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Religion / How To Overcome Sinful Habits by jayloyexten(m): 1:02pm On Aug 02, 2017

About six out of every ten Christians are having issues with habits that they ‘cannot’ pull out from. Many are too shy to talk about it because they think it’s just them. They feel like the worse sinners in the world. Well, largely because we live in a world full of hypocrisy.

Some pastors preach like they are holier than Jesus whereas they have more issues than many members. In fact, a man that has experienced and understands the grace of God would not condemn sinners; he would present the gospel with love and compassion, but also firmness.

To overcome sinful habits you must understand the mystery that governs their operation and the technology that terminates their reproduction.

This is not a presentation of theory but a revelation from God that has worked for me for years and has helped many others. You can be victorious, there’s no reason to give up on life when you are still alive. I guarantee that what you are about to read would change you if you believe and act on it

Desire must be initiated for sin to be manifested. Sin can never manifest without the fore-running of desire. Desire is like a virus, it would break down every defense. Desire comes self-sufficient having the required skill, power and wisdom to perform (James 1:13,14,15, Mark 7:21-24)

How did the first man fall?

Prior to the deception that came from the devil through the serpent, Adam and his wife lived above sin. Their dominance above sin was not a mystery. They simply had no desire for sin.

God said “…for in the day that you eat from it you will certainly die” Gen 2:17 (Amp). The words created in them repulsion for the fruit, hence they could not desire the fruit. Following, they could not sin having such mindset.

But it wasn’t about the fruit. Deep down all they really wanted was the best and whatever affords them life and dominion. To them, the fruit was inferior to life, and so far as living and growth were concerned, the tree was an unnecessary evil.

So long they thought that way they could not fall into sin. If you don’t need a car, you most likely would never go to a car dealer. That was their case. There was simply nothing the tree had to offer them better, thus an advertisement would have to be made.

This was why the devil did not just tell Eve to eat the fruit but he convinced her by showing her (falsely) the mind blowing benefits. Immediately, desire was formed and sin followed.

“When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate” (Genesis 3:4-6)

Note that it was when she saw the benefits of the fruit that she fell. But she did not just fall; she became an evangelist of sin to her husband. You would naturally evangelize what you are convinced about. The coldness for evangelism in the church is simply a conviction problem.

Jesus gave us the code for the multiplication of iniquity on the earth,
“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” Math 24:12.

The question is; ‘what is the relationship between the abounding of evil and the waxing cold of men?’ It is a coded sentence. It simply means because iniquity would be advertised greatly, sin would result greatly.

Iniquity has been better packaged and advertised by media, celebrities and modes. An excellent advertisement would naturally attract a massive patronage.

On the flip side, the life of Christ has been poorly advertised by so called pastors and Christians. Young folks run away from it considering same as archaic and old fashioned. Naturally, no one wants to be a part of a sect of losers and mediocres who are pushed like pawns in the society.

So a system has made sin appealing for believers. But for sinners it’s not just an advertisement problem, it is also a nature problem; the nature of sin.

But take note that the devil can do nothing to man without his willful participation and consent, whether obtained expressly or impliedly. Well, this is why he is called a tempter. By tempter it means his duty is to suggest actions to man by making some flowery submissions of ‘valid’ proofs. Those factual suggestions create desires which are seeds for the manifestation of sin.

Scriptures advised us ahead of time, “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” Pro 4:23. You manifest what is in your mind. And the gate to your life is your mind. Unfortunately many are careless about this they presume thoughts are harmless.

The reason why you sin or fall into habits over and over again, is not because you were tempted, or because you were in a disadvantaged situation, the problem is that you mind had not been renewed in that area. In other words, you had desire for sin in your heart that was not dealt with.

If you shake a bottle and water comes out, it’s not the fault of the shaking or that the bottle was left open. The problem is that there was water in the bottle. For if there were no water in the bottle in the first place, there would be no issuance of water from the bottle.

What is in your subconscious mind would be played out by your body unconsciously. Reflex is not a mystery.

Thus it’s important to deal with the root of sin. First by Definition and second by Revelation.


The fact that you are not taking drugs, , fornicating or committing adultery is no evidence that you have power over same. It is possible that your bottle has not been shaken. The day it is shaken the water in it would spring out.

This is why many go to camp meetings, or tertiary institutions, or appear in certain company, and they are amazed at the things they begin to do, they never thought they were capable of doing same. They thought they had won the victory over it. Oh such great deception!

