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Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 5:09pm On Feb 02

You might be right, I just need strong proof. As you said, they didn't shout support UN from the roof top, nor write the elders telling them to support them. Although some articles supported the UN in a coded way. So it's possible that they could do be occultic but never promote it in the meetings.

But what will be the use of such occultic organization when they don't instruct the members either directly or indirectly to join the occult.but they rather discourage it. So I would say, if it is true, only the leaders are part of that just as no JWs member is told to seek political office, not even in UN. So the leaders don't lead by example. They do what they tell their member not to do. That can only be the conclusion.

There is another YouTube channel you can check out about this topic. Start with the video below. The Owner of this channel created videos in Parts to show Freemasonry in JW. This video is Part 1. When you are done, go to her channel to view the other parts. The Next part may show up after you are done with this one. The videos are not long so you can follow each of them easily. She is the only one that has done a deep dive into this subject by showing Signs, Symbols and Languages shared by JW and Freemasons.


Also, the video about an Elder trying to remove his Masonic ring that I mentioned earlier is below. Someone else has made a copy of it and posted It.

Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 8:14pm On Feb 01

You might be right, I just need strong proof. As you said, they didn't shout support UN from the roof top, nor write the elders telling them to support them. Although some articles supported the UN in a coded way. So it's possible that they could do be occultic but never promote it in the meetings.

But what will be the use of such occultic organization when they don't instruct the members either directly or indirectly to join the occult.but they rather discourage it. So I would say, if it is true, only the leaders are part of that just as no JWs member is told to seek political office, not even in UN. So the leaders don't lead by example. They do what they tell their member not to do. That can only be the conclusion.

You need strong proof yet Strong proof is looking back at you. You are a very new PIMO. Yes. They preach against something in JW Meetings and publications but do the opposite in secret. You need to understand this mindset they have in order to understand Satan and make sense of what you are going to see about them. A lot of things Watchtower does, do not make sense to someone who is ignorant and someone who is not very vast in knowledge of how Satan's Kingdom is run. As Christians, we are not supposed to be Ignorant at all about the ways of Satan since he has penetrated Christianity! This is why the Bible says My people perish due to Lack of Knowledge. The people we are talking about are Luciferians who believe Good and Evil can Coexist. Go to Oteneaaron's thread I posted earlier. Start from there. Go to YouTube. There are tons of videos linking Jehovah's Witnesses to Freemasonry by the use of Occultic symbols, sharing the same belief system, using the same Language or terminologies, e.t.c . You need to drop whatever JW Indoctrination is left in you to understand what you are going to see there. Truth will not come to you. You must go and find it.

And No. The Leaders are not the only members of the occult. Your fellow Normal JWS attending Kingdom Halls, Assemblies/Conventions with you can also be members of the Occult. You just don't know what you have been looking at. Google Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sexual abuse. Look at the JW Men they arrest. Do they look like your governing body to you? No. They are the same JWs attending the same meetings with you only in a different country. They are members of these Cults which is why they are the perpetrators of Sexually abusing Children. There was a News story in the U.S of one Elder who was arrested. The victims revealed that this Elder was a member of a Secret society. The Elder even threatened them by claiming that he is untouchable so if they reported him, no one will do anything to him and that was how he kept doing what he was doing for over 10 years. The Man even resembles Stephen Lett. The victims also said that He along with some other JWs in their congregation would gather in an underground basement and perform rituals, Sexually abuse them and torture them. I posted this story in Oteneaaron's thread. This is why I am directing you there. There are lots of information you cannot ignore about the Occult in JW In that thread.

Ask yourself, Why is It that Watchtower has a database of names of JW Pedophiles in their Headquarters and when the Authorities asked for this database, they refused to hand it over? Are they scared of these names linking to all the members in Watchtower Hierarchy? Why are they reluctant to corporate with the authorities to the point that sometimes The Police have to go to a Kingdom Hall and ransack the place? Why is it that in some cases, Victims report that they were threatened with Disfellowshipping if they report to the authorities? Why is It that they were discouraged from doing so? Ask yourself why Watchtower along with The Catholic Church are fighting presently in Court to make sure that confessions of a Pedophile are kept Secret? Why are they fighting so hard to protect Pedophiles?
When you think about their actions and add 1+1 to give 2, you will see a pattern. If Watchtower is not the Head Perpetrator of Child Sexual Abuse, they will not go through such great lengths to protect Pedophiles and their Database.

