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Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 5:18pm On May 25, 2013
Islam teaches that ALL muslims will be in Hellfire till the Day of Resurrection when they will cross to Heaven. The Bible says NO.

Luke 16:19-26
Luke 16:19
There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously everyday:

Luke 16:20
And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

Luke 16:21
And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

Luke 16:22
And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

Luke 16:23
And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

Luke 16:24
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

Luke 16:25
But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.

Luke 16:26
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

In the above we are made to understand that it is not possible to cross from Hell to Heaven.

Let us see the islamic point of view:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12 Number 770
Narated By Abu Huraira : The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?" He replied, "Do you have any doubt in seeing the full moon on a clear (not cloudy) night?" They replied, "No, O Allah's Apostle!" He said, "Do you have any doubt in seeing the sun when there are no clouds?" They replied in the negative. He said, "You will see Allah (your Lord) in the same way. On the Day of Resurrection, people will be gathered and He will order the people to follow what they used to worship. So some of them will follow the sun, some will follow the moon, and some will follow other deities; and only this nation (Muslims) will be left with its hypocrites. Allah will come to them and say, 'I am Your Lord.' They will say, 'We shall stay in this place till our Lord comes to us and when our Lord will come, we will recognize Him. Then Allah will come to them again and say, 'I am your Lord.' They will say, 'You are our Lord.' Allah will call them, and As-Sirat (a bridge) will be laid across Hell and I (Muhammad) shall be the first amongst the Apostles to cross it with my followers. Nobody except the Apostles will then be able to speak and they will be saying then, 'O Allah! Save us. O Allah Save us.'

There will be hooks like the thorns of Sa'dan in Hell. Have you seen the thorns of Sa'dan?" The people said, "Yes." He said, "These hooks will be like the thorns of Sa'dan but nobody except Allah knows their greatness in size and these will entangle the people according to their deeds; some of them will fall and stay in Hell forever; others will receive punishment (torn into small pieces) and will get out of Hell, till when Allah intends mercy on whomever He likes amongst the people of Hell, He will order the angels to take out of Hell those who worshipped none but Him alone. The angels will take them out by recognizing them from the traces of prostrations, for Allah has forbidden the (Hell) fire to eat away those traces. So they will come out of the Fire, it will eat away from the whole of the human body except the marks of the prostrations. AT THAT TIME THEY WILL COME OUT OF THE FIRE as mere skeletons..............

The Quran again confirms the above hadith in:

[Shakir 19:68] So by your Lord! We will most certainly gather them together and the Shaitans, then shall We certainly cause them to be present round hell on their knees.

[Shakir 19:69] Then We will most certainly draw forth from every sect of them him who is most exorbitantly rebellious against the Beneficent Allah.

[Shakir 19:70] Again We do certainly know best those who deserve most to be burned therein.

[Shakir 19:71] And THERE IS NOT ONE OF YOU BUT SHALL COME TO IT; this is an unavoidable decree of your Lord.

[Shakir 19:72] And We will deliver those who guarded (against evil), and We will LEAVE the unjust THEREIN on their knees.

It shows ALL muslims will be in HELL first before the Day of Resurrection for an indefinite period of time. Then on the Day of Resurrection Muhammad wii be the first to cross from Hell to Paradise. Evildoers will attempt to cross but will fall inside it.

My muslim brothers and sisters, you don't have to go to Hell first if you come to Jesus. How long can you afford to be inside Hell: 1 year, 20 years, 1000 years? Run for your life. Jesus said in my Father's house there are many mansions, He has gone to prepare a place for us that where He is there we will also be (John 14:2).


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by Sleekydee(m): 6:04pm On May 25, 2013
Are u serious? This is unbelievably amazing....anyways, Jesus is all I know, and that's enuf 4mi....

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Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 2:45pm On May 26, 2013
I wonder the unusual silence by muslims on NL . Nothing to say?

I challenge tbaba, ghazzal, deols, maclatunji and the likes to speak out now or stop promoting islam luring and enticing people to Hellfire.

How I wished the message got to all innocent muslims in the whole world to warn them of their impending ETERNAL danger.

