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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma (2141 Views)
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Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 11:51am On Aug 14, 2022 |
Watermelon: Wow! This right here is exactly the type of information I needed. Now I can tell her these options and she can decide on what she wants by herself. You’ve been a great help. Thank you |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 11:54am On Aug 14, 2022 |
Acidosis: This is the issue. I always thought it was always married couples who couldn’t have kids due to one issue or another that always went for this ivf method, I’ve never heard of a single woman going for it before. Plus the expenses involved is just woah. Thanks for your input |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 12:01pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Kobojunkie: I read all your submissions and just got surprised at the above bolded sentence. Please oh, apart from conceiving and carrying a child is there any other purpose you think a ‘functional’ womb is used for? I’m just asking because from the way you wrote it’s as if women could have other uses for wombs in general ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Kobojunkie: 3:06pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
lilkech:A "functional womb" can exist as nature installed it, for processing of a woman's what is her ovarian cycles and nothing else. ![]() |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by HeyHey(f): 3:13pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Watermelon: Abi oo, I have been involved in this adoption waka with my aunt who had two failed IV, most kids weren’t up for adoption. There was always a story “the mother died and the father works offshore, the mother ran mad etc”. Plus can a Single person adopt a child in Nigeria?? 1 Like |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Kobojunkie: 3:17pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
HeyHey:in a country with over 8 million homeless children, majority of them orphans, you expect us to believe there are practically none of them available for adoption? Abeg talk better... ![]() Yes, a single person can adopt a child in that same Nigeria. ![]() |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Adesuwag(m): 3:24pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
lilkech:president of womb watchers. Get a life dude! 2 Likes |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Kobojunkie: 3:28pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Nsiehi: 4:23pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Kobojunkie: Nigeria never ceases to amaze, full of surprises. The day you will touch any of those homeless children is the name of adopting or fostering them is the day you will realize that they have parents or guardians and that government and law enforcement agents have their eyes on them and waiting for preys. Some TTC couples have gone to prison because of this. I hope you remember the story of the Kano homeless children who were taken off the street to the East and settled in good homes there, death sentence was prescribed for the foster parents. Legal adoption in Nigeria looks so easy when being discussed, but the actual process itself is quite draining. 2 Likes |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 8:40pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Kobojunkie: If that’s your opinion then wouldn’t it be convenient to just surgically remove the whole womb entirely than to be bleeding needlessly every month for no reason? 1 Like |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 8:43pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Nsiehi: This is exactly my issue with this adoption of a thing. I said in my opening post that I’m adverse to it because of these same reasons you highlighted but some people who have never gone through the process or encountered others who have passed through it are here speaking as if it’s easy. |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 8:45pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Adesuwag: I am here seeking advice for something that would affect someone’s life and you’re here still telling me to get a life? ![]() I don’t understand you 1 Like |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Nobody: 8:50pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
lilkech: You are advising her wrongly, you don't want her getting tangled with the wrong baby daddy. Adoption is the best option for peace of mind. |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Kobojunkiee: 8:50pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
lilkech:How exactly is going under the knife considered "convenient" compared to the monthly bleeding that a woman has pretty much accepted as part of her routine from her childhood? ![]() |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Kobojunkiee: 8:55pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Nsiehi:1. You are not making any sense at all. Legal adoption is not the same as your many dubious attempts at buying babies. So, try to make sure you understand the difference between the two, please. ![]() What you folks get in trouble with is when you go out to buy babies. That is evil and yes, you ought to be locked up for such foolishness. There are many orphanages in Nigeria where you can go legally adopt a child of your own. And in a country where millions of children are in need of a home, there are many children out there waiting to be adopted. ![]() 2. Legal