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Speaking In Tongues N Praying In Tongues By Moshood Fayemiwo-read N Get D Truth by Moralistli(m): 4:21pm On Oct 13, 2013
Someone went to an Islamic Mullah in Ilorin Kwara State, central Nigeria to inquire of something. The cleric brought out his prayer beads and uttered some strange and incomprehensible words for few minutes and gave an answer to the client. In another situation in Lagos, someone went to a white garment church and the lady there purportedly to be a seer saw visions and spoke in strange tongues while a writer was taking notes. The client was asked to bring fruits and money for rituals and his problems would be solved and his inquiries would be answered. In Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State western Nigeria, someone went to an herbalist and the herbalist or voodoo man uttered some gobbledygook ad nauseam, made divinations and some revelations to the visitor. Most of the gibberish uttered was incomprehensible to the visitor, but the incantations were of course understood by the herbalist. Someone went to the headquarters of the Redeemed Christian Church of God along Lagos-Ibadan highway in north-eastern Lagos and the general overseer there uttered some strange words and made some predictions and the predictions came true. That someone was me, this writer. In the four instances sketched out above, four spiritual agents on earth working for spiritual forces used foreign tongues and unknown languages unknown to the ordinary person in making contacts with the supernatural and spiritual worlds. I have delineated between the supernatural and spiritual worlds in this column in the past and will not rehash it here again. In my newly-released book: ""The Kingdom of Satan Exposed." ," I gave cornucopia instances from personal experiences and the experiences of others on Satanic and demonic activities inside and outside the church.

It has always been the practices of Satan, his principalities and demons, including their human agents to mimic the Sovereign Lord God of the heavens and the universe. In all things, all ways and always, Satan wants to be like God. Although humiliatingly disgraced, and thoroughly defeated on the Cross by our Lord Jesus Christ, Satan, like all sore losers and still foolishly arrogant and consumed with pride has not abandoned the battle. He and his disgraced minions have lost the war but are still battling on earth after being flushed out of heaven, thinking something miraculous could happen, even when their eternal doom has been foretold and sealed by the Lord God Almighty (Revelation20: 1 & 2).

Let's get this straight; satanic agents and demonic amanuenses speak in tongues just as the real children of the Most High God speak in tongues. I was in a white garment church in Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria in the 1990s and all of a sudden, the pastor announced that a prophetess had a vision from God to share with the congregation. The lady evangelist got up and started speaking in tongue-in an unknown language-while the whole congregation remained silent. But the pastor understood and joined the so-called prophetess as both went to and forth like a-two-way conversation but no one in the congregation understood what both were saying. Suddenly, I was taken aback that I could understand what both of them were saying. The prophetess said: "This church is growing and what can we do to ensure that the worshippers do not leave and put them in bondage?" The pastor replied: "Yes, I've been thinking about it myself, so what is the spirit telling you?" The prophetess replied: "The spirit says we can tie them here by commanding all of them to donate money so we can buy a cow and sacrifice it and anyone who partakes of the eating will never leave this church." The pastor replied: "Yes, I agree with you but the spirit also says we need to enslave their children too." The prophetess replied: "Yes, the way to do that is to announce that they should bring all the children for spiritual bath." Then the pastor turned to the congregation and made the announcements which he and the prophetess had just had in speaking in tongues. No one in the church congregation had any clues what had just taken place about their eternal destinies and that of their children in the supernatural realm but thank God Almighty, I didn't know where I had the courage from but I got up and spoke, because I understood everything they said. That was 22 years ago way back in Africa. The rest and many more of my supernatural odysseys in the Satanic and demonic world are contained in this 600-page book: "The Kingdom of Satan Exposed." In the book, we mentioned real names of people, events and places that are verifiable, because as the Word of Life commanded in Ephesians 5: 11 "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." So what are speaking in tongues?

In the Word of Life, there are differences between speaking in tongues and praying in tongues. Both should not be confused. Speaking in tongues is the gift of the Holy Spirit to enable a believer sent to preach the word of life be able to speak in another language hitherto unknown to him/her. The first known demonstration of the power of speaking in tongues occurred in the Old Testament in Daniel 5: 1-30. Belshazzar, the son of Nebuchadnezzar succeeded his father as king of Babylon and became arrogant like his despotic father. He commanded that the cups and articles of gold dedicated to the Jehovah Lord Almighty by King Solomon in Jerusalem but carted away to Babylon by his father during the invasion be brought out to entertain his courtesans and palace chiefs. They desecrated the Lord's articles as Belshazzar and his shrine prostitutes engaged in bacchanal orgies and libidinal debauchery. The Lord God Almighty was angry and the Finger of the Lord wrote on the walls these spiritual words: "MENE, MENE TEKKEL, UPHARSIN." Those were spiritual words but only someone with the Holy Spirit could interpret those mysterious words. Daniel, who was in Babylon, spoke and interpreted those words and Belshazzar was judged that very night according to the interpretation given to Daniel by the Holy Spirit. (Read the whole of Daniel Chapter 5).