The uncomfortable truth is that they never truly defined their principles and standards. If you had asked them, five years before their fall, “Do you think sex before marriage is wrong?” “Do you think drugs and alcohol is wrong?”

They would give the following answers-

“I think its morally wrong”
“My parents or church told me not to do so”
“I’m not sure it’s wrong, but I wouldn’t do it”
“They have taught us many times in church, I know it’s wrong”

The above answers appear very sincere but they ensnare. The truth is that if you cannot define in precise and factual terms that make complete sense to your head, and convince your mind, it’s just a matter of time, you will be a victim

Many are not persuaded whether masturbation, sex before marriage, pornography, drugs, among other things is wrong. They don’t do it, but they are not persuaded, they think they are, but when you ask them, they cannot produce strong reasons. When pressure comes, they will fall.

Before the temptation they say, “I will not do it” When the temptation comes with a strong desire, they say “after all I am not sure it’s wrong” “It may not hurt” Then they do it. They regret afterwards and repent, but they don’t work on their minds.

More pressure comes in the future, they fall again, they repent, and so their life rolls up into a vicious circle or regrets and confusion. One day, they give up on trying, and their conclusion usually is “This is not wrong” or “No one can overcome this, all are pretenders”

The truth is that until you define you values clearly (from scriptures), compromise is inevitable. In precise terms, you are living in mirage, like a chicken kept for Christmas; her death sentence is only for a fixed time.

Ask yourself, “Am I persuaded from scriptures that this habit is wrong?” or am I merely holding men’s perception as mine? If you don’t define your values, even God cannot help you, because he has been living inside of you all this while.

The first thing to do is define, and then engage God’s grace.


Many persons made decisions not to indulge in certain habits but they got it wrong at two points
First, they never had a vivid revelation from the word of God why they should not. And second, they fed their minds with what they never wanted to do.

The first step to victory is to study God’s word and bring out clear reasons from God’s word, study many characters in scriptures and get many verses around that area, ensure you have many and strong proofs from the word.

The second step is to change what you feed your mind with. Your revelation would lose its power if you perpetually focus on what you don’t want to do, and this works in two ways.

The first is, focusing on the works of the flesh. You become what you focus on, in fact if you watch cartoon a lot I can look at you and know. When you listen to a lot of sexually provocative movies, songs or you keep your gaze on celebrities contrary to God’s standard who pervert the ways of truth, you would unconsciously become them.

You have to understand how reflex works. Reflexes are those actions your conscious mind do not have control over. But the fact that your conscious mind did not approve it, does not mean it was not performed by you; because you are also responsible for your subconscious mind.

Reflex actions are performed from the subconscious mind. In fact we can determine and create our reflex actions by feeding our subconscious mind with information. How is our subconscious mind fed? Its simple, its fed by meditation and repetition.

This was why God told Joshua to meditate on the word day and night because the word would get to a point where it would control even his subconscious to act accordingly. This is the point where you react unconsciously and unpremeditatedly according to God’s word.

The second problem is focusing on our defeats rather than on our successes. To even make it worse we vocalize them. If you are in Christ you are a new creature, hence you cannot define yourself by your wrong actions.

When you make mistakes and you are convicted by the spirit of God, apologize and move on. It doesn’t take two apologies to get you in order. Jesus has already died for all your sins, just receive forgiveness by simple faith.

Never use your failures as parameters to define you nature. Look at Christ who is your righteousness and define yourself by his righteousness. You have his nature and you are righteous, your failures notwithstanding. With time you will live up to your believe and confessions, and sin would no longer be the problem.

Faith is calling those things which be not as though they are. In your spirit you are righteous if you are saved, keep confessing that, and expecting to live that way. If you don’t believe you are righteous you can never live right. Right believing creates right living.


Every living thing is naturally subject to her atmosphere. Atmospheres make and shape us, and it is madness and deceit to hold the opposite.

The sun, water, wind and temperature affect trees for instance. The future of a tree can be determined by the atmosphere or the atmospheric conditions surrounding it.

But men undermine this law. It is a law older than any man, and as valid as the law of gravity that your atmosphere shapes and makes you with time. For you to say it doesn’t matter is to treat your life like it doesn’t matter.

Observation teaches us that when a husband and wife stay together over the years they begin to look alike. Biology teaches us that when ladies stay together in a room, over time, their menstrual cycle begins to align. Sociology teaches us that men in same company share culture and communications by a system psychology defines as conformity. Yet many persons make light of their company and interactions.