I have more things to tell you but I believe you should just digest this aspect of Watchtower first because as you keep investigating them, you will find that it keeps getting worse. There are other aspects of Watchtower you seem not to be aware of because you are New.
Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 7:33pm On Jan 20

From which where did she start talking about Jehovah's witnesses.?

Personally I would need strong, I mean strong proof that Jehovah's witnesses are occultic as an organization. I am not talking about some individuals there, but as an organization. I served as an elder there for years, I didn't see any letter or direction from any circuit overseer approving or promoting occultic practices. I think for someone like me, I will need not just a story, but a verifiable evidence to believe it like the UN membership.

Some individuals, even from the headquarters might get into this occultism, but I don't see that ever promoted or supported as an organization.

I can believe they are more watchtower corporation oriented than any occultism.

I want to add something I didn't mention earlier. You found out that Watchtower was part of the U.N right? What did they call the U.N? Is it not the Wild Beast? Okay. What is the role of the Wild Beast? The Wild Beast is an arm of Satan's Kingdom, doing his bidding and implementing his agendas upon the whole world right? To be a member of the U.N, you also need to promote their agenda. Watchtower for many years now do not talk ill about the U.N. Instead, they quote their articles in their Publications. They even take Gilead students for sight seeing To the U.N. Gilead students have revealed this. To also be a member of the U.N which is an arm of Satan, you must be affiliated with Satanic Cults. That's the part unknown to most people who don't understand the role of the U.N. Since you are part of the Wild Beast, you will do the bidding of Satan but you won't do it in public else the deception of Satan upon the world through these organisations will not work. This is how Secrecy is implemented in all Satanic Cults. A show off of a Pious religious image is very important to Satan. People who have worked with Satan will tell you this. Deception cannot work when there is no Secrecy. So, it doesn't matter what a Religion preaches to it's members regarding Spiritism or the Occult. Contradiction is a Trait of Watchtower. All of that is just for Image purposes to deceive the gullible to think they have Morals and have an appearance of Holiness/One True Religion. What they do behind closed doors when no one is looking, except God and Jesus, is what matters. That's why the Hypocrisy of Watchtower is very high. Do as I say but not as I do. Modern day Pharisees! This is why Jesus said There is nothing that has been hidden that will not be exposed. Just like Smoke rising up for all to see, is the way Child Sexual Abuse is being exposed in JW as a sign of Occultism.

You finding out about Watchtower being part of the U.N is supposed to give you a clue of their affiliations with the Occult because of what the U.N stands for. Their Billionaire status is supposed to make you pause and ask yourself how they achieved it since they love to preach to JWs about living a simple life. It is either you are for Satan's Kingdom or you are against it. There are reports of Child Sexual abuse happening in the U.N, are you aware about this? Research it. Anywhere Child Sexual abuse and Human Trafficking exist, Satan dwells and is in charge there. All organisations and Religions having Cases of these activities are for Satan. In order to have the Billionaire status Watchtower has, you must be part of these Cults engaging in the same underground Satanic activities they all engage in. It is a Must else you won't have Power over people and Wealth from Satan himself.
Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 11:43am On Jan 20

From which where did she start talking about Jehovah's witnesses.?

Personally I would need strong, I mean strong proof that Jehovah's witnesses are occultic as an organization. I am not talking about some individuals there, but as an organization. I served as an elder there for years, I didn't see any letter or direction from any circuit overseer approving or promoting occultic practices. I think for someone like me, I will need not just a story, but a verifiable evidence to believe it like the UN membership.

Some individuals, even from the headquarters might get into this occultism, but I don't see that ever promoted or supported as an organization.

I can believe they are more watchtower corporation oriented than any occultism.

She starts talking about JWs from Timestamp 18:56.

