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Religion / 5 Ways To Overcome A Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 9:46am On Dec 31, 2017
Mommy, I'm hearing voices," my youngest daughter told us when we lived overseas. "They're telling me to do bad things like kick my brother and disobey you. They're waking me up at night and scaring me."
We'd recognized her belligerence, but we chalked it up to culture shock and navigating a foreign school system. My husband, Patrick, had been under spiritual attack since the moment we moved to France, so in some ways we weren't surprised. But we didn't expect voices.
So we prayed for our daughter. She was the only one in our family who didn't yet know Jesus. We told her about Him again, how He's bigger than those voices, but she wasn't ready to surrender to Him. Though you may not face such an overt attack on your family, the truth is that spiritual warfare exists. We have a very real enemy, Satan, who wants nothing more than to destroy our lives, our thoughts, our walks with Jesus (John 10:10). He, along with his hoard of demons, roams the earth, seeking ways to wreak havoc on God's kingdom (1 Peter 5:cool. Unfortunately, we tend to live in two extremes: as though Satan doesn't exist or as though he's bigger than God. Neither is correct. Satan does exist. He's a created being who used to experience the paradise of God. For one defining moment, he averted his eyes from God's glory and rejoiced in his own (Ezekiel 28:12-15). In that, he rebelled, deceiving a third of the angels in heaven (Revelation 12:4). And he's waged war ever since. God sent His Son for a specific purpose. Consider: "The one who commits sin is of the Devil, for the Devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose: to destroy the Devil's works" (1 John 3:cool. And destroy, He did. Every encounter Jesus had with demons ended in a victory for God. And on the cross, He dealt the final blow - Jesus died for the very sin Satan incited in the Garden of Eden. With that as a backdrop, we don't need to fear. We serve a conquering, powerful God who has destroyed Satan's work. Because of the cross and the amazing resurrection, we have power to defeat the enemy's ploys.
But how? What are some practical things we can do right now when we feel attacked?

Action 1: Pray.
Our first response to spiritual attack shouldn't be panic, but prayer. In our own strength, we can't fight. But when we ask God for help and seek His power, then we experience victory. After our daughter heard voices, Patrick and I prayed - for her, with her, about her. We sent a mass email to our prayer team, asking them to intercede for our daughter. During the middle of this ordeal, Patrick and I had to leave to go to a leadership summit. Two moms and a daughter from our church in Texas graciously came to watch our children. We let them know what was going on with our youngest, and they also prayed for her.

Action 2: Speak and believe truth.
Jesus personifies truth. "I am the truth," He said (John 14:6). But Satan is a big, fat liar. Jesus said this about him: "He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of liars" (John 8:44). Satan's native tongue is deceit. So one of the best ways to combat his untruth is to surround ourselves, our families, and our minds with truth.
Patrick and I shared the truth about Jesus with our daughter. Others did, too. And we reminded ourselves that our battle wasn't against her behavior, but against the evil forces in the world. Paul reminds us, "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens" (Ephesians 6:12). When our daughter struggled, we assured her that Jesus would defeat those voices if she gave her heart to Him.

Action 3: Choose not to fear.
The natural reaction to a spiritual attack is first fear, then worry. If we stay in that place of panic, we forget to do the first two actions: pray and speak the truth. And if we camp in fear's tent, we shrink back from the joy and power Jesus wants to give us in the midst of the battle. Ultimately, this comes down to a question of God's bigness. Do we believe God is bigger than our worry? Than Satan's attack? Than the fears that keep us up at night? We have a choice to give into fearful thinking or surrender it to God. Of course, we initially feared and freaked out a bit when our daughter confessed her battle to us. It took moxie to choose to lay that fear at Jesus' feet. A VeggieTales song has it right: God is bigger than the boogey man. If you're facing a battle where fear rages, consider this exercise in relinquishment:
Jesus, I'm afraid. Please help me to hand my fear over to You. Give me Your perspective in this situation. Forgive me for running first to fear and not to You. Please rescue us from this situation. Enlarge my faith. I choose to rest my fear in Your capable arms, and I promise, with the strength You provide, not to snatch it back.