adoption happens every day in that Nigeria. Stop seeking illegal routes and then coming here to scream foul when you are caught in that nonsense. Take the legal route and go through the correct process abeg! ![]() |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 10:03pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Kobojunkiee: This statement is looking hypocritical. Women bleed from their teenage years and not from a very young childhood. Women go under the knife to change their butts, boobs, belly fat, nose, lips etc everyday and all these features are those they were born with and grew up with since their birth so why is going under the same knife regarding their wombs ‘inconvenient’ according to you? Plus try to be civil with your engagements here, don’t accuse people of buying babies like you did to Nsiehi, you can make your point/opinion without casting aspersions that way. |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Kobojunkiee: 10:14pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
lilkech:1. So you don't know that some women started experiencing this phenomenon from as young as age 9? ![]() lilkech:2. Ogbeni, don't try to pin your bullsheet reasoning on me abeg! ![]() So, in your assessment, all cosmetic procedures undergone by both women and men are done for "convenience" sake, and as such a woman without intention towards her womb ought to have it removed for convenience's sake? Since we are on the subject, why not have your brain removed for convenience as well? ![]() 3. Nigerians are known to buy babies - there are illegal baby factories as a result of this, even kidnappers who steal babies for sale - and this is illegal. Anyone who goes out to adopt but instead purchases a child in the process is a criminal and ought to be locked up. ![]() |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by lilkech(m): 10:26pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Kobojunkiee: It’s okay. You can hold your opinions to yourself. You’ve done well in airing them here for me to see and I thank you for that. But seriously, are you really this incapable of engaging people here without insulting them? ![]() Hasn’t it occurred to you that the reason you’re always getting banned from nairaland is because of your character? |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Kobojunkiee: 11:06pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
lilkech:1. What I expressed there isn't an opinion but a fact that some ladies did start seeing their monthly from age 9 even. ![]() 2. I have yet to insult anyone simply pointing out facts as far as that which is the reality in Nigeria. ![]() 3. Ask anyone on here. I am not always getting banned. Every now and then, and this is rarely, the Nairaland autospambots go crazy and ban even my one moniker. For those occasions, I have this backup that clearly indicates to those paying attention that it is still me behind the moniker, only with an extra e. ![]() |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by frozen70(f): 12:30am On Aug 15, 2022 |
lilkech: Since she has brought religion into the matter Leave to decide whatever she wants It's left with her and her God |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Mindlog: 5:59am On Aug 15, 2022 |
HeyHey: A single person (especially a woman who meets the eligibility criteria) can adopt a child in Nigeria, my unmarried Aunt did it back in the mid 90s and her daughter is now grown up and married. |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by HeyHey(f): 9:42am On Aug 15, 2022 |
Kobojunkie: Haba, I say most, not all. |
Re: Adoption Or Single Mum Dilemma by Nsiehi: 10:59am On Aug 15, 2022 |
Kobojunkiee: It appears you aren't getting the point I made up there. Nigeria springs up surprises. Where it is expected to act, it stays mom, where you expect the opposite, they act so fast. The vast majority of those children have parents/guardians who are alive. Some of them deliberately ran away from their homes and do return home when they are tired or their parents make efforts to retrieve them. For many of them, their parents or guardians lack the financial means to take care of their needs but at the same time do not want them adopted by another parent. Some TTC couples who have tried using legal means to adopt these children, have had their fingers burnt in the process with some of the adoptee parents claiming that it was done under duress and some other reasons It is the same way that people visit orphanages and see many children there and then think they are all up for adoption. No. Majority of them have parents and guardians who kept there for different reasons. The intending adoptive parents get the shocker of their lives when they are told that those children are not available for adoption. The intending parents are then asked to submit scouting letters and wait for response, and here is where the story ends for the IP till they lose all hope and start seeking other means. Just so you know, many orphanages are there for profit. They use those those children to gather sympathy wealth from religious organisations, banks, individuals among others who troop in there to donate money and other items. Again, many of the adoption cases you term legal are not legal in the real sense. They source these babies through different means and return to the government ministries in charge to bribe their way to get the necessary documents. Dear, in Nigeria, the more you look the less you. Single persons can adopt as long as they meet the age and financial criteria. 1 Like |
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