Your association alters your destination; you must value your destiny above your company,

If you want a fish to live long, you put it in the water, take it from there it would die. So it’s simple, if you want a believer to live strong and long, put him in the company of other believers. Nature teaches us basic principles of life if only we would be humble to glean from her wisdom.

It is not sufficient to be in a company of believers, you must verify that the believers hold same perceptions as you do. It is important they prioritize what you prioritize.

Samson and Solomon should teach us life lessons about the snares of engaging the wrong company.

When you put a metal close to a magnet a coming together is the expected result. Similarly to put yourself in a disadvantaged positions is to implicate yourself for defeat. Most times our actions betray our intentions.

An intention would never be birthed without atmospheres that pave room for same.

To interact every day with a drug addict is to present yourself like a metal to the force field of a magnet. When two intending couples decide not to have sex before marriage, their intention is false until their actions portray it. They thus must avoid sexually provocative atmospheres and postures. May the lord give us wisdom.

We undermine greatly the influence of atmospheres.

Your actions should permit way for your intentions, otherwise your intentions would be vain perceptions.


“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of God” 2 Corinthians 3:18

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” Romans 12:2

The transformation that God gives is not mere education but regeneration. By faith in the finished works of Christ we were changed into a new nature of righteousness, however, that nature needs to be nurtured consistently by what created it, the word and the Spirit of God.

“If you faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small” Proverbs 24:10

Two natures are contending for dominance in you, whichever you feed better becomes stronger. A believer that hardly reads the word, and prays once in three days would be as light as a leaf in the face of temptation.

It is a big joke to expect to live righteously when you don’t stay with God. Right living is not a consequence of mere right believing, or even right company, as good as they are, the core of righteous living is guaranteed by consistent and rich staying with God and his word.

Two things happen when we stay. First, The love of God explodes in our heart. And Second, the power over the flesh is released into our bodies by the Spirit of God. If you change your culture your habits would change.

Sin is not a problem, it is a result. If you input right coordinates you would arrive at a safe location.

This is why the first thing the devil attacks is your consistency with God. Next he plants a desire inconsistent with God. And when the desire matures, sin emanates. Our priority must be to keep our relationship intact with God.

Many believers operate sensually. When they are physically sick they take leave from work, they stay indoors and they terminate their nominal activities for a while. But when they are spiritually sick, they just keep going until they crash.

A personal retreat should be the natural progression of a believer. Once we begin to see the things we have crucified resurfacing in our desires, we must retreat immediately, staying with the word and engaging God in prayer.

Never forget to always assert who you are in Christ. Submit to God and resist the devil, he would flee.

Now evaluate yourself. Could yours be a definition, or a revelation or an abiding problem? The Lord upholds you.

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.1 Corinthians 10:13

You are victorious forever!


John Oyinloye
Religion / The End Time Calendar (prophesy) by jayloyexten(m): 7:46pm On Jan 29, 2017
#Prophesy THE END TIME CALENDAR (A part)


This is characterised with the release of mantles. It is the preparation stage of the church for the End Time revival. Mantles of saints gone would be crafted and given to men, so that the church given another opportunity would not make old mistakes. There will be strange encounters and ministrations of angels, virtues, saints, and other angelic hierarchies like never before. Ancient scrolls would be found and endorsed. A great appetite for the supernatural would be birthed. Sounds that provoke hunger would come forth, but later on specialized sounds that awake specific dimensions and realities would be received, trust me this is special.

Stage 2- PROSPERITY Joel 2:26, Zach 1:17
The grace (gospel) message would prevail and be accurately divided, poverty would be challenged and the church would become financially prosperous and members of the body would profer financial solutions to nations. The true and full gospel would be heard, many have not heard it, trust me.


This would happen shortly, and the essence of this would be to perfect the church, save backsliders, and bring more people. (This one is deep, let’s discuss it later). Finally, the bride and the spirit would say come.

Stage 4- RAPTURE

(I omitted the satanic agenda, you don’t need much of that. But know that there would be a counterattack at each stage, but the church would be strong this time)

I believe by prophetic understanding that the church is between stage 1 and 2.
Let the church be strengthened by this, hope and prepare.

I know you think Jesus would come as a thief, but 1 Thessalonians 5:4 says (to believers) “But ye are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief” so be aware of the seasons, I don’t know the hour or day, but I show you the seasons.

