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Politics / Re: Shell Pulls Out Of Ogoni Clean-up, Accuses FG Of Insincerity, Lack Of Commitment by Meriekriss: 10:06am On Jun 09, 2016

Buhari did not make any remarks to "awaken" anything. These bastards are sponsored by ND elites whom Buhari wants to retrieve loots from. What's the crime in that please? We all saw how those bloody SS governors made demands for Buhari to drop charges against their people for the bombing to stop. Oh I forgot! You hate for anything good to come out from this administration right?
Issorite. I'm scared for the life of the number 1 and 2 men in the country though but I know that Baba God has a divine plan for us. God dey.

Lol. Your scared for the lives of people that have more security personnel attached to them than the total ones attached to your village? Well, if only Buhari was trying to recover stolen funds from everybody and not just pdp members, then there would have been no need for this your propaganda theory.. You have evidence of who is sponsoring them?? Abi na just "I hear say gist"??

Buhari is the cause of most his problems, buh the good news is that it's not late for him to do the right thing.. But is he interested?

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Politics / Re: Shell Pulls Out Of Ogoni Clean-up, Accuses FG Of Insincerity, Lack Of Commitment by Meriekriss: 3:27am On Jun 09, 2016

Oh really? I'm really beginning to fear for Buhari's life. He needs special prayers because he is fighting a one-man fight against corruption and overbearing western forces the people whom he's fighting for even appreciate him. Don't even know what to say anymore sef. Smh

A wise man knows when to pick his battle.. Unfortunately, Buhari is proving not to be wise.. One man is fighting bokoharam, IPOB and he kept on making remarks that woke the sleeping militants. Buhari is the cause of his own problem. He could have fought the corruption and focused on treating everyone as equal, with that everyone including the ND and IPOB would have been interested in seeing Nigeria progress.. Tell me, who like war or bloodshed?

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Politics / Re: When Did APC/Buharists Become Patriotic? by Meriekriss: 10:41am On May 21, 2016
APC was only playing opposition then but that does not mean they did nt give credits when due and besides the way and manner GEJ handled the whole things gives credence to APC wailing but the one PDP are playing nw is bitterness. That aint opposition at all, they have never seen anything good in this administration. Politics no ft sweet if there is no opposition nw

NB: i no too sabi politics o jee

cc; omenka, dropshot, aunty modath

Apart from proper.. Oya tell me the good thing you have seen from this administration.. And why are you calling on your fellow Zombies??

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Politics / Re: When Did APC/Buharists Become Patriotic? by Meriekriss: 10:33am On May 21, 2016
Politics / Re: Buhari Ruling Nigeria With Medieval Mindset, Says Prof Utomi by Meriekriss: 7:13am On May 10, 2016

You should hide your head in shame for failing to read and grasp.

Now, read both the original post and mine again. -- you can read it thrice it might help.

You think it's by striking off posts that makes you look wise? You can ignore ma exposure if your stinking hypocrisy for all I care..


Politics / Re: The Presidential Convoy And Welcoming Of Buhari In Katsina (Video) by Meriekriss: 7:06am On May 10, 2016

Don't mind them. They speak out of hatred.

What is wrong with some ppl sef... You claimed somebody is doing something wrong, you have the opportunity to change it and you continue doing same thing.. Doesn't that make you worse than the person??

So because GEJ used those cars, he has to use all of them as well? Can't he sell them off? Kip supporting nonsense.

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Politics / Re: Buhari Ruling Nigeria With Medieval Mindset, Says Prof Utomi by Meriekriss: 6:55am On May 10, 2016
Talk is cheap Prof.

You were adviser to Shagari and you lead him off the cliff.
Your bank went bankrupt.

It is easier to throw wild cards from the outside when you are not in the driving seat.

We are going thru pains, agreed.

Buhari should listen more, agreed.

Buhari is tackling fundamental causes; not symptoms.

That doesn't make all his decisions perfect, but I have never doubted his sincerity -- I can't say the same for the prof and others like him (everyone is largely working their angle or being plainly sentimental).

When you are not in the driving seat, it is easier to only work with simplistic solutions without considering the fallout and other ramifications.

We shouldn't be importing refined petroleum products in the first place -- how we go about being independent in that regard are things people of the prof's callibre should be proffering.

Dr. Kachikwu and the president have done excellent work generally with the NNPC in the past 9 months, are all those archaic?

What has the non-archaic administrators been doing since 1999, that we have to find ourselves in this sh!thole of importing fuel in the first place?

What happens to pump prices if in 6 months or so from here, oil goes beyond $70 or $80/ barrel? Have you considered the consequences?

Seems you didn't read or you just wanted to join others in attacking the man.. Didn't you see when he criticized the past administration? He even partly wrote APC manifesto.. So anyone that criticizes your god Buhari becomes a supporter of last administration??

