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Religion / Re: 2 Muslim Men Disrupt Church Service in edo state (video) by PaulIdu: 1:07pm On Jan 29, 2017
When is the DSS going to parade and charge both men to court

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Religion / Re: 2 Muslim Men Disrupt Church Service in edo state (video) by PaulIdu: 1:07pm On Jan 29, 2017

Please dont believe this guy, this is how the water down situation to keep gullible christians calm by saying they are not real Muslim ...The truth is that all muslims will from today see both men as heroes


Religion / Re: 2 Muslim Men Disrupt Church Service in edo state (video) by PaulIdu: 1:04pm On Jan 29, 2017
You see why why I support Trump .
Politics / Re: Why Want The President Dead? by PaulIdu: 12:58pm On Jan 29, 2017

Just as we "marked" your words when you said he would NEVER be president, right?

cheesy cheesy cheesy

I have never supported a candidate who didnt win and infact in 2015 I campaigned and voted Buhari sef because Jonathan messed up.... Even when yall stuck to your guns that Trump could never be president I told people like you to mark my words that Trump was the next POTUS... Believe me bro this is Buharis last tenure because heaven has turned against him period.


Travel / Re: Trump To Ban 2-Year Visa For Nigerians by PaulIdu: 12:51pm On Jan 29, 2017

So, there is terrorist-driven war in Iran currently?

Iran runs an open anti US diplomatic policy and you expect Trump to leave a group of people whose constitution teaches them to hate and pray for the downfall of America and Isreal.. Good call by Trump I must say

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Travel / Re: Trump To Ban 2-Year Visa For Nigerians by PaulIdu: 12:45pm On Jan 29, 2017
Why has Trump exempted Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain and Oman from his list of countries he's banning?

Only the wise can understand this.

Because terrorist driven civil wars are not being fought there currently .

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Travel / Re: Trump To Ban 2-Year Visa For Nigerians by PaulIdu: 12:44pm On Jan 29, 2017
Nigeria to ban Americans from visiting?

Bros your weed is mixed with Cocaine

No i said reciprocate the generous two years visas the US awards Nigerians by giving USA citizens two years visas instead of one...Did your read the article?

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Politics / Re: Why Want The President Dead? by PaulIdu: 12:41pm On Jan 29, 2017
Stop ranting and venting online. PMB will be president till 2023.

Your ranting online won't stop him as even your political leaders are already campaigning for him for 2019.

Eat the humble pie boy.

Mark my words this is his last tenure ,he will never ever be re elected with this kind of poor perfomance


Travel / Re: Trump To Ban 2-Year Visa For Nigerians by PaulIdu: 12:39pm On Jan 29, 2017
Muslims are in trouble everywhere

its about time they they start paying the price for being non tolerant

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Travel / Re: Trump To Ban 2-Year Visa For Nigerians by PaulIdu: 12:38pm On Jan 29, 2017
The ball is in Nigerias court, they should reciprocate the generous visa tenure the Americans give Nigerians.

55 Likes 4 Shares

Politics / Re: Why Want The President Dead? by PaulIdu: 12:34pm On Jan 29, 2017
A friend once relayed his childhood story to me, he said and I quoted
"My father happens to be a man with an iron fist, the best kind of parent every other man would want to be, no nonsense man as Nigerians would describe a typical hard parent, growing up wasn't easy at all as you don't get to be pampered at any point, for days that were full of smile under his roof means angels visited us and never left for the whole day, for everything you enjoy from him today you would pay double for when you mess up tomorrow. Though the truth still remains you mustn't spare the rod if you don't want to see the child spoiled but at some point it was getting too much, his iron fist wasn't getting everything right, at some point his actions which was supposed to build me was not only doing that, it also built hatred in me for this man, it got to a point that I unconsciously had the feeling that I was not going to be moved if he dies, Not that I was planning to kill him but sickness, accident, ignorance do take people's life at any point and for him not being a supernatural being, he can be a subject to any of these at any point in time. The fact was that I had a very strong feeling that I wasn't going to bulge, as nature would have it he got sick and was bed ridden for a while but later overcame the sickness and was back on his feet and one thing he said when he got home was that he knew that of all people who wished him well I wasn't among, he said I would have loved him better if he happens to be lying in a coffin, I was indifferent to that statement, did not give neither a positive or negative answer but he knew the answer. Since then things changed, though he still remained the man he his but I was able to love him"

