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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Ondo Dialect Teacher Required For One Person - 50,000 NGN Per Month by want2knowben: 3:01am On Jun 02, 2022
I didn't get question not to talk being able to perform in the test and I am from Ondo and can speak and teach the language very well.
Please kindly check your mail again infact let me reforward the mail to you.

No email 're-forwarded' from you!
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Ondo Dialect Teacher Required For One Person - 50,000 NGN Per Month by want2knowben: 7:35pm On May 29, 2022
Two candidates selected.

Those who passed the test but were not selected will be informed by 7th June and placed on a reserve list.

Big thank you to all those who took time to apply,

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Ondo Dialect Teacher Required For One Person - 50,000 NGN Per Month by want2knowben: 6:13pm On May 25, 2022
Selection Tests sent out to Applicants.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Ondo Dialect Teacher Required For One Person - 50,000 NGN Per Month by want2knowben: 12:26pm On May 25, 2022
Hi Guys,

Questions will be going out later today! Apologies for the delay!

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Ondo Dialect Teacher Required For One Person - 50,000 NGN Per Month by want2knowben: 1:00pm On May 24, 2022
I will be sending out test questions via email later today.

Two words + Two Sentences

You will have 48 hours (from when my email lands in your inbox) to get back to me with the answers.

Initial Contract is 1st June - 30th June 2022. Extendable.

Regards to everyone who has emailed so far.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Ondo Dialect Teacher Required For One Person - 50,000 NGN Per Month by want2knowben: 12:53pm On May 24, 2022
What part of ondo dialect plz....is it ondo town?abi ilaje,idanre

At present, I am only interested in Ondo dialect only, not Ilaje. Do feel free to apply if you are fluent with the Idanre. If you pass the selection test, I can have you on the reserve list. Just indicate 'Idanre dialect' when you send me your application.

If I have need for any other dialects in Ondo State in the near future, I will post a request.

Jobs/Vacancies / Ondo Dialect Teacher Required For One Person - 50,000 NGN Per Month by want2knowben: 7:08pm On May 21, 2022
Hi Nairalanders,

Teacher of Ondo Dialect Needed for private tutorship.

Job requirements:
1) Fluency in Ondo dialect
2) Ability to write down words in Ondo dialect will be very helpful.
3) Use of a Mobile Phone
4) Whatsapp Messaging Account
5) A Bank Account to receive your payment into.

*The teacher will be required to translate GENERAL YORUBA words, sentences INTO THE ONDO DIALECT, and send Voice Notes over Whatsapp.
*You could effectively collaborate with an Older person who speaks Ondo for this Job, as I actually prefer an older candidate (Ondo speakers over 50) but fluency and knowledge of language and culture is more important.
*The Salary is fixed at NGN50,000.00
*The job is currently Part-time (Roughly 50 hours per month. You work at your own pace)
* If I like how things are going, I will extend the job beyond a month. I am flexible.
* No physical meet-ups are needed as the job can be done over the phone/email

Email me at dialects@yahoo.com with:

1. Your Name
2. State you live in Nigeria
3. State you come from
4. Mobile Number

1. Biola Makinde
2. I live in Oyo
3. I am from Ondo State
4. 080000000000

Selection Process:
I will ask you to translate 2 words and two sentences.
I will choose ONE or TWO people from those who are correct

I will update this post so you know what stage of selection we are in. If I don't choose you now, I may come back to you later BUT I will email first so.

Thank you in advance,
Culture / Re: Itsekiri Names And Their Meaning by want2knowben: 2:06am On Feb 09, 2022
Edema is from 'Eda Amo / Eda Ama / Eda a mo/ Eda a ma' = Creature of Clay / Molded Creature. This is 'man', the biblical 'Adam', which a word of Yoruboid origins.

Those translating Edema as gentleman just mean 'man'. Origins of 'gentleman' na anoda Tori entirely.

Happy New Year everyone! �


You can start by modifying your subsequent comments, u self know say urhobo no dey sabi beef una.

If you so much believe that Edema is a yoruba word then you can start by giving me the meaning, Thou dialect differ but you can easily tell which is Yoruba or not.