There are sure ways to know the presence of Occultism in an organisation. But first, you need to understand how secretive organisations operate. Secrecy is their number one Tenet. Do you know anything about Freemasonry and how it operates specifically from the higher levels? If you understand how it operates, you will understand Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Freemasonry is a Cult within a Cult. Watchtower is the same, meaning, The Lower level members do not know what the High level members know and the image of the Cult the lower level members have in mind is very different from what the High level members have. Same thing with the Catholic church and other Satanic Cults. Same thing with the Illuminati. Knowledge is based on Levels and Rank. Remember what the Bible says about Satan. Satan will never appear to anyone he wants to Deceive as a Devil. He will transform himself as an Angel of Light. The Bible also says His followers also operate in the same manner. Jesus also described them as Wolves in Sheep clothing.

I came across a video from a Freemason Jehovah's Witness who was in that Audio recording I tagged you in. Her name is Veronica. Yes. There are Jehovah's Witnesses who are Freemasons but are known to JWS as The Anointed Class. Remember, they never explain to JWs how they know they are Anointed. They just say They just Know. If you don't know or you are asking, it means you are not Anointed. Very flimsy explanation. The real reason is that how they know they are Anointed is supposed to be a Secret because the reason is tied to the Occult. Occult means Hidden Knowledge.

They are not just Masons, they are also members of Skull and Bones, Illuminati, and Druid and Celts. Very dangerous Cults. I got to know this by watching different testimonies from Victims of Child Sex Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Veronica explained everything and created a video to prove the existence of Freemasonry in JW. I have posted this video in a couple of threads in Nairaland but you can't find it anymore as her YouTube channel is gone. Many EXJWs and a lot of Nairalanders here and EXJWs in other forums have seen that video.

In the video, she wore her Freemason Necklace so that any Mason who sees it will give her a "Special Masonic handshake", recognising the authority in the necklace since her necklace places her in a higher rank in the Masonic Cult. She went into a fast food joint with her phone videoing the whole thing. She approached a group of Elderly Jehovah's Witnesses who she identified as Freemasons. They had just finished Field service. One of the Sisters immediately stood up to give her a masonic handshake although her phone didn't pick that up. The Sister said to her "Let me look you in the eye" which is a Masonic phrase to greet themselves. She started to talk freely about their masonic beliefs with them and none of them reacted as you would expect them to if they were normal JWs. A normal JW would be shocked at what she is saying. But these ones were agreeing with her although they started out by trying to deny what she was saying because they were in Public. When she said " We masons believe Jehovah is the Masonic name for Lucifer but the rest of the JWS don't know that", They all agreed with her. She was mentioning these things in the video for viewers like us to understand what they believe, to confirm their existence in JW and to show us their reaction to what she is saying. They were asking her why she left The Truth and she said she didn't like how the Governing body were running things. They asked her if she was disfellowshiped and she said they can't do that to her as she is immune to JW rules.

While she was saying these things, one of the Brothers there started flashing his Masonic ring at her To signal to her to shut up because she is beginning to say too much in public as the things she is saying are only meant for the Freemasons only!

After she was done with them and left the place, she explained everything that was going on during her interaction with them.

The same lady made another video to prove their existence in JW. This time, she decided to approach two JW brothers who were on Field on Cart Witnessing. She recognised one of them to be a Freemason. So, she approached them and started talking about Freemasonry in JW. She talked about how the Governing body are members of this Cult and you can know this by watching out for the rings they wear on their right hands during a broadcast. On hearing this, The Freemason Brother started trying to remove his Masonic ring. He was pulling the ring with all his might. The lady specifically targeted her phone on the Man's hands as he was trying to remove it. But his finger was too fat to do so.

If I had not seen these two videos, watched testimonies from victims and read Old JW Publications, I wouldn't have believed the testimonies in that Audio and the testimony of this Ugandan Lady. Veronica 's YouTube channel was a wealth of Information about Freemasons in JW. These videos are perfect evidence for you to see for yourself but It is a pity Watchtower had her channel removed. She exposed how Watchtower came to be, how the Anointed are really selected and initiated, their shares in the Watchtower Corporation and how they make money, et.c. She exposed a lot that can crumble Watchtower to the ground. I wished I had made screen recordings or downloaded them but some of them are over 1 hour long.

