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Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 9:27am On Dec 02, 2016
The recent crude oil production cut deal might see the price hit $60 as strongly speculated. Could The smart money be on USDCAD going south?

Your 2 cents guys....
Sports / Re: Nigeria Vs Ghana : AWCON 2016: - 1 - 1 On 23rd November 2016 by nairakobo: 4:43pm On Nov 23, 2016
How is that a penalty plsssssss?
Technology Market / Re: Brand New LG WP-750R Washing Machine For Sale by nairakobo: 1:20pm On Nov 18, 2016

still available?
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Arsenal Vs Swansea (3 - 2) On 15th October 2016 by nairakobo: 4:27pm On Oct 15, 2016

God bless Lukaku for now
Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 7:11pm On Oct 08, 2016

Have you visited my recommendation?

Thanks, got what i needed to add more potency to my system.

Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 6:31pm On Oct 08, 2016
I culled the interview below from a journal, read and lets ask ourselves questions from this ideology. I hope from this we can become better traders. Thanks

AT: How do you compare Market Profile to traditional price based technical analysis?

JPS: Market Profile does not use chronological time. And if time is your biggest cost, you'd better have a "market time." Everyone else uses chronological time and price-to-price relationships. Price has very little or no value as a data point.

AT: Why?

JPS: Because there's a buyer and seller at each price. Time only defines price in the past tense. Assume a new contract began trading at 10. There's nothing you can say about it. But you'll have some reference if it traded at 4 last month.

Take a look at the trading industry. It's not using the database as an asset, and it's toiling instead of working. Technical analysis uses price against price, and price itself is not a data point. Moving averages don't exist in the real world.

Market Profile has survived even though the market's changed dramatically in terms of how it's used. It differs from technical analysis because you are now closer to being a part of the market rather than just making observations. There's a big difference there.

AT: What's wrong with back testing trading ideas against historical price data? Doesn't that have some value?

JPS: Well, the markets have changed a lot so you're comparing apples to oranges. First, you don't have a constant. If you're not testing the market, what are you really testing?

AT: The probability of whether a trade idea might be profita[/b]ble.

JPS: No, you're testing how your tolerance works. Back-tests miss all the ingredients that may have been good.

[b]AT: Such as?

JPS: When you look to the past for references, you're going to be late (making trading decisions) because you don't know a high or low has occurred until it's in the past. So you're looking for one scenario and the market's doing something else. Market Profile, however, shows development that you won't see in a back-test; they only show how good your external parameters are and these (variables) dominate the results.

AT: What would you say to traders who are using Market Profile as a visual display on different charting platforms and are studying your original theories?

JPS: It's a pass-through cost (i.e., it won't be very helpful), not an asset. I'm building a database with Market Profile . Everyone should have their own database and understand the nature of the markets they're trading, which allows them to create opportunities instead of finding them - a big step.
Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 9:14am On Oct 08, 2016


Develop yourselves so that you can be successful in life.

Actually Hate is part of the way humans are designed , Just like when I posted by $350 million Brexit gain , some monitoring wizards here became emergency haters cheesy cheesy , now the same people want suddenly to be treated differently on their $95 profit success cheesy cheesy common grin
sometimes its fun giving people a taste of the medicine they created cheesy cheesy ..

I pasted the image not to support anybody's argument or perceived mindset. I did post it to help us re-evaluate ourselves as traders (both as professionals and novices). Mind you, both mindsets are intelligent, one static and the other developing. The most important is that they both possess intelligence. We are all humans, and nobody on this planet can authoritatively boast of having a constant developing mindset. There will always be periods of inward/outward critics, vacation/rest/relaxation (they can be misconstrued as avoiding challenges). Moments when natural setbacks can't be undone to pave ways for continuation.
One mindset can be seen as working smarter, while the other can be seen as working harder. Either way, work to become a better person. Guys, please lets clear our minds and work towards d common denominator, MOOOONNNNNEEEYYYYYYY!!!!!!
We're not footballers or celebrities, always working for two things(MONEY & FAME) through competition. No trading of words here again but currencies and perhaps commodities. If at any point u've got your ego bruised, on behalf of the culprits, i'm sorry.

