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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Prepare Your Ways The End Is At Hand (226 Views)
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Prepare Your Ways The End Is At Hand by Belteshazzar1: 12:26pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
my dear brothers and sisters i wish to share this message with you to remind you about Eternity. It pains me sorely the way Belivers are discouraged and decieved from He that called them by His Grace. It pains me bitterly the way christians are departing from the teachings of Christ, and are being discouraged this end time, with false teachings by false prophets. The rate at which Christians are backsliding this end time is too much, not minding the damination that awaits them. Just because of one temptation or the other..... Hell is real, and Heaven is real also. Make up your mind on where to go. Member-ship of any Church or religion does not write your name in the book of life. you must be genuinely born again and forsake sin else you miss Heaven. The geatest tragedy that can happen to a child of God is to miss Heaven. making Heaven must be your greatest achievement. Do you not know that in a race all runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way to get the prize. Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. So you must plain to make Heaven. Take note: No one can bear the toments, pain, suffering that awaits sinners at the lastday. That will be aa painful life, you will seek for death but you will not die. But the Bible said in the book of (Ezekiel 18:32) " For i have no pleasure in the death of Him that dies says the Lord God wherefore turn yourselves and live you" So God's purpose in our life is not for us to die a sinful death but to live an eternal and everlasting life. Make every effort to make Heaven. Reject everything worldly, though you are in the world, but you are not of the world. Take note a friend of the world is an enemy of God. Enter through the narrow road and small gate that leads to life, for wide is the road and broad is the gate that leads to distruction and many Enters through it. Repent today and make the right selection. choose you this day whom you will serve. Repent Jesus is coming soon..... Now to you i pray that God's grace will grant us our Heart desires and make us perfect Through Christ Jesus our Lord...... Amen Grace2u Bel–te–shaz'zar |
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