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How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by onismate: 8:04am On Jul 16, 2016
This is a story about my friend, how he got a job that changed his life. Read....

Few months back while I was still serving as a corp member. The federal Government was yet to activate the months alert on my phone, we were yet to be paid the month’s allowee. I was going to my PPA and I had a little money on me. I had to use my corper power to be stopping any car I find going towards my direction. I had my NYSC cap on me. I stopped some who refused to carry me. But I no blame them. They felt corpers love free ride a lot. One that I stopped, it was a lady that was driving the car. Na so she just whined down the glass. I begged if she could take me to my destination. She asked how much I was willing to pay. I told her that I only had N100 on me. The she looked at me. Her facial reaction looked as if she should slap. “Look corper, don’t you ever stop my car if you don’t have money,” she said as she zoomed off. “Chaiii,” I thought she would even be considerate as a lady. Na so I stay there till one car was passing by. I was even scared of stopping it but I managed to use my corpers cap to stop it, and it stopped. The driver was a mid-aged man. He said he was going towards Port Harcourt. And that was my direction though I won’t get to Port Harcourt. Well he asked me to come in.
As we move towards my location, we began chatting. He asked me my name and school I graduated from. I told him my name, and that I graduated from Federal University of Agriculture (Funaab). He asked me my state of origin. At first I became scared, hoping he doesn’t want to kidnap me. Because kidnapping is rampant in Rivers state. He told me his name is Mr Philip and said he’s the CEO of a new oil and gas servicing firm in Port Harcourt. I was just amazed when he said he’s the CEO of an oil and gas serving firm. Because he was looking casual without much swag. My orientation when he said he was the CEO of his oil firm, I thought it was a huge oil and gas firm. I be don think say the man was sitting untop of money. Not until he told me he only has one employee which is himself. I be don think say I don hammer. You need to see the way I frowned my face as if I lost a jackpot. After much talk, he gave me his complimentary card and dropped me where I was supposed to drop before going his way.
In the evening, I called his line and appreciated him for dropping me off with his car. He said he liked people like me who are smart, intelligent and purpose oriented. Na so I appreciate him compliment.
3 weeks later, Mr Philip called me. He said he had a client in Buguma were I was staying that he wants to supply Marine gas to. And that I should send him my email address so he would send me the quotations for the client so I print and send it to him. At first I began wondering if this Mr Philip is not up to a scam. “Because you barely know me.” “You just took me in your car once and you want to send quotation to someone through me.” To me it doesn’t really add up. As Mr Philip was still talking on phone, I was just wondering what to tell him. Whether to tell him ‘No’ or “yes.” I had to cut the call and told him that I will call him back. I had to think about it. My friends who were around were laughing at that I don enter one chance. But I thought about it. Since its just to print email and send it to someone. But another thought came up. What of if he was trying to set me up to be kidnapped. As I was thinking about it, Mr Philip called again. He saw that I was sounding afraid. He said I shouldn’t be scared, since I am a corper, that he will even send the client to corpers lodge to take the quotations. I tell say “No problem,” and I sent him my email address. He sent the quotations and I printed it out. Na so I begin wait for call to know the next step. After 2 hours, the client called that he was on his way out of Buguma. And that I should wait for him at the corpers lodge gate so he can collect the quotation. I went to the gate, I and two of my friends to wait. Because I no wan just take chances. As we waited, a find white venza drove by and stopped at our front. The driver whind down and asked who he was speaking with on phone. I told him I was the one. He apologized for delaying. I gave him the quotations and he left. I called Mr Philip that I have delivered the quotation. He thanked me and sent airtime to me. I was happy.
As time went on, Mr Philip will call and said he was out of town. He would send me transport fare and send me to deliver quotations to some companies.
One day, I decided to visit his office in Abuloma Jetty in Port Harcourt. It was just a room in one big complex. He welcomed me and we talked so well. He said he would love me to join him in that company. He wants me to be marketing and distributing gases to company as he is trying to face gas business squarely. But I was so gullible that I underrated him and the business. I was yet to understand that he was giving me employment on a platter of gold. I was even yet to understand that gas business is the ink thing now. Na so I begin do shakara. I told him I will think about it since it’s a few weeks before my passing out. He said he just liked me. That I will be his first employee and infact he doesn’t send people on an errand like the way he sends me. He just wants to integrate me as he raises huge money to venture into the business because he is bidding for a big Government contract.
I told my friends about Mr Philips offer, many of them discouraged me. They mocked me, feeling marine gas, gas is not a lucrative business. That he (Mr Philip) is trying to play on my intelligence, and I was being fooled. I never knew that them too were gullible as me. Because some of them studied accounting and commercial courses in school so they only understand oil and not gas.
As time went on, I had no choice because there is no job. I took Mr Philips offer with an open heart and hand. After my POP, I am no longer a corper, some of my friends went back home while I stayed in Mr Philip house with his family. I gave my best as I worked, delivering gases to companies. I was just the chief marketer. For three months I was not paid but I was hopeful in the business. I even help in drafting out big companies that we contact if they need gases.
In the 4th month, first week, we landed huge marine gas supply contract. We were so busy throughout the month that My Oga, Mr Philip employed more hands. At the end of the month, N5m was paid into my account by the company. I was shocked. I thought it was too much according to what I told Mr Philip. He said the money is even too small for the commitment and job I was doing. That if it were bigger companies, they will pay me more, but we are just starting and as time goes on, he will increase it. Chaiii, na so my life don change ooo. Thank God I didn’t listen to my friends.
This is my 6th month in the company and we are getting bigger and better. More workers are coming in. Never despise your humble beginning. And am sure am going to make more money.


