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Religion / Re: Isn't This World Coming To An End Really Imagine What This Idiot Posted On Faceb by Emmytes(m): 5:09am On Feb 03, 2018
The world is coming to an end because He aired his views and a good one at that ? You must be kidding me


Religion / Re: Contradictions In The Bible by Emmytes(m): 7:28pm On Feb 02, 2018
You search the scriptures daily to see error and error you shall see.

The scripture itself has no life but speaks and testifies of life{JESUS}.

The bible is a book written by men for men and so it's not devoid of errors and myths.
Religion / Re: Contradictions In The Bible by Emmytes(m): 5:24pm On Feb 02, 2018
For more enlightenment, here are pairs of bible verses that contradict each other.


Thou shalt not kill. —Exodus 20:13

Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side. and slay every man his brother…companion…neighbor. —Exodus 32:27


The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. —Revelation 8:7

And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. —Revelation 9:4


Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. —Proverbs 12:22

The Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee. —I Kings 22:23


And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month…Nebuzaradan…came…unto Jerusalem… —2 Kings 25:8

…in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month…came Nebuzaradan…into Jerusalem… —Jeremiah 52:12


For by grace are ye saved through faith…not of works. —Ephesians 2:8,9

Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. —James 2:24


Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. —2 Kings 24:8

Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem… —2 Chronicles 36:9


Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy…and they shall be your possession…they shall be your bondmen forever. —Leviticus 25:45-46

Undo the heavy burdens…let the oppressed go free,…break every yoke. —Isaiah 58:6


For I am the Lord; I change not. —Malachi 3:6

And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. —Exodus 32:14


For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. —Exodus 20:5

The Lord is good to all. —Psalms 145:9


No man hath seen God at any time. —John 1:18

For I have seen God face to face. —Genesis 32:30


For every man shall bear his own burden. —Galatians 6:2

Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. —Galatians 6:2


For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. —Romans 3:23

There was a man…who name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright. —Job 1:1


Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. —II Kings 8:26

Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. —II Chronicles 22:2


Submit yourself to every ordinance of man…to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors. —I Peter 2:13

We ought to obey God rather than men. —Acts 5:29


And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. —Mark 16:2

The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. —John 20:1


And it was the third hour, and they crucified him. —Mark 15:25

…about the sixth hour…they cried out…crucify him….Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. —John 19:14-16


Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned… —Romans 5:12


Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything. —Genesis 9:3

It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall. —Romans 14:21


Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?…And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly… —Matthew 27:13-14

Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews?…Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me? —John 18:33-34


For he cast two pillars of brass, of eighteen cubits high apiece: and a line of twelve cubits did compass either of them about. —1 Kings 7:15

Also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high, and the chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits. —2 Chronicles 3:15


Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. —Proverbs 26:4

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. —Proverbs 26:5


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. —Matthew 5:16

Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven. —Matthew 6:1


And [Judas] cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. —Matthew 27:5

Now [Judas] purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. —Acts 1:18


Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. —Matthew 10:34

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. —John 16:33


And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark. —Genesis 6:19

Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. —Genesis 7:2


And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart… —Matthew 17:1

And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. —Luke 9:28


Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. —Matthew 26:52

Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. —Luke 22:36


Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child unto the day of her death. —II Samuel 6:23

But the king took the two sons of Rizpah…and the five sons of Michal the daughter of Saul. —II Samuel 21:8


…the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach… —I Timothy 6:15-16

The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice…clouds and darkness are round about him. —Psalms 97:1-2


Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: —Proverbs 24:17

The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. —Psalms 58:1 TC mark
Religion / Contradictions In The Bible by Emmytes(m): 5:20pm On Feb 02, 2018
Once upon a time, I used to be a Christian but then again I used to believe in Santa Claus and that India beat Nigeria 99-0 in a football match.

Well, as years flew by and my resolve to know more about God grew. The more I dug deeper into the bible, the more confused I became. I asked questions but always got the default reply 'God works in mysterious ways, his ways are not the ways of men'.

I read enough of the bible to know that the bible was fraught with contradictions and inconsistencies and hence, couldn't have been inspired by a supernatural all knowing being.

Below are two verses that are completely incompatible.

