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My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Nobody: 1:26am On Apr 21, 2023 |
Sharing this story with you is risky because it's a true story and it actually happened, but I'm not deterred as I'm on a mission to sanitize our society of all forms of immorality. Now lets get right into it without any further ado. My office is located in Gwarinpa in Abuja and my boss is a very busy man who hardly stays in the office. We have another branch in Guzape (Asokoro extension) where my boss hired a lady as the manager in charge. This particular lady is fair and very endowed both ways (I mean front and back). She's attractive too, no doubt. She happens to be a single mother with a son. My boss on the other hand is a family man with four kids. I had just joined the company when I started noticing that this lady usually drives the company's Mazda salon car to our branch (the headquarters) every week (Thursdays to be precise) to hold a "private meeting" with my boss. Word in the office has it that she was coming for weekly "reporting". Honestly I never once bothered to try and find out what was really going on as I'm the type that is very serious with my work. Not until the guys in the office started bantering in groups and talking about what was actually going on. Again, I shrugged off their conversation because what's my business, and besides, I don't do office gossip. Well, not until one fateful day.... As I was hurrying up a task given to me by my boss in my usual seriousness with my work, I needed to rush to his office to get his final approval on something that he had asked me to do when I ran into the unbelievable! Was I dreaming? Was my eyes paining me? For Pete's sake, what was this? In broad daylight that evening, as I knocked, my boss answered "come in" nonchallantly. I don't know what he was thinking. Lo and behold, there they were, he and our branch manager both standing on their feet and very close to each other with my boss unzipping her dress with his both hands! I was embarrassed and so were they. Usually, whenever this lady is around my boss would immediately close all his window curtains. This normally happens around or after closing (remember I told you I'm a serious office worker, so I stay back a lot because naturally I work late into the night everyday). Since that incident, whatever I say in any meeting involving this particular lady is always accepted and approved by her whether it makes sense or not. In fact, she's trying to move close to me and become my friend by force now to the extent that she even chats with me privately now regularly. While a man has the full right to do whatever he likes, my question is why do this in the workplace? Why would my boss engage in office romance right in the office building? And why is the lady in question now trying to get close to me by force now? Am I in any real danger? I don't want to lose my job. Please what do I do? 52 Likes 11 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Bluezy13(m): 3:11am On Apr 21, 2023 |
The lady is your rate determining step...or rather put...job determining state. She has given you an opportunity to go closer to her. Op, make friends with her for your own good. And while at it, consciously make her see you as the private kind of guy. However you'll do it is your business, I am not you. 398 Likes 19 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Barutenboy: 3:15am On Apr 21, 2023 |
You just need to be serious with your job as you've been doing and this time around, be very careful. She could be a blessing or bad luck for you in the office. Now is the time to be more than careful 117 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Bluntguy: 3:40am On Apr 21, 2023 |
You are being set up for the firing line. Your boss is very much aware of every moves this lady is making towards you. Be careful. Wisdom is profitable to direct. But you will be okay las las. 259 Likes 21 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by HilcomTech(m): 4:29am On Apr 21, 2023 |
If your boss had wanted to fire you for walking in on them, he would have done that the very day the incident happened except if your boss is not the owner of the company. Because a similar thing happened to a guy in Lagos where he walked in on his boss with another lady late in the evening. The guy was sacked the next morning and he was prevented from entering the company premises by the security the very next day. About the lady coming close to you, don't make enemies with her (you don't need enemies at work) but be very careful. Try to act as if the incident never happened and don't try to take undue advantage of her weakness by pushing for thing unnecessary through her. Don't involve in office gossip and it may be wise to not mention the incident to people in the office. 387 Likes 23 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Rokiat(f): 4:55am On Apr 21, 2023 |
The lady getting close to you is just a manipulation tactic to get you to keep hush. Secondly your boss office romance is none of your business, keep quiet do the job that pays you and go home. You will find that minding your business will get you really far in life. 330 Likes 24 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by GOFRONT(m): 6:01am On Apr 21, 2023 |