Funny enough, you just exposed your hypocrisy.. Same way when Buhari wasn't in the driving seat, he was blabbing about stuffs he knew no idea about, fuel subsidy, security, pipeline vandals, power etc.. Now he is on that seat, he now pays subsidy, the country is more divided than ever, insecurity everywhere, no power... Nothing seemed to have changed and you are using that line to attack this prof?

Shouldn't you hide your face in shame??


Politics / Re: Budget Signing Achievement: A Whole New Low by Meriekriss: 7:52am On May 08, 2016
Me my own is that now the budget has been signed, am waiting for LAI to hold his 365 festivals this year as he promised one festival each day through out this year..
Politics / Re: Nigerian Power Plants To Shut Down by Meriekriss: 6:13pm On May 06, 2016

Get a band and start a party... congrats....

Aso villa has 24hrs light, The Governors, ministers and Lawmakers would use government resources to get power...

I believe Almost all of SW and Most of the North apart from not experiencing degradation have more PMS available to power alternate sources of energy....

No, nothing meaningful was said by the saboteurs, foolish is what this is... cutting off the nose to spite the face...

Proudlyngwa ,

The more we look, the less we see!!

You and your hypocritical silly comments..

I guess it's same way you got your bands and threw parties when Bokoharam were throwing bombs during last administration abi were the bombs affecting aso rock nd SW??

Stop trying to apply common sense now cos everything the opposition is doing now was what APC did last few years and rode to power..

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Politics / Re: After Berating GEJ, Buhari Increases Petrol Subsidy by Meriekriss: 6:59am On May 06, 2016

Like I said, it is a shame that ur brain is unable to reason beyond political parties and tribal shit. In your warped mind u assume I must be supporting apc. Its such a pity. Poverty or plenty does not know who is in power! Both buhari and gej dont know u. So keep enslaving yourself under the misplaced thinking that u are supporting a party

Shut up... No one said you are supporting APC... You must not comment to be noticed..

You purposely ignored addressing the points I raised, instead you chose to look for who to lecture with a repeated boring line..

During the last administration, what was your opinion?? I just dnt understand how Nigerians think.. You are telling us to apply common sense for a President that rode to power on so called integrity and he questioned why subsidy should be paid without thinking about your so called OP explanation then all for him to turn around nd pay higher subsidy when crude oil price is lower now...


Politics / Re: After Berating GEJ, Buhari Increases Petrol Subsidy by Meriekriss: 5:53am On May 06, 2016
See all the useless wailers making noise everywhere. Many just read headlines and will rush to comment.

OP clearly explained why subsidy will be paid. Either u allow IM to import and pay subsidy, or NNPC continues to be the sole importer and the long queues will return. Its not about gej or buhari, its common sense. Nigeria belongs to all of us. So drag your brain out of the mud and stop using urself as a political footmat.

Shut up.. Pls just shut it.. When the subsidy was present in last administration, wasn't it for same purpose you just wrote? Oh, you threw away common sense then.. Subsidy was even more necessary then considering the higher price of crude oil... APC is afraid to totally remove subsidy due to the reaction of Nigerians which they fear..


Politics / Re: Emi Systems Demands Apology From Buhari, Gives Seven Days Ultimatum by Meriekriss: 4:09pm On May 04, 2016

CRap!!! How do you intend to live for 4 years with this sort of hate?

@ thread Defending corruption you didn't benefit is like jubilating over a the delivery of bastard you know you certainly didn't father!

Which 4 years..Oh Zombie..He has forgotten Buhari has just 3years infact 2 years when you deduct the last year which is for campaign because APC will have to campaign like the opposition party in 2019 with the way they are going..

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Politics / Re: Sanusi Interviewed By Peace Hyde: 'Nobody Who Touched Diezani Survived' by Meriekriss: 3:27pm On May 03, 2016

Shebi they have her Passport so she doesn't leave the UK till investigations into the extent of her culpability is established nah. [When the paper trail is finally & fully established, all will fall in place... There is no virtue in impatience, order is more important than speed.

Till date, some still insist OBJ framed IBORI & UK govt only helping to "punish" him on OBJ's behalf, like that even makes any sense...... uhmm. lipsrsealed

You like saying off point most times just to be in a hurry to comment.. So you knew this your statement i just quoted and still made this earlier statement..."Diezani and Dele Momodu must be congratulating themselves for playing a fast one on Nigeria, till date, no one else has sight or sound of the thieving frog eyed witch apart from Dele Momodu who also happens to be Saratiff's champion"

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Properties / Re: Meriekriss Int'l Services - Sales & Installations Of Wall Papers, 3D Panels Etc by Meriekriss: 1:08pm On Apr 28, 2016
‪#‎3DStretchCeilingInstallation‬, ‪#‎SpringNaturalHabitatDesign‬, ‪#‎RippleEffectDesign‬, ‪#‎ThunderEffect‬, ‪#‎SkylineDesign‬ ‪#‎BlueChipHotel‬ ‪#‎PortHarcourt‬.....‪#‎ISOCertifiedStretchCeilings‬...
Meriekriss Interiors....Quality Delivery Services....Our Clients are satisfied..We are happy...
Kindly Contact us on 08035530100 or 08038182542
WhatsApp 09050421371, or 08038182542
OR visit our website: www.meriekrissinteriors.com....
Watch out for more...We set the pace..Others follow...

