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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Batn (management Trainee) Interview by perusky(m): 11:11am On Oct 26, 2009
@ Flysh,

U av one more interview and An assessment centre(which is a whole day event). both of them will be organised by BATN @ their idowu taylor office on different days. Note, ur being successful @ d interview is wat qwualifies u 4 d Assessment Centre.

Upon your being successful @ d assessment centre, u will then meet with the head of your dept. which is another interview in itself. although, dis tym around only ur medical report can drop u.

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Batn (management Trainee) Interview by perusky(m): 6:27pm On Oct 24, 2009
@ lucillia90
you are wellcome!
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Batn (management Trainee) Interview by perusky(m): 5:19pm On Oct 23, 2009
[Thanks persuky
but what credible answer can be given for wanting to work with BATNquote][quote][/quote]

told dem BATN is a multinational company with a good corporate govenance. moreover, over the years, they contribute more in corporate social responsibility than any company in d world.

furthermore, as to its product being inimical to health I strongly believe that pple who smoke r those who av choosen to smoke and as such are enlightened enuf as to its consequences. moreover, when i was in d university, my former school priest do smoke and he told us it was an habit he formed while tryin to combat cold in republic of ireland whr he came from. from this we can c dat smokin does av sum benefits e.g. help fight cold.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Share Your Bat Interview Experience by perusky(m): 4:03pm On Oct 23, 2009
got to d final stage last year.

I tink wen u will need INFO is by d time u r scheduled 4 the ASSessment Centre. this is after ur first interview wit BATN themselve (nt d one wit Adecco).

d interview wit Adecco is just a screening exercise and u dnt nd any special skill or 411 to scale tru.

please be guided.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Batn (management Trainee) Interview by perusky(m): 3:56pm On Oct 23, 2009
Adecco handled d first screenin interview last year. They will request 4 copies of ur credentials having sighted d originals. They will also access u based on your appearance and will want to knw y u wld like to work in BATN, knowing fully well dat its products are inimical to health.

The interview wuldn't tk more than 5-10 mins and successfull applicant will be schedule 4 the first interview wit BATN.

i tink whr u will need some INFO will be wen u r invited 4 d assessment centre. And dat is after d first interview with BATN team @ their office on idowu taylor.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: BAT Management Trainee Test by perusky(m): 12:45pm On Oct 16, 2009
got to d Final stage of their recruitment last year.

then, the test was organised by people Temp (44 Isaac John, GRA-Ikeja).

and it was numeric reasoning & Verbal reasoning and was computer based.

However, before the test, we first had a pre-interview session @ one recruiting agency company on the island. It was the successful candidates from the pre-interview that sat for the computer based test am talking about.

after the computer test was an Assessment Centre and finally a meeting with the head of the unit you applied for.

After everything, only 15 persons were selected.

Romance / Re: A Solution Against Girls Playing ''hard To Get'' by perusky(m): 10:42am On Oct 09, 2009
[To make the story short, if you are a guy chyking any girl and she doesn't reciprocate after you have shown some seriousness , quickly end the episode and forget about the girl. Theres this girl that told me how she regretted losing a guy she admired so much while playing hard to get, after the guy has shown up consistently. I guess shes learnt her lesson to limit the shakara time. Guys should stop wasting too much time on girls.

Secondly, some guys are fond of chasing after women just for the fun of it even when the already have a girl. Girls have been spoilt by frequent wooing from guys, therefore they can easily reject a guy and hope that a better dude will appear tomorrow. Guys should stop giving girls too much attention which makes their head swell so much and compels them to be insulting at times. When a girl has stayed for 1 year and no guy has come around, she will have a rethink.

This idea is definitely difficult for guys to put in practice. But the hidden truth is, when the attention of guys towards the girls decreases, there will be a subsequent increase in attention and curiosity of girls towards guys. Newton said to every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. It doesn't apply to physics alone, romance is also included. GIRLS BELIEVE THE ARE NOT CHEAP, LET US SHOW THEM THAT GUYS ARE NOT CHEAP TOO.

One more reason why the girls maintain the ''am not cheap status'' is due to the fact that we guys always scrutinize the girls to classify who is cheap and who is not cheap. Since the girls are aware of this, the will always make sure guys don't call them cheap. A remedy to this is for guys to remove the word ''cheap'' from our vocabulary and see every girl as responsible and worthy.quote][quote][/quote]

My Brova! dis your theory is a helluva kind.

European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Liverpool F.C Fans Zone - the Mighty Reds ! by perusky(m): 8:47am On Aug 26, 2009
As we walk through the valley of the shadow of defeat,

May d last defeat be d very last one we will suffer @ anfield.