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Religion / Re: The Christian Chatbox ( sticky) by jayloyexten(m): 6:28pm On Jan 26, 2016
if you have issues with sin its best to deal with it, God is a merciful God, but shall we continue in sin that grace may abound, God forbid! Romans 6
Religion / Re: The Christian Chatbox ( sticky) by jayloyexten(m): 8:49am On Jan 26, 2016
yeah I am
Religion / Operations Of Spirits by jayloyexten(m): 8:33am On Jan 25, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016

“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Eph 6:16)

The Soul is the cockpit/ ignition point of everyman. The spirit and body, without a soul is an impossible equation. The soul is the magic that unites the spirit and the body. In spiritual matters there are three battle grounds, the Soul/mind, the Church, and Heavenly places.

The soul consists of the mind, the will, the intellect and emotions of a man. Take a breadth and examine yourself, your greatest battles have been the battles of your mind. ‘

You must understand that when God said all power (authority) is with him, it means the devil is powerless. However, scriptures warns against ignorance of his devices, meaning he has certain manipulative strategies, and although defeated by Jesus, he could manipulate his way into controlling the ignorant.

Scriptures summarizes the entire scope and strategy of the devil into this, Satan, is come to steal, then kill and thereafter destroy. Now what he does is that he steal’s what a person have rendering such a person naked and helpless, in this reality he destroys the soul in hell.

So spiritual intelligence is guarding what you have from the thief. To be very direct with our text (Eph 6:16) God’s instruction is that we must be a Snob to the devil to overcome him, because Gods word says; “take faith as a shield”, what is faith? Looking unto Jesus

The devil has no authority (exousia) above man, but he has power (dunamis) that contends with man’s authority. But again, the devil’s greatest power is not demons, but man. This is difficult to take. But in this realm called earth, divinity partners with humanity to birth reality.

By implication if no man on earth yields to the devil, the devil would be a piece of rag. Both God and the kingdom of darkness seek partnership with man by contending for the soul. Now before a spirit whether of God or the devil can operate, there must be a foundation.

For God to operate in a man, there must be a foundation in his soul or heart called Faith. Before the kingdom of darkness can operate there must be a foundation in same, called doubt, unbelief, fear, and everything contrary to the faith in Christ. Let’s stop here today.

SELAH: Create the right foundation in your heart!

Religion / Re: The Christian Chatbox ( sticky) by jayloyexten(m): 2:49pm On Jan 22, 2016
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Celebrities / Re: I Was In Labour For 20 Hours – Tiwa Savage by jayloyexten(m): 12:46am On Jan 21, 2016
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Religion / Why Do Christians Suffer Evil? ... by jayloyexten(m): 3:18pm On Jan 17, 2016
Gen 8:22, Sunday, 17th January, 2016

In demystifying adversity, two questions are germane; first, “Why do adversities come, even to the so called believers?” and next “What does the devil want?”

What is adversity? Adversity is a state of mental or physical discomfort. It ranges from simple dissatisfaction to affliction of different kinds.

The first thing you must understand about adversity is that so long we live in time and in cosmos, adversity is inevitable. The major problem is not adversity but mindset; the torment of adversity is 90 percent mindset.

The above propositions are very controversial but you must let Holy Spirit minister to you.
Genesis 8:22 says, so long the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease. Between seedtime and harvest is a period called growth time.

Once harvest time comes there is an adjustment in status called ripeness which is simply a season of decay. If such produce is not harvested it rots and that is the end of the fruit. However, if the fruit is sown, instead of extinction, it multiplies. Now is ripeness a curse or a blessing?

Ripeness is what we call adversity. In pregnancy it is called travail or labor. In time it is called night. It only announces the end of a phase, a declaration of exhaustion, and a cry for a higher level.

No time is tied to adversity; it is simply determined by the victim, how soon he contends for higher knowledge, or how fast he can turn the night to day by finding not just a way out, but a system of living above the past level. As soon as he does, the old fades for the new.

Now in adversity the devil sows doubt while God sows faith. Faith pushes man to the next level but doubt complicates adversity. Times of adversity should be times of retreat, declaration, preparation, examination, education, waiting, etc.

A pregnant woman does not just cry in travail, it is okay to cry in travail, however, she prepares for her child in diet, in shopping for needed items and all. Imagine a woman delivers without milk in her breasts, or without a cloth to wrap the child, the child dies and her travail multiplies, except by external intervention.

Trouble announces the coming of a next phase. It did for Joseph when he was sold, it did for the Israelites in Egypt, it did for Jesus when he went to the cross. The above men took advantage of the transition moment and they ascended into realms of greater glory.

SELAH: Trying Times are only Transcending Times, act right!

