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Business To Business / Re: PALM OIL BUSINESS( Productions, Sales and Storage) by SwitBEsther: 7:31pm On Oct 11, 2023
I have sent you a mail

Fresh oil is N25,500

Waybill 2k

Empty keg 2500 or you can waybill your kegs down to me

kindly send me a mail, I'll reply with my contact,


Business To Business / Re: PALM OIL BUSINESS( Productions, Sales and Storage) by SwitBEsther: 1:55pm On Oct 11, 2023
Fresh Palm oil, grade A -24k
Grade B -22k

Available in Akwa Ibom

Nationalwide delivery.

Hi Peace i need your contact.

How much is to Lagos
Agriculture / Re: Grains Price Update From Northern State by SwitBEsther: 10:19pm On Mar 23, 2023
Prices Update From Kano Market (13th Mar 2023)

1. Original oloyin 40k
2. Honey beans 45k
3. Drum beans 40k
4. Olotu beans 40k
5. Milk beans 42k
6. Iron beans 42k
7. Potasco beans 41k
8. Small potasco 42k
9. Iron Brown 48k
25 to 26 painters

1. Dry split 40kg(clean)33k
2. Dry 40kg(unclean) 32k
2. Fresh 50kg 14k

Perishable goods
1. Onions jumbo (small size) 14k
2. Onions jumbo (big size) 15k
3. Dry pepper. 25k

Other grains;
1. Groundnut Kampala 72k
2. Groundnut Ogoja 75k
2. Sesame clean 1250/kg
3. Maize 23k
4. Soya beans 32k
5. Guinea corn yellow 23k
6. Guinea corn white 23k
7. Guinea corn red 28k
8. Millet 28k
9. Date (dabino) 80k/100kg
10. PICS bag for storage 1k
All 25 to 26 painters

Where are you located and what's your contact
Business To Business / Re: PALM OIL BUSINESS( Productions, Sales and Storage) by SwitBEsther: 8:01am On Mar 18, 2023

Keg 2500
Waybill 2500
Oil content 19k
Total 24k

How can i get your contact
Business To Business / Re: PALM OIL BUSINESS( Productions, Sales and Storage) by SwitBEsther: 10:06pm On Mar 17, 2023
Freshly milled palmoil available in Akwa Ibom.
15k cash payment
19k transfer transaction.


How much to Lagos with Keg
Business To Business / Re: PALM OIL BUSINESS( Productions, Sales and Storage) by SwitBEsther: 12:24pm On Feb 18, 2023

Please Patronise my sister o
I took the risk and reached out to her from here and I have not regretted. She is super amazing. Not only did I see her in person when I traveled Down to Uyo in December, she attended my dad's burial!! Super coincidence is the fact that she lives right inside where my dad is from. Save to say that I feel at home with her. Mbok patronise her, I can vouch for her kiss

What's the current price of red oil and how much is transporting to Lagos


Business To Business / Re: PALM OIL BUSINESS( Productions, Sales and Storage) by SwitBEsther: 12:22pm On Feb 18, 2023
oh madam Esthy, I greet you.

You can send a whastapp message or email. I am in Europe for a business trip. Would be back to Nigeria on 22nd

Please your number.
I have sent you messages and no response.I don't if its the correct line.

I need your email likewise

Business To Business / Re: PALM OIL BUSINESS( Productions, Sales and Storage) by SwitBEsther: 2:31pm On Feb 15, 2023
LOL! It will stay even longer. People have called me names, I've had several court cases, I've been tagged fraudster and all what not. I don answer names but look God has been faithful. We've gone global and it's just the beginning.

I hope this motivates someone here, start small and be diligent.

God bless our hustles

How can i get your contact
I once bought oil from you in Kaduna
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 12:46pm On Jul 30, 2021
Often times poultry farmers or individuals who intend to go into Organic poultry farming have little or No knowledge on how to start.

Organic poultry farming is the use of various herbs for rearing of Birds.

These herbs can be easily gotten around our environment.

Join me in a One Day Free training on Organic poultry farming.(Broiler Production)

* Introduction to Organic poultry farming

* Organic supplements as multivitamins and calcium

*Benefits and uses of Herbs in Organic poultry farming

*Learn about the different strain of birds by different Hatcheries

How to treat have using herbs

Call/WhatsApp: 08088881660

Click on this link to secure your space.Limited slot available


Send DM by clicking this link

Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 9:27pm On Jun 29, 2021

Every farmer desires 100 per cent survival of chicks once he or she has bought and put them in a brooding house. Losses will, however, almost always occur especially during the first two weeks of life.
A mortality of 1-5 per cent may be considered normal, but anything above 5 per cent is abnormal and requires immediate intervention to stop further losses. Indeed some of the causes can actually wipe out the entire flock.