No one knows ISLAM more than Allah and Muhammad. They had declared what the end of all muslims will be - HELLFIRE.
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by lanrexlan(m): 9:41pm On May 26, 2013
Mr man,see the full context of the hadith
Narrated Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudree:We said,“O Allaah’s Messenger!
Shall we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?”He said,“Do
you have any difficulty in seeing the sun and the moon when the
sky is clear?”We said,“No.”He said,“So you will have no
difficulty in seeing your Lord on that Day as you have no difficulty
in seeing the sun and the moon (in a clear sky).The prophet(pbuh)ﻠﻢthen said,“Somebody will then announce,‘Let
every nation follow what they used to worship.So the people of
the Cross will go with their Cross, and the idolaters (will go) with
their idols, and the worshipers of every god (false deities) (will go)
with their god, till there remain those who used to worship Allaah
from the righteous pious ones and the mischievous evil ones,and
some of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians).Then
Hell will be presented before them as if it were a mirage.Then it
will be said to the Jews,‘What did you use to worship?’ They will
reply,‘We used to worship ‘Uzayr (Ezra), the son of Allah.It will
be said to them,You are liars,for Allah has neither a wife nor a
son.What do you want (now)?’They will reply, ‘We want You to
provide us with water.Then it will be said to them ‘Drink,’ and
they will fall down in Hell (instead). Then it will be said to the
Christians,What did you use to worship?They will reply,We
used to worship Al-Maseeh (the Messiah, i.e. Jesus),the son of
Allaah.It will be said,You are liars, for Allaah has neither a wife
nor a son. What do you want (now)?They will say,We want
You to provide us with water.It will be said to them,Drink,and
they will fall down in Hell (instead),till there remain only those
who used to worship Allaah(Alone), the righteous pious ones and
the mischievous evil ones.It will be said to them,‘What keeps
you here when all the people have gone?They will say,‘We left
them (in the world) when we were in greater need of them than
we are today, we heard the call of one proclaiming:Let every
nation follow what they used to worship,and now we are
waiting for our Lord.Then the All-Mighty will come to them in a
shape other than the one which they saw the first time,and He
will say,‘I am your Lord,and they will say, ‘You are our Lord.’
And none will speak to Him then but the Prophets,and then it will
be said to them,Do you know any sign by which you can
recognize Him?They will say,‘The Shin,’ and so Allaah will then
uncover His Shin, whereupon every believer will prostrate before
Him,and there will remain those who used to prostrate before
Him just for showing off and for gaining good reputation.One of
such will try to prostrate but his back (bones)will become a single
(vertebra) bone (like one piece of a wood and they will not be able
to prostrate).Then the bridge will be brought and laid across Hell.”
We,the Companions of the Prophetﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said,
“O Allaah’s Messenger! What is the bridge?”He said,“It is a
slippery (bridge) on which there are clamps and (hooks like)a
thorny seed that is wide at one side and narrow at the other and
has thorns with bent ends.Such a thorny seed is found in Najd
and is called As-Sa’daan.Some of the believers will cross the
bridge as quickly as the wink of an eye, some others as quick as
lightning,a strong wind, fast horses or she-camels.So some will
be safe without any harm;some will be safe after receiving some
scratches;and some will fall down into Hell (Fire).The last person
will cross as if being dragged (over the bridge).The Prophetﻰﺍﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said,“You (Muslims)cannot be more pressing in
claiming from me a right that has been clearly proved to be yours
than the believers in interceding with All-Mighty for their (Muslim)
brothers on that Day,when they see themselves safe. They will
say,‘O Allaah! (Save) our brothers (for they)used to offer prayer
with us,observe Saum (fasting) with us,and also do good deeds
with us.Allaahﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ will say, ‘Go and take out (of Hell) anyone in
whose heart you find Faith equal to the weight of one (gold)
Deenaar.Allaah will forbid the Fire to burn the faces of those
sinners.They will go to them and find some of them in Hell (Fire)
up to their feet, and some up to the middle of their legs.So they
will take out those whom they will recognize and then they will
return,and Allaah will say (to them),‘Go and take out (of Hell)
anyone in whose heart you find Faith equal to the weight of half
Deenaar.’ They will take out whomsoever they will recognize and
return,and then Allaah will say,‘Go and take out (of Hell) anyone
in whose heart you find Faith equal to the weight of an atom (or a
small ant).’ And so they will take out all those whom they will
This is the full hadith,explanations coming on it and on those verses you quoted.....Peace


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by lanrexlan(m): 10:01pm On May 26, 2013
Surah Maryam 19;66-73.
66)Man says:"What! when I am dead, hall I then be raised up alive?"
67)But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of
68)So by thy Lord,without doubt,We shall gather them together,
and (also) the Evil Ones (with them);then shall We bring them
forth on their knees round about Hell;
69)Then shall We certainly drag out from every sect all those who
were worst in obstinate rebellion against(Allah)Most Gracious.
70)And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being
burned therein.
71)Not one of you but will pass over it:this is,with thy Lord,a
Decree which must be accomplished.
72)But We shall save those who guarded against evil,and We shall
leave the wrongdoers therein,(humbled)to their knees.
73)When Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them,the Unbelievers say
to those who believe,Which of the two sides is best in point of
position?Which makes the best show in council?"
Those verses above are very clear,I just don't know the problem you've got.Allah said will pass over it[/b]not [b]will come out of it.The hadith you quoted said the believers after they have been saved by Allah(passing over the bridge),they will plead with Allah on behalf of their brothers who fell into hell.That's what it meant by taking out of hell people that recognized by traces of their prostration.
Brother,after death the next thing is LIFE IN BARZAKAH.Life in the grave,this world is a test for the hereafter,you will get a part of your good and bad deeds on earth,a part in the gave and the utmost reward is on the day of Judgement.That's the final recompense,....Peace


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 11:19pm On May 26, 2013
@ lanrexlan

May God forgive you for denying the truth and trying to confuse the innocent muslims who should cry to Jesus for salvation.

The first hadith said the muslims will be called from HELLFIRE identifying them with the mark of prostrations. It says it is only the mark of prostrations that will not be consumed by Fire and they will COME OUT OF FIRE as mere skeletons to cross the bridge to Paradise.

Muhammad will be the first to cross. All other muslims will be shouting 'Save us, Save us'. It is a pity nobody can be saved from Hell.

Do you call those people with the mark of prostrations in HELLFIRE Christians? Do Christians have mark of prostrations?

You just went and cooked something to counter the truth. May God forgive you. Your integrity on NL is at stake as a poster. Nobody will take you seriously again.

Quran 19:72
But We shall save those who guarded againt evil and We shall LEAVE the wrongdoers THEREIN (humbled) to their kneels.

This quranic verse testifies to the hadith by saying the JUST will be saved (taken out) from the HELLFIRE they are inside and the EVILDOERS will be LEFT THEREIN (inside it).

This clearly means ALL muslims are inside HELLFIRE including Muhammad and on the Day of Resurrection, the just will be taken out and the evildoers will be left inside it. So clear. It is only a DULLARD that will dispute this.

If the hadith is wrong, is Allah too wrong in the Surah 19:72 that I explained above?