Cheers cool cool

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Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 8:15am On Oct 08, 2016


European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Burnley Vs Arsenal (0 - 1) On 2nd October 2016 by nairakobo: 6:04pm On Oct 02, 2016
Alexis hit bar, Kean hit bar....na wa ooooo

make dis game open na, dats the only way arsenal can score.
Boli Burnley is overly defensive for the past half hour
Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 4:59pm On Oct 02, 2016

Sorry for my late reply,
I seem not to be able to attach them here,

On most of my chart here,
There's just 2 indicators
1. Synergy_APB - the candles
2. Synergy_TDI

But the real deal isn't in the indicators but the mindset.

Hope it helps.

sent u a PM, kinldy tend to it.
Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 5:38pm On Sep 29, 2016
grin grin grin

He's Back Again!

You can come back if you want to, but you know what must be done!

Hey boss, kindly furnish us with the indicators attached to your charts.

Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 6:45am On Sep 27, 2016

kindly 4ward to opejuwon2@gmail.com

Thanks sire
Celebrities / Prof Smaranda Olarinde, Freeze's Mother... by nairakobo: 8:08pm On Jun 20, 2016
Following his reply to reveal his mother's identity by mentioning her to be a DVC in a private university, I could easily relate the attached picture to a Romanian Professor of Law in ABUAD where I once worked. She's one of Afe's confidant, a workaholic and also loved by majority in the school. She's always willing to relate with people and also make her opinions heard by everyone around her. O'cos Freeze took that from her mum.

1 Like

Education / Re: Show How Much U Remember About Ur Secondary School: Write Ur School Anthem by nairakobo: 7:01am On Jun 17, 2016
Wow got here late, buh I can still do something....

FUTA staff secondary school, our great alma mater, remain a beacon, a center for excellence and a pride to world, we b'liv in self reliance, and we work to achieve it, that a total child be developed....

Anyone wiv d 2nd stanza plssss?

A product of '98/99 class

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TV/Movies / Re: Who Is Your Best TV Series Character Of All Time? by nairakobo: 6:31am On Jun 03, 2016
Harvey/Ross - SUITS
Tyrion - GOT
T Bag - PB
Job - Banshee
Jack - 24
L Lyon - Empire
Scofield - PB


Politics / Re: Was It Cocoa Money That Built The Third Mainland Bridge? by nairakobo: 8:24am On Jun 02, 2016
You can try to bamboozle others with the well known diversionary tactic of overloading them with irrelevant information.
So let us get back to what we are contending. Is it the states or the FG in Nigeria that receives company income tax .YES OR NO?

Does DOMICILING a company in a state in Nigeria have ANY IMPACT whatsoever on the taxes it pays ..That is the issue here not the cost of doing business in Lagos.
Is VAT a Lagos State TAX You are confused.
If cost of doing business in Lagos is the issue then we are talking of companies DOING BUSINESS in Lagos and not domiciling so stop the diversion and admit that you were wrong.
Domiciling is irrelevant.
Employee contributions,and all the other social security nonsense you posted will not apply if the company is just "DOMICILED" and the employees are not resident in Lagos.
Bottom line Lagos Taxes people,( HUMAN PEOPLE adarihun) who live and enjoy the PRIVILEGE of earning a living IN LAGOS

U no dey hear word? Leave d thread for dem abeg. If dem rant finish, mk dem go decimate Lag with atomic bomb. Sons of hate sha!!!


Politics / Re: Was It Cocoa Money That Built The Third Mainland Bridge? by nairakobo: 8:19am On Jun 02, 2016
the British did not build any f.cking seaport in Lagos. The money used for the construction of the seaport was sourced from taxes generated in Lagos from hardworking Yoruba people not any ph.ucking British money

Calm down bruv, u're still supporting his submission dat d seaport was nt built from oyel proceeds. U guys should stop responding to their ignorance pls, let 'em all sink and drown in their hatred.


