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Does Hell Really Exist? by FreshGreen: 10:08am On Aug 18, 2014
The Scientific & Biblical Evidence
What you're about to read is hard to believe. . .but patiently read it

Several years ago a book was published titled Beyond Death's Door by Dr Maurice Rawlings. Dr Rawlings, a specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, resuscitated many people who had been clinically dead. Dr Rawlings, a devout atheist, "considered all religion "hocus-pocus" and death nothing more than a painless extinction". But something happened in 1977 that brought a dramatic change in the life of Dr Rawlings! He was resuscitating a man, terrified and screaming — descending down into the flames of hell:

"Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient screamed, "I am in hell!" He was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death. . . Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling — he looked as if his hair was "on end."

Then still another strange thing happened. He said, "Don't you understand? I am in hell. . . Don't let me go back to hell!" . . .the man was serious, and it finally occurred to me that he was indeed in trouble. He was in a panic like I had never seen before." (Maurice Rawlings, Beyond Death's Door,(Thomas Nelson Inc., 1979) p. 3).

Dr Rawlings said, no one, who could have heard his screams and saw the look of terror on his face could doubt for a single minute that he was actually in a place called hell!

". . . THEY DIG INTO THE HELL . . ." Amos 9:2
Another scientist Dr Azzacove Picks from Dr Rawling with this stunning revelation. He says "As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of Hell!"

Dr Azzacove continued, ". . .the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."

"We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment."

"But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans! (These details are from the translation of an article in a Finnish newspaper name 'Ammennusatia'.

Do you know why Jacques Costeau, the famous underwater explorer, quit deep sea diving sometime before he died? It is said that he stopped because he had heard in one of the underwater caves he was exploring, the sounds of people screaming.

There was also another time, when one of his men, who was in a diving bell in the deepest trench at the Bermuda Triangle, also had a similar experience. He signalled to be brought up immediately. After being revived from his shock, he told others of his frightening experience of hearing people's screams while under the deepest part of the sea.

The Bible continually warns of a place called hell. There are over 162 references in the New Testament alone which warns of hell. And over 70 of these references were uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ!

In Luke 16, Jesus Christ gives a frightening picture of hell:
22 . . . the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father�s house:
28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. (Luke 16:22-28)

The man in Luke 16:24 cries: ". . .I am tormented in this FLAME."
In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

In Matthew 25:41, Jesus says: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting FIRE,. . ."
Revelation 20:15 says, " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."

When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He descended into hell. In Acts 2, Peter is speaking, verse 31, " . . . seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in HELL" When Jesus Christ died His soul went into hell.

And in Matthew 12:40, Jesus Christ says: "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly: so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the HEART OF THE EARTH. "The Bible is clear — Hell is inside the earth!

Ephesians 4:9, says of Jesus: "Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the LOWER PARTS OF THE EARTH."

On page 85 of Beyond Death Door, Dr. Rawlings writes patients who described hell said, ". . . this place seems to be UNDERGROUND or WITHIN THE EARTH in some way." Scientist and Bible teacher, Henry Morris also agrees the Bible plainly teaches that hell is in this earth:
"So far as we can tell from Scripture, the present hell, is somewhere in the heart of the earth itself. It is also called 'the pit' (Isa. 14:9, 15: Ezek. 32:18-21) and 'the abyss' (Rev. 9:2). . .

The writers certainly themselves believed hell to be real and geographically 'beneath' the earth's surface. . .

To say this is not scientific is to assume science knows much more about the earth's interior than is actually the case. The great 'pit' [hell] would only need to be about 100 miles or less in diameter to contain, with much room to spare, all the forty billion or so people who have ever lived, assuming their 'spiritual' bodies are the same size as their physical bodies." (Henry M. Morris, The Bible Has the Answer, p. 220)

The Birmingham News, April 10, 1987 had an article entitled "Earth's Center Hotter Than Sun's Surface, Scientists Say". The article stated that scientists have recently discovered, "THE EARTH'S INNER CORE HAS A TEMPERATURE OF OVER 12,000 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!"

Have you seen pictures of a volcano erupting, spewing a lake of fire from inside the earth — consuming everything within miles just from the heat? When Mount St. Helens erupted in May 18, 1980, it was described by reporters, "When HELL surfaced upon the earth." The book, Volcanoes, Earth's Awakening (p.91) describes an erupting volcano as "descent into HELL".