*Some of the common causes of mortality in brooding chicks include*:

1. *Genetic Factors*
There are many lethal gene mutations in birds, most of which cause death during the incubation period. A few, such as congenital loco and congenital tremors will cause death of chicks within a week of hatching.
To prevent this, farmers are advised to purchase day old chicks from reputable firms who select against such genes.

2. *Management Factors*
The most common errors that famers commit include:

a) High brooding temperatures:
These result into two major problems, namely,
(i) Dehydration: The body of young chicks comprises of about 70 per cent water. If temperatures remain continuously high, it results in loss of water from the body leading to dehydration. A water loss of about 10 per cent will cause death due to circulatory failure.
(ii) Pasting: This is when high temperature in the brooder house causes pasting or sticking of faeces around the vent leading to blockage and ultimately death of chicks.

b) Low brooding temperature.
There are two major mechanism through which low temperature kill chick. These are:
(i) *Pneumonia* - Low brooding temperature cause chilling and pneumonia which kills chicks in high numbers.
(ii) *Smothering* - Low brooding temperature makes the chicks to huddle together to keep warm and maintain body temperature. This further leads to smothering (covering their nose and mouth so that they suffocate) and death.

To prevent the effects of temperatures, a farmer should adjust the brooding room temperature 24 hours before putting the chicks in the brooding room and during the brooding period.
A farmer should also try to maintain the normal recommended temperature throughout the brooding period and evenly in the brooding areas.

3. *Feed related factors include*
Feed poisoning such as fungal (mould) contamination or feed contaminated by toxic substances especially tannin found in saw dust and excess salt in water as well as toxic gases (Ammonia, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide) can lead to death of chicks.
This should be avoided through use of proper feeding and use of clean water as well as proper litter management with regular mixing and removal to avoid accumulation of toxic gases in the brooder room.
Adequate ventilation in the house is also very important.

4. *Diseases*
Newly hatched chicks do not have a high immunity level. If hygiene is therefore, not maintained, a number of diseases responsible for early chick mortality will thrive.
Among the most prevalent of these diseases are:-

a) *Omphalitis*
Also referred to as ‘mushy chick disease’ or ‘navel ill’, this is an infection of the navel characterised by inflamed skin in the navel area, soft, flabby and distended abdomen, pasting of the vent and foul smell on the carcass on opening due to unabsorbed yolk. Affected chicks appear depressed with drooping heads.
This is a bacterial disease and can spread very fast becoming responsible for high losses in the flock of chicks.

b) *Pullorum*
This is an acute infectious and fatal bacterial disease of chicks characterised by ruffled feathers, white diarrhea, laboured breathing, chirping and death. It is also common to find dead chicks without showing any signs of disease.

c) *Salmonellosis*
This is a condition referring to a group of acute rapidly spreading diseases affecting all ages. It is characterised by rise in body temperature, septicemia (presence of infectious organisms in blood), omphalitis, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), enlargement of spleen and death.
When it affects young chicks, it can be responsible for a very high death rate in the brooder room.

d) *Colibacillosis*
This is a serious and acute bacterial disease affecting the blood system and can affect all ages of chicken with high prevalence and mortalities in newly hatched chicks.

*Strict bio-security*, or hygiene is the one major method of preventing the above diseases. The houses, water and feed equipment and the entire surrounding of the brooder room must be kept clean and free from all contamination.

5. *Other factors to be considered are*:
a) Floor, water and feeder space must be adequate to avoid overcrowding, starvation and dampness of the litter which facilitates multiplication of pathogenic micro-organisms and further deaths.

b) Proper handling of chicks during vaccination and other procedures to avoid injuries which predispose chicks to contamination and subsequent infections.

c) Maintaining proper humidity to avoid dampness in the brooder room. Dampness facilitates accumulation of toxic gases and growth of infectious micro-organisms.

d) Construction of brooder houses should also be proper to keep away predators such as rats, dogs and cats.

e) Proper ventilation is necessary to regulate temperature and remove carbon dioxide, ammonia, other gases, moisture, dust and odour. Fresh air should be introduced uniformly, mixed well with house air, and circulated properly throughout the brooder house.

f) Light is an important factor during brooding because chick activity is greater in bright light intensity than in low light intensity. During brooding the light should be at the brightest intensity to encourage chick activity assisting them to locate feed and water. Once they learn where feed and water are located (around 7 to 10 days of age), the light intensity and duration can and should be reduced.

Thanks and have a successful brooding.

Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 11:57am On Jun 24, 2021

I do advice all poultry farmers to plant at least three stems of Aloe vera plant because of it's benefits to poultry animals and human beings as well. Today I'll only share with you the importance of this herb to poultry.

