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I'm Confused On What Is Going On. - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by Nobody: 12:44pm On Dec 15, 2014
Tell him you are confused about his behavior,introducing you to people as his fiancee when he has not asked you to be his fiancee don't assume anything or chase away other suitors.

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Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by Verovera(f): 4:04pm On Dec 16, 2014
Thanks guys. He will be visiting me tomorrow. I will summon the courage to get him talking. I will give you feedback. Thanks

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Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by Frankenstein: 4:47pm On Dec 16, 2014
I'm so confused, I so much love this guy. He posses all what I wanted in a man, I knew he so much love me too. His family and friends sees me as his girl, he is so caring that even a boyfriend can't do most of the things he do to me. Now my problem is that, I can NEVER woo him my self,NEVER. but how do I help to remove the fear on his face?, how do I make him "talk the talk", or should I just pretend that we are dating?. Even his sister told me secretly that his brother had never been in a relationship before because he is the shy and scared type when it comes to women.
Even in 2014 some women still have this kinda backward mindset. 11 months gone and you're still too proud to have a talk with him about your relationship.
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by zanga420: 12:41am On Dec 17, 2014
Thanks guys. He will be visiting me tomorrow. I will summon the courage to get him talking. I will give you feedback. Thanks
thank God u've got a clue on what to do. I think the bane of many relationships is lack of proper communication. Go girl

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Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by kushsy: 7:46pm On Dec 17, 2014
No long story from your side,,if u are sure u love him and can marry him for life no regrets later then help him out" when are we getting married ".. callas
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by gsalvatore: 1:19am On Dec 18, 2014
Very Funny.. You want your guy to just say it out when all he is doing shows he love you.

Women get issues...You tell them you love them and fail to show it, they complain. You show it and not tell them they still complain.

When you are with him and you are in one of those moments that you know he lacks the enuff spark to say it, all you have to do is to just ask him to say it with his mouth..Yes that's what I said. Look at him and ask him to tell you that he loves you. Make him say it 5times or until you are satisfied before you let him go.

He has to get used to saying that to your ears..its even better that way...if you succeed anytime he says or hear "I love you" you will forever be etched in his subconscious. You own him.

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Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by donephi(m): 11:05pm On Jan 08, 2015
How did it go?
Has he finally let the cat out of d bag?
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by victomancer(m): 6:50am On Jan 09, 2015
Na so them dey do...friendzone their future husbands
But frankly speaking gals mumu oh
See as one wan friendzone her future husband all in the useless name of he has not asked her out
Must he ask u out for u to see de sign haba make una fear God for once nah angry
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by jomoh: 1:08pm On Jan 17, 2015

And also, those who told me to take charge. How will I just look into his eyes and say "Akin, pls be my man". Won't I look desperate?.

I just wanted an idea on what to do exactly that would make him "talk the talk"?. Atleats, that one would give me full assurance that we are dating.

Since december verovera don dey enjoy the relationship after the guy finally find liver propose and she forgot all the advisers on nairaland.

Give us feedback o. Lets hear the happy ending.
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by winedeal: 2:39pm On Jan 17, 2015
From your comments here. Some wants me to pretend as if we are already dating. Now, how would some who hasn't asked me out proposed to me in the future?. I think one is the pre-requisite to the other.

And also, those who told me to take charge. How will I just look into his eyes and say "Akin, pls be my man". Won't I look desperate?.

