Men will always look for a way to make people accept their wrong doings, our God does not have double standards; its either you are in or you are out. The rules of the kingdom of God cannot be bent by/for any man. You cannot serve God and mammon @ a time, one cannot say that God created him a gay cos God is not partial. Being gay jusy as any other sin of man is as a result of man's shortcomings/attitudes/habits which may result from the kind of company you keep, environment, the way you were brought up and therefore cannot be an excuse for failure. If you can repent from any kind of sin or habit, then you can repent from being gay in lieu of trying to accept it as a way of life. First, recognise it as sin and ask God for forgiveness and strenght to overcome. Then the spirit will leave you. Remain blessed.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Yooguyz: 9:49am On Sep 03, 2013
Ihedinobi: An interesting question, Hezron Lorraine. It does have merit in today's reality. The question is very like "can one be a Christian and be heterosexual?" Or like "can one be a Christian and feel desire?" Obviously one can. The trouble is with what one does with the desire they have.

I'll break a rule of mine, partly because the info I'm giving here is already on NL, to help clarify my answer. I'm a Christian and I still find women veeeeery attractive. I still find the desire to bed every hottie that happens along there. Some days - fewer nowadays in fact - the desire is almost overwhelming, other days it's like a dull awareness, yet other days it's hardly there at all. But, that I feel the hunger to be promiscuous has not made me less a Christian. What would destroy the Work of Christ unto Salvation in me would be my indulging this desire, my feeding this hunger. Believe me, many times I would rather just go out and hunt and take down one or two hotties, but I don't. Why not? Not merely because I shouldn't, but because I find a real desire opposing the one for the luscious females I see every fricking day.

Each time that I do not indulge that desire to be promiscuous, the desire to be chaste grows stronger. I literally change. I kid you not, my brother. It is the very meaning of the Scripture that tells us that we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. The Lord is working to make us exactly like Jesus Christ the Righteous Man. We, by virtue of being born.of the Spirit, already possess the seed of His Nature. The task of the Spirit of God is to grow that Seed into the Mighty Tree that fills every part of our lives pushing out all the filth and corruption of our Adamic nature and producing abiding fruit unto the Glory of God the Father. And He fulfills that task by everytime enabling us to say No to our natural desires that are contra Christ and yes to all that is Christ.

So yes, one can be a Christian and still possess a physical body with sexual desires for its own gender. Homosexuality is no more a perversion than covetuousness or greed or pride or promiscuity. But the Christian is the one who "keep[s] under [his] body, and bring[s] it into subjection", I'm sure you know to Whom.

I have deliberately answered the question in your title and ignored the op. I did read it , the op, that is, but the errors in it are, well, too obvious for any special attention. For example, that we each have an individual walk with God is only one part of the truth, we also together have a collective walk with God. We are responsible to God for one another. This race that we run is not the one where the one who gets there first wins the prize, it's the one where the one who gets there first must answer for the others yet to arrive: there is no prize until we all get home.

Another example: we can never lose our salvation. Of course we can't but would you say one is saved from sin if they are still insistent on remaining enslaved to it? What is salvation butbeing lifted above the corruption of sin in our mortal nature? So that one has been saved and can never become unsaved is no reason whatsoever to say that we may yet abide in sin. We literally cannot continue in sin when we have been saved, we will find it impossible to.

Finding an accommodating church? Well, ther were churches that became accommodating of all manner of things for whom our dear Lord had some very frightening things to say in Revelation. You could look for yourself in the first three chapters of the book. Remember Who it was that was speaking before attempting to dismiss anything He said there. No Christian is ever comfortable with having his sin accommodated. Ever! We Christians have a longing for judgment and a strong phobia for iniquity.

To every struggling lesbian and homosexual out there, we live in a world fraught with corruption and perversion, but we need not give ourselves up to it. What we need desperately to do is to bring our struggle to Christ. There is real, very real power in the Name of Jesus, real salvation in His shed blood. You are not told to fight alone, to "repress" yourself, you are offered power, just like everyone else is, to take control of your desires - to rein them in and bring them into the service of the Lord Christ. It is not an impossible job or one that you must do alone. Around the world are millions who are in the same fight as you. And each time we touch as we're doing now we get a good deal stronger and win an even bigger battle than the last.