Romance / Re: 13 Facts you must know Before You Say I Do To That Man. by jayloyexten(m): 1:46am On Jan 17, 2016
Religion / Re: Rhapsody Of Realities: A Daily Devotional by jayloyexten(m): 5:39am On Jan 14, 2016
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Religion / Re: The Christian Chatbox ( sticky) by jayloyexten(m): 5:36am On Jan 14, 2016
Halo rum, dis is my first tym here. Hope 2 get d help i seek

I wanna knw if there is anybody here who helps with with d meaning of dreams. Av consistently had 1 which i really need help with.


I can help you
Religion / Re: The Christian Chatbox ( sticky) by jayloyexten(m): 5:35am On Jan 14, 2016
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Romance / Re: She Slept With My Best Buddy And Expects Me To End Friendship With Him. by jayloyexten(m): 5:33am On Jan 14, 2016
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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Job Offer When I Did Not Attend Any Interview,who Else Got This??? by jayloyexten(m): 5:30am On Jan 14, 2016
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Romance / Re: Top 10 Ways Of Identifying A 'runs Girl' In Lagos by jayloyexten(m): 5:27am On Jan 14, 2016
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Romance / Re: Big Boys Or Big Fools? (picture Of The Day) by jayloyexten(m): 5:08am On Jan 14, 2016
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Culture / Re: Woman Flees Nigeria To Canada To Escape FGM by jayloyexten(m): 5:06am On Jan 14, 2016
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Health / Re: Body Odour Problem, Please Help by jayloyexten(m): 5:04am On Jan 14, 2016
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Health / Re: Body Odour Problem, Please Help by jayloyexten(m): 5:03am On Jan 14, 2016
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Religion / The Spirit Of Resurrection by jayloyexten(m): 5:01pm On Jan 11, 2016
Monday, 11th January, 2016

“But if the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he..shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwells in you” (Romans 8:11)

This is for those who have “wasted years”. To those that feel they have lost so much. You find it difficult to start again. Your life right now feels like shambles. Your mates are far ahead of you. Perhaps you are grouping in the darkness of shame and disgrace…

Be strong dear, whatever it might have been, there is an ability of the Spirit called the Spirit of resurrection. The Spirit of resurrection is often mistaken to be just the spirit of restoration, but it’s far more than that; it is a combination of God’s creative power with His restoration ability.

Now consider Jesus while he was on earth, he was not Lord, he was Emmanuel. Before his death he did not have the name above all names, the devil had partial dominion over the earth due to the authority he stole from Adam.

In revelation however, we see Jesus introducing himself, I am he who was, who is and is to come and I (now) hold the keys of hell and death. (Revelation 1:18). So he who once lived on earth experienced transformation by the spirit of resurrection and was exalted to heaven.

Now this is how it works. When the Spirit of resurrection steps into your situation it does not merely restore you to your former state but it creates a by far greater reality so that your later is greater than your former.

God is love. He is not just able to restore your lost years but also to transform you into a better person, with a brighter future.

SELAH: No matter how bad it has been, the spirit of resurrection is more potent.

The PILOT Devotionals
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Literature / Expressing Love by jayloyexten(m): 6:15am On Jan 10, 2016
Saturday, 9th January, 2016
“…let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18)

I never saw Jesus say, “I Love you”, no, not even to Peter, James and John. Yet you could not be around Jesus and not feel loved.

Today there are a lot of emotional screams in the air, “I love you!” and all kinds of emotional response, yet relationships are on the downward slide, unity is nowhere, and people don’t feel loved.

In fact, more people have committed suicide because of the vain expression “I love you”, than the real expression “I hate you”

There is no issue with saying “I love you”, only that it is the same thing as saying “I bless you” You don’t have to say I bless you, simply bless by words of comfort or by acts and demonstrations of blessings.  It is same instance with love.

Although we didn’t see Jesus screaming “I love you”, He said, “I am with you always” In evidence we saw Emmanuel, God became flesh, and next we saw the Holy Spirit bearing witness within us. He said. “I will die for you” and then he did. He also spoke words of comfort.

Even if your love language is words of affirmation, I bet you cannot stand words without performance. In addition to “I Love you”, why not say; “I understand your pain”; “I would react same if I were in your shoes”, “don’t cry”, “it will be well”, “I’m thinking of you”

Make a decision to love for real. You may say I love you, but remember that words never moved Jesus when speaking to Peter, he said if you love me, Feed my sheep. (John 21:15-17)

The God way of expressing love is through words of comfort, exhortation, actions and deeds, the least is saying, “I Love You”, although you may add it. “I love you” is only one of many kind words.  Love God and man this way.