Edemadudun - Edema (Edoid) + dudu (Yoruba) .. You don't need a Prof to tell you which itsekiri word is Yoruboid or not, but I will definitely give you prove to my claim.. hold on.

And Gentleman in Yoruba is also Jeje , https://yoruba.english-dictionary.help/english-to-yoruba-meaning-gentleman ..
Politics / Re: 2019 Election Will Hold After 6 Days. I See Postponement by want2knowben: 2:00am On Feb 24, 2019

Wow. To God be the glory.

For clarity sake; the military will hand over to an interim government headed by a Yoruba pastor. Tunde Bakare?

The Yoruba pastor
will surprisingly and against popular opinion hand over to a democratic government headed by the young Igbo guy that will clean up Nigeria.

God has a reason for picking a pastor for the interim government. The pastor's choice for the next president will surprise majority of Nigerians, but they won't know his choice will be as a result of a prophetic revelation by God.

Just like how some people have shown, a lot of people will be angry for the choice of an Igbo man when the time comes. Please don't be, you cannot imagine the turnaround God wants to do with His choice.

Take note sir iykomo0

Bakare said in late 2017/early 2018 that he would lead Nigeria. I saw that service online.


Politics / Re: 2019 Election Will Hold After 6 Days. I See Postponement by want2knowben: 3:50am On Feb 19, 2019

Yeah, me too. I saw 2022, we had a young president. I remember I was speaking with someone who said every Nigerian now have at least 10 hours of electricity.

I saw houses with electricity and celebratory music playing out of them while houses with the current Nigerian emblem were in darkness and all the furniture in them were thrown outside. All the Houses were in a compound like form with no fences. The dream was before the last election that Buhari lost before he became President. Two parties were trying to merge but talks broke down. They would have won if they had merged as it was one of the new acronyms they later considered that was shown to me in the dream.

I look forward to the salvation of Nigeria from the hands of the bedmates of Satan!

God bless the OP!

1 Like

Politics / Re: Lagos Muslim Community Demands Sharia Court by want2knowben: 8:09pm On Jan 15, 2019
Matthew 5:17-22. He didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it, you Christians are following Paul not Jesus.

That's fantastic! Now, please show me Sharia Law in the Bible. Not one lone law or two. You should show me in the quran (or the hadith) law for law. For each of Moses' law show me the exact in the Quran (or the hadith). Please, kindly start with the ten commandments. And then move on to the other laws or you could just do all 613 laws in any order of your choice.

smiley smiley
Politics / Re: Lagos Muslim Community Demands Sharia Court by want2knowben: 8:52pm On Jan 14, 2019

There are known as Afro Arabs, Google Afro Arabs in Saudi Arabia. If you watched the last World Cup, you should have noticed the black players in the Saudi team.

Defending the missionaries right? The missionaries came along with the colonialists, the missionaries were protected by the colonial government. The colonial governments sent the missionaries to help teach the people how to read and write, the missionaries together with this tasks began evangelism in Muslim areas especially in the north and south west. The colonialists stole many of our artifacts and history and took it to the Britain, the only innocent missionaries were those of African origin like Ajayi crowther and the rest.

And concerning Egypt, what you're condemning the Arabs of doing is exactly what the Christian Byzantines did. They forced the people to adopt their language of Greek. The Coptic language on the other hand is still utilized in Egypt.

And Abraham, Isaac and Jacob weren't Jews. So what's your nagging? Besides, Abraham is the father of Arabs, Isaac is their uncle so why can't they claim them?

You should read about the north under Islam, read about the likes of Idris Alooma and their achievements. I hope that isn't too much to ask?

Ok, that's your belief. Islam is a complete way of life which teaches you how to live. This is why shariah is clamored by Muslims in Yorubaland. The shariah isn't what you think it is, if you were sincere enough you would have at least read about it and what it entails. But your problem is you lack understanding of even your own bible as I'll expose you now.

Jesus supported Shariah, disprove from your bible.

