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Autos / Re: ASK GAZZUZZ by breezy007(m): 7:56pm On Feb 15, 2022


Thank you

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Autos / Re: ASK GAZZUZZ by breezy007(m): 4:33pm On Feb 15, 2022
Good day Gazzuz, I've been able to get a direct engine for kia cerato 1.6 and car specifies 5w30, I'm hoping to purge the engine of the usual 20w50 Nigerian pandemic as soon as possible, how can I get proper Mobil 1 5w30 or Helix Ultra Extra to avoid the fake Mobil 1 on the market here?? Thank you, I await your response.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 11:37pm On Nov 09, 2020
Bikefe is that you?

Yes Archie.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 8:17pm On Nov 09, 2020

On point. Only a complete rebuild can assure use of 5w-20/30 without issues. If not I would still suggest he continues with 20w-50.

After the rebuild and test run i would have to make the right decision on what oil to run the engine with as i have seen lots of kia hyundai engines from 1.4 1.6 to the 2.2 litre engines run 20w-50 oil either mobil or total.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 8:07pm On Nov 09, 2020

unless he changes piston rings . Currently might have protective sludge keeping the oil burn away.

Thank you, surprisingly no sign of sludge on any part of the engine, like i said oil change, plugs nozzles tune up were done frequently.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 8:02pm On Nov 09, 2020
Oga, your crankshaft main bearings are most likely the culprit. Oil pump provides flow, main bearings clearances as per design spec provides pressure.

Bearings are not to be changed using trial and error.

That engine needs to be torn down again, crankshaft and main block journals inspected for wear, measured to ensure it confirms to spec, and bearing should be purchased using the CORRECT part number as per measurement obtained.

It is quite unfortunate that most Hyundai / kia built after 2009 is piece of shi.t.

Sorry for the predicament.

Well mechanics is on it again, i agree with you, these engines just give some issue without trigger. I used an Hyundai accent 09 no issues atall, engine still sound mileage 130,000km and counting.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 5:47am On Nov 08, 2020
OP, sincerely answer the following questions.
1. What grade and make of oil have you been using to service this car?
2. Do you buy this oil yourself and supervise the servicing?
3. After how many kilometers or miles do you service the car?
4. Has your fan been running direct and for how long?
5. When was the thermostat removed?
6. Did you see the sludge removed by the mechanic? Was it plenty? Did it fill a quarter of the oil pan?
7. Did the mechanic measure the crankshaft before buying the bearings for the crankshaft?

1. Total Qwartz 5000
2. Yes. Both oil and filter.
3. I change oil before 2,000 every 2 months if used daily. Most times car stays parked for weeks when am not around.
4. That was connected for just 5 days to rule out the option of fan being the problem.
5. To be sincere I noticed it had been removed at the first over heat.
6. Funny enough there was no sludge at all, like I said all engine components still look good.
7. We took the crankshaft to buy the bearings, also the dealer made sure he gave us the best as I've known him for years, then took the crank shaft to where they they specialize on crankshafts to make sure it was fine and they said it was.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 9:08pm On Nov 07, 2020
Lol. Well it's been butchered for same reason oil light keeps flickering when car is hot.

Well the sensor was switched with another same thing happened.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 8:38pm On Nov 07, 2020
Also the check engine light hasn't been triggered, just the oil light.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 8:36pm On Nov 07, 2020
Scan the car.

However, that engine block is likely cracked due to the initial overheating. Get ready for a new engine - just speculating though.

The engine block has been checked no crack at all, I'd scan the car again on Monday.

Sadly am not based in Lagos, but in Calabar.
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 8:34pm On Nov 07, 2020
Thanks very much, the thing is I've had 3 good mechanics look at this engine and they say it looks very fine and runs fine, I had the car scanned during all these but I can't find the paper the codes were written down on. After viewing these codes injector mouth nozzles and all was serviced.

The problem is the car runs fine till after 30min then the light comes on when I come to a stop flickers and u try to avoid driving up to am hour. After metals/bearing replacement, it extended till 40minutes.depending on usage then oil light comes on and if I keep driving temperature light
Car Talk / Re: Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 7:36pm On Nov 07, 2020
The engine has had 90,000km on the car odometer. Car was bought brand new, other than kick starter, battery, normal maintenance, this has been a problem, I have seen beat up knocked engines rebuilt and works fine for years but this is just unbearable... Also it's an aluminum block Cerato 1.6 litre engine, it's very expensive and buying a new one isn't possible soon and I believe this engine can still work, please Gazzuzz,. Ikenna and other experts in this car talk section help me out, I see people come here and get solutions...
Car Talk / Please Help, My Car Has Left Me Frustrated! by breezy007(m): 7:31pm On Nov 07, 2020
Good day Car Gurus, I have gone through so much trying to solve a particular problem on a Kia Cerato 2012. 1.6litre, I think from 09-12 use the same engines.

I noticed the oil light some months back flickering after about 4 hours journey, after which I parked the car to cool down and had it checked mechanic said top gasket was burnt Paid for a gasket replacement and that was it after, Prior to that, noticed the thermostat wasn't there, as usual the mechanic was tryung to blame it, fan still works with the sensor and comes on when I use the ac, akso I use the car with ac 90% of the time.