Allah had decreed that ALL muslims will go to HELLFIRE and nobody can change His decree.

1 Like

Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by lanrexlan(m): 5:11am On May 27, 2013
Seriously,you've got problems.See the full hadith
Narated By Abu Huraira:The people said,"O Allah's Apostle!Shall
we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?" He replied,"Do you
have any doubt in seeing the full moon on a clear (not cloudy)
night?"They replied,"No,O Allah's Apostle!" He said,"Do you
have any doubt in seeing the sun when there are no clouds?"
They replied in the negative.He said, "You will see Allah (your
Lord)in the same way. On the Day of Resurrection,people will be
gathered and He will order the people to follow what they used to
worship.So some of them will follow the sun,some will follow
the moon,and some will follow other deities;and only this nation
(Muslims)will be left with its hypocrites.Allah will come to them
and say,'I am Your Lord.They will say, 'We shall stay in this
place till our Lord comes to us and when our Lord will come,we
will recognize Him.Then Allah will come to them again and say,'I
am your Lord.'They will say, 'You are our Lord.Allah will call
them,and As-Sirat (a bridge) will be laid across Hell and I
(Muhammad) shall be the first amongst the Apostles to cross it
with my followers.Nobody except the Apostles will then be able
to speak and they will be saying then,'O Allah! Save us. O Allah
Save us.'
There will be hooks like the thorns of Sa'dan in Hell.Have you
seen the thorns of Sa'dan?"The people said,"Yes." He said, These
hookswill be like the thorns of Sa'dan but nobody except Allah
knows their greatness in size and these will entangle the people
according to their deeds;some of them will fall and stay in Hell
forever;others will receive punishment(torn into small pieces)and
will get out of Hell,till when Allah intends mercy on whomeverHe
likes amongst the people of Hell,He will order the angels to take
out of Hell those who worshipped none but Him alone.The angels
will take them out by recognizing them from the traces of
prostrations,for Allah has forbidden the (Hell) fire to eat away
those traces.So they will come out of the Fire,it will eat away
from the whole of the human body except the marks of the
prostrations. At that time they will come out of the Fire as mere
skeletons.The Water of Life will be poured on them and as a
result they will grow lik the seeds growing on the bank of
flowing water.Then when Allah had finished from the Judgments
amongst his creations,one man will be left between Hell and
Paradise and he will be the last man from the people of Hell to
enter paradise.He will be facing Hell, and will say, 'O Allah!Turn
my face from the fire as its wind has dried me and its steam has
burnt me.' Allah will ask him, "Will you ask for anything more in
case this favor is granted to you?'He will say, No by Your
(Honor) Power!And he will give to his Lord (Allah) what he will of
the pledges and the covenants.Allah will then turn his face from
the Fire.When he will face Paradise and will see its charm,he will
remain quiet as long as Allah will. He then will say, 'O my Lord! Let
me go tothe gate of Paradise.' Allah will ask him,'Didn't you give
pledges and make covenants (to the effect)that you would not ask
for anythingmore than what you requested at first?'He will say,
'O my Lord! Do not make me the most wretched, amongst Your
creatures.Allah will say, 'If this request is granted,will you then
ask for anything else?' He will say,'No! By Your Power! I shall not
ask for anything else.Then he will give to his Lord what He will of
the pledges and the covenants.Allah will then let him go to the
gate of Paradise. On reaching then and seeing its life,charm, and
pleasure,he will remain quiet as long as Allah wills and then will
say,'O my Lord !Let me enter Paradise.' Allah will say,May Allah
be merciful unto you,O son of Adam! How treacherous you are!
Haven't you made covenants and given pledges that you will not
ask for anything more that what you have been given?He will
say,'O my Lord! Do not make me the most wretched amongst
Your creatures.So Allah will laugh and allow him to enter
Paradise and will ask him to request as much as he likes.He will
do so till all his desires have been fulfilled. Then Allah will say,
Request more of such and such things.Allah will remind him and
when allhis desires and wishes; have been fulfilled, Allah will say
"All this is granted to you and a similar amount besides." Abu Said
Al-Khudri,said to Abu Huraira, 'Allah's Apostle said,"Allah said,
'That is for you and ten times more like it.Abu Huraira said,"I do
not remember from Allah's Apostle except (his saying), 'All this is
granted to you and a similar amount besides.Abu Sahd said,I
heard him saying,That is for you and ten times more the like of


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by lanrexlan(m): 5:41am On May 27, 2013
truthman2012: @ lanrexlan

May God forgive you for denying the truth and trying to confuse the innocent muslims who should cry to Jesus for salvation
Who's denying the truth? I am explaining the simple thing you can't comprehend easily to you.

The first hadith said the muslims will be called from HELLFIRE identifying them with the mark of prostrations. It says it is only the mark of prostrations that will not be consumed by Fire and they will COME OUT OF FIRE as mere skeletons to cross the bridge to Paradise.
Do you even read the hadith at all? The hadith said when muslims both the pious ones and mischievous ones passed across the bridge,the pious ones will pass across successful without falling but those that are hypocrites and mischievous will fall into hell.After the intercession of the prophets,the pious believers will then plead with Allah on behalf of the mischievous ones.Then Allah will command the angels to go hell and take out from those mischievous muslims those who have faith equal to an ant,they will take them out by recognizing them by traces of the prostration.Then
those with faith equal to a mustard seed and so on.Talking about the mischievous muslims coming out of the fire,nowhere does it says all muslims are in hell,a bridge will be laid across hell and everybody will pass over including all the prophets,they aren't coming from hell.