211 Likes 17 Shares

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Fedayeen02: 8:23am On Jul 16, 2016
You are known for bringing in fake storie and one one mod will push it to FP

When wil God even pick your calls self


Some people are claiming this lies in their lives. Go through the op topics and you will find out that he loves dishing utopian dreams for the gullible

107 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by abdeiz(m): 8:47am On Jul 16, 2016
Wow I don't care if its a true story or not but this is inspiring.

46 Likes 1 Share

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by ammyluv2002(f): 8:55am On Jul 16, 2016
Wow! #UnMeritedFavour

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by hungryboy(m): 9:06am On Jul 16, 2016
I can smell a lie when I see one,
Oga Op, no worry, your dreams shall one day come to pass eh

31 Likes 3 Shares

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Emmanuel602(m): 9:29am On Jul 16, 2016


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by dynicks(m): 10:08am On Jul 16, 2016
Whao!!! quite inspiring....thankGod for u .....I tap from ur testimony

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Icecream4U(m): 11:12am On Jul 16, 2016
Instead of Mr Philip sending quotation to your email for you to print and give to a client, why didn't he send the quotation directly to the client's email?

191 Likes 10 Shares

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by vicben27(m): 12:30pm On Jul 16, 2016
Instead of Mr Philip sending quotation to your email for you to print and give to a client, why didn't he send the quotation directly to the client's email?
God works in misterious wayz bro!

31 Likes 1 Share

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by sirma: 1:09pm On Jul 16, 2016
This is a story about my friend, how he got a job that changed his life. Read....