I have not had need to drive the car longer than 1 hour but recently I noticed the light came back, especially if I run the car with ac and drive for about 30 minutes, slow down or come to a complete stop it appears then goes off once I accelerate.
I met a mechanic who cleaned the bottom plate and claimed it would stop. It didn't.
I met a Kia specialist who said it would be the the oil pump. I paid for a new oil pump installation and total engine servicing. After a week I noticed it again. He said to ignore the light. As he is sure oil was pumping and there was sufficient oil. Now I felt very uneasy each time I see this light but then after ignoring the oil light for about 30minutes driving around, temperature light appeared and clearly there was overheat, met another mechanic who dropped the top although the gasket wasn't really burnt, grinded it and changed it, water pump checked infact I allowed the electrician connect the fan direct for about a week nothing changed, I've been told to buy a double cell radiator, obviously it's all guess work. U use pure coolant finally the mechanic dropped to engine to check the bearings only to discover some bearings had haves off or worn out, replaced the bearings coupled the engine and with joy feeling our Kong term struggle was gone after running the engine for 2 hours. Oil light is back on. So clearly something is making the engine lose compression. Thus particular mechanic is really good and detailed, he is equally frustrated as he is sure my engine block, piston, top, fan gearbox, oils are all in order.


Pets / Re: Should I Kill This Puppy? by breezy007(m): 11:25pm On Sep 14, 2020
You think this is painful, my full grown Rottweiler killed over 50 chickens in my poultry, killed 3 full grown goats in different times. Guess what, it's my fault for not socializingbthe dog from puppy stage or gradually introduce those animals to her and leaving the dog out there and definitely her killer Instinct were so strong, I beat her but it didn't change a thing I just had to make sure where I kept the farm animals was more secure next time. Am guessing that's a Rottweiler, well it has strong pretty drive and instincts. It's painful, sorry for your lost. The dog isn't aware of anything wrong so beating it will just scar and make the dog scared for life. Then you later come and complain your dog is always nervous or hiding from people.

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Pets / Re: @#@ by breezy007(m): 11:50am On Jun 07, 2020
Just start with any dog that will keep you happy or would not lose interest in the next 10 years, so look at the pups parents and decide if you would like own a dog like that...

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Pets / Re: Which Breed Is This Someone Said It German Shepherd Mix Boerboel by breezy007(m): 2:48pm On May 31, 2020
Looking at the dog’s face might suggest that.
Pets / Re: Mange On Dogs by breezy007(m): 4:46pm On May 28, 2020

I went to the vet day before yesterday a while after I had made the post.

The behavior displayed by you, the creator of this thread is a bad one, better work on it, you had a problem and needed help people gave their input and tried to contribute the way they can, you got a solution which could help others and different persons have requested this solution which is the name of the drug or what you used and you ignore them or hold back that info which others were giving to you freely, not cool!
Pets / Re: Diary Of My Dog Patra by breezy007(m): 8:46am On Feb 12, 2020
Your dog looks good but try to help the dog avoid being nervous or fearful, keep pulling its tail from in between its legs, less patting on the head repeat this slowly daily you’ll notice the difference in the tail positioning.


Religion / Re: List Of Atheists On Nairaland. by breezy007(m): 1:01am On Feb 24, 2019


Pets / Re: . by breezy007(m): 12:26am On Jan 29, 2019

See? It was bound to happen, that is why I said you should put the dog down instead of spending all that Money trying to cure it, usually when a dog gets parvo, chances of that dog surviving is very rare.

Well i wanted to put mine down, i had lost hope but then i kept trying. Now shes gaining her appetite and returning to her healthy body size. So i guess my puppy is among the 20% of puppies to survive parvo this year, trust me the effort i put in was so much for about 5days. Sorry for the loss, remember to wash dog kennel with bleach to prevent a new dog or another dog picking up the virus.
Pets / Re: . by breezy007(m): 5:49pm On Jan 27, 2019

Whenever I force feed her she starts vomiting so I had to stop that

Continue force feeding. Mine did same. Just continue it would retain some of whatever you feed it.
Pets / Re: Join The Biggest Pet Store In Nigeria On Whatsapp by breezy007(m): 6:53pm On Jan 22, 2019
Add 07038738883
Pets / Re: . by breezy007(m): 6:52pm On Jan 22, 2019
I am currently treating my dog for parvo. Its been a week and shes getting better. Shes been having daily injections which was quite expensive. At home dont give her water i repeat do not give water! Instead ORS in very little water which youll force feed her and white flagyl and vitamin c (these should be every 6hours, and yes mid nights also. Use of bleach to wash any part of your body or thing also area s the dog gets in contact with to avoid spreading the virus. Golden morn would be her to keep dog alive. Trust me the dog’s appetite to eat anything will be zero. Dog will be weak. Throwing up and vomiting will be reduced and wait the virus out, your vet must also be a good one, but the major recovery will come from your personal efforts. Goodluck.
Autos / Re: Clean Naija Used 2005 Toyota Corolla Sports For Sale by breezy007(m): 6:49am On Oct 10, 2018
If this is for real you should have your contact up, cash at hand serious buyer...
Autos / Re: I Am Selling This Neatly Used Mercedes Benz C240 - Manual drive by breezy007(m): 6:46am On Oct 10, 2018
Reason for selling, any engine problems?
Autos / Re: 2005 Toyota Corola Available @1.350 by breezy007(m): 11:03pm On Oct 09, 2018
Autos / Re: Toyota Camry 2007 @1.6m by breezy007(m): 10:47pm On Oct 09, 2018
Autos / Re: Give away Price Toyota Corolla 2006/07 Model 970 last by breezy007(m): 9:29pm On Oct 09, 2018
Am interested... serious buyer

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