Don't you think you should prove from the Bible that Jesus supported Shariah first, seeing ad the default position is that Jesus had nothing to do with Shariah? grin grin
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 8:12pm On Jan 14, 2019

Translation from paleo hebrew

[b]Translation to ancient yoruba
[/b]Ibere A ise eyi ti oburo A, eluhaye amo (clay), ei thi hii san omi eiye mu, Wo ei thi hii ei itse

[b]Translation to English (literary)
[/b]The beginning forth, creation which you forged forth, lord of the created world, those of the faraway waters the living drinks, behold those of the spread.

[b]Translation to yoruba
[/b]Ni ibere aye ti o bu ro (to forge, to mold), eluaye amo (forger of clay) ti o da awon isan omi mimu ti o te rere

[b]Eluhaye amo
= elohim

Oburo A = creator of the world

can you advice of the tribe closest to the paleo yoruba

Every Yoruba tribe has a part in it, Bro! It would take a full analysis of the whole Torah text to say which tribe owns most of it. Every modern Yoruba person is able to read and understand some of it because those dialects would have been one in the past; 'something' split the tongue. Most words are the same across all Yoruba dialects; some may be pronounced differently or have vowels or consonants removed or added.

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Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 7:34pm On Jan 14, 2019

pls bro, can we get any ondo ugbo guy just to translate genesis 1-3 in their language, from there we;ll have a clearer pix of the correlation.

Perhaps one of the would come on this thread sometime. Is the Ugbo dialect close to Ife? I would expect them to speak a dialect closer to Ilaje.
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 7:26pm On Jan 14, 2019

I thought as such; I had wanted to do the translation in dialect I think might be closed to what he wants, Otun Oore (Moba dialect, which has also been influenced by Igbomina dialect) but I'm not so good in that but try my bit in Ekiti central dialect.

There was even[b] one Ekiti song like that: Elu o e, Elu o a.[/b].. also my father's middle name was Akinyelu; Olu (Lord) is more common now just like every other Ekiti word, language is not static. Languages and dialects will continue to grow and decay, new words will emerge through slangs, borrowing and the rest. There are lots of dialectal influences in Ekiti right now (Ijesa, Igbomina, Okun, Akoko, etc.), only the central one seems to escape these but still greatly affected by central Yoruba. Ekiti my grandfathers and grandmothers spoke was quite different to what we speak now. The dialect has been undergoing 'modernisation', replacing 'wonderfully ancient' Ekiti words with central Yoruba words.

That song was by Elemure. He is late now. I think there is Youtube video on him or his songs. There was also another Elemure who sang with an Ijesha dialect. Meeeehn! ���� That song must be some 30 - 40 years old o! grin

I don't think they are dialectal influences with respect to their location and neighbours, they have always been spoken like that. I do however agree there are influences that there are influences on the dialects. Younger speakers want to sound and speak like Lagosians; if only they knew what treasure they hold. My mum used to put her dialect down to the Water. She is Ijesha-speaking Ekiti and says they drink the same water as the Ijeshas, hence the Ijesha tongue. And of course, Ilesha is only walking distance from her hometown. My Dad's dialect sounds like Ife dialect which I used to find strange cos his hometown is in Ekiti North nearing Kogi State.

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Politics / Re: Lagos Muslim Community Demands Sharia Court by want2knowben: 6:57am On Jan 12, 2019
Having Shariah Courts in the Lagos will mean that many muslim women will leave Islam. Example is when they find out that their testimony is only worth that of half of man, or when a few women get stoned to death for adultery or fornication. Sharia Courts in Yorubaland will open the eyes of Yoruba muslims to the real spirit of Islam!

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Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 5:30am On Jan 12, 2019

8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. 9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
10 A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin[d] and onyx are also there.) 13 The name of the second river is the Gihon; it winds through the entire land of Cush.[e] 14 The name of the third river is the Tigris; it runs along the east side of Ashur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.

pls can you translate these verses into ekiti language.

Many of the Paleo words are ancient Yoruba words, and the spellings, words and pronounciation have evolved over time, with contraction taking out vowels and consonants. When you vowelise from Paleo to Yoruba, you will find the vowelised words cut across mainly ilu-oke dialects like someone pointed earlier.