In Numbers 16, the Bible gives the account of people falling into hell alive! "And THE EARTH OPENED HER MOUTH, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods. They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive INTO THE PIT, and the EARTH CLOSED UPON THEM:" Numbers 16:32-33

Caspar Peucer, a famous fourteenth century astronomer and physician, who also researched and documented the volcanoe eruptions at Heklafell wrote some very frightening information in his research findings. Peucer, claims (as others) that "fearful howlings, weeping and gnashing of teeth" could be heard "for many miles. . ." as these volcanoes erupted: "Out of the bottomless abyss of Heklafell, or rather out of Hell itself, rise melancholy cries and loud wailings, so that these can be heard for many miles around . . . there may be heard in the mountain fearful howlings, weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Haraldur Sigurdsson, Melting the Earth, The History of Ideas on Volcanic Eruptions, p. 73)

And Caspar Peucer is not alone. There are others who believe they have heard "cries and screaming" coming from volcanoes. Most have tried to ignore the obvious. Some simply explain the "sounds of hell" to some rational meaning. But they are there. . ."The fearsome noises that issued from some of their volcanoes were certainly thought to be the screams of tormented souls in the fires of hell below". (Haraldur Sigurdsson, Melting the Earth, The History of Ideas on Volcanic Eruptions, p. 73)
Inside this earth, this very moment, there are millions of lost, tormented souls — burning, weeping, wailing — without any hope whatsoever!

In Mark 9:46, Jesus Christ says about hell: "Where THEIR WORM dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."

Jesus said explicitly — THEIR worm — not a worm, or the worm — but THEIR worm. The Bible teaches that Christians will one day have a body like the Lord Jesus Christ. Scientists recently discovered cracks on the ocean floor where fire was leaking out. Do you know what they found around these fire-breathing vents in the crust? Eight-foot long worms, found no other place in the world! The book, The Deep Sea, by Joseph Wallace (p.39), reads, "Perhaps the strangest of ocean creatures recently discovered are Riftia, the giant tube WORMS. Measuring up to 8 feet in length, the worms are ONLY FOUND NEAR DEEP SEA VENTS."

And Jesus Christ said, "Where THEIR WORM dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
National Geographic magazine truthfully titled their story on Volcanoes "Going To Hell". When PBS did a series on The Savage Earth, one episode was titled "Hell's Crust: Our Everchanging Planet". Everything we know. Everything we observe. Echoes the truth of a place called hell.
Nature magazine recently discovered (July 2002) what the Bible knew over 3,000 years ago. Inside this earth is "fire and brimstone": "Volcanoes may be more like hell than anyone realized. Eruptions disgorge streams of molten sulphur, the brimstone of evangelical preachers, which burns up before it can be preserved for posterity, new research in the journal Geology shows". (Nature, Science Update, July 22, 2002)

Jesus says of the man in Luke 16:
23 "And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in TORMENTS. . . "
24 ". . . for I am TORMENTED in this FLAME."
It is humanly impossible to comprehend the Bible description of hell. Nothing on earth can compare with it. No nightmare could produce a terror to match that of hell. No horror movie could describe it�s fright. No crime scene with all it�s blood and gore could begin to match it�s horror.
It will be beyond anything humanly imaginable!

The Bible warns in Psalm 9:17, you will not only be in hell — you will BE TURNED INTO HELL! You will literally BE HELL! “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17

The Bible describes it as weeping (Matt 8:12), wailing (Matt 13:42), gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:50), darkness (Matt 25:30), flames (Luke 16:24), burning (Isa 33:14), torments (Luke 16:23), everlasting punishment! Jesus Christ says in Matthew 25:41, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels."

In Matthew 13:42, Jesus says: "And shall cast them into a FURNACE OF FIRE: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

Rev. 14:11: "The smoke of their TORMENT ascendeth up for EVER AND EVER: and they have NO REST DAY NOR NIGHT." Just look how the Bible warns of the eternity and permanence of hell:

everlasting fire - Matthew18:8, 25:41
everlasting punishment - Matthew 25:46
everlasting chains-Jude 1:6
eternal damnation -Mark 3:29
eternal judgment -Hebrews 6:2
eternal fire -Jude 1:7
unquenchable fire - Matthew 3:12
the fire that never shall be quenched -Mark 9:43, 44, 45, 46, 48
fire unquenchable - Luke 3:17
mist of darkness is reserved for ever - 2 Peter 2:17
the blackness of darkness for ever - Jude 1:13

What could possibly be worth eternity in hell? No wonder Jesus Christ warned so much about hell! No wonder Jesus said in Mark 8:36, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and LOSE HIS OWN SOUL?"