Muhammad will be the first to cross. All other muslims will be shouting 'Save us, Save us'. It is a pity nobody can be saved from Hell
Shame on you,simple english you can't comprehend.

Do you call those people with the mark of prostrations in HELLFIRE Christians? Do Christians have mark of prostrations?
Those are the mischievous muslims whose bad deeds made them to fall into hell.They will be recognized by traces of their prostration

You just went and cooked something to counter the truth. May God forgive you. Your integrity on NL is at stake as a poster. Nobody will take you seriously again
You are the one that your integrity on NL is at stake,simple thing you can't understand.Just prepared your lies
,mr liar.

Quran 19:72
But We shall save those who guarded againt evil and We shall LEAVE the wrongdoers THEREIN (humbled) to their kneels.

This quranic verse testifies to the hadith by saying the JUST will be saved (taken out) from the HELLFIRE they are inside and the EVILDOERS will be LEFT THEREIN (inside it)
.You don't understand the Quran,the believers will be saved from falling into hell when passing over the bridge.They will be saved from hell,you decided to add your own words 'Taken out',that's not in the Quran.Allah said in the glorious Quran in surah Al-Anbiyaa 21;97-103

97)Then will the True Promise draw nigh (of fulfillment):then behold! the eyes of the Unbelievers will fixedly stare in horror: "Ah! woe to us!we were indeed heedless of this; nay we truly did wrong!
98)Verily you,(Unbelievers) and the (false) gods that you worship besides Allah,are (but)fuel for Hell!To it will you(surely)come!
99)If these had been gods they would not have got there!But each one will abide therein.
100)There,sobbing will be their lot nor will they there hear(aught else).
101)Those for whom the Good (Record) from Us has gone before, will be removed far therefrom.
102)Not the slightest sound will they hear of Hell:what their souls desired, in that will they dwell.
103)The Great Terror will bring them no grief:but the angels will meet them (with mutual greetings): "This is your Day― (the Day) that ye were promised."Let's hope you can comprehend.
This clearly means ALL muslims are inside HELLFIRE including Muhammad and on the Day of Resurrection, the just will be taken out and the evildoers will be left inside it. So clear. It is only a DULLARD that will dispute this
Where did you see all muslims will be inside hell? Keep adding your words.

If the hadith is wrong, is Allah too wrong in the Surah 19:72 that I explained above?

Allah had decreed that ALL muslims will go to HELLFIRE and nobody can change His decree.
Funny man,and all christians to paradise right? You ignored the hadith I quoted about the christians falling into hell......Peace


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by ayenny02(m): 7:11am On May 27, 2013
truthman2012: Islam teaches that ALL muslims will be in Hellfire till the Day of Resurrection when they will cross to Heaven.
I don't know how Christianity are so full of lies,after you known that your religion was full of lies, does that mean you should lie against other religion. Let me ask you a question;
1. How your topic contradict the the verses of the Quran and Hadith? ( 1st lie). The hadith saying about Day of resurrection while your topic saying muslims will be in Hellfire till day of resurrection
2. Can you bring any verses from the Bible where God or Jesus said the christianity will be in paradise?
truthman2012: The Bible says NO.

Luke 16:19-26
Luke 16:19
There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously everyday:

Luke 16:20
And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

Luke 16:21
And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

Luke 16:22
And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

Luke 16:23
And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

Luke 16:24
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

Luke 16:25
But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.

Luke 16:26
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

In the above we are made to understand that it is not possible to cross from Hell to Heaven.

this is another lies. Can you tell me where God mentioned in the verses you quoted above that Hell and Heaven not possible to cross?
Let us see the islamic point of view:

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12 Number 770
Narated By Abu Huraira : The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Shall we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?" He replied, "Do you have any doubt in seeing the full moon on a clear (not cloudy) night?" They replied, "No, O Allah's Apostle!" He said, "Do you have any doubt in seeing the sun when there are no clouds?" They replied in the negative. He said, "You will see Allah (your Lord) in the same way. On the Day of Resurrection, people will be gathered and He will order the people to follow what they used to worship. So some of them will follow the sun, some will follow the moon, and some will follow other deities; and only this nation (Muslims) will be left with its hypocrites. Allah will come to them and say, 'I am Your Lord.' They will say, 'We shall stay in this place till our Lord comes to us and when our Lord will come, we will recognize Him. Then Allah will come to them again and say, 'I am your Lord.' They will say, 'You are our Lord.' Allah will call them, and As-Sirat (a bridge) will be laid across Hell and I (Muhammad) shall be the first amongst the Apostles to cross it with my followers. Nobody except the Apostles will then be able to speak and they will be saying then, 'O Allah! Save us. O Allah Save us.'

There will be hooks like the thorns of Sa'dan in Hell. Have you seen the thorns of Sa'dan?" The people said, "Yes." He said, "These hooks will be like the thorns of Sa'dan but nobody except Allah knows their greatness in size and these will entangle the people according to their deeds; some of them will fall and stay in Hell forever; others will receive punishment (torn into small pieces) and will get out of Hell, till when Allah intends mercy on whomever He likes amongst the people of Hell, He will order the angels to take out of Hell those who worshipped none but Him alone. The angels will take them out by recognizing them from the traces of prostrations, for Allah has forbidden the (Hell) fire to eat away those traces. So they will come out of the Fire, it will eat away from the whole of the human body except the marks of the prostrations. AT THAT TIME THEY WILL COME OUT OF THE FIRE as mere skeletons..............

The Quran again confirms the above hadith in:

[Shakir 19:68] So by your Lord! We will most certainly gather them together and the Shaitans, then shall We certainly cause them to be present round hell on their knees.