Politics / Re: Was It Cocoa Money That Built The Third Mainland Bridge? by nairakobo: 7:07am On Jun 02, 2016

You are ignorant.This is an oft repeated fallacy.
What is MY ASSERTION? Please clarify what I have asserted?
Company Income Tax in Nigeria is payable to the Federal government. Whether Northern Businessmen pay 100% of tax in Lagos is irrelevant. We are not discussing ethnicity of businessmen but viability of the state.
I am not joining issue on that but they do not pay tax in Lagos on monies earned elsewhere. Even with that they do not pay profit tax in Lagos.This is a residual matter. They pay the tax of their EMPLOYEES that are RESIDENT in Lagos State and other operational levies that are within the purview of states e.g land use ,tenement and so on. OIL COMPANIES ARE EXCLUDED from companies income tax and have a special arrangement again paying to the FG

This illusion of domiciling is not relevant or applicable in Nigerian law. The relevant law is the Companies Income Act 2004

Ur head dey there omoluabi, God bless ur parents for giving u dat sound education to reason beyond these bigots. Education is cheap, ignorance is expensive. U'll hv to do more than typing here to change their brains from functioning southwards, bro i'lll advise u invest ur energy and time on something better dis morning. Ports that were built long before oyel discovery in 9ja, I dont knw hw dat simple fact is difficult to comprehend. Even if the whole of lag is built with oyel proceeds, na una sabi, u can all go and die of hate.


Foreign Affairs / Niger Delta Avengers Claimed To Have Crippled The Ecomony By 50%, Target Is 100% by nairakobo: 8:22am On May 30, 2016

