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Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by HarshS(m): 5:50pm On Nov 17, 2015
I created this thread for all the members to their share AdSense Tricks that helped them increasing their earnings.

So I start with my own trick that I applied few days back on my blog. It is really trick and helped me to earn little more extra $$.
To apply the AdSense earning trick, follow the below steps:
1) Login to your AdSence account
2) Go to "Allow & block ads" menu
3) Then move to "Ad serving" option
4) Turn off all the three options under the "User-based ads"

I've also attached a screenshot for reference, you can use it as well.
Once you successfully apply the above trick, the AdSense will start showing ads based on your keywords which eventually help to earning more.

I myself used the trick and my AdSense earnings improved by 25%.

Respected members, you also please share yours so that we can all help each other to grow.

Thanks All!

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Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by Fertilenigeria: 7:18pm On Nov 17, 2015
Good tricks you just shared. I will try it, although I have lost faith with AdSense after I discovered better ways to make money online. I make at least $1000 per month, but I was amazed when I discovered that I could make over $2500 every month from affiliate marketing. Just like that. One

See evidence in the attached picture for this month so far. 7 sales = $700. Imagine it.

AdSense is a good place to start but I discovered that it's the list way to make money online.

For Adsense tricks, the best I have used is to insert all the ad code in the post/page to ensure maximum impression since almost everybody now uses mobile devices to access internet.

Thanks for the share. I will try it

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Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by Nobody: 4:04pm On Nov 19, 2015
Good tricks you just shared. I will try it, although I have lost faith with AdSense after I discovered better ways to make money online. I make at least $1000 per month, but I was amazed when I discovered that I could make over $2500 every month from affiliate marketing. Just like that. One

See evidence in the attached picture for this month so far. 7 sales = $700. Imagine it.

AdSense is a good place to start but I discovered that it's the list way to make money online.

For Adsense tricks, the best I have used is to insert all the ad code in the post/page to ensure maximum impression since almost everybody now uses mobile devices to access internet.

Thanks for the share. I will try it
Do publishers make money from the Impressions?

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Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by HarshS(m): 7:17am On Nov 20, 2015
Yes, you make money from the ads impressions on your site.
Though it's quite low as compared to the sum that you generate from someone clicking your ads.
If a site has large no. of daily visitors that can make a good amount of money if not huge from impressions only.
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by Nobody: 6:22pm On Nov 20, 2015
Yes, you make money from the ads impressions on your site.
Though it's quite low as compared to the sum that you generate from someone clicking your ads.
If a site has large no. of daily visitors that can make a good amount of money if not huge from impressions only.
thanks for dropping my rpm, i will bounce back. i implemented your experiment and saw my rpm that averages $1.2 drop to 0.65. i have long activated them back and still waiting to return to normalcy.
i normally get rpm as much as $2-3 sometimes. my secret is: having a mobile optimised site and not placing more than 2 large banners on one page.

i started researching on some high paying key words in my niche and got some revelations; all webmasters need to devote some time to research and studying online and not just posting articles. gracias
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by HarshS(m): 10:42am On Nov 21, 2015
Yes, even I wish you return with more earnings than you previously have. The trick may not have worked in your scenario. That's the way we learn, we experiment, it could fail sometimes, but that shouldn't prevent us doing more experiments. Otherwise, how would we evolve?
Next, my motivation was only to share the experience with fellow friends what have worked for me. I did benefit from turning off the user based ads because I've a programming and blogging tips site and I use many high CPC keyword in each of my articles. But the ads displayed were all of low quality not pertaining to the keyword. So after turning off the user based ads, now I'm seeing ads relating to my niche and of high value. And all of this is now helping in improve my AdSense earnings.
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by Nobody: 11:56am On Nov 21, 2015
Yes, even I wish you return with more earnings than you previously have. The trick may not have worked in your scenario. That's the way we learn, we experiment, it could fail sometimes, but that shouldn't prevent us doing more experiments. Otherwise, how would we evolve?
Next, my motivation was only to share the experience with fellow friends what have worked for me. I did benefit from turning off the user based ads because I've a programming and blogging tips site and I use many high CPC keyword in each of my articles. But the ads displayed were all of low quality not pertaining to the keyword. So after turning off the user based ads, now I'm seeing ads relating to my niche and of high value. And all of this is now helping in improve my AdSense earnings.
it is back sire, i check today and saw a rpm of over $4. what's your rpm on the average?