Action 4: Let go of control.

When we encounter a spiritual battle, we tend to want to make everything right in our own strength. We want the battle to stop, so we try to fix the situation or make a person behave a certain way. Unfortunately, we can't control others. We can't micromanage difficult situations. We can't orchestrate outcomes. We are not God.
And that's the crux. God is bigger than the situation. He's the Sovereign One who runs the universe without our help. The fact that we sleep every night, and the world keeps running sans us, testifies to this.
When our daughter heard voices, we realized how little control we had. We couldn't make her become a Christian, though we shared Jesus with her. Patrick and I had to entrust her to Jesus, knowing that He loves her more than we do, and He was quite aware of the situation. Giving up control isn't something that comes naturally to us, but it was the only thing we could do to find peace.

Action 5: Watch God work.
God is always at work, something author Henry Blackaby reminds us in his book Experiencing God. The amazing thing about God is that He's creative and doesn't always achieve His ends in ways we would anticipate. His ways are mysterious. If we live in light of this, we'll live with holy expectation of the adventure He will bring. We must have faith enough to believe in God's unpredictable creativity.
When Patrick and I left our children and attended the leadership summit, we received a phone call from our daughter. She left this message: "Daddy, Mommy, I just wanted to let you know that I became a Christian."

At home, we heard the story. The 12-year-old daughter of one of the moms shared the gospel again with our daughter and asked if she wanted to follow Jesus. This time, our daughter did. Still worried about those voices when I later talked to her, I asked, "Are you still hearing those voices?"
"No, I'm hearing one voice, and He's telling me to make wise choices," she replied.
I sighed in relief. "That's the Holy Spirit," I told her, marveling at the way God worked. He brought a preteen halfway around the world to France to share Jesus with my daughter, who had been tormented by evil voices. And He delivered her without Patrick and me being there. Spiritual warfare exists. Just look around this crazy world for evidence. But we don't need to fret and wring our hands, even if it's our loved ones in the middle of the mire. Remember, we can pray. Remind ourselves of the truth. Refuse to let fear have its way. Relinquish control and rest in God's creative work. Our daughter gave me permission to share her story. By God's grace, she doesn't remember hearing those voices. But she does remember her baptism - which her daddy had the privilege of performing in the Mediterranean Sea.

The Most Common Attack: Who God Is
If Satan can get you to believe God is punishing, demanding, harsh, and altogether an abusive grump, he wins. Sure, you still believe statements that God is love, that He created everything, and that He sent His Son to die because of His love for us. But when hard times come, do you see Him as sad for your pain in the struggle, tenderly holding you in His arms, weeping with you as He wept for Lazarus' siblings, red up over the poison sin leaks over the world? Or do you see Him as a distant observer, telling you that this horrible ordeal is making you more Christlike, so toughen up?
You may have the right theology in your head (God is good and loving), but your heart may dread His notice in your life. If so, ood your mind and heart with truth:
"Therefore the LORD is waiting to show you mercy, and is rising up to show you compassion." - Isaiah 30:18
"He protects His ock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them in the fold of His garment. He gently leads those that are nursing." - Isaiah 40:11
"So he got up and went to his father. But while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was lled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him." - Luke 15:20
"The LORD is good to everyone; His compassion rests on all He has made." - Psalm 145:9
Travel / Re: Accident In Benue Involving Toyota RAV4 & Another Car Kills 6 (Graphic Photos) by Hahnemann: 8:23pm On Dec 29, 2017
That's y i can never drive any japanese car, any small thing, it will just saumasault

If no b German machine like mercedes and volvo, i no dey drive

RIP to the dead
Politics / Re: Aisha Buhari Placed On Bed Rest At Cedacrest Hospital After Yusuf Buhari's Accid by Hahnemann: 11:39am On Dec 29, 2017
Can someone just give Bokoharam the address of that hospital?
Travel / Re: A Pastor Survived This Ghastly Motor Accident In Benue State. Photos by Hahnemann: 6:01am On Dec 29, 2017
dat car be like benz w124 aka v boot, if am correct dats d power of a benz

