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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Vaginal Steaming Tips And Benefits (467 Views)
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Vaginal Steaming Tips And Benefits by remediesng(m): 2:33pm On May 06, 2021 |
Vaginal steaming is a practice also known as yoni steaming or V-steaming which involves exposure of the vagina to steam for the purpose of cleansing it and promoting its health. The practice requires a woman wearing no underwear to sit on a stool with a hole or a bucket that contains steaming hot water and herbs like mugwort, rosemary, and basil for 20 minutes or less. she may wrap her waist to the thigh with a towel to prevent the steam from escaping. Herbs and plants either dried or fresh are suggested even some of the plants in your spice rack are perfect. the commonly used ones are: Clove basil (efirin) rosemary (anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial) oregano (antiseptic, antispasmodic, expectorant) calendula (anti-inflammatory) motherwort (tonifies, cramping, infections) marigolds (anti-inflammatory) Possible benefits of Vaginal Steaming It helps to clear dark menstrual blood from the beginning or end of the cycle it reliefs menstrual Cramps, infections, and other vaginal disorder Irregular periods Support for Cervical Dysplasia It gets rid of Vaginal dryness and painful intercourse Increases cervical fluids Helps relax the vaginal canal and cervix It also relieves fatigue and generalized pain Helps to relieve hemorrhoid You should avoid vaginal steaming if you are: Pregnant Trying to conceive Bleeding heavily Having a full flow of the period Having an acute infection Having vaginal sores or blisters. Note: vaginal streaming involves heat and it’s capable of getting the skin of the vaginal scalded or burnt, for this reason, ensure that the temperature of the steam isn’t too high. The procedure of vaginal steaming Get a basin or bucket of hot water and add your chosen herb Leave the herb for at least a minute Remove your cloth from your waist and squat over the basin Cover your waist down to your leg with a towel Watch the video for practical procedure. Conclusion There has not been a piece of medical evidence to support the claimed benefits of vaginal steaming. although doctors recommend heat to ease menstrual cramps. what they suggest is hot baths or heating pads, not vaginal steaming. you may first talk to your doctor if you are interested in vaginal steaming.
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