Properties / Re: Meriekriss Int'l Services - Sales & Installations Of Wall Papers, 3D Panels Etc by Meriekriss: 1:03pm On Apr 28, 2016
‪#‎3DStretchCeilingInstallation‬, ‪#‎SpringNaturalHabitatDesign‬, ‪#‎RippleEffectDesign‬, ‪#‎ThunderEffect‬, ‪#‎SkylineDesign‬ ‪#‎BlueChipHotel‬ ‪#‎PortHarcourt‬.....‪#‎ISOCertifiedStretchCeilings‬...
Meriekriss Interiors....Quality Delivery Services....Our Clients are satisfied..We are happy...
Kindly Contact us on 08035530100 or 08038182542
WhatsApp 09050421371, or 08038182542
OR visit our website: www.meriekrissinteriors.com....Watch out for more...We set the pace..Others follow...

Politics / Re: Ekweremadu Describes EFCC's Denial As Worrisome by Meriekriss: 5:29am On Apr 21, 2016
The whole drama is clear even to a 5yr old . The APC led Fed Govt were suddenly taken aback at d sudden upsurge of goodwill d presentation of d award garnered in d camp of d DSP vis-a-vis d Pdp and d Ogas at d top must v been embarrassed and put a call to d commission. Dia is no way and I repeat no way dat d Liason Officer wud v taken such a unilateral decision to award such a high premium recognition to an Ipob, a 5% representative, a mbr of d opposition and above all somebody whose position is d major cause of d squabble in d Apc and one of d main reason why Saraki is being hounded without d consent of d commission hierarchy. The job of d Effcc liaison officer is to liaise btw d commission and d natnl assembly and thus cant be autonomous or execute decisions not originated from d commission. He specifically mentioned he was doing that under d instruction of Magu. Do these guys think we r kids?. They v only exposed d obvious dat Efcc under Buhari watch is not independent. Good a thing he never lobbied for it and this rejoinder has busted Efcc claims dat it had never given awards to ppl in d past. Ikeoha congratulations cos in d court of public opinion u r d beautiful bride here.


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Politics / Re: Rumor Ambodes Attempt Withdrawing N50m From LASG Account by Meriekriss: 5:26am On Apr 21, 2016
Foolish men.. How do they think 50m will be withdrawn by Ambode without written instruction?? I wonder why ppl wey no to school would venture into such criminal act..
Politics / Re: Kogi State Governor Doles Out N1,380,000 Financial Assistance To APC State Chair by Meriekriss: 5:20am On Apr 21, 2016
I just pity Kogi ppl.. Na thieves just dey rule them. If this news is true..

Meanwhile, am still waiting for when Lai Mohammed will start his daily cultural activities that he said would hold 365 days in a year... Na April 21 be this oo..
Politics / Re: Another N116bn Fraud Busted: See Names Of Those To Refund The Cash by Meriekriss: 7:30am On Apr 19, 2016

Because money recovered is not enough and a greater part of it will never be recovered in time.

FGN Spokesman
Politics / Re: Buhari’s Foreign Trips: My Take-- Fashola by Meriekriss: 6:21am On Apr 19, 2016
Minister of Darkness... See as heat wan kill me here since last night
Politics / Re: See Fashola's Take On President Buhari's Foreign Trips by Meriekriss: 5:27am On Apr 19, 2016
Minister of Darkness... See as heat wan kill me here since last night
Politics / Re: Another N116bn Fraud Busted: See Names Of Those To Refund The Cash by Meriekriss: 5:09am On Apr 19, 2016
As Fayose asked, so why the need to borrow??


Politics / Re: Fulani Herdsmen Sack Benue Community by Meriekriss: 4:13am On Apr 18, 2016
Nawa oo.. Make dem kuku sack the governor of that state..

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Politics / Re: Governor Fayose's Letter To China: Should He Be Charged For Treason? by Meriekriss: 6:26am On Apr 16, 2016
It is sad we are borrowing 2billion dollars from china. How i wish the same amount was not stolen in the last administration in the name of arms deal may be we wont be doing this.