I just wanted an idea on what to do exactly that would make him "talk the talk"?. Atleats, that one would give me full assurance that we are dating.
very simple, ,,
Invite him over in ur own apartment sat him down in the sitting room not in the bedroom oo then go straight to refrigerator bring out one cool juice with two glasses pour for him and ur own now, call him de sweet pet name u use to call him he will answer u shyly den ask him what makes him to like/love u what and did he like about he will shyly tell u second question us his intentions towards u or ask him like this what did he takes u for ,tell him to answer u boldly ,he must talk at this point..then u must come back to thank me very well, please incase he also feel shy to touch u and u want him to, the solution is also simple sit close to him crack a joke that will sound very funny he will surely lough out loud if he did not then tickle him at that gradual process put ur arms around his neck gradually touch his sensitive organ like his breast then u will see his joystick stand he know what u want at that point..after u might have enjoyed the fun please don't thank him..just come back to thank me.
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by Nobody: 4:59pm On Jan 17, 2015
Two immature friends dcivin themselves
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by ademoladeji(m): 8:45am On May 24, 2015
Let me summarise my story.
I was sick few months back and got admitted to this hospital. That was when I met this young man who was also a patient that time, he is 26 years old, he took so much interest in my health and we became close and exchange contacts at the hospital. One thing led to the other, he always call to check on me after I was discharged and this got me attracted to him. Weeks later, he started stopping by at my office to pick me up after work and drop me at my place before going to his house.
Before we know it, we started exchanging visits and we were so close. 7 months after meeting him at the hospital, we already have each other's spare keys. I do go to his house unannounced and he also do the same to my apartment. The whole thing was like magic, the chemistry began to wax stronger as day goes by.
He told his friends and his younger sister behind me that I'm his fiance. But when he introduced me to them facially. He would say "Friends, meet vera, vera meet my friends". At first, I wasn't bothered but it got to a time when his friends and sister would see me and be asking me, "vera, how is your fiance doing?". I was like fiance gini? This guy never asked me out, we are just close. It got to a time that I had to ask his sister what he told her about me. His sister was shocked when I told her that we are just friends. She never believed it because his brother had informed the family that I'm his fiancee and a girl he would get married to. I stylishly interrogate few of his friends and the story was the same. His friends even made me realized how he could die without me.
I sat down and reasoned. I have never seen this young man closed to any other lady despite his profession, he would call me like 5 times a day, send me little romantic texts, comes to pick me at home in the morning and drop me in the evening. He gave me his spare key to visit any time, he never password his phone and he is so plain, loving and caring. His friends and family sees me as their potential inlaw, even my friends find it hard to believe each time I told them that I wasn't dating akin.
But to be sincere, I so much love him and have feelings for him. Infact, I have chased other potential suitors all because of him. I could see it clearly on his eyes that he loved me to, anytime a guy calls me on phone in his presence, his mood would change and I could remember that his eyes were soaked one particular day when I spent like 18minutes on a call with a guy and was laughing loud and teasing on the call, when the call ended, I noticed his eyelids were soaked, I pretended not to notice. Most times, he would hold my hands, hug me but find it difficult to look into my eyes. And when he finally tries to do so, he would be speechless and I would read clearly "fear" on his face as I could feel his heart beating heavily.
Yes we go out on shopping, dates and so on, but its just the usual chit chat fun, a little bit of romance but he is always scared to make body contacts, each time I tried moving close to him or looked into his face, all I could see is "fear" and my face isn't scary oooooo, infact, I started smiling always because of him oooo.
This is the 11th month of our friendship and this guy never told me that "vera, I want you to be my girl". All he always do is to tell me on chats or messages that he missed me and can't wait to be with me again, but when we see face to face, he wouldn't say anything. Always looking at the ceiling or the floor.
I'm so confused, I so much love this guy. He posses all what I wanted in a man, I knew he so much love me too. His family and friends sees me as his girl, he is so caring that even a boyfriend can't do most of the things he do to me. Now my problem is that, I can NEVER woo him my self,NEVER. but how do I help to remove the fear on his face?, how do I make him "talk the talk", or should I just pretend that we are dating?. Even his sister told me secretly that his brother had never been in a relationship before because he is the shy and scared type when it comes to women.
The Tale of Confused Lovers...
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by iPopAlomo(m): 11:40pm On Jun 07, 2015
who blow u for mouth @op? loll

God... these one made me laugh... hard!!!
pity the guy deactivated...
Re: I'm Confused On What Is Going On. by pretydiva(f): 11:54pm On Jun 07, 2015
D op never gave feed back..buh y cry...dis is so common in nairaland. Dey seek help/advice buh fail 2 tel us abt d outcome of it all

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