The experience Nigerians are having with President Buhari's is not so different from the story i related above,a wise man once said that in order to know your loved ones, shut your two eyes and pretend to be dead. It was claimed that some of the presidents political oppositions are behind the false rumors which recently diffused all over the internet that he happens not to be a good state of health, this after a UK based website claimed that he had died in London. Taking political oppositions out, I think the presidency must have noticed the true reaction of Nigerians to the news, either way, the first thing they wanted to confirm was the reliability of the news, it seems the the masses felt no remorse, not even a pity and I think this should actually speak some senses into President Buhari and his other APC ringleaders, not that they wish him dead, but for the current reputation the APC administration has in the eyes of the masses, a part of them strongly feels that he won't be missed, at least he who is down needs no fear for fall, can the situation be more than what they currently experience?

PMB was actually the sheriff we invited to town, he was the best man for the job when we weighed candidates who demanded for our votes, fighting corruption was one of the watchword and Nigerians were well prepared to make sacrifices but not burden that we're currently made to shoulder. At first we accepted the fact that there won't be a change without sacrifices, we expected it to be sacrifices made in kind but not with lives.

The hardship has currently intensified to a point where party volunteers and supporters are being harassed on the streets on daily basis by people who already felt they've been let down and disappointed by the performance of the current administration, these volunteers happens not to be just party supporters but people who also babysit APC and made sure it became a ruling party in Nigeria, they currently have no option than to agree to the tune which currently sounds that APC is drastically falling below expectation and fast losing its threshold.

Senses needs to be impacted in APC as the tides needs to change.

keep fooling yourself . Fighting corruption yet he cleared his SGF ..Nobody wants Buhari out because of hardship , people want him out because he is vision less and has failed d
Foreign Affairs / Re: California Announces Plan To Secede From The USA by PaulIdu: 12:30pm On Jan 29, 2017
The left loves socialism, the right is for capitalism, and its that simple. No need for name calling. I've had to report sooo many posts this morning. Lol.

Why are you reporting people sef?
Foreign Affairs / Re: California Announces Plan To Secede From The USA by PaulIdu: 12:28pm On Jan 29, 2017
Exactly! It doesn't stop drugs from flooding into America. It's a waste of money and a waste of time. The money he would have used to do something better for America, he's using it to build a stupid wall that would be useless at the long run. The last time I checked, marijuana has been legalized in most of the states including California. California is not an American state, it's a Mexican state in USA, point of correction! so as los Angeles and co. Any state in the USA that sounds Mexican is a Mexican state, the population of Mexicans in that state is more than any other race. So Donald trump should compromise and not act like a lunatic.

You mean he should surrender his countrys borders to mexican human and drug trafficker? That not going to happen, Its very easy for mexican to get into the US legally but they problem is some want to get in undocumented and that has to stop. I hope you know it really not a concrete wall

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Foreign Affairs / Re: California Announces Plan To Secede From The USA by PaulIdu: 12:23pm On Jan 29, 2017
If one in three favour Calexit, it implies that two in three are not favourably disposed to it. As such, the proposal will be an exercise in futility.

definitely a Futile project like the election recount...Its just pained lowlives and satanist fighting back


Foreign Affairs / Re: California Announces Plan To Secede From The USA by PaulIdu: 12:22pm On Jan 29, 2017
My friend i'm suspecting you're gay...

They are many on Nairaland , just mention TRUMP and they all pop out with their sores grin grin grin

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Politics / Re: Man Slaps Taxi Driver Into Coma Over Buhari’s Death Rumour by PaulIdu: 12:17pm On Jan 29, 2017
If this news is anything to go by, I applaud that Hausa man for representing wella. Come to think If the man could have altered that statement in Delta state and ended up meeting himself in the hospital only God knows where he would be if he were to alter that in Kano

utter bro , utter


Politics / Re: Again, Power Drops Massively: Drop To 2000mw. by PaulIdu: 12:13am On Jan 17, 2017
Who did they give the 2kMW to? Abuja, no light for almost 48 hours