My advice, Do some research on Freemasonry. Not the Sanitised version where they portray themselves to be Philanthropic. Investigate the higher levels of Freemasonry specifically the 33rd Degree. Investigate their signs and Symbols they use to show their membership and allegiance to Satan. Investigate the masonic symbols Watchtower used back in the day in their publications. Are you aware that International Bible Students met in Masonic Lodges back then and even to this day? Go to YouTube and TikTok. Investigate how Masons operate and their initiation process. Investigate the gods they worship and how they worship. Child Sexual Abuse is one of their Modes of worship. Without it, their gods and the many entities they worship cannot be pleased. This is one sure way to know the existence of The Occult in an organisation. Child Sexual Abuse. If you hear allegations/reports of Child Sexual Abuse, Child Sex Trafficking, Human Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse in any organisation, you are looking at a Satanic Organisation.

Older JW publications written during the time of Rutherford revealed the Occultism in Watchtower. There are certain statements made by Rutherford that were Occultic. There is a testimony from an ExJW who was working with Rutherford. He wrote a book about how He was possessed by Demons in order to write JW Publications. There are certain JW Doctrines that have been laced with Occultism. One of them is The 1914 belief. That year was calculated as a result of an Occultic teaching known as Numerology.

Another Occultic belief in JW is that Abbaddon is Jesus Christ. That is an Illuminati Doctrine.

Also, there is a book by a Catholic Priest that Watchtower was using as a Reference. The book is Communication with the Spirit Realm. This Priest was mentioning how a Demon was helping him to translate his own version of the Bible from which Watchtower got their own translation of John 1: 1. The demon was teaching him certain beliefs and lo and behold, the beliefs are taught by JWs, thus, telling you where JWs get their beliefs from which also confirms the testimonies I tagged you in.

You have a lot of research to do Sand2022.
This Life is very deep. What you see in Life is just the Sanitised version. There is a adeeper part of life that governs the Sanitised version. Do some research then come back and listen to that Audio and this testimony again, this time, with Knowledge and understanding. If you want to have a wealth of info about Freemasonry in JW, Go to Oteneaaron's thread https://www.nairaland.com/7000070/jehovahs-witnesses-tied-freemasons
I posted Veronica's videos and many sources of info there to reveal Freemasonry and Occultism in JW.
In the first page, you will see a Governing body member wearing a Masonic Ring. I have personally seen Helpers to the Governing body wearing It as well in broadcasts. The thread is long but has a lot of info on this. When that video circulated, Watchtower went to change the video of that broadcast so that he will not be shown wearing the ring But another ring. Lol. They do this all the time when certain exposures are made about them.

This is the side of Watchtower that is well hidden from the Public. It took members of these Cults who were victims that left the organisation to expose this hidden part of Watchtower. This part of Watchtower will help you understand why their Doctrines are far away from the Bible and will help you to know their True intentions with their members. It will also help you to know Your destination when you choose to remain with them.

So Sand2022, Do not expect a video evidence of these Rituals being performed by these Freemason JWs. You are never going to see It. The last time something like this happened, Watchtower made sure YouTube removed the video and banned the poster. An ExJW revealed that there is a Video that contains Governing body members engaging in a Ritual where they were consuming Blood from an animal. He said that video is in the Dark Web. His viewers didn't believe him. So, He said if they want to see the Video, they should go to the Dark Web and find it. Some of his viewers went, watched It and got back to him to confirm that they saw it.

No right thinking Occultic member will allow such to be exposed as these acts are always done in Secret away from the Public usually in Underground tunnels which Watchtower has and in isolated places. Beware of any organisation that has underground tunnels. Remember P Diddy and all that was exposed about him, the Satanic Rituals he performed and his underground tunnels. The only evidence you will get is Reports of Child Sexual Abuse, Child Sex Trafficking, Human trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse in the media or online and also Testimonies from Victims online. There are Court documents that reveal the Satanic Side of JWs in some cases of Child sexual abuse. The perpetrators of these Satanic Activities are members of these Cults. Do your research.
Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 7:12pm On Jan 02

Yes, not all.