Exactly wat i noticed, even without an airbag. U can never die in a mercedes benz especially Mercedes 190 or vboot
Celebrities / Re: Kanayo O Kanayo Opens His House In Aboh-Mbaise, Imo (Photos) by Hahnemann: 9:34pm On Dec 28, 2017
Finally, he carried his blood money come out for real life
Politics / Yusuf Buhari To Be Flown To Germany After Motorcycle Accident by Hahnemann: 9:38am On Dec 28, 2017
The family of President Muhammadu Buhari is seriously considering flying their son abroad for advanced medical treatment, TheCable can report.

Yusuf, who was involved in a bike accident at Gwarinmpa in Abuja on Tuesday night, is currently at Cedacrest Hospital in the nation’s capital.

When TheCable visited the hospital on Wednesday evening, armed mobile policemen were seen guarding the place.

Yusuf sustained a head injury and broke a limb in the accident, which made him undergo a surgery.

In a statement on Wednesday, Garba Shehu, senior special assistant to the president on media and publicity, said the only son of the president is in a stable condition.

But a source told TheCable that Shehu’s statement was not very accurate.

“The statement did not reflect the true situation of things. The boy is in a critical condition. He has been in the intensive care unit,” the source told TheCable.

“Some doctors in the hospital were even scared to attend to him just in case anything went wrong. Imagine doctors being scared to perform their duty. He is the only son of the president.”

The source added that the president’s family were making plans to get an air ambulance that would convey Yusuf to a German hospital which Cedacrest has an affiliation with.

Cedacrest is said to be the only orthopaedic specialist hospital in Abuja.

The doctors have reportedly advised them not to fly Yusuf out at the moment, explaining that it is dangerous to move him out in his current state.

“The last time they mentioned flying him abroad for better treatment, the medical team advised them against it because the boy needs to be in a good condition before he leaves,” the source added.

“But they do not seem to be satisfied with the advice and they are seriously considering flying him out.”

Top politicians and prominent personalities have been reaching out to the first family over the unfortunate situation.

Earlier, former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar said his family was with Buhari in prayers.

Senate President Bukola Saraki, Yakubu Dogara, speaker of the house of representatives, and some governors have also sympathised with the president.


Politics / Re: Patience Jonathan's Christmas Dress Compared To A Fowl (Photo) by Hahnemann: 2:31pm On Dec 27, 2017
I just checked online, that's a #3.5mill dress

Oya go and swallow poison
Science/Technology / Re: Whatsapp Cuts Off Services On Selected Mobile Phones by Hahnemann: 2:25pm On Dec 27, 2017
Rush and upgrade your phone now
Science/Technology / Whatsapp Cuts Off Services On Selected Mobile Phones by Hahnemann: 2:23pm On Dec 27, 2017
WhatsApp will stop working on a selection of smartphones
and mobile platforms in the new year.
From 1 January 2018, the messenger service won’t be
available on any handsets running Windows Phone 8.0 (or
older versions of the operating system), BlackBerry OS or
BlackBerry 10.
The Independent reports that the company made the
announcement in an update to a blog post that was
originally published in February 2016.
The company statement reads: “When we started WhatsApp
in 2009, people’s use of mobile devices looked very different
from today. The Apple App Store was only a few months old.
About 70 percent of smartphones sold at the time had
operating systems offered by BlackBerry and Nokia.
“Mobile operating systems offered by Google, Apple and
Microsoft – which account for 99.5 percent of sales today –
were on less than 25 percent of mobile devices sold at the

The platforms that are being cut are unpopular, and have
been for some time. The company ended support for Nokia
Symbian S60 devices in June.

It is also planning to cut support for Nokia S40 devices on
December 31, 2018 and phones running Android versions
2.3.7 and older on February 1, 2020.
Although these platforms are still supported, WhatsApp is
no longer actively developing for them, which means
some features could stop functioning at any moment.
The company added that: “While these mobile devices have
been an important part of our story, they don’t offer the kind
of capabilities we need to expand our app’s features in the
“This was a tough decision for us to make, but the right one in
order to give people better ways to keep in touch with friends,
family, and loved ones using WhatsApp.

