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Health / Re: Yoni Pearls For Blocked Fallopian Tubes, TTC, Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts by naughtyDiana: 1:18pm On Aug 03, 2018
if you wish to get only one pearl, it's 2500 per one. 2pearls 5000, 3pearls, 6000.
Health / Yoni Pearls For Blocked Fallopian Tubes, TTC, Fibroids, Ovarian Cysts by naughtyDiana: 1:53pm On Aug 02, 2018
Have you heard of the yoni detox pearl?

This is the newest product from China that is 100000% organic and natural and is helping women all over the world. As we know, the Chinese are all about embracing nature and they are one of the healthiest people in the world!! It treats a host of issues involving the female reproductive system such as fibroids, blocked fallopian tube, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, vaginal looseness, vaginal dryness, urinary tract infections, cervical erosion..etc.

A cleanse consists of 3pearls, and each cleanse is 6000 naira. The number of cleanses to use depends on the condition being treated.

The pearl is very tiny, about half an inch. The pearl is inserted deep into the vagina like a tampon, it stays in for 3days and is removed. Then you wait 24-48hrs before inserting the next pearl.no sex while the pearl is inserted and 24-48hrs after it is removed. Below are reviews from customers.

Please call or WhatsApp chioma 08189176777.
Location is Lagos.
Instagram @chiomasherbalgarden.
We deliver nationwide for a fee.

We do only doorstep deliveries within Lagos, no pick up.

Please note, delivery is not free. It attracts a fee. Waybill outside Lagos is not free, it attracts a fee.

Payment on delivery is allowed only within lagos but you are required to pay the delivery fee only which is 1000/1500/2000, depending on your location in Lagos.

Please, if you would like to pay on delivery, you are required to pay only the delivery fee first by transfer, then pay for the goods when it is delivere(cash only), Thank you

Food / Re: Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 12:00pm On Jul 31, 2018

f**k off bad belle. I don't have the time or patience to do 500naira business with broke asses like you, I just felt that if you thought the op was selling expensive,you could have ignored her for those that can afford it,or enter transport from and to mbaise to get it for 2 Kobo.instead of making her look bad and even advertising your phone number to steal her potential customers on her own thread.

she has every right to sell at her own cost.why am I even wasting my time on top another person's matter??
Abeg make I go finish wetin I dey sew jareh
Its obvious she is jobless or doesn't have a business. so because they sell it 150 in mbaise, I will spend money on waybill to Lagos and packaging, and still sell it at 150.


Food / Re: Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 12:29pm On Mar 22, 2018
Can someone who gives birth 3 wks ago take this? Will it work ?
yes ma. you should have started immediately but it will work nonetheless
Food / Re: Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 12:28pm On Mar 22, 2018
Hw does it flattens tummy and bring one back to pre-pregnancy shape ?
by drinking it
Religion / Re: Apostle Suleman Speaks On Stephanie Otobo’s Confession, Reveals How Wife Reacted by naughtyDiana: 6:30pm On Mar 18, 2018

stick to the topic.
naughty Diana
are u the class captain?
Events / Re: Kebbi Marries Off 100 Widows, Divorcees In Mass Wedding by naughtyDiana: 6:25pm On Mar 18, 2018
have you had a baby and can't just get that tummy back to pre pregnancy size? do you suffer bloating regularly? have people told you it is in your nature to be fat? to have fat stored in your mid section? do you have difficulties producing breast milk? Do you have irregular monthly cycle? are you generally over weight? then this centuries old traditional secret will help take care of your worries. do you have painful, irregular or scanty periods? then you need this wonderful herb called aju mbaise. its 3500 for a months package which includes 5wraps of aju mbaise, roots for treatment of mild infection, uhoikoro, our spice mix which contains uda, uziza and 2 other secret ingredients. reviews are pouring in. be a part of it. call or WhatsApp 08189176777. or check out my IG page @ajumbaise1