More reason why ppl call you guys zombie.. Just read your what you wrote.. So you actually believe that rubbish that $2billion was stolen.?? How much was Dasuki said to have misappropriated for which he is facing trial? 10billion naira... So who ate the so called $2b since Dasuki was d one sharing the money??

$2b was stolen right? The same amount that was budgeted for arms? So the arms currently used are bow and arrow or they were bought by Buhari??

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Politics / Re: Governor Fayose's Letter To China: Should He Be Charged For Treason? by Meriekriss: 6:15am On Apr 16, 2016
Fayose seems desperate to watch this government fail, and if it does as he and other wailers wish,we shall all face the consequences. So why pray that a government ordained and allowed by God too fail. Let's all pray and wish Nigeria well as the PMB lead government commences implementation of his plans for this great Nation.

My friend, stop calling God's name in vain... Alot of rubbish has happened in this govt so pls leave God out of this.. Since you are sure it was ordained by God, so why ask us to pray and wish Nigeria well.. Is anything ordained by God bound to fail??

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Politics / Re: Currency Deal With China: Things To Know by Meriekriss: 4:35pm On Apr 15, 2016
Is it just me or does someone else foresees this as the beginning of Nigeria becoming an importing nation? And still, some people will celebrate as if the increase of dollar's value is solely based on Nigeria's economy. Has anyone ever stopped to ask why the former government did not go ahead with the deal with the Chinese? Nah, but we want to be gullible and standby to watch while they turn our land to a dumping ground. FYI, the Chinese don't give a "feck" about Africa! FACT!!!

Is Nigeria not an importing country already as it stands? The biggest winners here seems to be the Igbo traders that's if CBN doesn't restrict things imported and the policy isn't sabotaged... Soon a parallel market for Yaun we be created...

Finally I think this agreement isn't bad as I see it as a short term but this administration must ensure that the loan is used to actually build refineries and other capital projects as claimed if not, this will be the biggest scam.

Can someone confirm if China has a refinery we can buy refined products from using Yaun as currency for trade..


Politics / Re: Currency Deal With China: Things To Know by Meriekriss: 4:30pm On Apr 15, 2016
The US-Canada pipeline project is one.
A couple of US bridges also built by Chinese Contractors.
I would get the list in a moment.

Bro, you don't have to lie to prove a point.. Your naming a project that Obama denied construction permit and your claiming it was awarded to a Chinese company... I would be glad to see the list you want to make up.. Pls don't fabricate.. We ain't fools.. Google is there..
Politics / Re: Hardship Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past – Lai Mohammed by Meriekriss: 3:49pm On Apr 15, 2016
We have been hearing that for a while.
Politics / Re: Roni Omokri Hilarious Response To A Critic. by Meriekriss: 7:42am On Apr 15, 2016
All these guys that think it's cool to insult politicians and celebrities on social media, well, they ain't taking those shits.. They fire back as well..

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Romance / Re: I Can't Get Over My Ex---Help! by Meriekriss: 12:46pm On Apr 11, 2016
heya pele i have been here b4 too n it really hurts.. U jst need someone else guess we can link up

Olodo.. You can link up after 7 years ago.. She has probably married now with kids and you still want to link up.. Iranu. undecided
heya pele i have been here b4 too n it really hurts.. U jst need someone else guess we can link up

Olodo.. You can link up after 7 years ago.. She has probably married now with kids and you still want to link up.. Iranu.
Politics / Re: Fuel Scarcity: FG Intervention Temporal, Queues Will Resurface – Stakeholders by Meriekriss: 9:16am On Apr 11, 2016
They are saying queue will resurface, and am asking, has it disappeared in the first place??


Politics / Re: Barring Govt Officials From Flying First Class Hypocritical —adegboruwa by Meriekriss: 9:07am On Apr 11, 2016

I'm not MTN, & you honestly can't expect me to respond to EVERYTHING!! I have strong feelings about the Jets myself but Bubu got 18 months from me, so I'm giving him the benefit of doubt!!

'm "assuming" they've not got "reasonable" offers yet hence the foot dragging & have you confirmed if he flies all at the same time?? & how did hero end up with 9 jets in the first place?

BTW Fran, you've used up all your mention lifeline, find someone else, gat a long day ahead.. save some for tomorrow smiley

If people call you Zombie, you will start crying.. Your attempt to defend this us so pathetic... Very irritating.. See the extent you are assuming just to defend this rubbish... So you are now assuming they haven't gotten a good offer for a president that so much attacked the ownership of 9 Jets... Show me where it was in the public domain that the Jets were for sale before you blindly try to defend with that silly excuse..
As usual, you tried dragging GEJ into it.. How can he fly all at same time? What a silly question. Did GEJ fly all at same time? The issue here is Buhari questioned where the last administration had 9jets in its fleet and not whether they were flown at same time..

Your 18 months is fast approaching... We will see..

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