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The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged - Education - Nairaland

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The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 8:14am On Sep 15, 2016
This morning as i woke up late after a strong dream due to Nigeria situations , then i jamed this topic on BODMAS https://www.nairaland.com/3348282/o-bodmas-doesnt-mean-teachers

Hiaa i said after going through the topic and comments. Let me summarize this country. Today , this morning i understand the reason its hard for Nigeria to move off from ground zero. They lack addictive knowledge, they can destroy anything at seconds and build none. They lack the ability to research. They sink any rubish peacefully and thats why politicians do use us as Chinese pampers.

Pls the O in bodmas still means Of. Mathematics itself is the ancestors with so many families , if a family can initiate and transform another then equal operations must be preserve, so as reflexibility. Mathematics families are not Nigerian female families that are stiff and stingy.

What happened is the presence of a sweet name Powers, exponents, index and you know oyibo sabi sweet names.

If you are familiar with oyibo book and you start searching for SURDS as a topic, believe you me, you wil be there till Lalasticlala and seun graduate from Open university Bornu. What you will see is RADICALS.

So for that O=of , still ok why? Of transforms to product which is also reflexive to Order since order itself are PRODUCTIVELY MADE. Thus in the same family.

The worst that will happen to you is once you pick a nice maths oyibo book and you see 6.2 , you wil be surprise y the answer is 12, lol. But thats true. They use . instead of x but once you understand that we have vector & scalar multiplication symbols.

Well naija bend but we stil they on track for bodmas. Like we use x for all multuplications which is not suppose to be.

Conclusion: pls mode move this to front page so our teachers wont start thinking SO WE FAILED them.
The only thing is that we need to stil shape our education for modern terms. Thanks.

Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by Ikem11(m): 8:17am On Sep 15, 2016
I hate mathematics
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by Nusaf: 8:33am On Sep 15, 2016
@Op, abeg what is the mathematical meaning of "OF"? I'm also interested in knowing what the M in the acronym symbolises. grin
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 8:34am On Sep 15, 2016
Bia mod move this to front page to clear those trash off peoples mind jor
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 8:37am On Sep 15, 2016
@Op, abeg what is the mathematical meaning of "OF"? I'm also interested in knowing what the M in the acronym symbolises. grin
one word Multiplication grin
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by Nusaf: 8:44am On Sep 15, 2016
one word Multiplication grin
Hmm. So, why the repetition of the single mathematical operation in the acronym?
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by ArchitGreen(m): 8:54am On Sep 15, 2016
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 8:55am On Sep 15, 2016

Hmm. So, why the repetition of the single mathematical operation in the acronym?
lol cos one was a sinner , now converted in the family of multiplication grin if u adopt a son wont u giv him ur surname?
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 8:57am On Sep 15, 2016
i was shocked by the thread too.... nice work op
thumbs up man
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 8:57am On Sep 15, 2016
i was shocked by the thread too.... nice work op
thumbs up
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by Nusaf: 9:08am On Sep 15, 2016
lol cos one was a sinner , now converted in the family of multiplication grin if u adopt a son wont u giv him ur surname?
Well, to cut the story short, the op of the thread that triggers this one is correct. It comfortably accounted for all the basic mathematical operations. I quite agree with him. Eg 4×6^2. In this case, the 6 must be squared b4 multiplying by 4. Also, if u have an expression like 5×16^1/4, u must take the 4th root of the 16 before multiplying by 5 and this is in full agreement with his version. The O in the BODMAS represents Order.
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 9:20am On Sep 15, 2016