[Shakir 19:69] Then We will most certainly draw forth from every sect of them him who is most exorbitantly rebellious against the Beneficent Allah.

[Shakir 19:70] Again We do certainly know best those who deserve most to be burned therein.

[Shakir 19:71] And THERE IS NOT ONE OF YOU BUT SHALL COME TO IT; this is an unavoidable decree of your Lord.

[Shakir 19:72] And We will deliver those who guarded (against evil), and We will LEAVE the unjust THEREIN on their knees.

It shows ALL muslims will be in HELL first before the Day of Resurrection for an indefinite period of time. Then on the Day of Resurrection Muhammad wii be the first to cross from Hell to Paradise. Evildoers will attempt to cross but will fall inside it.

My muslim brothers and sisters, you don't have to go to Hell first if you come to Jesus. How long can you afford to be inside Hell: 1 year, 20 years, 1000 years? Run for your life. Jesus said in my Father's house there are many mansions, He has gone to prepare a place for us that where He is there we will also be (John 14:2).

I don't need to say much about the Quran and Hadith you quoted. Let me give you some point:

1. Islam is a beautiful and a True Divine Religion of Allah Almighty that sets free the believers from wickedness, confusion and frustration.  It sheds the Light of Allah Almighty into their hearts and leads them to the True Path Belief and Righteousness.  Allah Almighty is the GOD Almighty of all mankind and is there for all the righteous. 

Every little atom of good and evil that an individual makes in life will be recorded for him, and he shall see it in the Day of Judgement.  Allah Almighty will then make the Ultimate Decision on the person based on all of the unique elements that pertain to him/her

2. Muslims who do evil in this world will be punished in Hell fire and later Allah will remove him from hell to paradise except the munafiq (hypocrites) who will be in hell fire forever with christian, jews and idol worshiper.
Nigerian as a case study, if government find you guilty of any crime, the govt will jail or punish you for your crime and later they will release you.

As long as the person believes in "Absolute One GOD" and does Righteousness, then he should be ok:

"God forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin Most heinous indeed. (The Noble Quran, 4:48)"

3. In the judgement day, if you are not a muslim either you are a christians, jews or pagan, you don't have any place than Hell fire

"They say: 'Become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation).' Say thou: 'Nay! (I would rather) the Religion of Abraham the True, and he joined not gods with God.'  (The Noble Quran, 2:135)"

"Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to God's (Which is Islam), and he joined not gods with God.   (The Noble Quran, 3:67)"

The "true in Faith" or the "Religion of Abraham" that GOD Almighty accepts is believing in the Absolute One and Living GOD Almighty.  This is the main point of Islam, and the belief that would ultimately guide the individual to Salvation.

"Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend.  (The Noble Quran, 4:125)"

Idol worshiping, trinity, and all other forms of using other creations as mediators between yourself and GOD Almighty are not accepted.  This supports my statement above about a "Muslim" is one who believes in One GOD only.


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by lanrexlan(m): 9:21am On May 27, 2013
truthman2012: You guys post COUNTERFEITS and besides, I cannot flow with your low level of reasonings. Instead of making your points, you resort to war of words - Boko Haram spirit. If you people are allowed into heaven with islamic spirit, you will bomb heaven.

The thread is so clear and the readers already know what they need to know
Lolz,we are just telling you where you made mistakes.Readers that can digest lies abi?.

Let me leave you with this:
Pickthall 3:55
(And remember) when Allah said: O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing thee of those who disbelieve and am setting those WHO FOLLOW thee ABOVE those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me (i.e Heaven) ye will (all) return, and I judge between you as to that wherein ye used to differ.

While Allah promised Jesus and His followers (Christians) heaven as can be seen in 3:55, He promised Muhammad and his followers (muslims) HELLFIRE as in Pickthall 19:71- 72.

Behold! Allah said:"O Jesus!I will take thee and raise thee to
Myself and clear thee(of the falsehoods)of those who blaspheme;
I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject
Faith,to the Day of Resurrection;then shall ye all return unto Me,
and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute(surah Al-IMRAN 3;55).
Ooh,Let me explain the verse to you.Jesus(pbuh) is the only prophet whom some of his followers claimed Jesus claimed divinity;i.e. He's God or son of God.Those ones(who blaspheme Jesus by attributing false things)are those who reject faith and they disbelieve in him.Those that followed him are those with him during his lifetime,they were his real followers(monotheist-they believed and worshipped none but one true God).As Allah said in the glorious Quran in surah Al-imran 3;52-''Then when Jesus came to know of their disbelief,he said;Who will be my helpers in Allah's cause? The disciples said;We are helpers of Allah,we believe in Allah and bear witness that we are muslims(submit to Allah)''.
That's what Allah meant by saying making those that followed him(his disciples and the people that are monotheist during his time-unitarians)above those that disbelieved in him and associated falsehood to him(Trinitarians and those that called Jesus God or son of God).We muslims aren't those that disbelieve in Jesus,we don't associate falsehood to him.We believe in everything Allah told us about him in the Quran;born miraculously,give life to the dead by Allah's permission,heal those born leper and blind by Allah's permission,was a slave and prophet of Allah and so on.
So Brother,the verse is a warning to the people that disbelieve in Jesus by calling him God or son of God,not muslims.....Peace

1 Like

Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by ayenny02(m): 9:55am On May 27, 2013
truthman2012: You guys post COUNTERFEITS and besides, I cannot flow with your low level of reasonings. Instead of making your points, you resort to war of words - Boko Haram spirit. If you people are allowed into heaven with islamic spirit, you will bomb heaven.
yes, you can't flow with our level of reasonings because we have Quran which differentiate between truth and falsehood. The truth has come falsehood should disapear.
The thread is so clear and the readers already know what they need to know.