May we bounce back and put up a strong premier league challenge against d forces of devils, blues and canons.

knowin it's well over 19 years since we last lifted d premier league title, may this season be our season of triumph and celebration.

Let all faithfuls say AMEN!
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Prayers 4 Reds: Never Walk Alone by perusky(m): 2:03pm On Aug 25, 2009
As we walk through the valley of the shadow of defeat,

May d last defeat be d very last one we will suffer @ anfield.

May we bounce back and put up a strong premier league challenge against d forces of devils, blues and canons.

knowin it's well over 19 years since we last lifted d premier league title, may this season be our season of triumph and celebration.
Romance / Re: How Do U Fix This? by perusky(m): 5:04pm On Aug 24, 2009
bf is an idiot, you shld have politely asked the senior to leave and make it clear you're both out on a private date.

BF is a casa. or is it a playboy? and GF must b dumb.

above all, it's a dumb tale not by moonlight but by internet.
Romance / Re: My Girl Want Marriage But I Am Under Dilenma Cos Of Some Reasons by perusky(m): 4:49pm On Aug 24, 2009
i am just a young ibo guy hoping to mary in the next 3 years just started work in a bank for close to 1 yr and i met this girl in former street before getting my apartment just at the verge of my getting a job and since then she just got hooked to me . i dont know what do, her good side----1. she is pretty to my test 2. she is humble and respects me. 2. for sure she really loves me. 4. she is not lazy. 5. she is soft spoken and not materialistic.6. she is sexy and sexually o.k .7. she sounds intelligent.               then the bad sides-------1.  she is a youba girl .2. she is just a jambite. 3.  she has no idea on ibo food preparation. 4 her familly attends celestial church. 5. she  is the first daughter meaning more  responsibility.
a beg make una help me. i dey confused .

U r truly a babe. Please grow-up in your reasoning faculty.

May God forgive U cry. Amen
Romance / Re: My Girl Want Marriage But I Am Under Dilenma Cos Of Some Reasons by perusky(m): 4:40pm On Aug 24, 2009
Oga! but u knw almost all of dis b4 gettin involved. Wat kind of advice r u den seekin? Chief, abeg advice ursef and please embrace the one Nigeria campaigne. Okay!
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Legwork, A New Haven 4 Nairalanders by perusky(m): 8:26am On Sep 27, 2007
Hullo everybody!
the site again is www.legwork.com.ng. looking forward to meeting fellow nairalanders there.
One love.
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Legwork, A New Haven 4 Nairalanders by perusky(m): 7:59pm On Sep 26, 2007
Hi Nairalanders,
would lyk 2 know nairalanders and nairalanderess on www.legwork.com.ng.
If u r not there yet believe me u it's a forum to belong.
One Love,
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Pwc Calling Yet? by perusky(m): 7:19pm On May 14, 2007
I received a call 4rm pwc 2day, inviting me 4 an interview on d 22nd of dis month.
pls does anyone know wat i shuld xpect? 08059080230 or perusky2002@yahoo.co.uk
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Celtel Recruitment Call Today(urgent) by perusky(m): 4:41pm On Feb 04, 2007
I also received d call and was asked to come for the test 2morrow.
Time :12:00pm
Venue: 360 nne bisi road, Asaba
Test: Competency test
PLs, as anyone written d test b4 ? what am i 2 xpect?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Shell Aptitude Test For Information Technology Trainee.(urgent) by perusky(m): 7:08pm On Jan 19, 2007
Hi nairalanders I'm please 2 inform u dat shell has been using Excellence Hotels Ogba Ikeja as their test venue 4 Sometime now. So be rest assured dat the invitation u received is real and not a scam.
Just prepare urself reading ur GMAT. Pls when is the test coming up?
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Need An Ordinary Girl by perusky(m): 9:54am On Jan 12, 2007
She must be goodly and Godly. Chocolatey in complexion and a career lady. Also, she must not be more than 20 years old.
Interested nairalanderess shold contact perusky2002@yahoo.co.uk
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Jauary 5th Testimony Remains In Jesus Name,amen by perusky(m): 2:35pm On Jan 08, 2007
[color=#770077][/color]I'd read ur prophecy and I receivedit with faith believing God 4 d miraculous and just on the 5th of january I received two mouth watering offer of employment. Please nairalanders magnify the lord with me and let's praise is name 2gether!
Jobs/Vacancies / Ecobank Interview by perusky(m): 10:41am On Dec 28, 2006
Hullo Nairalanders! Does anyone in the house know ow long it will take ecobank 2 invite successful candidates 4 interview? and wat is one 2 expect @ d interview?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Flatmate Needed by perusky(m): 8:11pm On Dec 12, 2006
I'm in dire need of a flat as well but i'm sceptical as 2 if i'll b able 2 put up wit sum1 i know not.
Jobs/Vacancies / Urgent! International Graduate Programme by perusky(m): 7:00pm On Dec 01, 2006
[color=#990000][/color]Standard Chartered Bank
Leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Standard Chartered Bank is one of the world’s most international banks and a leading organisation in growing and vibrant economies. We employ over 50,000 people, representing 90 nationalities, across its network, operating in over 1,200 locations in more than 56 countries in the Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the United Kingdom and the Americas.
Our International Graduate opportunities are available in Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Zambia.
When making your application to the International Graduate Programme we ask you to select a first and second preference of the business or function you wish to work in. It can be a difficult decision choosing where to start your career and we encourage you to take time to think through your interests, aspirations, and the areas that really make you tick.
International Graduate opportunities are available in the following areas: § Wholesale Banking ,Consumer Banking ,Group Technology and Operation,Finance, Risk Corporate Affairs,Legal ,Compliance, Human Resources. We strive to ensure our International Graduates have a progressive development plan to nurture their skills and talents and progress in their chosen area. From day one you will be plunged into an intensive two-year programme that includes job rotations, ongoing performance coaching, residential workshops and host of support services such as master classes and e-learning. You can learn more about our International Graduate Programme by visiting our website. Interested candidates are required to apply online at www.standardcharter ed.com/graduates.
Jobs/Vacancies / Latest Job Opennings! by perusky(m): 6:53pm On Nov 14, 2006
Hi Guys,