“If you use one of these affected mobile devices, we recommend
upgrading to a newer Android, iPhone, or Windows Phone."
Religion / Re: Difference Between Christmas And Xmas by Hahnemann: 2:28pm On Dec 25, 2017
You forgot to tell us the difference between Emmanuel and Immanuel
Sports / C. Ronaldo And Messi The Two Best Player In The World- Who Is 3rd? by Hahnemann: 9:00pm On Dec 24, 2017
If Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi is the two best football players in the world, who is the third?
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 7:01pm On Dec 24, 2017
come to this part of the world and you will appreciate the depth of ignorance and backwardness.

Epilepsy was once thought to be witchcraft
SS born children were once called Abiku
such is the way of humans, they are scared of what they cannot explain.

My only pain is that, while China, india and the rest of the world are moving forward and making exploits, we are still left behind because of lazy and ignorant mindset like the Op who list problems that are being addressed in civilised society through medical means as spiritual.

what more can i say about a lazy man who has access to internet and books and can't do justice to upgrade his knowledge? Rly sad

Thinkers are taking us to the future exploring space, while religious ignoramous will open their jaws to the pray the sky screaming endtime.

well my only joy is that, a future will come the world will be so advanced and populated with intelligent beings and the likes of the op would ve gone into extinction and will be remembered only in history books as men who took us back to cave age.

God forgive you for raining this level of insult on God's anointed
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 6:59pm On Dec 24, 2017
No one should blame op, he is naturally stupid.

Most times, only more stupid person calls another person stupid
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 6:58pm On Dec 24, 2017
The number of negative comments is a clear indication that the Church is under severe attack, if you don't believe or you claiming atheist, you have a choice ignore this topic.
Why involve your life in an issue you have no idea about, and no inkling of it's relevancy?
The worst punishment upon a man is to live life in spiritual blindness.
It is reason why we live in darkness.

The devil have stolen away the truth from people's mind, imagine them condemning tithe too which is highly biblical

This generation needs a lot of deliverance. God help us
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 6:54pm On Dec 24, 2017
op please ride on there is truth in what you are saaying!!!

Thank you
Politics / Re: President Buhari Finally Responds To Issue Of Fuel Scarcity; Assures Nigerians by Hahnemann: 4:49pm On Dec 24, 2017
Let's be patient with our able petroleum minister and president i beg Nigerians
Politics / President Buhari Finally Responds To Issue Of Fuel Scarcity; Assures Nigerians by Hahnemann: 4:47pm On Dec 24, 2017
- The president expressed optimism that the problem will
end soon

- He said he was receiving regular briefing from the NNPC
President Muhammadu Buhari has commented on the
lingering scarcity of fuel in the country expressing him
sympathy to the citizens.

In a post via his official Facebook page on Sunday,
December 24, the president revealed that he has been
receiving regular briefing from the Nigeria National
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) over the unavailability of

President Buhari said he has gotten assurance from the
NNPC on the effort being made to solve the problem and
assured Nigerians that it will end in a few days.
The president said: “Dear Nigerians, the fuel scarcity being
experienced nationwide is regrettable. I sympathize with all
Nigerians, on having to endure needless fuel queues. I'm being
regularly briefed, especially on the NNPC's interventions to
ensure that there is enough petrol available during this period
and beyond. I have the NNPC's assurance that the situation
will improve significantly over the next few days, as new
shipments and supplies are distributed across the country.
“I have also directed the regulators to step up their surveillance
and bring an end to hoarding and price inflation by marketers.
“Let me also assure that the relevant agencies will continue to
provide updates on the situation. I thank you all for your
patience and understanding.”
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 3:56pm On Dec 24, 2017
. This things u listed are what is happening to me right now. You are 100% right. Please what can I do to help myself

Take it to the Lord in prayer, right from the time of John the Baptist, the kingdom of God suffereth violence and only the violent taketh it by force, brethren ur freedom from demonic attacks is your right, therefore regain ur freedom by force
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 3:53pm On Dec 24, 2017

My Gawd!