E.g. ELU is undisputably an old word for Lord in Ekiti dialects but trying to go from Ekiti to Paleo may give you issues as your translator will like go for the modern/evolved equivalent of Lord in the Ekiti dialect, and that is exactly what lx3as did. Also there are variations in the Ekiti dialects, e.g some Ekiti dialects are very close to the Ilesha dialect and some to the Kwara dialects, so a translation from 10 Ekiti people will not give you the same words; that is why Yoruba ajumolo was invented grin grin so that an Ekiti man can read what an Ijebu man wrote without getting lost!

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Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 5:12am On Jan 12, 2019

No, only understand the dialect but speak Ekiti.

My peeps! grin grin

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Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 5:00am On Jan 12, 2019

Ole ni larubawa, olosha! grin. They are not original. Yoruba is the authentic Arab. Anyother race of people calling itself Arab is a mimick of the original, Yoruba!

Check this out...if I tell you the connection between Yoruba and Arab ehhn, you go sh.it for your trouser by time Im done. grin

You must not know who Yoruba is. grin

Yoruba, the most Superior race on earth!

Please, I do want to know what you know o! Abeg message me. Thanks in advance! smiley
Politics / Re: Norway As A Template by want2knowben: 3:48am On Jan 04, 2019

Point noted, and the budget for all 36 states in 2017 was N7t. FG budget was N7t. 60% implementation requires N4.2t.

Yet somehow, NPA spent N278b of its N288b revenue in 2017.

Or maybe the sharing formula is why implementation of capital expenditure was only 21% in 2017.

Let's continue giving excuses.


Yeeparipa! cry cry cry
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 12:36am On Jan 04, 2019

The British explorers knew that the Yoruba were Hebrew, but they kept mute because, there was miss in the link of Yoruba history. [/b]And the missing part of the history is what the historians,archeologists,linguistics are looking for to seal this Yorubas connection. Clearly, the liars or the ignorant amongst Yoruba are the ones denouncing this claims. The Oranmiyan hieroglyph/pictograph is an Hebrew inscription, which is the reason I will make my instructor to interpret it unless it is not it is not an Hebrew written word. In fact, it is the simplest interpretation by the grace of God

grin grin They know more than they are letting on.
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 9:43pm On Jan 03, 2019


I will show you much much much much much much later how Yoruba taught Arab what they knew. The scriptures of Old Testament, Proverbs in New Testament....these are all records about Yorubas genealogy and customs.

Yoruba, the most Superior race on earth.

If you haven't already posted this, I would really love to know your thoughts on the 'Yoruba - Arab', as most scholarly work available only tend to do it the other way round. I actually think 'ancient' Arabic is a Yoruba dialect (investigations continuing on this) possibly hijacked somewhere along the line, just like 'modern Hebrew'. I already know the Old Testament is written in Yoruba's ancient script a.k.a Paleo Hebrew.

Happy New Year!
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 9:20pm On Jan 03, 2019

He is referencing Greek world —Egyptian's worldview that Yoruba subdued their knowledge with Yoruba's Wisdom.

Example is found in the struggled translated Ancient Hebrew alphabets by western researcher: qol; voice,sound — Yoruba's ko; voice,sound

More simplified example in Yoruba language: Ko-Orin (sing a song/ voice a song)

grin grin grin Dem try o! They've kept the search alive all this while ....
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 8:02pm On Jan 03, 2019


There is nothing in indigenous land or its language called ABURO. It does not belong in the lexicon of the Niger-Congo family of languages. Same thing with AKOBI.

The narrators said Isaac (Aisaku) and Rebekah had fraternal twin sons Esau and Jacob. Esau was older and Jacob was younger but through some cunning Jacob cheated Esau and took the blessings reserved for the first born.

In essence what they are saying is customarily in that land first born sons are entitled to a spiritual rite, sort of a pass of the baton through the generations. The ritual involve placing of hand to anoint the son and invoke a praise for him. Beyond this spiritual practice a material practice also exist where after death the posessions and estate of the father is shared out and the first son has a first priority and largest share of that inheritance.

So Jacob cheated Esau out of both. It was possible with the treachery of the mother in favor of Jacob against Esau and the father, because in essence the father was also cheated in the act.