Okay. I know it is long. Take your time with It. It is a Mixture of Two Audios and Two Videos from an Ex Bethelite. If you want something shorter, the video below is another testimony from Uganda confirming the Audios and Videos in case you haven't seen it. If you want some context to understand the lady's background, you can start from the beginning but if you want to go straight to where she mentioned JW, You can start from Timestamp 18:56. Pay attention to what she is describing, the info she is giving, what her husband is asking her and replying her. Bear in mind that she is not familiar with JW terminologies.

Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 7:03pm On Jan 02
Baseless allegations. grin
Oga,in which hospital?
In which city?

The evil agenda & propaganda of your WAILING WAILERS can not prevail.

grin grin

Courz you sacrifice your brain to IBERIBEISM.

ALL medications are temporary solutions for health challenges.
When you have malaria you must go back to the medications you have been using before.
If you get liver, can you swear that you never used any medication in 2024?

Courz Ozuo pro max.
Courz You sacrifice your brain to IBERIBEISM.

Would HEMOPURE be sold or given to Courz a NOVICE & IBERIBEIST without any known medical professional training and expertise?

Courz MUMU WAILER inseparable from IBERIBEISM.
What a dunce!!!

grin grin

Mumu Janosky with your maggot infested brain, why did you remove this part below from your earlier screenshot that shows that Hemopure is not a perfect substitute for Blood? Why did you remove it? Look at the screenshot! It even says It is risky and mentioned all the risks involved. You are blind to that abi? Your fellow JW Sister died even after being given Hemopure. She reacted badly to it and Died! Why? Is that not proving the below statement to be true? When something is a Temporary solution as the screenshot puts it, is that a perfect solution? Your screenshot mentioned that Hemopure has not yet being approved by the FDA in the U.S. It is still undergoing Clinical trials. Do you know what that means? I don't think you do since you reason like an Illiterate that Watchtower wants you to be with their No University education Doctrine.

I have posted the Disadvantages of Alternatives to Blood that your Freemason Governing body refused to let you JWs know about. If you like, don't go and take Blood Transfusion like your Fellow smart JWs are doing. Look at them surviving and testifying to it like the Op. You will die like Fowl as Sacrifice to Satan to Boost Watchtower's Billionaire status. I have asked you JWs why you all still die when Alternatives are available, you run away. You JWs still dying is proof your Alternatives don't work! So, your screenshots are useless. We want to see real life experiences from numerous JWS but all we get are Stories of Deaths.

Your No Blood Transfusion Doctrine has put your Cult in trouble with the Czech Republic Government Authorities. You JWS are at the risk of being deregistered again over there just like in Norway for No Blood and Limiting of Social contact with disfellowshiped and dissociated people. Not only that, Watchtower will also lose all their properties Kingdom halls, Assembly Halls and Bethel branches there. Your Governing body have ordered your members to write letters to the Politicians there to change their mind after lying to them that you don't have such Doctrine. It is this same writing letters to Politicians that made Russia ban you people. You people should write to them so that they can ban you

Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 12:55am On Jan 02

Courz read the screenshot evidence by Cleveland Clinic:
"HEMOPURE save the life of a patient with Severe hemorrhage."

Courz You sacrifice your brain to IBERIBEISM.

Ozuo pro max.
Evil soul.
grin grin grin grin

Mumu Janosky with your maggot infested brain, why did you remove this part below from your earlier screenshot that shows that Hemopure is not a perfect substitute for Blood? Why did you remove it? Look at the screenshot! It even says It is risky! and mentioned all the risks involved. You are blind to that abi? Your fellow JW Sister died even after being given Hemopure. She reacted badly to it and Died! Why? Is that not proving the below statement to be true? When something is a Temporary solution as the screenshot puts it, is that a perfect solution? Your screenshot mentioned that Hemopure has not yet being approved by the FDA in the U.S. It is still undergoing Clinical trials. Do you know what that means? I don't think you do since you reason like an Illiterate that Watchtower wants you to be with their No University education Doctrine.

I have posted the Disadvantages of Alternatives to Blood that your Freemason Governing body refused to let you JWs know about. If you like, don't go and take Blood Transfusion like your Fellow smart JWs are doing. Look at them surviving and testifying to it like the Op. You will die like Fowl as Sacrifice to Satan to Boost Watchtower's Billionaire status. I have asked you JWs why you all still die when Alternatives are available, you run away. You JWs still dying is proof your Alternatives don't work! So, your screenshots are useless. We want to see real life experiences from numerous JWS but all we get are Stories of Deaths.