Few months back while I was still serving as a corp member. The federal Government was yet to activate the months alert on my phone, we were yet to be paid the month’s allowee. I was going to my PPA and I had a little money on me. I had to use my corper power to be stopping any car I find going towards my direction. I had my NYSC cap on me. I stopped some who refused to carry me. But I no blame them. They felt corpers love free ride a lot. One that I stopped, it was a lady that was driving the car. Na so she just whined down the glass. I begged if she could take me to my destination. She asked how much I was willing to pay. I told her that I only had N100 on me. The she looked at me. Her facial reaction looked as if she should slap. “Look corper, don’t you ever stop my car if you don’t have money,” she said as she zoomed off. “Chaiii,” I thought she would even be considerate as a lady. Na so I stay there till one car was passing by. I was even scared of stopping it but I managed to use my corpers cap to stop it, and it stopped. The driver was a mid-aged man. He said he was going towards Port Harcourt. And that was my direction though I won’t get to Port Harcourt. Well he asked me to come in.
As we move towards my location, we began chatting. He asked me my name and school I graduated from. I told him my name, and that I graduated from Federal University of Agriculture (Funaab). He asked me my state of origin. At first I became scared, hoping he doesn’t want to kidnap me. Because kidnapping is rampant in Rivers state. He told me his name is Mr Philip and said he’s the CEO of a new oil and gas servicing firm in Port Harcourt. I was just amazed when he said he’s the CEO of an oil and gas serving firm. Because he was looking casual without much swag. My orientation when he said he was the CEO of his oil firm, I thought it was a huge oil and gas firm. I be don think say the man was sitting untop of money. Not until he told me he only has one employee which is himself. I be don think say I don hammer. You need to see the way I frowned my face as if I lost a jackpot. After much talk, he gave me his complimentary card and dropped me where I was supposed to drop before going his way.
In the evening, I called his line and appreciated him for dropping me off with his car. He said he liked people like me who are smart, intelligent and purpose oriented. Na so I appreciate him compliment.
3 weeks later, Mr Philip called me. He said he had a client in Buguma were I was staying that he wants to supply Marine gas to. And that I should send him my email address so he would send me the quotations for the client so I print and send it to him. At first I began wondering if this Mr Philip is not up to a scam. “Because you barely know me.” “You just took me in your car once and you want to send quotation to someone through me.” To me it doesn’t really add up. As Mr Philip was still talking on phone, I was just wondering what to tell him. Whether to tell him ‘No’ or “yes.” I had to cut the call and told him that I will call him back. I had to think about it. My friends who were around were laughing at that I don enter one chance. But I thought about it. Since its just to print email and send it to someone. But another thought came up. What of if he was trying to set me up to be kidnapped. As I was thinking about it, Mr Philip called again. He saw that I was sounding afraid. He said I shouldn’t be scared, since I am a corper, that he will even send the client to corpers lodge to take the quotations. I tell say “No problem,” and I sent him my email address. He sent the quotations and I printed it out. Na so I begin wait for call to know the next step. After 2 hours, the client called that he was on his way out of Buguma. And that I should wait for him at the corpers lodge gate so he can collect the quotation. I went to the gate, I and two of my friends to wait. Because I no wan just take chances. As we waited, a find white venza drove by and stopped at our front. The driver whind down and asked who he was speaking with on phone. I told him I was the one. He apologized for delaying. I gave him the quotations and he left. I called Mr Philip that I have delivered the quotation. He thanked me and sent airtime to me. I was happy.
As time went on, Mr Philip will call and said he was out of town. He would send me transport fare and send me to deliver quotations to some companies.
One day, I decided to visit his office in Abuloma Jetty in Port Harcourt. It was just a room in one big complex. He welcomed me and we talked so well. He said he would love me to join him in that company. He wants me to be marketing and distributing gases to company as he is trying to face gas business squarely. But I was so gullible that I underrated him and the business. I was yet to understand that he was giving me employment on a platter of gold. I was even yet to understand that gas business is the ink thing now. Na so I begin do shakara. I told him I will think about it since it’s a few weeks before my passing out. He said he just liked me. That I will be his first employee and infact he doesn’t send people on an errand like the way he sends me. He just wants to integrate me as he raises huge money to venture into the business because he is bidding for a big Government contract.
I told my friends about Mr Philips offer, many of them discouraged me. They mocked me, feeling marine gas, gas is not a lucrative business. That he (Mr Philip) is trying to play on my intelligence, and I was being fooled. I never knew that them too were gullible as me. Because some of them studied accounting and commercial courses in school so they only understand oil and not gas.
As time went on, I had no choice because there is no job. I took Mr Philips offer with an open heart and hand. After my POP, I am no longer a corper, some of my friends went back home while I stayed in Mr Philip house with his family. I gave my best as I worked, delivering gases to companies. I was just the chief marketer. For three months I was not paid but I was hopeful in the business. I even help in drafting out big companies that we contact if they need gases.
In the 4th month, first week, we landed huge marine gas supply contract. We were so busy throughout the month that My Oga, Mr Philip employed more hands. At the end of the month, N5m was paid into my account by the company. I was shocked. I thought it was too much according to what I told Mr Philip. He said the money is even too small for the commitment and job I was doing. That if it were bigger companies, they will pay me more, but we are just starting and as time goes on, he will increase it. Chaiii, na so my life don change ooo. Thank God I didn’t listen to my friends.
This is my 6th month in the company and we are getting bigger and better. More workers are coming in. Never despise your humble beginning. And am sure am going to make more money.


I claim favours of this kind in my life and into my family in Jesus name

38 Likes 3 Shares

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by lalasticlala(m): 1:09pm On Jul 16, 2016
You are known for bringing in fake storie and one one mod will push it to FP

When wil God even pick your calls self


36 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Nobody: 1:13pm On Jul 16, 2016
Very fake story indeed!! OP keep it up.


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Nobody: 1:23pm On Jul 16, 2016
i don't want to know whether or not this is true but dang its inspiring.