Office s*x can be sweet sometimes, if only you are not caught and embarrassed o.....especially the Quickie aspect!!!.......No be lie i dey lie. Today na Sallah, I nor fit lie on Sallah day. konji no dey respect man on suit and bow tie. 38 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Seagodess(f): 6:23am On Apr 21, 2023 |
There's what we call a steeping mind stone in my world.. allow her get close to you.. make her yr friend but don't try to woo her... make her see you as a going to enjoy that job. 91 Likes 8 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by vincenteger: 7:14am On Apr 21, 2023 |
Learn to protect people's privacy Why mention the locations of your offices. Please be smart enough to know the details of what you share online. Wat if your boss or the lady in question is reading this. Learn to mind your business For the fact that maybe you haven't been caught doesn't make you a saint. 210 Likes 20 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by iLoveYouToo(m): 7:18am On Apr 21, 2023 |
The tone of your story at some point sounds like you want to punish them. Just mind your business otherwise you’ll be terminated if you try that thing on your mind. Don’t push above your weight, don’t question his ‘extracurricular’ activities as it’s not part of your job description. I rarely criticize people above me in the food chain cos maybe I’d do worse than them. Just pray to be the better at every facet of life you find yourself. …AND MIND YOUR BUSINESS 41 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by VinnyBaba: 7:30am On Apr 21, 2023 |
If you really love the Job or you DREAD unemployment, MAN UP and Meet ur Boss and Tell him 'Boss, no Vex for wetin I see dat day o. ![]() 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by wizzynuru: 8:59am On Apr 21, 2023 |
Mind your business. 5 Likes |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by lecturerdabo(m): 9:55am On Apr 21, 2023 |
I must tell you Op, bringing this to public domain is very unprofessional of you! What makes you think neither your boss nor the branch manager is a nairalander? On a serious note, what is your own sef? Na you be boss abi na the man? Two consenting adults! You are not the "office provost", respect yourself by minding your business!! Make friends with the lady so she doesn't see you as a threat and don't try to take undue advantage of her or the situation!! Sellah!!! 59 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by AndroBlaze: 11:06am On Apr 21, 2023 |
Classic marking your territory techniques... I am not sure why everyone, including the OP can't see it....did you not say your Boss was the person who told you to come in? Clearly he wants you (and probably every other person in the office) to know he is with the lady so you all either give her her "respect" or more likely stay your lane. As long as you do the 2 things I suggested above, you will be fine. Your sacking will only come when you make your boss feel endangered, any stupid gossip or extreme "friendship" with the lady could probably be the death knell. 27 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by davien(m): 11:39am On Apr 21, 2023 |
If you're a lady and assuming the story is true then they've planned to have a party with you probably, it's the only way your boss might have allowed you walk in on him. Exchange pleasantries but don't get involved, loose people typically catch different things on their adventures. 7 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by OmonnaEast: 11:42am On Apr 21, 2023 |
why fear, there's no need to fear bro. what you have seen you cannot unsee it, Thank God the boss (man) did not tackle you so relax he probably won't cos fuccking is a normal thing. As for the boss(woman) like the other person said get close to her but don't fucck her o abeg cos that would anger the senior man already fuccking her. And don't bring up the topic even if she does tell her that you have forgotten it, its now in the past. And if she approves anything you asked her to in the office, fine, its your gain enjoy! Women are cunny so just use your head, as long as it benefits you be cool. Forget all the office pretense, we are humans and it's blood that runs in our veins 19 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by OmonnaEast: 11:47am On Apr 21, 2023 |
lecturerdabo: Seriously the possibility of having your office colleague on Nairaland and reading this post again is like 0.00000001% 9 Likes |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by ghettochild4u(m): 12:17pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
Bluezy13:I concurr.... Na work e come work mke him face the work.. U can b friends with her.. And never talk bout what u saw with anyone even I she stylishly raise the matter... feign ignorance that u don't even recollect the incident 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by blacksam01: 12:38pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