I swear, You don't like this OP at all! grin grin grin

Oya, may the Lord bless you with small sense, AMEN
Religion / Re: 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 10:18am On Dec 24, 2017

I can't believe this, for the d first time, i make front page

Praise the Lord!!!
Religion / 8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack by Hahnemann: 7:42am On Dec 24, 2017
Many people are facing spiritual struggles as they attempt to advance in the things of God. One of the primary tricks of the enemy is to get a person deceived and not realizing the depth of what is taking place in their lives.
Oftentimes people assume that the struggle they are facing is just a natural battle yet just beneath the surface there is something far more complex taking place. They are under a spiritual attack!
What is a spiritual attack? A spiritual attack is a series of events coordinated by the demonic realm in order to abort promises, shipwreck faith, oppress a believer and stall out destiny.
Paul reminds us: "lest Satan should take advantage of us. For we are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Cor. 2:11)
The Bible tells us that the devil has various plots and schemes he uses against human beings. Many people wrongly assume that Satan is stupid, yet he has been studying the thoughts, actions and behavior of humanity since the beginning of time. He knows how to tempt people.
His minions are masters at pushing the right buttons at the right time! We must not be ignorant to the strategies of the enemy. We can not live our lives with our spiritual eyes shut. We must walk in the spirit and be aware of what is taking place around us.
How can you identify a spiritual attack? Here are eight symptoms of an attack:

1. Lack of spiritual passion. The enemy comes to steal your tenacity for the things of God. Suddenly your prayer life seems stalled. Your commitment is tested and you can't seem to push though. You feel as though you are just going through the motions.

2. Extreme frustration. During a spiritual attack the enemy uses a variety of circumstances to oppress the mind and bring great frustration. A person who is under siege finds themselves on edge and anxious.

3. Confusion about purpose. During a spiritual attack there is often great confusion about spiritual direction. This is one of the chief goals of an attack, to get a believer out of destiny. That wrong move begins by bringing confusion.

4. Lack of peace. The enemy bombards the mind with various thoughts and ongoing temptation in order to rob peace. The mind becomes irritated and exhausted. The enemy does all that he can to bring mental fatigue.

5. Unusually sluggish and tired. A lack of energy and vitality are often the result of an extended attack. Certainly these issues can occur with natural problems, lack of sleep or health battles. In this case though, the root cause is the effect of prolonged spiritual battles.

6. Strong urge to quit assignment. Every believer is born with unique purpose. As God created a purpose for each believer, He also gave unique gifts and grace to fulfill that plan. When a person is living in the high calling, they will prosper in various areas: They will receive financial blessing by excelling in the area that God has called them to. They will feel satisfied and fulfilled living out their destiny.
Simply put, the enemy hates when a believer is boldly walking out their purpose and plan. He does all that he can to MOVE the Christian away from their destiny. During an attack he will overwhelm them with thoughts and desires to give up and abandon their post! This is one of his greatest purposes behind spiritual attacks.

7. Drawn back towards old bondages. In a long spiritual battle a person is often pulled back towards negative cycles that they broke free from. The enemy wants to enslave them once again in the same old bondages. If he can discourage them bad enough to give into sin that they were free from then he can loose shame and condemnation upon them causing them to spiral down into deeper defeat.

8. Questioning direction and call that was once so clear. As the enemy attacks the life of a believer he begins to give them reasons to give up on the very thing that God called them to. This is one of his master tools. He releases confusion, shame, intimidation and a variety of vile schemes to create a cloud of uncertainty. Again, his ultimate goal is to get a believer off the pathway of destiny, A person who is under attack may find themselves deeply questioning the road that they are traveling. Usually, they begin to reexamine decisions that were once crystal clear. Oftentimes a person in the midst of an attack will question prophetic words, spiritual breakthroughs and significant experiences that they had. This is a step towards moving backwards in the Spirit.