1 Like

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Fedayeen02: 1:38pm On Jul 16, 2016

You are laughing because you know I'm saying the truth. Stop giving him attention or better stilllet his thread be among thosebearly mmorning short stories that no body cares about

Thank you Buratai the snale charmer cheesy.


So you finally push this lies again to Fp. Only that guy wears corper cap and board taxi in all his stories

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by idu1(m): 1:40pm On Jul 16, 2016
This guy sef.

Hallucination is his hobby


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by PRISTINEMUSCLES: 2:55pm On Jul 16, 2016
It beats my imagination to hear some people come out to say this story is fake. Do you have a concrete and verifiable evidence to prove this story is fake? Things beyond human comprehension are happening to us on a daily basis. I have folks with employment "testimonies" beyond logical reasoning, will i call it "Divine selection".

Pray to God to grant you that unmerited favour. Opportunities are always knocking on our doorsteps but it is still up to us to see it as one and let it in.

Keylessons- do not despise the day of humble begining. Gold do not always appear as precious metals.

23 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Coyotejack(m): 2:56pm On Jul 16, 2016
You guys are missing the point.........
When you are favored you are favored.
True or not.
This is one hell of a testimony.


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Nobody: 3:23pm On Jul 16, 2016
The story is as fake as NICKIE MINAJ asssss


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by KillerBeauty(f): 3:36pm On Jul 16, 2016
Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what God have in stock for those who believe in him.

The story is very inspiring. Dats how God work
Lesson never dispise anybody because u knw never know who will bless u


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by prinsam30: 4:56pm On Jul 16, 2016
Pls stop I don't wanna here anymore of it

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Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by heryurh(m): 5:12pm On Jul 16, 2016
Summary! angry
Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by jennyswt(f): 6:31pm On Jul 16, 2016
You are known for bringing in fake storie and one one mod will push it to FP

When wil God even pick your calls self


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Cherishing(f): 6:32pm On Jul 16, 2016
inspiring & interesting

Op you Sabi cook Oooh


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by hobermener: 6:32pm On Jul 16, 2016
Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by Harvard13(m): 6:34pm On Jul 16, 2016
corpers and free ride sha. but if na ur time, u must shine!
Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by SuperSuave(m): 6:34pm On Jul 16, 2016
Welcome to a new day, a new dawn, a new aluta not against that other tribe, religion, sex or color but to a new Brotherhood where peace, love, selfless service will be the order of the day.

The New Nigerian Youth!!!!!

Welcome to the Voice of the Nigerian Youths, let our silence be heard the loudest and our voices the weapon of true change!


To awaken, enlighten and reposition the Nigerian Youth to function effectively for the purpose of achieving inter-tribal and religious coexistence and ultimately leading in a secular and functional society.


We, the Nigerian youths are poised to ensuring a Nigeria where youths take their rightful position in political and economic decision of our fatherland. We are determined to ensure that through selfless service and adherence to the Rule of Law, the economic and political future of Nigeria is rooted in core moral values as envisaged by the founding fathers of our dear nation. Furthermore, we believe the need to right the wrongs of the past and chart a course for sustainable human and capital development, is our collective responsibility. Hence, we seek to build the Nigeria we heard stories of as kids and above all to protect the true queens and kings of this great nation; our children yet unborn.

Our Creed

We did no wrong but we're here to do it right.
I give my voice against all vices.
I am the first line of credibility.
For the defence of justice and equity"
I am a Voice of the Nigerian Youths
We're here to be heard!


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by darkid1(m): 6:35pm On Jul 16, 2016
Wow, I read the first four lines and i had to book space. You might not know it, but you inspired someone... Good things still happen to people, just hold on to that line and God will pick your call.

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Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by hotspec(m): 6:37pm On Jul 16, 2016


Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by soberdrunk(m): 6:37pm On Jul 16, 2016

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Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by VajanahDischaj(f): 6:37pm On Jul 16, 2016
Paulkillerman , natotogokillme , vaginaterrorist , smellymouth , pussypounder and SmellingVagina.

we go make am!

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Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by WebSurfer(m): 6:38pm On Jul 16, 2016
Chai OP.... There is God ooooo...

All these lies you are Sharingggggggg

Re: How My Friend Got A Job That Gave Him N5m In Just Four Months by nurez305(m): 6:38pm On Jul 16, 2016
You forget to tell us how you got disappointed when you wake up from your dream wink


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