Lagos no light, Abuja no light, PH no light ....where is the 2000MWS


Politics / Re: Third Female Suicide Bomber Caught By Villagers, Shot Dead (photos) by PaulIdu: 5:40pm On Jan 16, 2017
i hope she wasnt shot in cold blood ? God punish those forcing these children to strap bombs
Politics / Re: Abuja: No Light! 30hours And Counting by PaulIdu: 4:51pm On Jan 16, 2017
no light in my place for 2 days now


NYSC / Re: 74-Year-Old Grandma Rocks NYSC Outfit (Photo) by PaulIdu: 9:49pm On Jan 10, 2017


Crime / Re: Soldiers In Adamawa Torture "Phone Thief" To Death (Graphic Pics) by PaulIdu: 3:02pm On Dec 08, 2016
The military high command if they have any integrity left have to look into this and make sure those killers are brought to justice ..The life of any Nigerian is far more important than any phone ever made jare.. I am pissed


Foreign Affairs / Re: Donald Trump Wins 2016 Time Person Of The Year by PaulIdu: 3:00pm On Dec 07, 2016
so it has a direct link with Trump? That's how Buhari came in that time, there was lite, lk for three straight days, the say it was the Buhari's factor. Where is the Buhari's factor at, now? Let's chill and wait for 8 months after Jan 20th 2017, and then we talk about quality again

Unlike Buhari this all has direct link with Trump.. The Syrian war was being stoked by Pro Hillary elements and her loss means the program has to wind down so all the terrorist she amassed in Syria have to start leaving as Trump wont be funding them again..Trump personally went to carrier last week to appeal to the not to shut down their factories in the US and the agreed there by saving 1200 jobs and just yesterday Softbank of Japan said it will be investing 50 billions dollars in the US and creating over 40000 jobs because they have faith in Trump.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Donald Trump Wins 2016 Time Person Of The Year by PaulIdu: 2:42pm On Dec 07, 2016
Popularity is not a direct equivalent of quality.

He has not been sworn in yet but the War in Syria is almost over, over 1200 jobs saved already by Carrier and a 50 billion dollar investment from soft bank yet you think he is not quality

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Foreign Affairs / Re: BREAKING: Aleppo’s Old City Now Fully Liberated By Syrian Army by PaulIdu: 2:28pm On Dec 07, 2016
is it a coincidence that Allepo has finally been liberated from armed terrorist weeks after Hillary lost ? Its not at all

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Donald Trump Wins 2016 Time Person Of The Year by PaulIdu: 2:17pm On Dec 07, 2016
Foreign Affairs / Donald Trump Wins 2016 Time Person Of The Year by PaulIdu: 2:16pm On Dec 07, 2016
Donald Trump has been named the 2016 Time magazine person of the year.

The announcement was made on Time's website and NBC’s Today show on Wednesday morning.

The award is decided by Time’s editors and goes to the person or group who have had a major influence on the news for better or worse.

TIME 2016 Person of the Year Shortlist
show all
The President-elect, who was placed third last year, said receiving the title was a "great honour".

In an article explaining the decision, editor Nancy Gibbs said the real estate mogul has been given the title "for reminding America that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it, for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears and for framing tomorrow's political culture by demolishing yesterday's".


Nairaland / General / Re: Danfo Driver Brings Out His Joystick In The Presence Of Passengers (Pic) by PaulIdu: 1:35pm On Dec 07, 2016
And she still trusted this kind a character with a very poor judgment and attitude to drive her around
Celebrities / Re: Linda Ikeji Buys A 2016 Range Rover Autobiography (photos) by PaulIdu: 10:42pm On Dec 06, 2016
That is the price don't kill yourself

Did you read what i wrote at all


Celebrities / Re: Linda Ikeji Buys A 2016 Range Rover Autobiography (photos) by PaulIdu: 10:27pm On Dec 06, 2016
Only stupid people would believe that this Range Rover is 199,000 dollars

even some super cars dont cost that much, but thats the starting price for a 2016 autobiography.
Celebrities / Re: Linda Ikeji Buys A 2016 Range Rover Autobiography (photos) by PaulIdu: 10:23pm On Dec 06, 2016
This Linda dey vex sha
Culture / Re: Oba Obateru Akinruntan's Rolls Royce (Photos) by PaulIdu: 1:55pm On Dec 06, 2016
Wat else does he do for a living outside being a 4th class oba?

Chairman and Founder of Obat oil and exploration

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