√ Aloe vera is a great nature antibiotic. Sometimes you may spot some wounds or scratches on your birds. You don't have to purchase drugs from the agrovet � because Aloe vera will relieve you the stress. Simply cut a leaf and squeeze the juice directly to the wound that your birds get.

√ Aloe vera is a great source of vitamins, and also contains minerals and enzymes which boosts the immune system of your birds.

√ Aloe vera treats coccidioidomycosis (coccidiosis), Marek's disease and Newcastle disease in birds. It's also a herbal medicine which serves as a deworming drug.
All you need to do is to squeeze the juice in their drinking water and let them consume it in their drinkers. Do this at least twice every month and you will be amazed how active and healthy your birds will be!!!

Follow us on Instagram for more updates


Agriculture / Re: Nairaland Farmers Contact Details by SwitBEsther: 8:57am On Apr 16, 2021
Great farmers

Organically Broiler chickens available
We delivery nationwide.click on the link below for further enquiries


You also follow our Instagram page for more updates

Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 8:52am On Apr 16, 2021
Greats farmers and potential farmers,may we all succeed at our endeavours.

Happy Friday �
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 8:51am On Apr 16, 2021
We are taking orders for our organically raised chicken.
Send us a DM by clicking the link below

Agriculture / Re: Buy Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks And Spices by SwitBEsther: 8:48am On Apr 16, 2021
Hello followers,
Sorry if you have communicated to me without response.Kindly send me a DM through this link


Also you can reach on Instagram page

Send DM.
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 10:58am On Apr 14, 2021

Due to the Hot season we are currently in, heat stress affects birds and often leads to high mortality if not properly managed

Heat stress occurs when the bird’s core body temperature increases to fatal temperatures because of poor heat loss and limited coping means. This can result in panting, increased water intake and eventually death.


Providing ventilation
Increasing ventilation to remove heat from the birds should be your first priority. You can also provide artificial means of airflow such as the use of Fans(cooling fans) or AC

Most often, birds are hungriest in the morning and will tend to fill up. This will make them more prone to heat stress in the afternoon. Withdrawing feed birds six hours before peak warm temperatures in the afternoon can lower the risk of heat stress.

You can reintroduce the feed after peak temperatures have started to decline. Birds can then feed during night time hours when we expect cooler temperatures to occur. Have the feeders full when lowering the feedline. You can use lighting during nighttime (midnight) feeding to allow intake.

Managing water
During heat stress, birds will increase their water intake by 2 to 4 times their normal intake. Sufficient water space, operating waterers and cool water temperatures will encourage the birds to drink. You can serve birds with chilled water in order to reduce heat stress

Using electrolytes
Heat stress causes increased loss of several minerals including potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc.You can add electrolytes to your flock’s drinking water for up to three days.

Supplementing vitamins
Supplementing drinking water with vitamins (A, D, E and B complex) can be effective at tackling heat stress mortality in broilers.

We have a video on our instagram page on the Natural supplement used for our Birds

Feel free to add more Tips for managing Heat stress

Kindly like and follow us on instagram

You can also send us messages through this link below
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 9:09pm On Apr 07, 2021
We have varieties of spice and herbs such as:
Black pepper
and lots more �����������������

We sell wholesale and retail.
Nationwide delivery available �

Inorder to reach us,Kindly click on this link below.Thanks


We are also available on Instagram


Agriculture / Re: Looking For A Shea Butter Supplier by SwitBEsther: 7:54pm On Jan 20, 2021
I sell sheanut and sheabutter in large quantity,I can give you Great A,B and C sheabutter depend on ur wish at cheaper price.1k per kilo,I live in Niger state where sheabutter is produced in large quantity and sending it to Lagos is not a problem at all.call/WhatsApp me 08032777272

@shariff84 how much per kilo and do you have idea of how many kg is in small paint rubber.
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 9:51pm On Jan 01, 2021
Happy New Year fans and followers �
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 7:55pm On Dec 12, 2020
Christmas chicken sales�����

Our Organically raised chickens are available for sale.
Location: Kaduna

Send us DM

Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 6:56pm On Dec 01, 2020
Dear poultry farmers,

How much is the price of feed in your location.

The chicken feed is sky rocking is really alarming.
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 6:55pm On Dec 01, 2020
Happy New month everyone. Best wishes
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 9:19am On Nov 09, 2020
Graduation Day ��

We changed our birds feeders inorder to to minimise constant pooing in their feed.

Our birds are Naturally raised with herbs �
❌No synthetic drugs
❌No growth hormones

Our services
❇️Sales of dressed chicken
❇️Sales of Organic supplements and and premix herbs for feeds
❇️Training on Organic Poultry farming

Call/WhatsApp: 08036155001

Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 5:43pm On Nov 08, 2020

The three golden rules for best broiler house management are:


Let me show you the importance of using your sense of smell in broiler management. Simply taking a deep breath inside a broiler house can tell an experienced farmer whether or not the house’s environment is comfortable for the chickens inside.