SELAH- (kind words, deeds) + Sincerity (actions)  is God’s way of expressing love.

The PILOT Devotionals
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Religion / Purpose Demystified by jayloyexten(m): 5:52am On Jan 10, 2016
Exodus 4:1-20
Sunday, January 10, 2016

“And the Lord said unto him, what is in your hand? And he said, A rod. And He said, cast it on the ground” (Exodus 4: 2,3a)

Until a man finds what to die for he has not begun living. Physical death on the other hand is primarily because of two factors; first, unbelief towards Jesus and his victory over death. Second, the purpose factor (failure to walk in purpose or on the fulfillment of purpose)

Once you have faith in Jesus and his victory over death, and together walk in His purpose and not yours, then death has no victory over you. No one has ever died who believed in Jesus’ power over death, and walked in His purpose, except if he had finished his assignment.

Due to Jesus’s victory, death is only a voyage or car out of this world. When it’s about time, you would know, and then invoke death (your driver) to come and take you to heaven. Death has no victory over you. (Although, such knowing of times comes in intimacy with God) See Heb 2:15

Now many have come to the realization of the power of purpose, that man has no duplicate and that there is a space of dominion every man can assume and be an asset to the world; This without struggle, but by the doing of things of personal passion. Hence, the quest!

The quest of purpose is very frustrating if you have ever tried. But I bring a revelation to you this morning. God is saying, “Your purpose is not far from you. What is in your hands? Drop it like Moses’s rod before my feet, and let me give a new definition to what you have”

God often would pick what you have and make it supernatural. The gospel is a mindset that seeks to enforce God in all strata of the society. It is God’s desire that we go into the system (world, cosmos) and extend his empire. Lay it all down before the Emperor today.

SELAH- Your purpose is not far from you, just submit to God.

The PILOT Devotionals
Happy Sunday. Good Morning!

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Religion / Expressing Love by jayloyexten(m): 5:41pm On Jan 09, 2016
Saturday, 9th January, 2016
“…let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18)

I never saw Jesus say, “I Love you”, no, not even to Peter, James and John. Yet you could not be around Jesus and not feel loved.

Today there are a lot of emotional screams in the air, “I love you!” and all kinds of emotional response, yet relationships are on the downward slide, unity is nowhere, and people don’t feel loved.

In fact, more people have committed suicide because of the vain expression “I love you”, than the real expression “I hate you”

There is no issue with saying “I love you”, only that it is the same thing as saying “I bless you” You don’t have to say I bless you, simply bless by words of comfort or by acts and demonstrations of blessings.  It is same instance with love.

Although we didn’t see Jesus screaming “I love you”, He said, “I am with you always” In evidence we saw Emmanuel, God became flesh, and next we saw the Holy Spirit bearing witness within us. He said. “I will die for you” and then he did. He also spoke words of comfort.

Even if your love language is words of affirmation, I bet you cannot stand words without performance. In addition to “I Love you”, why not say; “I understand your pain”; “I would react same if I were in your shoes”, “don’t cry”, “it will be well”, “I’m thinking of you”

Make a decision to love for real. You may say I love you, but remember that words never moved Jesus when speaking to Peter, he said if you love me, Feed my sheep. (John 21:15-17)

The God way of expressing love is through words of comfort, exhortation, actions and deeds, the least is saying, “I Love You”, although you may add it. “I love you” is only one of many kind words.  Love God and man this way.

SELAH- (kind words, deeds) + Sincerity (actions)  is God’s way of expressing love.

The PILOT Devotionals
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Religion / The God Of Visions by jayloyexten(m): 4:00pm On Jan 08, 2016
Habakkuk 1:12-2:3
Friday, January 8, 2015

Many persons are exposed to the revelation of the God that answers by fire, or popularly called, the God of Elijah. But there is another dimension of God, you may call it the God of Habakkuk; the God that answers by visions.

So the Prophet Habakkuk lodged a major complaint to God on how the Babylonians were oppressing the Israelites and God said, this is my answer to your prayer; write a vision/ write the vision. How can a vision be an answer to a prayer? Selah

He further gave instructions that this vision must not be ambiguous, but plain. It must be in a conspicuous place (tables). Perhaps the most exciting essence of the written vision is that it has the ability to put strength into the bones and muscles of the reader, such that it makes him run.

The secret to speed in life is neither strength nor anointing; it is a clear and conspicuous vision. Now God said, write anything, create the answer you want to see, and wait on my faithfulness.