God's Grace be with all God's Children.
ya bro you have a good point.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 9:50am On Sep 03, 2013
Classicman47: To all these DIM-WITS quoting bible verses.....i say u better SHOVE IT down ur SHITHOLES!!! Idiots eagerly waiting to jump on anyone with a difrent orientation because they think they are better. Fools!!!!
U forget dat d same bible condenming homosexuality also frowns at any form of unrighteousness(including any other type of sexual immorality). Yet everybody becums a pastor as soon as dis issue is raised....smh
i tell u this..if d gays are supposed to go to hell....then rest assured dat a Special part of hell is currently being prepared for all of u miserable HYPOCRITES!!! Nonsense!

i see no reason for this ur post..@Hezron lorriane came to this forum to ask for peoples suggestions and that is why people with diffirent background are trying their possible best to give him the assistance he needs..it is now left for Hez to make his decission..so if u dont like what people are saying by quoting d bible, pls log out and go and do something else..
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by rallymento(m): 9:53am On Sep 03, 2013
The Devil iS out to decieve those he can decieve! As for me if a homosexual can be a christian that means that those that practise beastility can be christians. Let Us not forget that being a christian means being like christ. It is more than mere religion, it is a life style. Was Christ a fornicator? No, was He a thief? No was He a homosexual? No, then how can you practise such or even think about such and even profess to be Christ like?
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by sonyc00(m): 10:01am On Sep 03, 2013
Homosexuality and christianity dont work in tandem please.GOD made a woman for Adam in the garden of Eden because a woman is the opposite of a man and the only type of companionship that God approves for a Man.why do you think God still destroyed sodom and Gomorah after negotiating with Abraham.his anger on them must have been really bad for him to have used fire and their deaths gruesome for him to tell lot and his family not to look back.and if you look at it sodom and gomorah is the only city in the bible that God destroyed openly without any mercy or warning.if you are a homosexual,you had better repent before the last day or else.am just saying grin

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 10:03am On Sep 03, 2013
Whoever post this obviously doesn't see anything wrong with gay because. He didn't even point out that gay is sin, he did not even compare it with other sin christians are forbid to indulge in. Obvious he is gay ,Well please be careful when quoting the Bible because even Devil agents quote Bible big time. Its the work of the Devil which gay are so angry with those who oppose their acts. Don't mistake immoral secular trends with the word of God or Christianity. The Nigerian law has sanctioned your bid to legalize homo, I learn gays in Uk are opening their own church of gay congregation. Its your anus do whatever you like with it but don't try to persuade people using the Bible. Sin is a sin christians are told to stay away from sin cause Jesus Christ has buried sin on the cross so we should no longer be Slave to sin. All type of sin
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by imotondo(m): 10:14am On Sep 03, 2013

they are influenced usually at the tender age by mostly matured gay people. Secondly, there is a spirit that possesses them once they do it for the first time unless tthe kid has a strong christian background. Most of them were forced into it as students especially in our boarding schools by their seniors and with time, it becomes a norm. Parents should endevour to have close relationships with their kids so they can open up to them earlier. When the bible said'' train up a child in the way he should grow so when they are old they'll not depart from it'' God knew these will come up. Remember he sees the future , more reason we shouldn't neglect his words ( the devil will always bring in the counterfiet).
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 10:17am On Sep 03, 2013
Gay na una nyash o make una do wetin una like. Very soon gay will be menstruating through the anus like women but their own will be a curse because its shit that will be coming out of their anus. Because the anus will be so used and abused thru the disgusting act of gay then it will later become loose and no can constract meaning that gays can nolonger control shit from their anus consequently they will resolve to the use of pad(always pad) like girls Ironically, menstruation is normal and good for all women but 'Gay shitin Menstruation is a Curse.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 10:18am On Sep 03, 2013

faith in Jesus is essential for salvation, but faith without work is dead. obedience to God's word is important.

Let's look at this principle:

Rom. 1: 26, 27

26 That is why God
gave them up to disgraceful sexual
appetites, + for both their females
changed the natural use of themselves
into one contrary to nature; + 27 and
likewise even the males left the natural
use of the female+ and became violently
inflamed in their lust toward one another,
males with males,+ working what is
+ and receiving in themselves
the full recompense, + which was due for
their error.

can we say that that verse approves the practice?

Well, i do not hate gays but i abhor the practice.

secondly the practice can be classified under fornication.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by PedroAmada(m): 10:19am On Sep 03, 2013
Gay na una nyash o make una do wetin una like. Very soon gay will be menstruating through the anus like women but their own will be a curse because its poo that will be coming out of their anus. Because the anus will be so used and abused thru the disgusting act of gay then it will later become loose and no can constract meaning that gays can nolonger control poo from their anus consequently they will resolve to the use of pad(always pad) like girls Ironically, menstruation is normal and good for all women but 'Gay shitin Menstruation is a Curse
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by HezronLorraine(m): 10:47am On Sep 03, 2013

they are influenced usually at the tender age by mostly matured gay people. Secondly, there is a spirit that possesses them once they do it for the first time unless tthe kid has a strong christian background
Please can you just be logical.stop trying to brainwash people with this.how can you say gay people were influenced into homosexuality by mature gay people.I'm not disputing this but homosexual tendencies differs in all humans and some people discover their sexuality through different means.
The spirit that possesses after they do it for the first time.From that you are clearly saying being gay is about s.exual pleasures.No one is gay because of s.ex.even though some discover their s.exuality by exploring same-sex intimacy.but still s.ex is not the determining factor for anyone's s.exual identity as gay or straight.