And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven. —Luke 12:10

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. —Romans 10:13

I pondered on these two because if you commit a sin that can never be forgiven that's a straight ticket to hell, no turning back. So what would happen if in the same instance, I said, "Dear God, screw the Holy Spirit, he was being a jerk, save me buddy." These two verses can't be true at the same time. They cancel each other out.

Another problem I had was with the whole Old Testament/New Testament dilemma. God actually changes his mind. In Leviticus, God made some laws and called them everlasting but suddenly we hear this;

For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second. —Hebrews 8:7

God made some laws with the Hebrews that had faults in it. God is imperfect? It doesn't add up!

Long after I stopped being a Christian and observed Christianity from a neutral perspective, I found more inconsistencies.

For example, one of the most popular verses in the bible;

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. —John 3:16

I have a son. The idea that I will send him down to be sacrificed to me for someone else's fûck ups is absurd. And this sacrifice comes with terms and conditions.

Come on, you are God for Christ sakes, just say the word and our sins would be forgiven. Why make him go through all that pain and suffering?!? Doesn't sound like like love to me, it's a punk ass move.

Also, look at the creation story. If Adam and Eve were the first human, how did they populate the earth itself without incest?!?

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Religion / Re: * The Menace Of Homosexuals And Lesbians * by Emmytes(m): 4:09pm On Feb 02, 2018
Fanatics everywhere

Nobody chooses to be gay, they are born that way. Different animals have been reported to display homosexual behaviors, so it's not just peculiar to humans. Don't let religion brain wash you.

What do you say about shemales(females born with a penis)? Did they chose to be that way or were they possessed by demons?

Nobody cares what you do with you privates in private as long as it doesn't trample on someone else's right. Leave gay people alone!


Religion / Re: "How Large Was Noah's Ark?" by Emmytes(m): 2:05pm On Feb 02, 2018

This is the most hillsrous thread I've read so far on the religion section.

Brain washed Africans trying to make sense out of the nonsense taught to them by their colonial masters. The arguments presented by this religious fanatics are too dumb, irrational and illogical. They close each argument with the same line "just have faith".

You lots are caused and should be quarantined, never left to breed. The stupidity is at an ath, smh!

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Religion / Re: How Satan Has Deceived The Atheists by Emmytes(m): 8:13am On Feb 02, 2018
I love satan, he is my best friend.
Religion / Re: 100 Benefits Of Praying In Tongues by Emmytes(m): 7:13am On Feb 02, 2018

Be careful how you speak against the Hold Spirit. Sin against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Tongues is a language of the Holy Spirit.

Religion / Re: The Sun Is Turned Into Darkness, And The Moon Into Blood: Prophecy Is Fulfilled by Emmytes(m): 4:53pm On Feb 01, 2018

This is a specific Bible prophecy, very very specific.

Acts 2:20
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:

Jesus will come suddenly, all the prophecies have been fulfilled.

We've heard this a billion times. Don't you people get tired ?

He should come already, the suspense is too much grin cheesy

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Religion / Re: The Sun Is Turned Into Darkness, And The Moon Into Blood: Prophecy Is Fulfilled by Emmytes(m): 2:07pm On Feb 01, 2018
Fanaticism is a mental illness sad

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Investment / Re: Facebook Bans All Ads For Bitcoin by Emmytes(m): 1:52pm On Feb 01, 2018

Lol, am not trying to spread FUD but the truth.

Only a noob thinks BTC will keep going up. After last year run.

If you don't know that the main reason why BTC hit 19,000 is because tether pumped the market with their fake usdt. Then you haven't seen anything yet.

Don't get me wrong. I invested in BTC but I have already sold at the pick on December. Waiting for the big crash.

Why do you think the price of Bitcoin is tanking now. Because tether is not printed again to maintain that 19k level.

Most people don't understand what is going on, billions of fake dollars are circulation in the market. don't worry by the end of this year, you will remember this comment

By then we will know who is a noob grin

You know nothing job snow

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Investment / Re: Facebook Bans All Ads For Bitcoin by Emmytes(m): 7:35pm On Jan 31, 2018

Not this year, lol

Noob grin
Culture / Re: Please Help! I want to join a strong occult and for riches by Emmytes(m): 7:06pm On Jan 31, 2018

I would not want to sacrifice anyone but am ready to pay the price. Take some years off my life ln this cruel world I don't mind giving in at 50 liberating my family from this shackles of poverty
I can contact you if have this option.