Which thread is cleared after I exposed you lies. Hope you see all my question, pls Answer my questions.
Let me leave you with this:
Pickthall 3:55
(And remember) when Allah said: O Jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing thee of those who disbelieve and am setting those WHO FOLLOW thee ABOVE those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me (i.e Heaven) ye will (all) return, and I judge between you as to that wherein ye used to differ.

While Allah promised Jesus and His followers (Christians) heaven as can be seen in 3:55, He promised Muhammad and his followers (muslims) HELLFIRE as in Pickthall 19:71- 72.

Based on the Q3:55 above verse, 'Such a verse gives an evidence that Jesus did not die normally, since if that was the true meaning, then Jesus died like all other believers whose souls Allah takes and then causes them to ascend to the heaven. As a result, such an incident would not be a peculiarity to Jesus .

Based on Allah's statement (and purify you from those who disbelieve), that if his soul left his body, this would mean that his body, like all other Prophets, was to be in the ground'.

Allah, The Great and Almighty, disproving a claim of killing Jesus, says: {And because of their saying (in boast), "We killed Messiah 'Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah", - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it appeared so to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not [i.e (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary).

But Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he (Jesus) is in the heavens). And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise.} [4:157-158].

This verse states clearly that Allah raised Jesus up unto Himself and saved him from killing. This verse, in fact, constitutes a sufficient answer for every inquirer and doubter.


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 2:29pm On May 27, 2013
The two of you: ayenny02 and lanrexclan think you are making sense. People would have discovered you are not.

The sensible and educated ones among you like tbaba, ghazzal, maclatunji etc cannot say the nonsense you are saying because of their integrity.

But you can just say anything, you just have to defend you religion even if you have to say nonsense. You are deceiving yourselves.
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by pointblank321: 3:10pm On May 27, 2013
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by pointblank321: 3:19pm On May 27, 2013
Can the muslims say categorically where Muhammad and other dead muslims are now before Resurrection Day with authoritative reference?
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by lanrexlan(m): 5:02pm On May 27, 2013
truthman2012: The two of you: ayenny02 and lanrexclan think you are making sense. People would have discovered you are not.

The sensible and educated ones among you like tbaba, ghazzal, maclatunji etc cannot say the nonsense you are saying because of their integrity.

But you can just say anything, you just have to defend you religion even if you have to say nonsense. You are deceiving yourselves.

Lolz,we are now saying nonsense because we dismantled your claims.Let tbaba or maclantunji comes here to see our claims,maybe we are making sense or not.....Peace


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 5:38pm On May 27, 2013
pointblank 321: Can the muslims say categorically where Muhammad and other dead muslims are now before Resurrection Day with authoritative reference?

@ ayenny02 & lanrexlan

Can't you answer the question? All are waiting for you.
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by ayenny02(m): 6:11pm On May 27, 2013

@ ayenny02 & lanrexlan

Can't you answer the question? All are waiting for you.
Your questions has been answered.
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by Nobody: 7:15pm On May 27, 2013
Hey truthman,

Trying to pick a fight?
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 7:19pm On May 27, 2013
Your questions has been answered.

I can't see where you stated Muhammad's and other muslims' condition or position after they have died pending resurrection day apart from Hellfire we saw in the Hadith and Quran. Where?
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by Ayomivic(m): 7:29pm On May 27, 2013
@ lanrexlan, i have questions to ask you concerning the Hadith Abu-Hurarai you quoted or requoted on this thread.

1 Can one deceive Allah?

In the Abu-Huraria hadith you quoted we were told of how last man in hell deceived God that God should turn his face away from the wind of fire that dried him and the stream of fire that burnt him and he made a pledge and convenant not to aske of any favor again if his wish is granted but when his wish was granted he went on to demand and demand until he enter paradise without fufiled his pledges and covenants. Do you think God who is all knowing , God who will hold men guilty for all promises they made and fail could allow that?

2 Is Allah two or how many Allah do Muslims have?
Because In the same hadith when the last man in hell made the last request that Allah should let him enter paradise with another promise not to ask any favor again.then Allah made one statement he said 'MAY ALLAH HAVE MERCY ON YOU SON OF ADAM'

Which Allah is this allah refering to that may have mercy on son of Adam? You know one Allah was removing people from hell to paradise.it was this allah that say may allah have mercy on son of Adam .if he refers to himself, he would not use 'MAY' but 'I' hope you get it?

3 How did Muhammed know how God will judged on the judgement day? I think from that hadith, you had made us understand that all Christian, jew and idol worshiper will go to hell but only muslims will go to paradise.

4. According to that hadith, does that mean that any muslims who observed salat regularlly with salat's mark on their fore head will go to paradise no matter their wrong deed and wickedness on earth?
pls answer these questions
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by vedaxcool(m): 7:37pm On May 27, 2013
Ayenny and lanxre, have in all words refuted the op and expose the undercurrents of evangelism by lies, when an individual simply sits in the corner of his room and invent falsehood to fool non save himself!

Now, the hypocritical op says Allah promises christian and jesus paradise in the Qur'an, now the implication is that you accept Allah to be God, and hence his words in the Qur'an to be true, but what did Allah say about Jesus?

Not his son but the son of mary,

Should not be worshiped

Didn't not die on the cross!

Gospels christians hold is brimming with errors,

Trinity is false

Jesus worked miracles only with the power of Allah!


So that simply is the implication of making your self serving argument that Allah promised jesus and christian paradise (a verse you twist out of context)

Furthermore when people die including muslims their soul are kept in what is called Barzakh, a sort of partition till the day of judgement!