Well, to cut the story short, the op of the thread that triggers this one is correct. It comfortably accounted for all the basic mathematical operations. I quite agree with him. Eg 4×6^2. In this case, the 6 must be squared b4 multiplying by 4. The O in the BODMAS represents Order.
pls maths is not English , exponents, roots, orders are all subsets of OF. In d mathematical SPACE of is a CONTAINER to others and not the other way. In computer we cal OF the PARENT. Well you need to tel me about you before i continue
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by ArchitGreen(m): 9:24am On Sep 15, 2016
from research both thread are correct... the O in bodmas stands for OF as a mnemonic but it actually means ORDER OF POWERS not multiplication as we were taught and honestly speaking advanced mathematics doesn't recognise BODMAS as the only rule in carrying out numerical operations.. the D&M and A&S are interchangeable....
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 10:55am On Sep 15, 2016
from research both thread are correct... the O in bodmas stands for OF as a mnemonic but it actually means ORDER OF POWERS not multiplication as we were taught and honestly speaking advanced mathematics doesn't recognise BODMAS as the only rule in carrying out numerical operations.. the D&M and A&S are interchangeable....
hia nawa oo. D guy is not correct for sayin dat O =OF is wrong. His premise negates everything he said. Again OF is d bases of existence. And who taught u OF is multiplication? OF changes to multiplication the same way divide changes to multiplication. OF becomes d bases in bodmas since d whole of BODMAS is conserve after d transformation of OF. For any advance education d bases must and i say must be preserve. If not newtons laws wil never exist again.
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by Nusaf: 11:29am On Sep 15, 2016
pls maths is not English , exponents, roots, orders are all subsets of OF. In d mathematical SPACE of is a CONTAINER to others and not the other way. In computer we cal OF the PARENT. Well you need to tel me about you before i continue
Going by this ur logic, it can be argued that division and multiplication are just same cos one is just the inverse of the other. It can also be argued that multiplication is nothing but series of addition while subtraction on the other hand is just series of subtraction. Meaning that addition and subtraction are respectively the subsets of multiplication and division. But despite the relationships between these operations, specific operators are assigned to ease manipulation of numbers or its representatives in algebra. This is more of logic than profession but if u want to know about me based on my argument, just have it that mathematics is an indispensable tool in my job.
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 11:40am On Sep 15, 2016

Going by this ur logic, it can be argued that division and multiplication are just same cos one is just the inverse of the other. It can also be argued that multiplication is nothing but series of addition while subtraction on the other hand is just series of subtraction. Meaning that addition and subtraction are respectively the subsets of multiplication and division. But despite the relationships between these operations, specific operators are assigned to ease manipulation of numbers or its representatives in algebra. This is more of logic than profession but if u want to know about me based on my argument, just have it that mathematics is an indispensable tool in my job.
seems u dont knw d two bases operators are addition nd multiplication? Stop long note bro

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Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by Nusaf: 12:18pm On Sep 15, 2016
seems u dont knw d two bases operators are addition nd multiplication? Stop long note bro
Exactly my point. But why do operations like division, subtraction etc exist? Just to simplify arithemetic manipulations and those are the operations taken care of by BODMAS. I forgot to add. U said mathematics is not English. Actually, it is not English but it has something in common with English; they are both languages and mathematics is concise, compressed and more comprehensive than any other language.
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by weyabcom: 12:54pm On Sep 15, 2016

Exactly my point. But why do operations like division, subtraction etc exist? Just to simplify arithemetic manipulations and those are the operations taken care of by BODMAS. I forgot to add. U said mathematics is not English. Actually, it is not English but it has something in common with English; they are both languages and mathematics is concise, compressed and more comprehensive than any other language.
wel maths is d hardest form of topic in argument. Can remember bak den wen ma 2 profs were arguing over just epsile symbol. Wel maths is too deep smtins u hav to understand where one is comin from. So invite me
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by Oluwatomiwo: 11:56am On Sep 19, 2016
3years in junior sec Skul 3years in senior sec Skul and all I learnt was o stands for 'of' My maths teachers needs to be sued angry
Re: The True Meaning Of BODMAS Unchanged by sathel(m): 1:34pm On Sep 19, 2016
This OP Ehn undecided......

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