@ Op ,i u love ur job...get friendly with her but never discuss the secret u saw with anyone even with her... talk to her like its nothing and chat with her normal....if u dont ,nomata how good u are at work, ur nozz will find a way to sack u on her demand... for u,dont judge ur bozz, untill u become a bozz and also reject all these temptation ..thats wen u call judge. 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Lvgirl: 12:51pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
SundayNightGist: You just said you don't gossip Amebo Look they will pursue u if care if not taking. Remember you can be a millionaire when u work.with Neo life aka GNLD 3 Likes |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Dshocker(m): 12:54pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
SundayNightGist: If truly you don't want to lose your job, you wouldn't have bothered posting it here, to the extent of even putting location. Fiction 👌 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Freelancerr(m): 2:46pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
No dey ask. Why this, why that? Office no be your own. Do your job, get paid and go home. No use your hand spoil your own ooo. If she text you reply her normal, no be fight. ✌️ Anyways Check my signature, I do data entry jobs. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Kobicove(m): 2:59pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
I really do not understand why some CEOs do this! Having a sexual relationship with a subordinate in my company is the absolute last thing I would ever do...that is the best way to kill a business you have laboured so long to build! 7 Likes |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by extol1(m): 3:06pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
GOFRONT:My mentor 2 Likes |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by PerfectMan24: 3:23pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
Just be ordinary friend & never be too close. Don't go beyond that ordinary friend. This is a setup. Any day the boss sees u close to her, u re gone. Bosses don't like competition. I am talking out of experience. My colleague who happens to be boss side chick was so fond of me. I was redeployed to a department that wasn't in any relationship with my field of study. This is to make sure that there is distance between me & my colleague. Next was query & surcharge started flying up & down. Every little thing I do, must scrutinized & reviewed. I have to hunt for job and later resigned 11 Likes |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by jerryforgood: 6:35pm On Apr 21, 2023 |
Chairman, what this woman is trying to do is to create a love triangle. That is, a love relationship between you, herself and your boss. She is doing this to spark up jealousy between you and your boss in order for him to fire you or two of you to clash (which must happen soon as you get closer to her). Here she wants to be the one playing two of you against each other. On the other hand, not getting close to her would make her feel uncomfortable, and make her clash with you, and then you would be fired, you know. So, you are in-between the devil and the deep blue sea. Your boss is the devil, while the woman is the deep blue sea. My advice to you is for you to start hunting for another job before two close in on you. Be wise! 10 Likes |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Nobody: 11:28am On Apr 25, 2023 |
Bluezy13: Don't you think it would be risky to make friends with her, especially given what just transpired? 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Nobody: 11:30am On Apr 25, 2023 |
Barutenboy: Can I be more careful than I've been that I still ran into what I wasn't supposed to see in the process of doing my job? I'm somehow confused to be honest. |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Nobody: 11:32am On Apr 25, 2023 |
Bluntguy: My boss is tough oo and is very streetwise. I'm not sure how to be more careful than I have always been but yet still bumped into what I wasn't supposed to see. I don't know how honestly.... Maybe you have a better explanation----- |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Nobody: 11:34am On Apr 25, 2023 |
HilcomTech: But was it right to fire that guy? If my boss tries that with me I will sue him! By the way, I've never told anyone about the occurence in the office. This is the first place I'm talking about it publicly. |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by Bluezy13(m): 11:37am On Apr 25, 2023 |
SundayNightGist: Na, it won't be provided the friendship remains respectful, shallow, casual with professional interest. And focus on job as required. That's even th reason the lady wants to be close too. |
Re: My Job Is At Risk Because Of Office Romance Involving My Boss by tunwumi: 5:43pm On Apr 25, 2023 |
Ok. Congratulations as you are about to join the league of unemployed people because your eyes can not see and your mouth close. Hope you have another offer letter at hand The best bet is for to to train your less busy brain that you see no evil you hear no evil. Else you are goner. 4 Likes |
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