Most of them were forced into it as students especially in our boarding schools by their seniors and with time, it becomes a norm
From this you are clearly insinuating that every homosexual had same-sex encounter from the boarding school system.the schooling system may be an aiding factor as it allows same-sex bonding.I can tell you probably 2% of gay people you know had this type of experience.

Parents should endevour to have close relationships with their kids so they can open up to them earlier. When the bible said'' train up a child in the way he should grow so when they are old they'll not depart from it'' God knew these will come up. Remember he sees the future , more reason we shouldn't neglect his words ( the devil will always bring in the counterfiet).

Some things are beyond parents closeness with their child.you just won't find a urge to open up to them especially if you know their views.

Now let me explain how people discover they are gay.
Hezron Lorraine: Let's also see how some people become gay:
[b]1.)There are those born with full homosexual
desires.they discover at a very tender age,though
they may have no idea what it means until later in
life.these types have mostly never known
heterosexual feelings and have always responded to
same-sex attractions.

2.)There are those who find out after years of
already being straight,they've always liked the
opposite sex,later on they discover their desires
moving towards the same-sex,they respond so well
to this new attraction and find themselves incapable
of going back to the opposite sex.

3.)There are those even while having feelings for the
opposite sex,when faced with homosexual
advances,they discover they can't withdraw or find
any urge to withdraw.

4.)There are those who are bisexual,they are
capable of responding to attractions from both sex.

5.)Some have to be abused s.exually.after this
Intimate torture,they slowly get hooked in homosexuality and end up enjoying it.

6,)There's any category,these ones are very
straight,they tend to enjoy homosexual
intimacy.they hardly and rarely feel any emotional
feelings to the same-sex like the opposite.
hope you understand all these explanations.Thanks.God Bless.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by blessed4ever: 11:01am On Sep 03, 2013
The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement presents a two-day power-packed international crusade, titled,'GOD HAS THE ANSWER', in Eagle Square Abuja this weekend, 7th & 8th September, 2013. Time: 8.00 am daily.

The General Overseer, Pastor Lazarus Muoka will be ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Lame will walk, the deaf will hear, the dumb will speak, the blind will see, yoke of barrenness or delay in marriage will break,yoke of sin will break,HIV will be healed...all sicknesses will receive technical knockout...you will be delivered from evil spirit attack upon your life. The God of the Chosen (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) will visit you. Come all and be blessed.
Jesus is Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by critique101(f): 11:05am On Sep 03, 2013
[quote author=Hezron Lorraine][/quote]

I pity u
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by babycee(f): 11:09am On Sep 03, 2013
God have mercy... Amen
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by mkmyers45(m): 11:31am On Sep 03, 2013
azeezlateefah: I pity christians! well who cares...All I know is my precious ISLAm forbade It...The OP Have a point even getting prooves from the bible...The bible had been edited the translators....which makes its corrupt! Every thing is clearly stated in the QURAN, the do and don't is clearly stated....May God Guide us to the RIGHT PATH... Ameen....
Keep Shut..they are gay mosques around the world
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by mkmyers45(m): 11:36am On Sep 03, 2013
Pedro Amada: Its not normal, its not moral the anus is meant for defecation or shitting and not for sex. Have you ever seeing gay animals? No, this is the work of the devil, some ignorant people from the west under the total control of extreme secular deception think otherwise
Very Poor Knowledge of Biology
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by coolbrezz(f): 12:04pm On Sep 03, 2013
There are lots of gayz DAT are pretending to Christian.They hide under the church,fight the gays but they practice this hideous crime secretly.An I knw some if them.what will u say on this?
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by coolbrezz(f): 12:09pm On Sep 03, 2013
@azzeelatyfah or whatever your calls,go do ur research an u will find out,that the highest number of lesbian/gays are Moslems in the world.so don't. Pity Christians,pity urself an ur Moslem brethren.
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by davedave1: 12:11pm On Sep 03, 2013
Never thought a day will come that I will say this bt truly ds is end time signs !
U were talking abt Christian as 'Christ like'...was our Christ a Gay ?

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Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Skarr(m): 12:22pm On Sep 03, 2013
I dnt get why humans see things "plain" in their front and still pretend its not there, its in the Bible, homosexuals will not inherit kingdom of God, simple! Which means u CAN'T be gay and be a christian
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Ayomivic(m): 12:31pm On Sep 03, 2013
[quote author=Hezron Lorraine][/quote]
Gay pastor

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