Till when there comes to one of
them the death he says: "My Rabb
(Lord), send me back. That I may
work righteousness in the things I
neglected." Never, it is but a word
he says. And beyond them is a
Barzakh until the day they are
raised up." Qur'an 23: 99-100.


Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 7:43pm On May 27, 2013
striktlymi: Hey truthman,

Trying to pick a fight?

No sir. How?
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 8:51pm On May 27, 2013
vedaxcool: Ayenny and lanxre, have in all words refuted the op and expose the undercurrents of evangelism by lies, when an individual simply sits in the corner of his room and invent falsehood to fool non save himself!

Now, the hypocritical op says Allah promises christian and jesus paradise in the Qur'an, now the implication is that you accept Allah to be God, and hence his words in the Qur'an to be true, but what did Allah say about Jesus?

Not his son but the son of mary,

Should not be worshiped

Didn't not die on the cross!

Gospels christians hold is brimming with errors,

Trinity is false

Jesus worked miracles only with the power of Allah!


So that simply is the implication of making your self serving argument that Allah promised jesus and christian paradise (a verse you twist out of context)

Furthermore when people die including muslims their soul are kept in what is called Barzakh, a sort of partition till the day of judgement!

Till when there comes to one of
them the death he says: "My Rabb
(Lord), send me back. That I may
work righteousness in the things I
neglected." Never, it is but a word
he says. And beyond them is a
Barzakh until the day they are
raised up." Qur'an 23: 99-100.

You people shout lies, lies, lies to cover up, when infact you are the real LIARS.

Where did you see lies? Am I the writer of the hadith I quoted or is the quranic verse that butressed the hadith my own version?

Anything that does not go down well with you or your religion is a lie even if it is the truth.

Go back to the hadith (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770) and give us your own interpretations, relating it with the quran 19:72 and show how it is different from mine.

A situation where a place is quoted in hadith or quran and instead of explaining it, you quote another place that contradicts it as defence is not acceptable. What that means is that one hadith or Surah is correct and the other is wrong and both are islamic beliefs. That is exactly what you people do to call the OP a liar. It only means LIES are in your Books and not the OP.
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by ayenny02(m): 9:31pm On May 27, 2013

You people shout lies, lies, lies to cover up, when infact you are the real LIARS.

Where did you see lies? Am I the writer of the hadith I quoted or is the quranic verse that butressed the hadith my own version?

Anything that does not go down well with you or your religion is a lie even if it is the truth.

Go back to the hadith (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770) and give us your own interpretations, relating it with the quran 19:72 and show how it is different from mine.

A situation where a place is quoted in hadith or quran and instead of explaining it, you quote another place that contradicts it as defence is not acceptable. What that means is that one hadith or Surah is correct and the other is wrong and both are islamic beliefs. That is exactly what you people do to call the OP a liar. It only means LIES are in your Books and not the OP.

You still continue with your lies, have you not seen my explanation how you lied and contradict urself abt the topic and hadith you quoted.

I am still expecting you to answer my contradiction I asked you to defend and I believe you will still run away from here too (liar)
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 10:55pm On May 27, 2013

You still continue with your lies, have you not seen my explanation how you lied and contradict urself abt the topic and hadith you quoted.

I am still expecting you to answer my contradiction I asked you to defend and I believe you will still run away from here too (liar)

What nonsense is this?

Did you ever explain the exact references in any of your posts on NL. Instead of explaining the OP reference, it is your strategy to refer to a completely different quotation that contradicts the reference as your defence.

In this particular thread, where did you quote and explain the EXACT hadith referred to by the OP. Did you not quote another contradictory hadith as your defence? Are both hadiths not from islam? If they contradict each other, is that not error in your religion?

Reproduce Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770. Explain it and let people see your ignorance or otherwise.
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by ayenny02(m): 6:19am On May 28, 2013

What nonsense is this?

If I say a harsh word to you I know what you will turn it to and run away but I hope you are the OP, so you can run away and I still believe that you are still going to run away

Did you ever explain the exact references in any of your posts on NL. Instead of explaining the OP reference, it is your strategy to refer to a completely different quotation that contradicts the reference as your defence.

I just remind you how you ran away from the contradiction I asked to explain, and am still expecting you to do the same here

In this particular thread, where did you quote and explain the EXACT hadith referred to by the OP. Did you not quote another contradictory hadith as your defence? Are both hadiths not from islam? If they contradict each other, is that not error in your religion?

Reproduce Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770. Explain it and let people see your ignorance or otherwise.
Your topic of your thread is "Muslim are in hellfire pending the ressurection day" am I right?

Also, your brought the Hadith that saying about what will happen to Muslim, Christians, jews and idolators in the judgement day and that all christians, jews and idolators will rust in hell fire forever while the Muslims who do evils in the world will be punished for his evil deeds in this world and later Allah will remove him from hellfire because he is a muslims

Can't you see how you lied and contradict yourself with the Topic and the proof you brought.

The question you should ask is that "Where Muslims will be before the judgement day and look for Hadith that support it not unrelated one?

DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 8:05am On May 28, 2013
ayenny02: If I say a harsh word to you I know what you will turn it to and run away but I hope you are the OP, so you can run away and I still believe that you are still going to run awayI just remind you how you ran away from the contradiction I asked to explain, and am still expecting you to do the same here
Your topic of your thread is "Muslim are in hellfire pending the ressurection day" am I right?

