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Nairaland Forum / FiftyFifty's Profile / FiftyFifty's Posts
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The truth is that the famed religious ecumenicalism and tolerance of the Yoruba people are often achieved at the expense of Yoruba Muslims, who are the majority in the South West. It is they, and not their Christian brothers and sisters, who must always observe religious tolerance. |
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Righteousness2: Lol. Another usual trashy stuff you're always identified with. Jesus challenged Judaism every step of the way. He even went as far as calling Jewish leaders “children of their father the Devil.” This is why they had Him "crucified". You can follow Jesus, or you can follow Judaism; you can't follow both. 10 Likes 2 Shares |
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Both ISIS and Al Qaida represent only the interest of the US and Israel, who formed and armed them to the teeth and have nothing to do with Islam or Muslims in the real sense. Has anyone heard anything from either Alqaida or ISIS on the Israel genocide taking place in Gaza? Simon Eliot, aka Al-Bagdadi, ISIS's first leader, wasn't only a Jew but a Mossad agent. One thing the US, in particular, failed to understand is that whoever they nurture and pamper to fight their cause ends up fighting them. We have seen that in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now it's Syria's turn. 34 Likes 8 Shares
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Righteousness2: You detest gays on the one hand (which is good) and blindly and overzealously support Israel, which is the "gayest country" in the world, on the other... Did you see how hypocritical you've been BTW, the Captain you prayed for God to bless is a Muslim. The very Muslims you so much love to hate.
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Botragelad: Shameless liar. Terrorist d!rty p!g. Keep making a caricature of your hypocratic empty self. Shameless terrorist can you tell us who is behind the ISIS and other terrorists now? 5 Likes 2 Shares
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The day after Israel agreed to the ceasefire with Hezbollah, Netanyahu said Syria's Bashar Al Asad will see fire. A day later, the Syrian rebels/terrorists launched a daring attack on Idlib... The fact that the Op, a d!rty Jew!sh p!g is here running helter-skelter to deceive his usual gullible followers says everything about who is behind these terrorists. 9 Likes 3 Shares |
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Why is ISIS not talking about Gaza? Why has ISIS not attacked Israel or US interest? Why is ISIS attacking only Muslim countries and other countries sympathetic to Muslims? Everyone knows that ISIS means Israel Secret Intelligent Service. ISIS, Al Qaida, Boko Haram, Al Nusrah, Al Shabab and other similar terrorists organisations are all being funded by the Mossad and the CIA.
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The devil of this executive bill is in the details. If Tinubu tells you good morning, you need to come out and check to be sure it's truly morning and not afternoon or evening. Was it not the same Tinubu that promised Nigerian workers a decent living wage only for him to arrive at 70k? Was it not the same Tinubu that promised NLC that if they accept 70k minimum wage, PMS won't go beyond 600/L? Was it not the same Tinubu who said Nigeria can't afford to borrow and pay for subsidy only for him to remove subsidy and still keep borrowing? From May 29th, 2023 to date, what has Tinubu really achieved? 16 Likes 4 Shares |
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It's glaringly becoming the end of the road for Netanyahu, he is facing corruption charges at home and a genocide case abroad. His people are demonstrating weekly calling for his resignation. But do you know what else died in Gaza and Beirut? The myth of Western humanity. I never want to hear a Western leader ever talk about human rights. All the rights groups, such as Amnesty International, have gone AWOL. Hypocrites. 6 Likes 3 Shares
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Botragelad: Only a shameless hypocrite will support Ukraine on the one hand and also support and defend the illegal state of Israel on the other. You are always as d!rty as the Joo that you are. Shameless xionist terrorist. 1 Like |
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Botragelad: This hypocrite, ugly, dirty joo must be high on cheap substance. The world only knows about fake Jews. Why is DNA testing not allowed in the illegal terrorist state of Israel? Anybody can convert to Judaism and move to Israel and chase out the indigenous Palestinians from their homes. Did you see how hypocritical you've been on this platform? 3 Likes 1 Share
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Botragelad: This is music to the ears. The world is minus one criminal terrorist, and more to follow. May he rest in the hell that he deserves. 4 Likes 2 Shares |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye:Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. 1 Like |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. 1 Like |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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[quote author=MajorOvakporaye post=133003435][/quote] Says a shameless good-for-nothing Ashawo; stop making a caricature of your empty self. You must be referring to that ashawo you called Mama, who ought to have been plugged in a market square for adding to the world's problems by giving birth to another idiat under the bridge. I can't talk of your father, wh*re, since you lack a legitimate one. When a poor, dirty, late evening HIV-infected newspaper is angry with everyone, it's understandable. I pity your miserable existence. Ashole. |
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MajorOvakporaye: Shameless Ashawo, a daughter of a thousand fathers. 3 Likes |
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MajorOvakporaye: Says a swaggering, incompetent, brainless baboon. Go and finish your book colouring assignment, kiddo. 3 Likes |
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Netanyahu is facing corruption charges at home and facing genocide charges abroad. The summary of all this is that Netanyahu is a terrorist criminal and should be treated as such. This whole saga has once again exposed America as hypocritical as it has always been. If you support Ukraine on the one hand and support Israel on the other, then you're a definition of hypocrisy. 58 Likes 8 Shares |
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udemzyudex: Go and continue your book colouring assignment, kiddo. Not every stuff is for kids. 3 Likes |
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seunowa: Says a swaggering incompetent brainless baboon. A daughter of thousand fathers. I curse your ashawo mother for bringing another idiat to the world. I can't talk of your father since you lack a legitimate one. You must be extremely dull human being, the most dullest human that ever walk the earth. You must be one of the ignorant believers of Bible- the most contradictory book of all time- where the poor Biblical Jesus, the son of a poor capenter and a harlot mother was beaten to stuppor by some randy Jews, the poor boy had to cry profusely shouting "Elohim, Elohim Lama Sabachtani?" (My Lord, My Lord, why ave you forsaken me?) Keep making a caricature of your empty self. Ashawo. 4 Likes |
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Mathewrichard99: Instead of convincingly debunking my assertion, you ended up making a caricature of your empty self. If you do not know what I said as a fact then you must be extremely dull, if not the dullest human that ever walks the earth. Go and do your book coloring assignment, kiddo. 4 Likes 1 Share |
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You don’t have to be indigenous to the Middle East to be an Israeli citizen, according to Israel, the moment you convert to Judaism, you can travel to Israel and displace Palestinians from their homes— this is colonialism, occupation, and apartheid put together. And just like that, you become “Indigenous” in a place that systematically displaces and kills Indigenous people. Senior Netanyahu migrated to Palestine from Poland and changed his name from Mileikowsky to Netanyahu, and his good-or-nothing son has been killing Palestinians for 40+ years. It's time to answer for his crime with or without US approval. Netanyahu will certainly die a painful death, just like Sharon. 15 Likes 6 Shares |
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