Sometimes God supplies an express vision; other times he would have us dream in line with his word, either ways, write the vision! Man in history has most times missed his answers, he prays for what he has already because he does not have a clear picture/understanding of what he wants.

For many decades the Jews prayed and waited for Jesus, but when he came, they could not identify him. They never understood the picture and nature of their answer. What does your answer look like? What is a successful year for you? Write it down!

SELAH: God wants to do more than your vision, but have one first.

The PILOT Devotionals
Have a great day. Good Morning!
Religion / The Principles Of Dominion by jayloyexten(m): 12:04pm On Aug 13, 2015
The Principles of Dominion
SCRIPTURE: Math 5:3-16
DATE: Thursday, August 13, 2015

They called them the beatitudes, but in fact they are no mere blessings as beatitudes connotes, they are foundational principles for establishing the kingdom order and living a life of relevance.

When Jesus was on earth, he taught the gospel of the kingdom (Matt 4:23), and then sealed it by the gospel of total salvation through the atonement of his blood, which gives us power to live as sons of God upon the earth. (John 1:12)

But it does not end there; being born again is a door into the life of God. But there is something more called the keys of the kingdom. These are principles or revelations that open certain doors. There are kingdom principles for every situation and for every desired success.

One of the greatest tragedy in Christianity today is the rejection of kingdom principles. The centre of the gospel of the kingdom is that God is not just seen as savior, but as LORD and King. And so there is a system of dominion that must be lived to glorify and establish his kingdom on earth.

Why do certain persons pray and yet they are poor, why are certain persons poor and yet they pray less. Why do some Christians walk on water and others can hardly pray for a headache, it is all by the knowledge or ignorance of kingdom principles which God taught us.

The knowing of these principles is light. However, the world have taken some of these principles and applied it and its working for them. Not in my generation will the men of darkness be wiser than the men of light!

Observe in verse 3 a key was given for those who are interested in having the kingdom of heaven, both as final destination and as the fullness of the presence of God upon earth, it is, be poor in Spirit (humble), and secondly in verse ten, endure hardship for Christ.

It is the only door that two keys were given for in this chapter, and it was mentioned twice, showing its importance. While it is true that we are seated in heavenly places, it takes fellowship with the sufferings of God and a poor spirit (humility) to walk in great realms of the glory.

We shall stop here today. Explore other principles. Discover the key to inherit the earth in verse 5, the key to relevance in verse 13, the key to favor with men and God in verse 7, and others. Know these principles and meditate on them. In them you will find life.

SELAH: Don’t just accept Jesus, accept his principles for greatness! Search for them in the scriptures.

The Pilot Devotionals
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Religion / The Covering Of Our Shame by jayloyexten(m): 7:51am On Aug 12, 2015
TOPIC: The Shame Covering
DATE: Tuesday, August 11, 2015

“Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness” (Ephesians 6:14)

In the armor of saints, why did the scriptures start with the truth to cover our loins, and righteousness to cover our breast? This is a great mystery. The loins and the breast are symbols of the shame of a man. Shame is simply the opposite of the glory.

Remember Genesis 2 when Adam and Eve fell, they all of a sudden became naked, and they were full of shame. They did not become naked by putting off something; they became naked by eating up something, which we call the forbidden fruit.

Notice although they were in the Garden of Eden, a place of glory and mighty presence of God, a serpent sneaked in and beguiled them. It is the same thing that happened in Matthew 4. The bible says that Lucifer went into the place where Jesus had been praying for forty days, and tempted him.

He took him to the temple and opened the scriptures to him. The temple was the house of God, he quoted Psalm 91 which was also an accurate quotation from the scriptures, but the application was wrong.

This is the same way the devil invites men to church and open scriptures to them, but when they receive such word, they are corrupted, and full of shame. Shame is what the bible referred to when it said all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

The glory of God is the presence of God and the presence of God is the name of God, the name of God refers to the dimensions of God, but one God. This is why there are only two covering for our unclothedness, truth and righteousness.

Truth and Righteousness is what makes us like God. But there is no vacuum, in the absence of glory men will use leaves. What leaves have you used to cover your unclothedness, it is time you contend for truth and righteousness. And only the Holy Spirit through the word can give.

Challenge the words you have received, anything that is not glory is leaves. Be careful of the “truth” you receive. Seek his desperately his glory. Truth is Jesus and righteousness is by faith. So faith in Jesus is the beginning of the covering our unclothedness.