Your No Blood Transfusion Doctrine has put your Cult in trouble with the Czech Republic Government Authorities. You JWS are at the risk of being deregistered again over there just like in Norway for No Blood and Limiting of Social contact with disfellowshiped and dissociated people. Not only that, Watchtower will also lose all their properties Kingdom halls, Assembly Halls and Bethel branches there. Your Governing body have ordered your members to write letters to the Politicians there to change their mind after lying to them that you don't have such Doctrine. It is this same writing letters to Politicians that made Russia ban you people. You people should write to them so that they can ban you

Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 8:40pm On Jan 01

My dear it's very sad that people like to live in lies and pretend they don't see their errors. The fact is that I don't have time for child's play.

Sand2022, that Audio I tagged you in, did you listen to it?
Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 8:07pm On Dec 31, 2024

They are given embargo to desist from doing so. They even send a letter to that effect and for those doing to remove the one posted.

Watchtower is aware of the amount of criticism and disgrace their publications bring to JWS hence the ban. They are not proud of their Content and Doctrines being shown to the Public. They know their Doctrines are ridiculous. angry angry


Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 4:41pm On Dec 31, 2024

MaxInDHouse already hanged his neck the moment he said Jesus was enthroned in 1914. I asked him to show one publication of his that stated so. He ran away. The same thing he asked us to do, he cannot do it because doing so will support our evidence of Jehovah's Witnesses setting false dates over the years grin cheesy cheesy

Haven't you noticed that the JWs here find it very difficult to post their publications here? It's like they are ashamed of what is contained in their publications.

1 Like

Religion / Re: Which Prophet Of Our Day Has A Reputation For Unfailing Prophecy? by Courz: 2:47pm On Dec 31, 2024

My dear it's very sad that people like to live in lies and pretend they don't see their errors. The fact is that I don't have time for child's play.

Nobody should bother showing the Mad MaxinDhouse any evidence of False Prophecies. He is a Troll. This is why Fellow JWS on different occasions have called him an Apostate to the point that somebody created a thread to denounce him and say that He has been a disgrace to Jehovah's Witnesses. When I saw that thread, I laughed. mad MaxinDhouse is a disgrace to his own people. Lol.
Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 2:38pm On Dec 31, 2024

Go and get them arrested for having obedient followers! cheesy

They are already beginning to face Lawsuits meaning more is to come. Some Lawsuits have already been made against your Governing body for Allowing Child Sexual abuse. Don't underestimate the judgement from God. You cannot mock God and go freely without consequences. You see the way the governments of the world are beginning to set their eyes on your Cult, it won't end. It will continue and progress to more serious allegations. The judgement from God waiting for your JW Leaders is serious because not only are they responsible for so many deaths, they have also led millions of JWS astray to become Goats instead of Jesus's Sheep who will inherit the Kingdom and rule with him.

I feel sorry for you because your ending is going to be very bad and you won't be able to do anything about it because it will be too late.
Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 1:15am On Dec 31, 2024
These are the disadvantages of Alternatives to Blood Transfusion that Jehovah's Witness Leaders hide from them. They are quick and Eager to mention disadvantages of Blood Transfusion but they hid the ones for Alternatives so that Jehovah's Witnesses can continue dying as Sacrifices to Satan.

Religion / Re: The Hidden Wealth Of Jws And Cover-ups by Courz: 1:11am On Dec 31, 2024

I have watched a lot of their videos on YouTube mostly by their ex's and PIMOs. These folks are deluded in conceit. I have many of them in my family. A few weeks ago, I was discussing with my own sibling, a long time member of over fifty years standing. Many of the noisemakers here were not born when he joined as a teenager. He was bragging about their awake magazine that wrote an article about diabetes. He quickly added, our organization is matchless when it comes to research. I laughed. Now, if the magazine is that good, anybody who wants to be a doctor should just be reading Awakegringringrin

This same mentality goes into the erroneous 607 BCE 1914 CE, that form the central doctrine of JW Organization.