The Holy Spirit gave this gift of speaking in tongues and the ability to interpret such strange tongues on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2: 1-6: "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard them speaking in his own language." Read the last verse in that quoted scripture again. The Jews visiting from the Dispersion and Diaspora that came to Jerusalem for the festival were taken aback by these local folks speaking their languages back at home in their various foreign lands instead of the Hebrew Language. The apostles weren't aware, just as Daniel didn't know where those words came from in Babylon, apparently somewhere in the world, that language was spoken but certainly not in Babylon. For instance, if the Holy Spirit sent me to go and preach say in China and on getting to China, I don't speak the Chinese Language and there is no one to interpret for me in English, the Holy Spirit may give me utterance to speak the Chinese Language in that part of the world in order to bring the Good News to the people. Again, this is a spiritual gift and the Holy Spirit is the only One who decides when to empower me or any believer for that matter to exercise this gift. This is not a gift one can turn on and off as one wishes and at one's beck and call. Apostle Paul explained in 1 Corinthians 14: 1-40 how the gifts of speaking in tongues and praying in tongues should be utilized from the Holy Spirit in personal spiritual growth and in the church.

On the other hand, praying in tongues are gifts from the Holy Spirit that the believer needs to exercise to aid your spirit in communion and prayerful worship. When the flesh is interfering with your spiritual development, you switch to praying in tongues in order to edify the Lord God Almighty. You do not need to know what you are uttering with your mouth and your mind cannot conceptualize those words, but the Holy Spirit hears and understands. Satan and his demons do not understand what you are saying when you pray in tongues. It's like using a hotline telephone to speak to His Worshipful Majesty on the Throne On High.

How the Gifts of Speaking in Tongues and Praying in Tongues Should Be Exercised:
Here are the major differences between speaking in tongues and praying in tongues. To speak in tongue is a gift meant to spread the Good News in other languages on earth, whereas praying in tongue is for speaking in spiritual language to the Lord God Almighty. Speaking in tongues is corporate; praying in tongues is personal. Speaking in tongues gives glory to the church; praying in tongues is merely for personal devotion. Speaking in tongues should be done in the church openly and an interpreter must be present; you do not need an interpreter when you are praying in tongues. When somebody stands up and speaks in tongues in a church, the message(s) should be evaluated by other worshippers that have the gift of speaking in tongues as Apostle Paul commanded in 1 Corinthians 14: 27-29: "If anyone speaks in a tongue, two - or at the most three - should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God. Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said." The satanic pastor and prophetess in my personal experience referenced above preyed on the ignorance of those worshippers, because the Spirit of God was not in that church in the first place. The only way to burst a satanic agent in any church, who purports to speak in tongues from the Holy Spirit, is to have interpreters in the church. Any church where every Tom, Dick and Harry speak in tongues-not praying in tongues-and no one can interpret what they say in tongues is a fake church. Do not forget; just as we have the Holy Spirit, there is also an Un-Holy Spirit. Just as born-again Christians speak in tongues, Satanic and demonic agents too also speak in tongues. Anyone who speaks in tongues and insists he/she should interpret it and there are no two or three other worshippers to inform the rest congregation of the meaning of what those tongues are is a fake tongue speaker, because in all things concerning the works of the kingdom of God, there are no room for deceptions and manipulations, consequently, "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses," according to 2 Corinthians 13: 1.

Any person who has the power to switch on the gift of the Holy Spirit of speaking in tongues at his or her will, every second and minutes should be watched carefully. Speaking in tongues is not ability; it is a gift and must be exercised with decency and thankful heart. We can't manipulate the Holy Spirit and never and never will the Holy Spirit submit to us. We are to submit to Him, because He is God in Spirit and the Will of God. This is why some believers that started well in their Christian lives and ministries fall mid-way, because they crave the everyday uses of the gifts of speaking in tongues and when they do not have their way, they create a void which Satan, his demons and demonic agents are ready to exploit. God Almighty is more interested in having an intimate relationship with us rather than the sensational, because everything that Our Sovereign Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that are in them created are for His pleasure, including us. Every gift of the Holy Spirit is for a purpose and the gifts are for first, give glory to the Lord God Almighty and bring Honor to Our Lord Jesus Christ who redeemed us from the pit; second, to be used for the good of the body of Christ and thirdly, to serve as a witness to unbelievers and thus perhaps bring unsaved souls to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the path of righteousness.