SELAH: Two of the greatest armor of combat is Truth and Righteousness

The Pilot Devotionals

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Religion / Deliverance From Pits And Habits by jayloyexten(m): 8:04am On Jul 31, 2015
Deliverance from Pits and Habits
DATE: Friday, July 31, 2015

There are two places of adversity a man may find himself; the pit of troubles, and the miry clay of habitual affliction.

The latter is worst because in it there is a fluctuation, there are mixed blessings. While you fell free today, tomorrow you feel bound, and it continues in a frustrating manner. In the former, it is just a pit, you never come out, it looks like the miracle will never happen.

Now I am talking about Christians who pray every day, who love God, who have faith, yet, there is no change. I bring you word from the most high, if only you will open your heart this morning to receive, you will never be the same again.

Psalm 40:1, if you are to read it from behind, you will see that David was in great affliction, but suddenly, he found joy, how did he do it? He said “I waited patiently for the Lord” God is Lord, and he works at his will and on his terms not ours.

Waiting on God here means waiting in prayer. We storm heaven’s door every morning, asking for deliverance, and in 10, 30 minutes or one hour we are out. And we come back tomorrow and do the same, and we are so much in a hurry to leave his presence, we schedule our miracles by ourselves out of our lives.

But the word of God says we will find God when we seek him with all our heart. The reason why your problems and horrible habits still remain is because it has not received the sustained assault of prayer.

When you are desperate you don’t go into the prayer room looking at your wrist watch, you fling it till kingdom comes. It is business, it is Jacobs’s prayer, Lord I am going nowhere until you speak to me, and until you hear his voice you do not leave. Even if it takes days!

The prayer most people pray today is vitamin prayer, not deliverance prayer. The prayer of deliverance is a prayer of desperation. I tell you, God will not tarry for long, when you are in the prayer of desperation. So are you ready to lock up yourself, if not you are not ready for deliverance!

But I know you would, after that, you need to sustain your miracle. This is sustained by consistency. An everyday with the Lord, a secret place with the most high. This leaves the signature of his glory upon our spirits, and from here is true spiritual power.

SELAH: I know you ASKED God, but did you SEEK?

The Pilot Devotionals
Religion / The Churches, Ministries, Light. by jayloyexten(m): 9:30am On Jul 28, 2015
TOPIC: The Measure of His Stature
SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 4:8-16
DATE: Tuesday, July 28, 2015

HIGHLIGHT: “Till we all come in the unity of the faith…unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we henceforth be no more children” (13, 14)

There is something called the stature of Christ, the measure of his fullness. At salvation, we are as new born babes, desiring the sincere milk of the word of God so that we might grow into this stature.

The growth here is by the spiritual balanced diet of the understanding of the word of God. Man does not grow by time necessarily, that is why age in the flesh is not directly proportional to spiritual maturity; man grows by the revelation and understanding of the word of God.

We cannot sit somewhere and say that one day we will be like Christ; we will grow into his stature, oh with time we shall become like him and perform greater miracles than he did. This is mere hope and lust. Spiritual blessings don’t come that way.

Majority of the angels in heaven have the form of a youth, however, the only way you can distinguish the older from the younger, is the amount of light they emit. Every time they step into the throne room, there is a rub off of the glory of God upon their spirit.

This is the great mystery of transfiguration, the revealing of the spirit man of Christ to Peter, James and John. Our text have defined our journey, our pursuit for God should not be to heal the sick, raise the dead, preach good sermons, become extremely wealthy, but to become like Christ.

Oh if you will understand this revelation, that the world and the fullness of its wonder was created by the word of God. The word is the key to everything. If only you will desire him alone, and let nothing take his place, you will be amazed at how beautiful your life will become.

Our text reveals that in other to come into that fullness he made some Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. Every ministry is anchored on one of these dominantly. However, these gifts are first to bring us into untity and not division.

In fact the next verse(15) says that when we receive truths (rhema) either as a consequence of our ministry or not, we must convey it to the body of Christ in love, not to spring a fight or to condemn. It is wrong for ministries to fight against themselves, we are a body.

No ministry no matter how effective is an independent empire. The best any person or ministry can deliver effectively is a dimension of God. However, iron sharpens iron, the moment we open up to other ministries of the body of Christ, we become balanced, and soon we measure up to his stature.

SELAH: What is your ministry, life begins when you know, don’t waste your life!

The Pilot Devotionals
Religion / Re: The Blood... How Many Times Does It Have To Wash A Sinner? by jayloyexten(m): 6:59am On Jul 18, 2015
Good write Up. I learnt from it. Thanks @Op
Thanks to God. uwc

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