Publication from Niger Delta Avengers Web site. http://www.nigerdeltaav


From the high command of the Niger Delta Avengers we congratulating all strike teams of the Avengers without taking any innocent life or that of the Nigeria
military we were able to shut down 50% of crude production.
We have been seeing a lot on the media about us. Some are asking, “Who are you avenging?” some calling us empty heads, ex-agitators have been condemning us on daily basis. Our criticizer from other part of the country, we don’t have any thing to tell you because you clearly don’t know how life is in the region.
To our criticizers from the region we want you to know you are all cowards and afraid to stand for your people.
To ex-agitators of the likes of Tompolo, We know why you people are after us. Our agitation is more civilize than yours the Niger Delta Avengers is more concern with people of Niger Delta unlike you (ex-agitations) that were into kidnapping, killing of Nigeria soldiers, sea pirates, vessel and tanker hijacking. But we were able to carry out all our operations without killing a fly. We have sophisticated arms far better than what you use to have during your kidnapping days.
After the amnesty Programme you (ex-agitators) has been enjoying patronize from the government and royalty from multinational oil companies. While we (Avengers) have been strategizing on how the voice of the Niger Deltans can be heard. we are fighting a radical fight without taking any life.
Lets make it clear, to you our elder brothers (ex-agitators) that we are not begging you to join this agitation. We are young, educated, well traveled and most of us were educated in east Europe but don’t worry when we achieved our goal
(sovereign state of Niger Delta) then you people will be proud of us. In as much as we respect you as our elder brothers (ex-agitators) please don’t dare to stand on
our way because if you do we will crash you.
To the citizens of the Niger Delta who share same idea with us we thank you all.
Just know that no amount of criticism within and outside the region can stop us.
For the record the Niger Delta Avengers is enjoying the blame game going around.
To the Nigeria military the Niger Delta avengers is among you. And we know all your plans so we will always ten steps ahead of you. In our meeting comprising all heads of the strike teams, which was held in Bayelsa. The Niger Delta Avengers
high Command comes to the conclusion that, if the military harass or invade any community in the region then you (Nigeria military) will get a feel of the Avengers.
If you smart or intelligent enough you will look inward not outside. We know when you are vulnerable but not take our calmness for granted.
To our brothers from Easterner Nigeria, whom have been condemning and calling us names. The simple fact you are living comfortable doesn’t mean we like you.
The Commander of Strike team 9 of the Niger Delta Avengers is from Eastern Nigeria so no body should limit this struggle to the Ijaws of the Niger Delta only.
The leader of the strike team 6 that blew up chevron valve platform is Itsekiri. The Commander of our elite team strike team one is from Akwa Ibom.
So if you are calling us empty heads just know you brothers are part of Niger Delta Avengers as well. Avengers is different from former agitators who limited the struggle to just the Ijaws
To international Oil Companies, this is just the beginning and you have not seen anything yet. We will make you suffer as you have been made the people of Niger deltans suffered over the years from environmental degradation, and environment
To the President of Nigeria Buhari, we are sure you have not been to the creeks of the Niger delta before and 90% of your cabinets does not know how the region looks like. You think the Niger delta region is full of animals, who are going to frustrate your government. Your government that is not following rule of law, unlawful detention of innocent people just likes of Nnamdi Kanu. All he wanted was
to let his people go. Nnamdi kanu didn’t carry any arm against this country but was incarcerated. We want you to know that’s no civilize President will behaves
this way. If that is how you devised to run the country we will prefer you do that in the northern region.
When couples are tired of living together to make peace they go their separate ways. That is what Nnamdi kanu and the Niger deltans are asking.
You always say you fought for the unity of this country during the civil war. You haven’t been to the Niger delta, how can you know what the people are facing I
believe your Vice will tell how the region is suffering and under developed when he visited the Forcados Terminal. That is if he ever looks out of his helicopter
1. Apo Well was award to Sapetro Oil owned by Gen Theophilus Y Danjuma .Apo
field is capable of producing 300,000 barrels per day and crude reserve of 500
million barrels.
2. OML 110 Obe oil field own by Alhaji Mai Daribe, Cavendish Petroleum with an
estimated 500 million barrel of crude oil that worth $50 billion dollars after tax.
3. Akpo condensate field was awarded to Sapetro Oil owned by Gen Theophilus Y