They still rely on the experts from all fields to write anything. All historians of note believe that the sack of Jerusalem was 586//7 BCE with adequate historical evidences. Fearful arrogance will not allow the Governing Body to accept, in few cases, the subtly discards doctrines and continue to deceive their followers that they had been operating under insufficient light.gringrin. God gave them insufficient lightgringringrin. I laugh in Jehovah's Witnesses' paradise's language.

The Governing Body has left jehovah tey tey.


Their Hypocrisy is too much. This is why they are not taken seriously. When people sight them, they run away! Lol. People make a mockery of them. JW Leaders lie to them that it is because they are the one True religion but it is not. It is because Jehovah's Witnesses make a mockery of God and Jesus with their Doctrines and Policies. They have never sat down to ask themselves why no one wants to join them. At least, the world should testify that they are the One True Religion. Instead, just like every other Cult, they are avoided like a Plaque. That delusion they have will never attract people to join them. They lack self awareness. Everything about them repels people away. And that is good. God and Jesus are helping people to stay away from them.
Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 1:36pm On Dec 30, 2024
Lost the greatest player who was a jw cos of this blood matter.he taught me how to game and investment too..don piro u will always be remembered.

That's very sad. This is the danger we are talking about. The JW Leaders are guilty of Murder.

1 Like

Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 12:12am On Dec 30, 2024

Na wetin the werey peddling brains they use climb platform for kingdom hall they brag as graduate and tech literate be that grin cheesy cheesy grin

Mu le things when Janosky knows his audience are to weak to verify or research those fraudulent claims and assertions


Ah ahn. This is serious!

1 Like

Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 12:11am On Dec 30, 2024

That's why he can lump all those reference materials like his GODS of men housed in USA together in large quantities to overwhelm anybody who is weak at reading or takes time to filter his nonsense.

Most of the the time na just one point from his werey peddling brains undermines the whole of his fraudulent agenda called research or scholarship. Janosky aka JaNosense na cut and join researcher with terrible reference skills plagiarizing nonsense here and there cheesy grin wink grin



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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 12:06am On Dec 30, 2024
The person that cursed this Janosky from his village didn't do well at all. This is just too bad. shocked sad angry

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 12:04am On Dec 30, 2024

The upper cut this your reference just gave you send your werey peddling brains into oblivion grin cheesy grin grin

Awon hemopure peddling brains grin cheesy grin grin

Imagine the Mumu. He still repeated the same disgrace on his head by posting the screenshot that proved me right. This time, he removed the part in the screenshot where they admitted that Hemopure is not a Perfect substitute for Blood. Mumu Janosky thinks I have forgotten the screenshot and what it really says. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 11:53pm On Dec 29, 2024

Bunch of incoherent rubbish!
grin grin grin grin

Mumu Janosky with your maggot infested brain, why didn't you show the part in your screenshot where the professionals admitted that Hemopure is Not a Perfect substitute and it can fail? Who were you trying to Deceive here? Why did your JW sister react badly to Hemopure to the point that she died? Where is Hemopure gotten from? Is it not Cow Blood?

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 11:28pm On Dec 29, 2024

LYING miscreant glued to IBERIBEISM and delusion can never stand against confirmed scientific evidence of medical professionals who knows their onions.
Screenshot evidences plenty cheesy

So, why did one of your JW sister react to Hemopure and died in the process? Why is Hemopure regarded as not a perfect substitute for Blood by Health Professionals? Why didn't you show the part of your screenshot where they mentioned this? Who do you think you are deceiving here? You think I have forgotten the screenshot you posted the last time? Remember, I showed you how stupid you were for posting a screenshot that proves me right. Remember, your screenshot proved me right by saying that Hemopure is not a perfect substitute for Blood and it can fail. This means It can't replace Blood Transfusion! You Remember, right? Don't be stupid. Don't try this nonsense again or I will disgrace you

Did your Freemason Governing body tell you JWs the truth about Disadvantages of Alternatives to Blood? If Alternatives work, why are you JWs still dying with some of you choosing to take Blood secretly?