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Crime / Man Decides To Commit Suicide After Task Force Confiscated His "Keke" In Akwaibo by Hahnemann: 10:30pm On Dec 21, 2017
An unidentified man decides to commit suicide when taskforce seized his keke at Ekomima junction in Akwa ibom state earlier this afternoon

According to him, he has just been discharged from the hospital where he was admitted to treat an undisclosed illness, all the money he has have been exhausted, so he decided to come out to hustle for what the family can eat.

The taskforce wrongfully seized his tricycle claiming he is guilty of wrong parking, since he couldn't stop the taskforce from confiscating his tricycle, he decided to go under the task force's vehicle so that they would kill him.

All efforts to convince him to come out proved abortive until his tricycle was returned.

Nairaland / General / Re: Man's Legs Cut Off In Auto Accident As Car Rams Into Bus In Lagos (Graphic Pics) by Hahnemann: 10:32pm On Dec 17, 2017
This is why I want to purchase a mack truck as my private vehicle

So that when u hit sth, u come out unhurt

Family / Re: Daughter And Mother Die While Travelling To Prepare For Her Wedding. Photo by Hahnemann: 10:28pm On Dec 17, 2017
Chai, village ppl, y na?
Car Talk / Re: I Want To Drive Made In Nigeria Car, Innoson Motors, Change Begins With Me by Hahnemann: 7:24pm On Dec 17, 2017

ARE YOU Kidding? You can't get a Nigerian used innoson for less than 1million, the lowest have seen is around 2m plus and it's only the G5 CUV guess it was their best selling car for along time.

With your budget start looking at Tata indigo, VW golf2 and Skoda fabia.

Any Japanese for that price can only be owned by a mechanic grin

U gotta be kidding me
Education / Re: Guys Kiss & Grab Boobs Of Osun College Of Education Student As They Graduate by Hahnemann: 8:15am On Dec 16, 2017
End time children

1 Like

Car Talk / I Want To Drive Made In Nigeria Car, Innoson Motors, Change Begins With Me by Hahnemann: 8:12am On Dec 16, 2017
I want to drive made in Nigeria car, Innoson motors, i don't av money for Tear rubber, can I see a fairly used of around 200k
Sports / Re: Win Barca Or Quit - Roman Abramovich Issues Conte Fresh Warning by Hahnemann: 8:03am On Dec 16, 2017
Goodbye conte

1 Like

Sports / Win Barca Or Quit - Roman Abramovich Issues Conte Fresh Warning by Hahnemann: 8:03am On Dec 16, 2017
- The Blues' owner is reportedly waiting to see how the
West London side's Champions League campaign against
Barcelona will fare

- Ancelotti is currently based in London as he is without a
club after being axed at Bayern
Chelsea owner, Roman Abramovich, has already spoken to
former manager Carlo Ancelotti about the possibilities of
him replacing Antonio Conte before the end of the season
at Stamford Bridge , according to reports.
There have lingering rumours of looming loggerhead
between Conte and the Chelsea board, having clashed over
transfer targets in the summer, while he the Italian has
already conceded defeat in this season’s title race.
Celebrities / Re: Boluwatife Balogun, Wizkid's First Son, All Swagged Up In New Photos by Hahnemann: 9:04pm On Dec 15, 2017
Y does d boy carry head like banky W, and dis boy was concieved when wizkid is still with Banky, and d Baby mama used to visit him(wizkid) in banky's studio and sometimes Wizkid won't be around and the girl will b left alone with Banky.

Infact lemme just keep quiet
Car Talk / Re: Peugeot 406 (2004) Vs Toyota Corolla 2008 (pictures) by Hahnemann: 8:03pm On Dec 11, 2017

I like your analysis and contribution.... One key feature you have mentioned about 406 is the good suspension quality.. I don't know why most car gurus hate Peugeot though...

Because it doesn't have second hand value
Car Talk / Re: Innoson Motors Officially Unveils New Brands Of SUVs In Anambra (see Prices) by Hahnemann: 8:00pm On Dec 11, 2017
Why I no dey see second hand Innoson vehicles for OLX or JIJI online mkt place


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