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Religion / Re: Apostle Suleman Speaks On Stephanie Otobo’s Confession, Reveals How Wife Reacted by naughtyDiana: 6:25pm On Mar 18, 2018
you had a baby and can't just get that tummy back to pre pregnancy size? do you suffer bloating regularly? have people told you it is in your nature to be fat? to have fat stored in your mid section? do you have difficulties producing breast milk? Do you have irregular monthly cycle? are you generally over weight? then this centuries old traditional secret will help take care of your worries. do you have painful, irregular or scanty periods? then you need this wonderful herb called aju mbaise. its 3500 for a months package which includes 5wraps of aju mbaise, roots for treatment of mild infection, uhoikoro, our spice mix which contains uda, uziza and 2 other secret ingredients. reviews are pouring in. be a part of it. call or WhatsApp 08189176777. or check out my IG page @ajumbaise1
Food / Re: Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 9:59am On Mar 18, 2018

Answer this biko
breast feeding women take it. Igbo women who just put to bed take this herbs and spices for 3 straight months!! from the first day after giving birth the uda helps to boost milk production too.
Food / Re: Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 9:52am On Mar 18, 2018
can we see pics dear? does lt affect fertility? ls lt safe for newborns? Heard so much bout lt n l'm curlous
it is a fertility booster. the aju is made with different herbs and some spices are also added.

Food / Re: Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 9:29am On Mar 18, 2018
Is dis real? Or just a mere talk
google aju mbaise ma'am. this herbs work and women who just put to bed take this herb to flatten their tummy and get rid of lochia.

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Food / Re: Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 9:26am On Mar 18, 2018
what do you mean 'last two days' hope you know what you are saying and that you are not here to make money out of people's ignorance and vulnerability. Nigerians and being opportunists.
a wrap of one Aju mbaise can be cooked twice or more. the wrap is quite big. please and please, I beg you in God's name, don't come and spoil my business for me. thank you. cos I know you don't know anything about this herb


Romance / Re: Man Looking For A Wife, Will Give Her Iphonex And Corolla Car (Photos) by naughtyDiana: 8:32pm On Mar 10, 2018

So must you call him stupid?
You lack manners.
I know that already, tell me something new
Romance / Re: Man Looking For A Wife, Will Give Her Iphonex And Corolla Car (Photos) by naughtyDiana: 6:31pm On Mar 10, 2018
Is this what our girls have been reduced to?
IphoneX and Corollas?
Don't be suprised, they will inbox.
What is wrong with we Nigerians?
you are stu,pid. your question should be what is wrong with Nigerian men. is it not a man that posted the rubbish? and u are talking about the girls u think will inbox him
Business / Re: 16 Reasons Why Many Businesses Fail And How To Avoid Them by naughtyDiana: 7:44am On Mar 10, 2018
have you had a baby and can't just get that tummy back to pre pregnancy size? do you suffer bloating regularly? have people told you it is in your nature to be fat? to have fat stored in your mid section? do you have difficulties producing breast milk? Do you have irregular monthly cycle? are you generally over weight? then this centuries old traditional secret will help take care of your worries. it is just #500 a wrap and that lasts 2days. call or WhatsApp. 08189176777 or follow on intagram @ajumbaise1
Food / Aju Mbaise For Flat Tummy by naughtyDiana: 7:56pm On Mar 09, 2018
have you had a baby and can't just get that tummy back to pre pregnancy size? do you suffer bloating regularly? have people told you it is in your nature to be fat? to have fat stored in your mid section? do you have difficulties producing breast milk?

Do you have irregular monthly cycle? do you have painful, scanty or painful periods. are you generally over weight? then this centuries old traditional secret will help take care of your worries.

Are you just a lady who is worries about her weight and tummy size and wants to lose weight?.
aju mbaise also helps to ease the symptoms of fibroid, does not cure it. it is very safe for nursing moms too.
if you suffer hormonal imbalance and are trying to conceive, you need this herb as well.

for weight loss, you need to cut down on carbs for it to work and also be consistent. results are visible from 2-3weeks of consistent use.

then try aju mbaise. it is just #4000 for one month package, that is 5 wraps at the rate of #800 a wrap and that lasts a month. I don't sell any thing less than 5wraps. call or WhatsApp. 08189176777 or follow on Instagram @chiomasherbalgarden.

pls, I had to edit this post, I am in Lagos. my business is mostly on Instagram and it is strictly an online business. that's why I sort of abandoned this post.
If you are in Lagos, I do not allow pick up, deliveries only and it is payment before delivery. please do not bother calling me if these terms do not favour you. don't waste your credit and don't waste my time. thank you.