Danjuma. This field worth $100 billions of dollars.
4. OML 112 and OML 117 were awarded to AMNI International Petroleum
Development Company owned by Colonel Sanni Bello. Son inlaw to former Head of
State. Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar. Its worth $150 Dollars after tax.
5. OML 115 also known as Oldwok field and Ebok field was awarded to Alhaji
Mohammed Indimi. Inlaw to former Head of State Gen. Ibrahim Babangida the two
fields worth $200 billion Dollars.
6. OML 215 was awarded and operated by Nor East Petroleum Limited owned by
one Alhali Saleh Mohammed Gambo. The field worth $100 billion Dollars after tax.
7. OML 108 awarded to Express Petroleum Company owned by Alhaji Aminu
Dantata. This field worth $128 billion Dollars.
8. OML 113 was allocated to Yinka Folawiyo Petroleum Limited owned by Alhaji W.
I. Folawiyo. Net worth is $150 billion Dollars.
9. Prince Nasiru Ado Bayero cousin to the Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanisu, owns
ASUOKPU/UMUTU marginal oil fields. It worth $110 billion Dollars.
10. Inter is owned by Atiku Abubakar, Yara dua and Ado Bayero has a substantial
stakes in the oil and gas exploration in the Niger Delta of Nigeria.
11. AMNI International Petroleum Company owns OML 112 and OML 117. Former
Minister of Petroleum and OPEC Chairman Rilwanu Lukman has major stakes in
AMNI International Petroleum Company.
12. OML 67 is operated Afren Plc. Rilwanu lukman also has a major stakes and the
field worth $180 billion Dollars.
13. OPL 245 is awarded to Malabu Oil and Gas owned by Dan Etete. Former
President Obasanjo and former Vice President Atiku Abukbakar all has major
shares. It worth $50 billion Dollars.
14. OPL 289 and OPL 233 was awarded to Cleanwater Consortium, the two fields
worth $200 billion Dollars. Former Governor Peter Odili of River State, Obasanjo
and Sultan of Sokoto has major Stakes.
15. OPL 288 was awarded to focus Energy Senator Andy Uba, Obasanjo, and Gen
Theophilus Y Danjuma are the major stakeholders. The field worth $70 billion
16. OPL 291 was awarded to Starcrest Energy Nigeria Limited owned by Emeka
Offor. The field worth $100 billion Dollars.
17. Mike adenuga’s Conoil controls and operates Six (6) oil blocs and exports
about 500,000 barrels of crude oil daily. These 6 oil bloc worth $500 billion
From our analysis above, 90% oil blocs are allocated to individuals from northern
Nigeria and some confused elements from the region are calling the Niger Delta
Avengers names, some are calling us criminals. Our question to these groups of
individuals calling us names are; where were you when all these atrocities were
happening to the people of the Niger Delta? IT’S A PITY.
To owners and operators of these oil blocs in our region the Niger Delta Avengers
is giving you two weeks ultimatum to shut down your operations and evacuates
your staff. If at the end of the ultimatum and you still operating. We will blow up all
the locations. It will be bloody. So just shut down your operations and leave.
There is rumor that oil has been discovered in the North East. How will you feel if
this found oil is been managed by Niger Deltans. We are very sure the Niger
deltans wont even have 2% oil bloc if oil is really found in the Northeast. If you
didn’t shut down we will shut your stations permanently for you.
No agent or representative of the Avengers has called the Minister of State for
Petroleum Resources and Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, Group
Managing Director, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu to threat his life.
To all International Oil Companies, Indigenous Oil Companies and Contractors if
anyone called saying there members of Avengers please not listen or take them
serious because our ideology and belief is far from that.
Once again on behalf of all the commanders of the avengers strike teams we
congratulate our loyal and gallant soldiers who put human life before their targets.
On behalf of the Niger Delta people we said congratulation as we have cripple the
Nigeria economy by 50% by the grace of God we will make it 100% if our demands
are not met soon.
By October 2016 we will display our Currency, Flag, Passport, our ruling Council
and our Territory to the world.
To the United Nations, we are not asking for much but to free the people of the
Niger Delta from environmental pollution, slavery, and oppression. We want a
country that will turn the creeks of the Niger delta to a tourism heaven, a country
that will achieve its full potentials, a country that will make health care system
accessible by everyone. With Niger delta still under the country Nigeria we can’t
make it possible. So we are calling on the Ban Ki-Moon Secretary General United
Nations and all Heads of the government of the five Permanent Security Council
members to come to the aid of Niger delta people. We are calling on world leaders
to come to the Niger delta to see the atrocities committed by the Nigeria
Long Live the Niger Delta Avengers.
Long Live the Niger Delta.
Col. Mudoch Agbinibo
From Ini-Obong Uto
# mynameissleek©®
Politics / Re: Buhari Moves To Remove Fuel Subsidy, Begins Consultation With NASS by nairakobo: 9:47am On May 08, 2016