Ok. Now, check this out Alaye mi, they said Esau was red. grin grin

So what color was Jacob? In fact what color were their parents?

Thats the first tease. grin

Amongst light skin people red does not stand out as a distinct aberration. The white skin will call a red person tanned or dark...but never red!

It is only amongst dark skin that red stand out in contrast and will become a attribute or feature for identity.

Alaye mi, am i lying? grin

So Aisaku and his wife Rebecah were dark skinned, so was Jacob.

Jacob had a different name at birth. Jacob was a later acquisition post his successful deception. That birth name is lost.

At the cross-blessing where father placed hand on his head, AB-URo, the younger transposed to become firstborn or AKOBI and with that he acquired a new title and name....JAKOBI.

In fact later in life he acquired a new name and title and changed from Jacobi to ISRAEL (Asaraelu).

Another variation of spelling is Yakob. Jacob becomes Yakobi.

The transposition became a new custom and tradition to pass blessings to twins amongst the generations.

Hence in twin birth the Aburo becomes Akobi. Even though we clearly identify the chronology of birth as a time marker for Kehinde (the late arrival) we still stick with our ancient custom of giving Kehinde his entitlement and bring Taye behind him as Aburo.

Interesting! Vowelising the Paleo Hebrew consonant root for 'Jacob' yields 'oYaaKWoBi' which when 'iparoje' (contraction) is applied will be shortened as 'Yakobi' giving us how the modern 'Jacobi' came about. I believe his 'akosejaye' gave birth to his name; Rebecah went to 'enquire of the Lord' about the babies struggling in her womb and was told what would happen. Jacob living true to his name took the birthright clean off the 'akobi' (Esau), making him one 'who surpassed/overtook the firstborn' (oYaaKWoBi).
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 6:25pm On Jan 03, 2019

The word Ile-Ife is coined from Life. All races or languages have one and the same source. The English language as we have it today is a combination of many other languages so you can get what you are looking for. Read genesis 6.

If 'Ile-ife' and 'life' have any correlation, 'Life' would be from 'Ile-Ife' as the the Yoruba language is some 1500 years older than English.
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 6:05pm On Jan 03, 2019

If one vowelize Hebrew root word, does not necessarily give you a Yoruba meaning but to vowelize the Yoruba alphabet's makes it more intriguing. Take for instance, there is an ancient Hebrew word called Reish/Resh is represented by a picture of a ‘HEAD'. This head is represented with one of the alphabet which is Hebrew letter “ ר " for "resh", and letter “ R" in English alphabet. Its comparison with its Yoruba's interpretation of letter, ‘R' as Ri— and understanding its evolution to ‘ORI', is beautiful to behold ........

You vowelise not the root word but the root consonants, and that is what you did in your example. Paleo Hebrew is all consonants (represented by hieroglyphics), and so was arabic until the 8th Century.
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 7:41pm On Dec 05, 2018


2. Ok..but you still choose christianity over the original? wonderful!

Uwe lela ni, hii k'oni s'uwadi kete ohun finifini, k'oniyan ya toro mo eyi kee s'ododo li be! Olorun kee gbo adua ki mo ti mo lati pinisin li mo ti toro mo baa. Olorun yi pada; oro re yi pada!

Vous comprenez? I have answered you in Yoruba. Translate make I see! grin

3. quality comedy, i would laugh if this wasnt so stupid to be coming from a so called yoruba person....P.s oh! you actually are not grin

What's funny? What's stupid? Okay, see the attachment on Esu again!

4. I see, so you are not yoruba but oYOiRUaBAoore(of the [i]Hii-aBa-ooRe... I have never met anyone like that, must be a new ethnicity
is insanity a norm to your people? even the name screams 'NOT WELL'

I am waiting to know how much Yoruba you know. cool cool

Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 6:49pm On Dec 05, 2018

Evidently, you believe in the data contained in the Bible as true/facts. You first of all need to study the Historiography and the History of the Bible respectively then maybe you'll tweak your argument. Also, see the screen shots below on some of what early scholars said in regards to your standpoint. You may get some of the book cited (if you can/want), read them for further knowledge or to further develop your argument.