I suggest broiler farmers to carry out the above exercise as often as possible to check the air the chickens are breathing is of the ‘right quality’.

Is there enough air in the broiler house❓

“If, when you take a deep breath of air in a broiler house, you feel that your body *isn’t getting enough oxygen*, then you can be sure that your broilers aren’t getting enough oxygen either.
This feeling – that breathing is a little tough – is usually a sign of a poor flow of fresh air in the broiler house, this explains the recurrent cough and flu in your birds!

The necessary adjustments to the equipment that controls airflow in and out of the house need to be made immediately . Farmers should not panic and over correct, opening up the house too much so that broilers get cold. A little opening of the tarplins is okay, for a specified period of time��

Airflow adjustments should be gradual, but frequent, until you’re satisfied that the birds are getting enough oxygen again.

Stand warned! if airflow through a broiler house remains a problem even when ventilation equipment, such as curtains, louvres and fans, have been adjusted, it could be that there are obstructions to airflow inside and/or immediately surrounding the house.
The latter could be shrubs or trees, for example, and must be removed or pruned.

A build-up of ammonia gas is a common problem where there is a lack of good broiler management. Excessive ammonia in a broiler house can be easily identified. A deep breath will result in a burning sensation in the lungs, throat, nose and eyes.
Ammonia build-up is caused when water from leaks in the roof and pipes, and spillage from drinking equipment, mixes with the broilers’ bodily wastes in the litter covering the floor.
A broiler farmer must immediately remove wet litter and replace it with clean, dry material. The cause of the wet litter must be identified and fixed.

A simple problem could be that the water level in the drinkers is too high. This leads to spillage and wet litter. Ammonia in a broiler house is strongest at floor level, where the broilers are.
Left unmanaged, the gas will cause serious respiratory and other health problems in birds, and money will be lost in treatment, through underperforming broilers and mortalities.
The mixture of wet litter and ammonia can burn the breast area of a chicken because it lies on the litter when resting. This could mean the downgrading or condemnation of meat at the abattoir, and could result in action taken against inhumane conditions.

Listen to your birds when you enter the house! If they are making a wheezing sound when breathing mostly in the night, it's a clear sign of respiratory distress caused by bad smell in the poultry house.

Look! Do you see any birds with swollen abdomen? Which feels like full of air if touched? it can be caused by poor air quality in the house!

Look! Have you seen any mucus of their nostrils or mucus in their mouth? Still, ammonia is the problem.
Please, eliminate ammonia from broiler houses.
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 11:46am On Sep 01, 2020
Join our free one day Introductory Organic Poultry Farming

Click on the link below(Serious Minded)

Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 8:33pm On Aug 25, 2020
Dear Poultry farmers,how is business going. This DOC price hike is not funny.

May God continue to bless our hussle
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 8:31pm On Aug 25, 2020

You can actually produce Apple cider vinegar at home with ease.
Our Örganic poultry farming training loading......

Don't miss this Opportunity

Kindly follow us on our Instagram page

Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 8:06pm On Jul 22, 2020
I'm quite meticulous about what I ingest into my system and this made me inquisitive about other methods available for poultry farming and other health lifestyle.I have seen how some poultry farmer bombard birds with antibiotics in bid to save their investment,though you can't blame them�

Poultry farming wasn't quite strange to me while growing up because my mum raised some birds at home.

I delve into Organic poultry farming 2018 and still enjoying raising birds Naturally. I read so many articles on organic poultry farming on the Net,Kai I spent so much on data �� but certainly paid off .Also I did several paid trainings on organic poultry farming.

I took the bull by the horn and I started. It's been an awesome experience no regrets. Hmm, I have had ups and downs moments anyways

To be contd

Follow my Business page on Instagram
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 7:37pm On Jul 22, 2020
No more update @ OP?
Pls I want to ask, how do you go the organic way from day one?

Will want to know,.

Busy with customers orders
Production of supplements for my birds

I will be definitely updating the thread once I'm free.
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 7:29pm On Jul 22, 2020
No more update @ OP?
Pls I want to ask, how do you go the organic way from day one?

Will want to know,.

I will be definitely updating the thread once I'm free.
Agriculture / Re: My Organic Poultry Farming by SwitBEsther: 8:13am On Jul 22, 2020
Good morning followers�

According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence:

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve maths, memorize things, and recall lessons.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go farther in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down.

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ.

Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind.

When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider suicide.

Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts.

Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents.

Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road.

Have a Peaceful and Productive Life Journey. ���


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