Also, your brought the Hadith that saying about what will happen to Muslim, Christians, jews and idolators in the judgement day and that all christians, jews and idolators will rust in hell fire forever while the Muslims who do evils in the world will be punished for his evil deeds in this world and later Allah will remove him from hellfire because he is a muslims

Can't you see how you lied and contradict yourself with the Topic and the proof you brought.

The question you should ask is that "Where Muslims will be before the judgement day and look for Hadith that support it not unrelated one?

DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can now see your problem. You have problem in understanding English. The topic is not a statement but a question, meaning if what I said is not so, explain what it is using my source of information.

I know you cannot reproduce Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770 and explain the meaning, relating it with Quran 19:72. There is no way you can change the meaning because people will laugh at you.

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Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by ayenny02(m): 10:35am On May 28, 2013

I can now see your problem. You have problem in understanding English. The topic is not a statement but a question, meaning if what I said is not so, explain what it is using my source of information.

maybe you can teach me more how to write statement and question. Look at your topic very well and explain to me which one are correct below;


I don't know much abt English Language becos am a yoruba man and also is not my language just other language

I know you cannot reproduce Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770 and explain the meaning, relating it with Quran 19:72. There is no way you can change the meaning because people will laugh at you.
I don't need to produce another hadith, go back and see my explanation abt the hadith but don't tell me that you don't see it becos you are used to it.

About the Quran 19:72, I have already knwn u that you a liar, I will advice to go back to where you copied the verse and re-check it very.

From verse 19:66 -72;
66-Man says: "What! When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive?"
67-But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing?
68-So, by thy Lord, without doubt, We shall gather them together, and (also) the Evil Ones (with them); then shall We bring them forth on their knees round about Hell;
69-Then shall We certainly drag out from every sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion against (Allah) Most Gracious.
70-And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being burned therein.
71-Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished.

This verse 70 was explained by the hadith Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770 and Sahih Bukhari, volume 9, Hadith No. 532B) that when all christians, jews and idolators are all entered hell fire, it will remain all Muslims who will prostrate to God but hypocrite will not be able to prostrate and. The sirat (bridge) will be brought and lay across hell, so those muslims who do evil on earth will fall inside hell for the punishment of their evil deed and later they will come out...........

72-But We shall save those who guarded against evil, and We shall leave the wrong-doers therein, (humbled) to their knees (in hell).

Who are the "ZALIMUN" from that verses
Allah said WE SHALL LEAVE ZALIMUN I.e polytheists and wrongdoers THEREIN TO THEIR KNEE IN HELLFIRE
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by truthman2012(m): 12:29pm On May 28, 2013
@ ayenny02

You are still making defence using contradictions in your religious books. Sahih Bukhari was saying the muslims are in Hellfire today and it is the Jews and Christians tomorow. Now you are not calling him a liar but the OP who quoted him. How do you people reason? Is it that when you practice islam your natural senses are replaced with islamic manipulations?

There is nothing like the Jews and the Christians in Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770, all the people in Hellfire there are muslims. If in Volume 9, No. 532B the same Sahih Bukhari is talking about the Jews and Christians, what it means is that your islamic apostles did not know what they were doing. They are all LIARS. They are not only unstable but confusionists of the highest order.

The same is happening to you people who follow them. You use the various contradictions in your religious Books as a defence one for another. Sahih Bukhari made a categorical statement. He later contradicted himself and you people now use his contraction and foolishness as a defence for each other.

Let me illustrate my statements further in case you don't understand my explanations so that you will not post nonsense as a reply:

Sahih Bukhari said muslims are in hellfire. Later he said it is the Jews and the Christians. Somebody later reported that Sahih Bukhari said muslims are in hellfire. Now instead of blaming Sahih Bukhari for telling LIES you are blaming the person who reported him. Who is at fault? The LIAR or the REPORTER?

But I know that Allah had decreed that all muslims will have an experience of hellfire before some will be able to cross a bridge to heaven.

Pickthall 19:72
Then We shall RESCUE those who kept from evil, and leave the evildoers crouching THERE.

That quranic verse implies that muslims are already in HELL. Those among them in hellfire who kept from evil shall be RESCUED. The evilldoers shall be LEFT THERE. So clear.

Note the words RESCUE and LEAVE. Rescue is a word used for those in trouble. By LEAVE it means they are not removed from where they are (hellfire) while some are being rescued.

If you quote another reference as usual that contradicts that, it shows islam is a confusion.
Re: Muslims Are In Hellfire Pending Resurrection Day? by ayenny02(m): 9:06pm On May 28, 2013
Pickthall 19:72
Then We shall RESCUE those who kept from evil, and leave the evildoers crouching THERE.

because you have accepted that you bible was full of lies and contradiction, that is the reason you are looking for contradiction in Quran by all means.
Dude, you don't know nothing about Quran, I repeat, nothing you don't know about Quran, you will just give yourself hypertension and high blood pressure.

Quran is an arabic language and different translation, last time you argued with me on RECITE and READ, now you still bring another Issue of RESCUE and LEAVE.

My Question for u now is, Do you understand Arabic Language?

If your answer is no, the translation of Q19:71-72 is

71-Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished.

This verse 71 was talking about The sirat (bridge) that Allah will lay across the hell fire for all muslims to cross over, so those muslims who do evil on earth will fall inside hell for the punishment of their evil deed and later they will come out

Allah now continue with verse 72 that We shall save those pious muslim on that bridge and leave the evil doers in hell fire I.e those who fell in the hell fire

72-But We shall save those who guarded against evil, and We shall leave the wrong-doers therein, (humbled) to their knees (in hell)

But if your answer is yes, will you help translate this to English Language
Ma kana lillahi anyattakhitha min waladin subhanahu itha qadaamran fa-innama yaqoolu lahu kun fayakoonu

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