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Health / Re: Speech Therapist In Owerri Needed For My Son by naughtyDiana: 11:25pm On Mar 06, 2018
Thanks a lot for the optimism. We need it. Moreso he hears commands and carries out instructions. He is a sweet kid. Just his speech is lacking
awwn wish I could give your boy a hug. Your boy will be okay. wish you guys were abroad where u could get the best
Career / Re: 8 Facts About Agbero (Garage Boys) In Lagos by naughtyDiana: 10:38am On Mar 06, 2018
Some of them are graduates and many of them also have access to top politicians
Romance / Re: If A Girl Is Sitting On Your Lap And You Get Hard How Do You React? by naughtyDiana: 12:08am On Mar 04, 2018
Lol op is just imagining the day a girl will get to sit on his thighs and he's thinking of possible reactions to give in case it happens. tarr gerraeay!

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Romance / Re: Nigerian Women Are Among The Most Unattractive Set Of Women In The World. by naughtyDiana: 11:49pm On Mar 03, 2018
op's biggest regret is that his father married his mother. ur papa no open eyes when im wan marry? why he go Marry ur mama? now u are here trying to blame the entire females of the black race for the misfortune ur parents brought upon you. its not our fault u are ugly, its not our fault ur sisters are ugly, its not our fault ur mum is ugly. go ask ur dad why he had to marry ur mum. ugly+ugly= a face like what the op has.

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Romance / Re: Free Your Mind And Pen Those Things That Bother You. by naughtyDiana: 10:39pm On Feb 18, 2018
I feel cheated when I hear of people dying in unfortunate accidents. I wish it would all just end but I don't have the courage to carry it out. I want a painless exit. I feel really bad knowing that my mom will cry when I do it.
oh my God, what's got u down so bad? trust me, when u hear the stories of others, you would fell bad for feeling this way. I've been down before too, considered suicide a few times too, but I got myself out of it by myself wit the help of God and no one else. let the thoughts of ur mum keep u strong. it will be fine dear.
Romance / Why Do Nairaland Guys Do This by naughtyDiana: 10:33pm On Feb 18, 2018
I've noticed something quite funny about the guys here. when a moniker with the "f" tag quotes a guy, even before he replies, he would view her profile. but they don't do same when a guy quotes them. it's quite amusing really.
Celebrities / Re: Caroline Danjuma: I Get Movie Roles Because Of My Brains And Not Beauty by naughtyDiana: 4:47pm On Feb 18, 2018
Very true!

Falling in-love with her father`s age-mate was the height of her brilliancy.
olodo, it's brilliance, not brilliancy.
Romance / Re: Masturbation: Good Or Bad? Nigerians React (Video) by naughtyDiana: 5:07pm On Feb 16, 2018

Yea but find one clean guy without those.... Like me now...
Pregnancy is not even on your list of worries, that is good, i see.. You have been a naughty girl right from time ba?
Lol, like u?

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Romance / Re: He Proposed During Their Photo Shoot And Her Reaction Is So Cute (pictures) by naughtyDiana: 12:02pm On Feb 16, 2018
awwww. the way she looked at him in the second pic like "what's this one doing". it's cute, at least babe would be happy the whole thing was photographed.


Romance / Re: Masturbation: Good Or Bad? Nigerians React (Video) by naughtyDiana: 9:44am On Feb 16, 2018

Self servicing to what end na, when the real deal is everywhere.
yes the real deal is everywhere, so also are diseases and infections.
Romance / Re: Masturbation: Good Or Bad? Nigerians React (Video) by naughtyDiana: 9:10am On Feb 16, 2018
Madam celibate!
yes, that is me
Romance / Re: Masturbation: Good Or Bad? Nigerians React (Video) by naughtyDiana: 11:32am On Feb 15, 2018

you are likely addicted. You see wanking as a substitute for sex. you are not wanking everyday because your libido is not too strong.

well....ur thoughts
Romance / Re: Masturbation: Good Or Bad? Nigerians React (Video) by naughtyDiana: 10:44am On Feb 15, 2018

You have a low libido I guess.
I have something called discipline

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