Care to point out what exactly was "gallimufry" in what I wrote? How do you expect refining to flourish in Nigeria when private operators aren't able to make a profit?

The answer is simple: their prices are not below N70/litre, which is why it is so lucrative for criminals to hijack refined fuel from Nigeria to sell abroad.

We have to face reality: no matter what the "official" price of petrol may be, nobody is actually getting it at that price without having to do a lot of waiting in long queues in the hot sun with jerry-cans, often with nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Isn't it better to pay the market price for fuel and be sure that you can get it within minutes, rather than wasting so many days of one's life looking for "cheap" fuel that isn't there? Because that is the real situation Nigerians have been facing for years now.

I haven't even mentioned the fact that this same costly fuel subsidy is one major reason why Nigeria saved nothing during the years when oil was $110/barrel, or that keeping it in place will completely blow up the 2016 budget, which already requires substantial borrowing. Would you rather have better electricity transmission and better road/rail links, or see billions poured into fuel subsidies whose main beneficiaries are smugglers and fraudulent importers?

If you think I am wrong in anything I have said, I would appreciate a response that points out the gaps or errors in my reasoning, rather than trading insults or simply accusing me of "gallimufry".

Just wanna let u knw dat ur civility is well spotted n appreciated.
Politics / Re: Kwara Government Worsens Saraki’s Case by nairakobo: 6:59am On Apr 08, 2016

But there is no serious evidence that the Kwara people are complaining! It baffles me. Are they intimidated by Saraki's 'Army of Lawyers'? Or has 'wara' done a great damage to their 'sense of anger'?

This is how those who were duped and humiliated by Abba Moro could not even mobilize themselves to court to at least shout Shame! Shame! on the wicked ex- interior minister.

May God give Nigeria once again people like General Murtala Muhammed, Gani Fawehinmi, Fela Anikulapo Kuti. Ameen.

No serious evidence against him? Na wa ooo

Tell us if ur so called intimidating lawyers have bn able to stop d case from going to trial.

Na Burukutu dey inside ur corrupt invested skull...
Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 11:27am On Mar 11, 2016

Crisp Observation!
buyers beware! majestically, we are coming for Destination 1.10600 (EUR/USD) with SWAG.

Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 6:18pm On Mar 07, 2016
If Dollar Index (DXY) should close below 96.80, then I think the EURUSD would be set for the bigger move up north for days. Guess the buyers are showing up in the market.
Business / Re: Forex Trading Alerts - Season 16 by nairakobo: 8:31am On Mar 07, 2016
For those that have a working trading system but doesnt have time to trade, i can help in automating your trading system into a robot so it
places trades for u while u go about you work. Below is a screenshotof my trading strategy now a robot, Still testing on a demo account though... $5K demo account now $9k+ within couple of weeks.
send me a pm if u are interested.

Sent a PM few days bck, no reply yet.
Events / Re: Wedding Preparation For All Intending Brides N Grooms by nairakobo: 12:39pm On Feb 27, 2016
Science/Technology / Re: Ajaokuta Steel: Time To Break The Deadly Conspiracy Surrounding by nairakobo: 7:17pm On Feb 01, 2016
Guys, was just about having dinner when I started reading this piece, I can't explicitly describe in words how I lost my appetite instantly. I still have hot blood running through my spine. Indeed, "there was country". All bloggers present here should have it featured on their blogs right away. Below is channelstv contact details, let's disturb them with calls and messages till she's called for an interview session on sunrise daily.

Email : info@channelstv.com

Hotlines : +234-1-2131214, +234-1-2131215, +234-704-520-3063

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Business / Re: Binary Options Alertz/strategies Season 5 !!hot!!! by nairakobo: 3:48pm On Jan 30, 2016

The arrows, do they repaint?
TV/Movies / Re: The New Series Empire Fan Club. by nairakobo: 1:05am On Dec 08, 2015
Let me ask you a question, if Andre's wife wasn't pregnant and Luscious didn't accept Andre, do you think Andre would also vote for Luscious? Please answer truthfully.

Yes he would have. Remember he swept d death of their uncle under d carpet for d family's sake. He could hv sold out d whole family then but didn't, which I think its even weightier compared to what Hakeem experienced from his father.

OT. Dangote resigned and sold off some shares from d flour ish biz to face d new refinery he's building in Ondo n Lagos state now, dats sacrificing a bishop to get d queen. Same goes for Lucious when he decided to sell off part of empire's assets to fund swiftstream, another big move to making empire d biggest music outlet. So, bn ousted as d CEO of empire every every can't be reasonbly compared to Dangote's move on d flour arm.

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