Verity Contact Centre [VCC] is looking for an experienced systems
administrator who can install and manage our LAN. We are also
looking for the same person to manage the PBX so any experience of
Avaya would be an advantage.

VCC is a start-up business so the right candidate would be expected
to roll their sleeves up and get stuck in therefore a can do
attitude is more important than paper qualifications.

Our offices are in Victoria Island and we are nice bunch of people
not to mention as much free coca cola as you can handle, so if your
CV matches or you know someone that does then please ask them to
send it to jobs@veritycontactc entre.com with the title 'Systems
Admin Vacancy [LAN & PBX]


Good Day all please I need resume for the folliwing

1. Leaning database adminstrators
Not more than 35 years of age, with B.sc in Computer
science, or other related disipline, 3 years work
experience in data adminstration in a reputable
organization. and he or she must be willing to work at
bonny island.

2.Fire technicians
Not more than 35 years of age, with HND or ONDin
Engineering or Physicial science with 3 year of
mechanical maintenance experience and maintenance of
fire fighting equipments, or other related disipline,
and a valid drivers licence and driving experience,
and he or she must be willing to work at bonny island.

Please forward all application to the below e-mial.
tinyan77@yahoo. co.uk
Jobs/Vacancies / New Job Opportunity by perusky(m): 2:40pm On Nov 11, 2006
Good day all,

There are vacancies for the following positions. Just in case if you know very good people who might be interested…

1. Repatriates (experience in banking is a major advantage
2. Personnel Manager ;1, minimum of 8years experience Salary range (Negotiable)
3. Personnel Manager; 2, Minimum of 4years experience as an HR person.
4. Workshop Manager for an automobile company; Minimum 0f 12years exp. City & Guilds certification is required must be willing to relocate,
5. Electrical Engineer (Project engineer) 5year exp. AUTOCAD, Installation of generators, Contracting experience
6. Program Analyst for an NGO

Email CV to exceedjobs@yahoo. com.within two weeks of this notice.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Urgent: Pss Limited by perusky(m): 6:20pm On Nov 08, 2006
the fact dat dey ask u 2 bring sum doe as processing fee means dey r unarmed robbers . Bros i'll advice u look elsewhere 4 job.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Processing Fee (green House Consulting) by perusky(m): 7:00pm On Sep 22, 2006
I can asure u dat Greenhouse is one of d fraudsters out there so I'll advice u ignore their call. or beta still maybe we should take their case 2 EFCC
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Chevron Test by perusky(m): 6:53pm On Sep 22, 2006
U 2 harsh ooooooooo. If u no get reply 2 d poor boy ? y not kukuma keep ya cool lipsrsealed.
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Venicea Seeks Nairaland Companion by perusky(m): 10:11am On Sep 20, 2006
grin d devil is a liar. abi no be so grin
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Nnpc Fresh Test by perusky(m): 9:04am On Sep 19, 2006
Thanx 4 d Info and I will like to know more abt wat 2 xpect in the test should I be Invited.
Cheers Bro!
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Ladies In Here Answer My Help by perusky(m): 9:39pm On Sep 01, 2006
kiki, if imay ask which one do u prefer?

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