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 10:49pm On Dec 29, 2024

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 10:17pm On Dec 29, 2024

I am Speechless. sad

You dey see am now. He is speechless. What else can he say? This thread is proof that their No Blood Transfusion Doctrine is a Scam! It is not practical at all without Blood. The summary of everything we are saying here is We Humans cannot Live without Blood whether their Freemason Governing body likes it or not! The rest of the world survive by Blood. Jehovah's Witnesses need Blood to get Alternatives to Blood treatments. When the treatment fails as shown in this JW Lady's experience, Blood is the answer!

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:57pm On Dec 29, 2024

The bold ehn. Pushed to the extreme cheesy grin cheesy cheesy

You dey see am now. He is speechless. What else can he say? This thread is proof that their No Blood Transfusion Doctrine is a Scam! It is not practical at all without Blood. The summary of everything we are saying here is We Humans cannot Live without Blood whether their Freemason Governing body likes it or not! The rest of the world survive by Blood. Jehovah's Witnesses need Blood to get Alternatives to Blood treatments. When the treatment fails, Blood is the answer!

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:55pm On Dec 29, 2024

People that cannot stand the Jensen letters. He wrote repeatedly to the headquarters about defending the blood doctrine, they abandoned brother Jensen last last when they cannot properly address his concerns about the blood doctrine. Brother Jensen had to resign as an elder paapaa about it.

Jensen Letters? I don't know about this issue. What happened?

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:34pm On Dec 29, 2024

You cannot stand the lies and manipulations of the blood doctrine being exposed. grin cheesy grin grin


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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:34pm On Dec 29, 2024

Jehovah: I asked you to keep abstaining from POTATOES

Jehovah's witnesses: Oh Jehovah, I just wanted to make starch soup with the starch inside the potatoes.

Jehovah: what makes the POTATO really POTATOES without the starch?

Jehovah's witnesses: Starch is just fraction or component of POTATOES

Jehovah: I categorically said keep abstaining from POTATOES. How do you abstain from the potatoes by extracting the STARCH?

Deluded and delusion everywhere cheesy grin grin

Gbam! You got It. grin grin grin grin

This is what happens when you allow Unqualified Charlatans to make health decisions for you. Error upon Error. Lol.

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:22pm On Dec 29, 2024

I don read the analysis of that thing times over what it takes to those fractions. That's why when they are asked who gave them permission to place fractions on conscience and others not a conscience matter? Hypocrisy get exposed cheesy grin cheesy


The Foolishness of the doctrine is too obvious. You say abstaining from Blood is God's law right? Okay. You want fractions. How do you want to get them? Through Spit? Lol. So, people have to break God's law to give you fractions and you think you are not also Guilty of breaking the same law? Do these people think at all? JWs are helping the public to break God's law by accepting their Blood.

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:19pm On Dec 29, 2024
I purposely came to show everyone that you're just hyping false stories because you are not allowed to perpetrate evil among God's people it's obvious you have nothing real against God's organization.

Mad MaxinDhouse, if people out there didn't donate a single drop of Blood for you JWS to get Fractions and other alternatives to Blood, how on earth did your Freemason Governing body think you JWs were going to get them? The Foolishness of the Governing body in full display. Can you see why your Fellow JWs take Blood secretly? Your Doctrine isn't working. They have given up! If you can accept Blood from people that donate to get Fractions, are you free from the guilt of taking Blood?

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:18pm On Dec 29, 2024
Mad MaxinDhouse cannot talk. Shame dey catch am. He allowed a group of Satanists to lie to him about Alternatives to Blood. He can't talk now. 😂😂😂

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:14pm On Dec 29, 2024

Still crying like a baby! smiley

Mad MaxinDhouse, if people out there didn't donate a single drop of Blood for you JWS to get Fractions and other alternatives to Blood, how on earth did your Freemason Governing body think you JWs were going to get them? The Foolishness of the Governing body in full display. Can you see why your Fellow JWs take Blood secretly? Your Doctrine isn't working. They have given up! If you can accept Blood from people that donate to get Fractions, are you free from the guilt of taking Blood?

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Religion / Re: Real Life Example Of The Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness by Courz: 9:10pm On Dec 29, 2024

Continue asking! Matthew 7:7 smiley

Mad MaxinDhouse, why are your Fellow JWs taking Blood secretly if what your Freemason Governing body teach is correct?

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