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Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by javijabor1(m): 9:11am On Nov 22, 2015
I created this thread for all the members to their share AdSense Tricks that helped them increasing their earnings.

So I start with my own trick that I applied few days back on my blog. It is really trick and helped me to earn little more extra $$.
To apply the AdSense earning trick, follow the below steps:
1) Login to your AdSence account
2) Go to "Allow & block ads" menu
3) Then move to "Ad serving" option
4) Turn off all the three options under the "User-based ads"

I've also attached a screenshot for reference, you can use it as well.
Once you successfully apply the above trick, the AdSense will start showing ads based on your keywords which eventually help to earning more.

I myself used the trick and my AdSense earnings improved by 25%.

Respected members, you also please share yours so that we can all help each other to grow.

Thanks All!

Seems this works...
Im still monitoring though.
CPC jumped from 0.1 to 0.3
RPM 1.8 to 2.7

Will update you after 2 or 3 more days

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Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by HarshS(m): 5:03am On Nov 24, 2015
Its great to hear from some of the friends and their desire to learn and experiment. I wish all the best to them.

Also please share your tips and tricks that you come to know from other sources. This would help us all immensely.

Remember, sharing is key to success.
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by javijabor1(m): 5:48pm On Nov 24, 2015
CPC and RPM dropped below normal from the 2nd day.
I have reverted back to old setting.

Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by Nobody: 8:14pm On Nov 24, 2015
CPC and RPM dropped below normal from the 2nd day.
I have reverted back to old setting.

hehehehehe, i haven't laughed all today, so busy with work, i just had to come here and view latest development and viola, your post cracked me up. my rpm is doing incredibly well,i saw $4... at one point, maybe because a junk of my traffic comes from US, UK and other foreign countries. although my naija bros are trying sha. we have to keep experimenting to get best results. thanks to the op for the thread

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Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by HarshS(m): 8:50am On Dec 19, 2015
I've just started using the WP In Post plugin from MyThemeShop and now page RPM improved from 0.50-1.0 to 1.2-2.5 in just last 2 weeks. Now I'm consistently getting Page RPM at 1.2-2.5.
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by kingstylo01(m): 3:33pm On Feb 03, 2016
nice tips bro. will surely implement them
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by javijabor1(m): 3:07am On Feb 04, 2016
I've just started using the WP In Post plugin from MyThemeShop and now page RPM improved from 0.50-1.0 to 1.2-2.5 in just last 2 weeks. Now I'm consistently getting Page RPM at 1.2-2.5.

Can u share woth us Where did you place your ads?
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by HarshS(m): 6:54am On Feb 14, 2016
Hi - I've done a lot of research on ad placement and carefully observed the results from both AdSense and analytics dashboards.

The best ad placement is only within your posts, and you have to keep changing the ad placement within the post at regular intervals.
Below is the summary of the best ad locations for maximum monetization.

1) Before post content (Use 728*90 or a large billboard-style ad), center align
2) After 1st paragraph of your post (Use 728*90), center align
3) After 2nd paragraph of your post (Use 300*250), center align
4) After 4th paragraph (Use 300*250), left or right align

It's always better to use a WordPress AdSense plugin to get the customized Ad placement and for the auto rotation of the Ads.
If you wish, you can refer the below link for the more information on the best AdSense monetizers.


Can u share woth us Where did you place your ads?
Re: Share Practical Adsense Tricks To Increase Earnings - Let's Start by HarshS(m): 6:56am On Feb 14, 2016
One additional info - now my AdSense RPM is increased to 3.00.

Hi - I've done a lot of research on ad placement and carefully observed the results from both AdSense and analytics dashboards.

The best ad placement is only within your posts, and you have to keep changing the ad placement within the post at regular intervals.
Below is the summary of the best ad locations for maximum monetization.

1) Before post content (Use 728*90 or a large billboard-style ad), center align
2) After the 1st paragraph of your post (Use 728*90), center align
3) After the 2nd paragraph of your post (Use 300*250), center align
4) After the 4th paragraph (Use 300*250), left or right align

It's always better to use a WordPress AdSense plugin to get the customized Ad placement and for the auto rotation of the Ads.
If you wish, you can refer the below link for the more information on the best AdSense monetizers.


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