The gift of speaking in tongues is not to show-off. Anyone who speaks in tongue is not necessarily more gifted and more spiritual than those who do not. As a matter of fact, if you have the gift of the Holy Spirit of speaking in tongues and can't interpret what you are saying to ordinary people who can't understand, Apostle Paul commanded you should shut up, period! (If anyone speaks in a tongue, two - or at the most three - should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God-1 Corinthians 14: 27 & 28). You can pray in tongues during your prayer devotion as many times as you can and in diverse places as you can, if you are by yourself or in the company of fellow Christian believers, who have the gift of praying in tongues. Get this straight, if you do not believe in any gift of the Holy Spirit, including praying in tongues, the Holy Spirit will not force on it on you. If you don't pray in tongues and speak in tongues, that doesn't mean you are not saved and won't make it to heaven. But why won't you want to obtain a hotline telephone with your heavenly Father?

The three gifts are speaking in tongues, praying in tongues and interpretation in tongues all go together. You can't exercise one without the other and that was why they are the last sets of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Praying in tongue is a universal gift and you do not need to know how to interpret what you are praying for in your native language because, as Apostle Paul disclosed in 1 Corinthians 14: 2: "For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding] (The Amplified Bible Translation Edition). Apostle Paul was talking about praying in tongues here, which was rendered in the English Language translation as "speaking."


We have finished with the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit this week, but the gifts of the Holy Spirit will have no meaning if they are not used for the Glory of the Lord, bring Honor to our Lord Jesus Christ and for the edification of the church. Consequently, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant for spiritual works and spiritual services. The Word of Life listed about 15 of such spiritual works and spiritual service and we shall go through all of them next week.


The Neo-Taliban on the Hill

America's representative democracy is still the best in the world, whatever any one may say to the contrary. But what is currently happening in Congress leaves a sour taste in the mouth. Who are the terrorists we are really fighting? The Taliban of Afghanistan have metastasized and fanned out across the world, but are now showing in different colorations. It will not be misplaced to talk of the Taliban abroad and the home grown Taliban right here in the homeland. The Puritanical Taliban use religion to redraw the global landscape after their convoluted world view and use violence as a terrorizing tool to achieve their asinine aim. In Nigeria, North Africa and other parts of the Islamic world where the Taliban have franchises, the same modus operandi is in use. The world is fighting these misanthropic elements, because their activities are insidious and inimical to the civilized world. Well, what the Republican Congress is doing by shutting down the US Government is akin to the modus operandi of the Taliban, except their tool is congressional power.

Terrorism comes in different sizes and hues. When a political party uses extortion against a sitting president as a tool of negotiation or insists the house must fall, because they can't have their way, it sounds like terrorism to me. Congressional terrorists hold a whole nation hostage; field terrorists hold their hostages and make demands. The terrorists on ground extort; congressional terrorists on the hill blackmail. Field terrorists use Kalashnikov and AK-rifles to inflict bodily injuries and mayhem on their victims; the Republican terrorists in Washington use votes to make people cry and wail. The Taliban terrorists kidnap victims; Congressional terrorists on Capital take away people's jobs and create more unemployment. The Taliban terrorists take people's lives; Republican terrorists in Washington take away people's joy. If elections have consequences, the Republican curmudgeons in Congress should know that you don't shut down a whole government, because you don't like a law. In Government 101, the way you get rid of a law is to win elections and form the majority in both the legislative arms of congress and overturn the law. This is silly and insane. I have warned in previous articles that the way the GOP is going about playing politics in the United States; it may not occupy the White House in the next 12 years. Political disaster is welling up as an astonishing speed for the GOP and very, very soon, the Republicans will become a minority party in the United States. Can't they get it? And these jesters say they are Christians? Give me a break!

What is so distasteful about Obamcare that the wheel of government must be halted because President Obama and the Democrats insist every American must have access to health insurance? Why are the fat cats in America content with avuncular philanthropy instead of the democratic right to enjoy access to health care and medical treatment for all? I still don't get it! Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded the powerful to help the powerless; the rich not to oppress the poor; the privileged not to trample underfoot the rights of the underprivileged and what each and every one of us cannot achieve on our own should be the responsible of the society and government. These are the words of the Sovereign Lord of the heavens and the earth to American leaders, especially to the Republican leaders, who pretend to love the Lord, just as the Lord told the Israelites in Isaiah 1: 10-17: "Hear the word of the LORD, you rulers of Sodom; listen to the law of our God, you people of Gomorrah! "The multitude of your sacrifices - what are they to me?" says the LORD. "I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts? Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations - I cannot bear your evil assemblies. Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, earn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow."

Just as the Israelites of Old didn't listen, the leaders in America will not listen too.

Corrigendum: In last week's article, the sentence under Current Affairs that read: "Mr. Jonathan is a train wreck and it should be pretty easy for the opposition to whip him silly electronically in 2015," should have read; "Mr. Jonathan is a train wreck and it should be pretty easy for the opposition to whip him silly electorally in 2015." The error is regretted.

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Re: Speaking In Tongues N Praying In Tongues By Moshood Fayemiwo-read N Get D Truth by Eebrahym(m): 4:58pm On Oct 13, 2013
U tried, u r a good writer, ur stories are interesting save that when I got to about 1/3 of the whole thing, I became bored..... angry

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