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Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by Nobody: 7:55pm On Apr 12, 2020

This is not true. Don't use your mother and other women in your life to judge all women.
welcome to NL hantie
Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by LarryBee1k: 8:10pm On Apr 12, 2020

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Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by Drfernandez(m): 11:22pm On Apr 12, 2020

You only find it hard to believe because men have been taught from childhood through adulthood that women are deep and mysterious angelic beings that should be loved, protected and respected for being women (ie merely being in possession of a vagina). Concepts inculcated at an early age are very hard to let go. In reality, the full depth of women is that they are slaves to these two base cravings and nothing else.

Women evolved to be that way, because those were the two primary skills required for their survival in our prehistoric past, always being the weaker, more dependent sex; the attention of an alpha male and the ability of the female to recognise the best provider and to give herself sexually to him. In the past, women had no problem with that, because the alpha male was often simultaneously the best provider, so she gave him sex and gained status (attention) and the best zebra parts and fruit trees (financial security) in return.

Nowadays, the beta is usually the best provider and attention giver; ready to work 9-5 and spend all on her; but genetically, the alpha still attracts her sexually. This is why there is so much discontentment of women in marriage and why women cheat so much on their husbands in modern times.

Of course, women prefer to pretend that all these cravings are actually functions of the loftier attributes of 'love'; and are addicted to romantic dramas and books that promote this false narrative as a consequence; but the reality is very different. Even the idealism within those dramas have the perfectly romantic man as one who is practically subservient to the woman's two cravings; security and attention.

I agree with you to some extent.
Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by BuddhaPalm(m): 2:17am On Apr 13, 2020
"As women are a considerable, or, at least, a pretty numerous part of company; and as their suffrages go a great way towards establishing a man’s character in the fashionable part of the world, which is of great importance to the fortune and figure he proposes to make in it, it is necessary to please them.

I will, therefore, upon this subject, let you into certain arcana that will be very useful for you to know, but which you must, with the utmost care, conceal and never seem to know.

Women, then, are only children of a larger growth; they have an entertaining tattle, and sometimes wit; but for solid reasoning, good sense, I never knew in my life one that had it, or who reasoned or acted consequentially for four-and-twenty hours together.

Some little passion or humour always breaks in upon their best resolutions.

Their beauty neglected or controverted, their age increased or their supposed understandings depreciated, instantly kindles their little passions, and overturns any system of consequential conduct that in their most reasonable moments they have been capable of forming.

A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humours and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly, forward child; but he neither consults them about nor trusts them with, serious matters; though he often makes them believe that he does both, which is the thing in the world that they are proud of."

------ Lord Chesterfield, March 9, 1748 (In a letter to his son)

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Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by Funkyswagzz(m): 2:34am On Apr 13, 2020
When it comes to getting a woman attention there pattern is virtually the same. When a woman likes u and u have a girlfriend she will wait for her turn to come and once u channel ur thoughts towards her and say uve broken up watch the way she starts callin u sweet names. When u mess up she will definitely let's u know u messed up big time. All we women have this in common
Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by Rawhumper(m): 1:49pm On Apr 13, 2020

They have same goal but different methods

quote author=Heiterkeit post=88369583]

Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by bukatyne2: 9:25pm On Apr 28, 2020
"As women are a considerable, or, at least, a pretty numerous part of company; and as their suffrages go a great way towards establishing a man’s character in the fashionable part of the world, which is of great importance to the fortune and figure he proposes to make in it, it is necessary to please them.

I will, therefore, upon this subject, let you into certain arcana that will be very useful for you to know, but which you must, with the utmost care, conceal and never seem to know.

Women, then, are only children of a larger growth; they have an entertaining tattle, and sometimes wit; but for solid reasoning, good sense, I never knew in my life one that had it, or who reasoned or acted consequentially for four-and-twenty hours together.

Some little passion or humour always breaks in upon their best resolutions.

Their beauty neglected or controverted, their age increased or their supposed understandings depreciated, instantly kindles their little passions, and overturns any system of consequential conduct that in their most reasonable moments they have been capable of forming.

A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humours and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly, forward child; but he neither consults them about nor trusts them with, serious matters; though he often makes them believe that he does both, which is the thing in the world that they are proud of."

------ Lord Chesterfield, March 9, 1748 (In a letter to his son)

I would like to read about this man.

He is a misogynist with finesse.

Sounds like a gentleman of old.
Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by BuddhaPalm(m): 10:09pm On Apr 28, 2020

I would like to read about this man.

He is a misogynist with finesse.

Sounds like a gentleman of old.

Bukatyne, what happened to your other id
Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by bukatyne(f): 10:17pm On Apr 28, 2020

Bukatyne, what happened to your other id

It was banned for a week, I registered this so both are now floating. grin
Re: Is It True That All Women Have The Same Pattern Of Behavior? by BuddhaPalm(m): 11:00pm On Apr 28, 2020

It was banned for a week, I registered this so both are now floating. grin

Ahh, so you haff join bad gang.

What did you do

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