Thank you.

No, the terms are clear. Human scarifice is the PRICE you have to PAY. Contact me if you are serious.

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Culture / Re: Please Help! I want to join a strong occult and for riches by Emmytes(m): 9:17am On Jan 31, 2018
If you can do a human sacrifice

Pm me


Religion / Re: Do You Believe In Spiritual Death ? by Emmytes(m): 8:31am On Jan 31, 2018
I have been hearing about demons having online profile with which they harrass people.

You are demented, disturbed and delusional so you must hear a lot of things from your imaginary friends.

I'm not surprised.
Religion / Re: Do You Believe In Spiritual Death ? by Emmytes(m): 7:43am On Jan 31, 2018
How old are you ?

Older than your ancestors, stupîd boy sad
Religion / Re: "God Is Mad For Killing Himself Instead Of Satan" - Man Blast God And Jesus. by Emmytes(m): 10:00pm On Jan 30, 2018
o yes,for your info that's what he(GOD) told me now just as i was about to pour out my anger on the fourth person "that I should hold my peace that the battle is his not mine "but I'll sure play my role in capturing and returning the lost souls,and yes you'll still be here after all your father (Satan)is still here doing what you people know how to do best,anyway I'm not surprised you might just be another Saul whom we know how it all ended. wink

You are delusional.
Religion / Re: God Doesn't Make Sense! by Emmytes(m): 9:17pm On Jan 30, 2018

All your entire generations right from the first ape that mated with the first dog to give birth to your lineage forebears are cursed beyond redemption.



His comment must have really hit you hard.

Religion / Re: "God Is Mad For Killing Himself Instead Of Satan" - Man Blast God And Jesus. by Emmytes(m): 9:13pm On Jan 30, 2018
Emmytes or whatever your name is listen to me and listen real good right now I'm very furious,I want to tell you that I know what your plan is and there's no need wasting my time with you because the battle has already been won by our only LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST and there is nothing you can do about it your forefathers tried and they failed and will continue to fail because you're just a toothless bull dog just like your father satan, all you and your cohort know how to do is just bark and make a lot of noise but make no impact because before you were born the battle has already been won,got it!battle already won by JESUS CHRIST.Christians all around the world be careful of devils agents like this and remain steadfast in faith,we are Christians and we are winners that's our logo always remember we are the chosen ones(the promised child)the descendants of Abraham God promised

Hahaha, jeez... You sound so pained. grin

out of everybody on this thread, you had to single me out. I am not your enemy, your enemy is those who have brainwashed you into believing in fantasies.

And please, allow your God fight for himself. i have been getting worst threats than this for years but am still here.


Religion / Re: "God Is Mad For Killing Himself Instead Of Satan" - Man Blast God And Jesus. by Emmytes(m): 7:30pm On Jan 30, 2018

Look at the way Satanists and atheists are having a field day on this thread.

Anyway, the guy asked a reasonable question but in a very rude way that depicts him as someone that doesn't need or deserve a response. But for the sake of those Christians who are weak in the faith, I'll do my best to answer his question.

Do you all remember when Nigerians hated PDP so much that they wanted a CHANGE? Nigerians were so eager to get rid of PDP that embracing a dead corpse for president would have been seen as the best to them if it stepped forward for election. When APC presented itself as the option and much needed CHANGE, Nigerians from all walks of life embraced them.

Recall how PDP warned severally that APC is not the reliable option. Remember how they warned us of Buhari and APC's Islamization agenda and how they will destroy the economy and plunge the people into hardship. We all barked at them to shut up cos APC presented themselves as saints even when some of us saw that they were just a gang of thieves.

Goodluck Jonathan who was the then president had everything in his arsenal to destroy the opposition that APC put forward, but he didn't. He could have labelled their strong men as terrorists, used the army against them, freeze their source of funds, sent assassins at them (worst case scenario) etc, but he didn't. If he had done those things, do you all think Nigerians won't have screamed that he was trying to prevent them from being saved from hell by a darling APC that gave them sugarcoated promises?