Thank you for the citation. 'Ancient Ife: A reassessment' will make good read one of these days. I do not believe that the Yoruba or all peoples emanated from present-day Ife via the 'chicken and sand' route , especially since I am a Bible believer. I keep reading, I keep digging, I keep learning, I keep testing, including that which I already believe.

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Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 6:08pm On Dec 05, 2018

Yet the aforementioned elements are never taken into consideration, made clear when the fraudster said his conclusions are not "consistent with logical learning" rather blind faith grin of course it is what else?

Or do tell what part of The oral, written, artwork, spirituality, esoteric cults, religion, cuisine, language, priesthood, kingship, articles of statehood, philosophies like Omoluabi, proverbs and folklores, genetic and immune system, clothing and styling, war and weapons, and so on and so forth. of the Yoruba produce a single evidence of Hebrew origin?
Do Yoruba have oral histories of coming from Israel? Or are there any Yoruba cults that perform Hebrew rituals
Do Yoruba eat Hebrew food? Do Yoruba worship yahweh?
Is kingship in yorubaland formed after the kingship of Isreal?
Are there genetic haplogroups found in Semitic people dominant in yorubas?
Do Yoruba dress like Hebrews?

You are missing the point which is that the 'Jewish' have taken on an identity which is not theirs. (Try reading 'The invention of the Jewish People' and 'The Thirteenth Tribe', to start with). They took on the identity of a people displaced from their land by War and persecution. The 'Jews' admit they are no blood relations of Israel; they are converts. African Americans are testing their haplogroups and some results are linking to the Yoruba with Haplogroups identified as being of Jacob's descendants.

Try this: The Igbos are recognised as being 'Jews' by Israel. Now apply your 7 questions to the Igbo. Now apply the same 7 questions to the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia, majority of whom were evacuated to Israel.

The descendants of the victims of the transatlantic slave trade outside of Africa today, do they eat the food the ancestors took with them on those slave ships? I heard they travelled First Class with 300kg baggage allowance each! angry Or could it be possible that the slaves settled down in their new countries and ate and planted what was available there? Or were their brothers sending Stockfish and Akpu by DHL? lipsrsealed undecided tongue

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Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 4:54pm On Dec 05, 2018

I have investigated and all such claims are false. Macof has already debunked all your claims on this thread so what again are you holding on to if not illogical faith?

Interesting enough, Yoruba language and Japanese can be stretched well enough to propose a connection even better than this Hebrew - Yoruba nonsense


1. i dont even know why i bother because i know you have no answers but, let me still ask... what are the connecting points in the life of jesus and that of Esu?
bare in mind that you need to know Esu as much as you know Jesus, where his home was, his oriki, his friends/disciples(or lack thereof), his death, his birth, his miracles, his mischief and smarts(or lack thereof), his ascension(or lack of such) the etymological meaning of Esu and how it relates to that of Jesus to claim Esu and Jesus are the same person

So there since you wanted me to address your Esu/Jesus point so bad...but of course i know what your next post will be like (ie. ignoring the questions)

Mr Debunker, this one is for you. (And macof my Professor)

1 Share

Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 4:48pm On Dec 05, 2018

I have investigated and all such claims are false. Macof has already debunked all your claims on this thread so what again are you holding on to if not illogical faith?

Interesting enough, Yoruba language and Japanese can be stretched well enough to propose a connection even better than this Hebrew - Yoruba nonsense

Mr Debunker, please, kindly see and read the contents of the attachment in my immediately preceding post.

Q1. Are you Yoruba?
Q2. Can you read Yoruba?
Q3. How many Yoruba dialects can you read, write and understand? Which ones exactly?
Q4. What is the depth of your knowledge on Yoruba oral history and traditions?
Culture / Re: Who Are These Yorubas? by want2knowben: 4:43pm On Dec 05, 2018

I have investigated and all such claims are false. Macof has already debunked all your claims on this thread so what again are you holding on to if not illogical faith?

Interesting enough, Yoruba language and Japanese can be stretched well enough to propose a connection even better than this Hebrew - Yoruba nonsense

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