What did Goodluck Jonathan's PDP do? They allowed Nigerians see for themselves that the darling APC are worst than cancer and with an evil agenda worst than corruption against Nigerians. Aren't we seeing all of that now? Fulani Herdsmen killing at will with no military men deployed to stop them. The government even wants to appease them by giving them your land. Where is the economy today? Should I go on?

When Satan rebelled, he successfully deceived more than a billion angels in heaven and pulled them to his side. He told them of how God's rule is not good and that he will give them the liberty they need. Some other angels that didn't follow him were still tempted to do so just cos of how juicy his sugarcoated offer was.

Now, God had everything He needed to wipe Satan and those angels off the universe but He didn't, not cos He is weak but for some reasons. If he had done that, then the good angels that remained loyal to him would have felt Satan had a point when he said God's rule is cruel. They would have thought God was insecure that He had to quickly destroy Satan so that he won't achieve the aim of making the universe see how good his own reign will be.

God allowed Satan the much space he needed to prove he can rule better than Him. Since Satan has been ruling, what has the world benefited? Death, sickness, rape, weapons of mass destruction, wickedness, evil, anger, unhappiness etc. Even the angels that sided with him became horrible, sad and filled with anger; they lost their beauty.

Now, both the good and evil angels including humans can see that Satan's rule can never profit anybody. At this point, if God decides to destroy him, no one will complain.

Satan knows his time is up, that's why he is employing all tactics to destroy mankind and make them oppose God in the coming war. Why do you think we now experience terrorism at an alarming rate? What about huge rate of divorce, sex dolls, immorality (BBNaija), prostitution, club/yahoo boys, false pastors, fulani herdsmen etc? He is deploying his very best to destroy the children of God and make them oppose God.

His time is up and he knows it.


So you are comparing your imaginary god to man?!?
Religion / Re: Why Does Yahweh Need Angels? by Emmytes(m): 4:00pm On Jan 30, 2018
Don't bother asking this type of questions. The response you'll get is the usual 'God works in mysterious ways, his ways are not the ways of man'.
Religion / Re: Religion And Mental Illness. What I Think. by Emmytes(m): 2:37pm On Jan 30, 2018
There is an atheist doctor who believes that he can transplant human head.
What a faith!

Isn't that top grade madness?

Religion / Re: "God Is Mad For Killing Himself Instead Of Satan" - Man Blast God And Jesus. by Emmytes(m): 2:16pm On Jan 30, 2018
If god cannot kill Satan, could it be because

1.God is dead

2.God is Satan

3.God is the business partner to Satan.

4.Non-existent good guys cannot kill non-existent bad guys

All of the above grin


Religion / Re: "God Is Mad For Killing Himself Instead Of Satan" - Man Blast God And Jesus. by Emmytes(m): 11:47am On Jan 30, 2018
He has a point you know..

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Religion / Re: Stephanie Otobo "Apostle Suleman Told Me To Make False Confession Against FG" by Emmytes(m): 11:36am On Jan 30, 2018
Very intelligent girl

I like this grin

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Religion / Re: Repent Today! The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand! Jesus Christ Is Lord Of All! by Emmytes(m): 11:10am On Jan 30, 2018
Which hand? Left or right??
Religion / Re: God Doesn't Make Sense! by Emmytes(m): 9:52am On Jan 30, 2018

You are insignificant in the scheme of things. What you do or say doesn't count in your own immediate family circle, what makes you think it will matter here? Get lost.

i feel your pain

It hurts to be told how weak and powerless your Imaginary sky daddy really is. This thought scares you more than the thought of hell itself. I used to be like you until I grew some brain. Your god is a farce, a character invented by humans to control half wits like you.

He should speak for himself but he won't cause his deaf, dumb and dead.
Religion / Re: Let Us Kill This Hellfire Myth Once And For All With Facts From The Bible. by Emmytes(m): 1:11am On Jan 30, 2018
Living in constant fear of a literal hell of eternal suffering and damnation is incredibly painful. When I was a boy and believed in god, I was terrified. And I think that fear made me more fearful in the real world.

The threat of hell does an amazing amount if damage to ones mentality. I dare say that if there was a god, he wouldn't threaten his creatures with eternal fire and suffering. Doing so would make him unworthy of any worship or devotion.

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