Hebrews 9:27 says, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this THE JUDGEMENT"
Friend, it is appointed unto man once to die . . . and one day — YOU will die . . .
And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments . . .

But God is a God of LOVE. . . Why would a GOD OF LOVE send me to hell? Yes, God is a GOD OF LOVE — but God is also a HOLY GOD. A HOLY GOD demands payment for sin. Otherwise God would NOT and could NOT be HOLY.

Because God is holy — sin MUST be condemned. Joshua 24:19 says, ". . he is an HOLY GOD;. . . he will NOT forgive your transgressions nor your sins."

God does NOT want you in hell because hell was not made for man. Matthew 25:41 says, hell was, ". . . prepared for the devil and his angels:"

Because God is a GOD OF LOVE, and He LOVED YOU so much, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to die a cruel death on a cross to pay the price a HOLY GOD demands for your sins.
Roman 5:8 says, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God does not send someone to hell. You choose hell when you reject Jesus Christ. When you refuse God's love gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. . .

Millionaire Ted Turner, said in an interview,” I’m looking forward to dying and being cast into Hell. That's where I belong." You say —a fool! But friend, when you say "No" to Jesus Christ and His payment for your sin — you are saying the same thing! "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent from all your sins, confess and forsake them, become a new creature in Jesus and you will be saved from the terror of hell.

Are you ready to rededicate your life to Jesus now or start a new life? Then repent! Confess all your sins, forsake them all and ask Jesus to forgive, cleanse you and save you. Please click on this link and read on how to be genuinely saved and start new life in Jesus and pray as directed http://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-can-i-be-saved/270674586372252

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Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by Nobody: 1:50pm On Aug 18, 2014
A really long read. But there were points that got me really laughing (not in a patronising way, they were genuinely funny).
I have a question though, can Jesus save us from this alleged place of anguish and gnashing of teeth?
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by Ochoiho: 5:20pm On Aug 19, 2014
Xcapist: A really long read. But there were points that got me really laughing (not in a patronising way, they were genuinely funny).
I have a question though, can Jesus save us from this alleged place of anguish and gnashing of teeth?

Yes. Do you sincerely want to be saved? The concept of Hell may sound funny to you but one thing is certain-Your death. Have you thought about that?
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by alexleo(m): 6:07pm On Aug 19, 2014
Xcapist: A really long read. But there were points that got me really laughing (not in a patronising way, they were genuinely funny).
I have a question though, can Jesus save us from this alleged place of anguish and gnashing of teeth?

Yes Jesus is the only one that can save you just only on one ground- your choice.
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by Nobody: 6:10pm On Aug 19, 2014

Yes. Do you sincerely want to be saved? The concept of Hell may sound funny to you but one thing is certain-Your death. Have you thought about that?
I appreciate your concern for me bro, it's just that the whole concept of hell - a place of eternal torment for people who didn't believe in christ no matter how morally sound they are, created by an infinitely loving god to punish his own creations, the focal point of all his affection - doesn't add up. You yourself wrote it may sound funny, well it actually does sound phony (pun intended). But thanks man for the advert, even though I'm not buying, I've been there and done that (sunday evangelism on campus, FCS outreach to villages, exemplary living to shine the light of christ, the whole package man and the truth is I was once in your place doing what you're doing now) so I understand your passion for the 'lost', but I'll pass. My personal text reads "not all that wander are lost".

You mentioned Dr. Eben Alexander's book about his NDE. Interesting book, I don't know if you actually read it through? You may also find Dr. Steven Laureys work also interesting. He studies NDEs, but you know the funny thing I observed about the experiences of people who have actually experienced an NDE? Its that the vast majority of them said it was peaceful, relaxing and vividly real, irrespective of their religion or irreligion, most said they saw Jesus, or Buddha, or Mary, or Allah, or an angelic figure, or a dead relative, at some point in the experience based on the paradigm of their earthly belief. What does that prove?
And if hell is a physical place underneath our feet and geoscientists have drilled as far down then people will find a way of breaking out their relatives sooner or later, don't you think? I recommend you read a little ancient world mythology, particularly about the greek god called Hades, the god of the underworld. That will enlighten you a bit as you'll see how religion plagiarised ancient Greek and Egyptian myths and integrated them into the holy books... That's only if you'll allow yourselves to be open minded and really question your faith. After all, if truth is truth it will defend itself, right?


Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by collins125: 8:02am On Aug 20, 2014
I will murder your explanations in a bit.
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by CANTICLES: 1:41pm On Sep 02, 2014
Sometimes i smiled when i saw pastors terrifyin people with dis hell stories ... The rich man and lazarus is a story in PARABLE FORM ! Hw can somone dat is really in torments, ask for a glass of water ? Infact, how can somone in torments speak or talk ? ... Be practical, put ur penis in fire and see if u wuld be able to talk conversation or ask for water ? U "scream" ! Okay, even d scriptures show dis story to be parable , Many Yrs Afta Abraham Mentioned In D Parable Had Died, Jesus said "no man has ever been to heaven" John 3:13 ! Abraham Is Not There ! And Also Is Dat ' Nobody Is Resurected To Heaven B4 Christ ' 1 Cor 15:23
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by CANTICLES: 1:53pm On Sep 02, 2014
Its A Doctrine Dat Develop Itself Into christianity ... And was neva taught by d scriptures? Dont shout ! I will show u d facts , d bible was written in hebrew and greek , so d word hellfire neva appear in d original writings ! # fact# in d old testament , d hebrew word rendered hell is ' sheo'l' wich literally means " grave" or "pit" ecc 9:10 ! The KJV called king james render sheol as " hell" ( bcoz in d original english dialect hellin potatoes means "to bury dem"wink , it also render it as " the grave" and " the pit" ; in d greek or new testament we found its equivalent " hade's" , the kjv render it has both " hell" and " grave" ( act 2:25-27) . And " gehenna" a mass grave yard called " valley of hinnom " hebrew ( jer 7:32) was also rendered as hell ! The Original Meaning Of Hade's And Sheo'" Is " The Grave"
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by CANTICLES: 2:08pm On Sep 02, 2014
The Greek Word That Apear In Matthew 5:22, 29, 30 ; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15, 33 ; Mark 9:43,45,47; Luke 12:5; James 3:6 Is "Gehenn'a" Wich Means Valley Of Hinnom , Dats Y D Greek Septuagint Reads " Gehenna" In Joshua 18:16 Where Valley Of Hinnom Appears ! Its A Mass Graveyard ( Jer 7:32) And Also A Place Where Dead Bodies Of Criminals And Dead Animals Are Thrown Into. A Fire Is Put In Dis Valley To Burn All Dis Dead Bodies , If D Body Lands At D Edge Of Dis Fire It Decompose And Produce Maggots ... But If It Lands Inside It , IT IS CONSUMED ! JESUS use "gehenna " to picture everlasting destruction NOT Everlastin torment ! No live beings or conscious beings are thrown into gehenna , ITS DEAD UNCONSCIOUS CREATURES ( JER 7:32) .. Gehenna is Not an unseen place of torments
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by CANTICLES: 2:24pm On Sep 02, 2014
I Also Smiled When Some Preachers Teach Pple Dat God Is So Merciless And Worst Dan Hitler Bcoz He Will Burn Pple In A Lake Of Fire ........ No Human As Wicked As Our Nature Is, Can Throw His Children In An Incinerator For Stealing, Can U? U Cant Bcoz God Create Us In His Fine Image ! Dat Makes Us Ask, What Den Is D Meaning Of D Lake Of Fire In Revelation ? The Bible Itself Explains dat revelation is written in symbols or signs ( rev 1:1) concerning the symbol lake of fire, bible said " This means the second DEATH" REV 20:14 .... To show further dat its plainly symbolic, Death was said to be thrown into it ( rev 20:14) its clear dat death cannot be literally burned , an angel also explain d meaning of d torments to apostle John In Rev 18: 9,10 And He Explained It Dat Such Ones Will Cease To Exist As If Thrown Into D Sea ( Rev 18:21) ! So Also Death Will Cease To Exist As If Thrown Into D Sea ( Rev 21:4) ! It Symbolize Eternal Death Or Destruction ! " The Wages Of Sin Is Death"rom6:23, Gen3:19, Gen 2:17
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by Yooguyz: 8:26am On Sep 03, 2014
CANTICLES: I Also Smiled When Some Preachers Teach Pple Dat God Is So Merciless And Worst Dan Hitler Bcoz He Will Burn Pple In A Lake Of Fire ........ No Human As Wicked As Our Nature Is, Can Throw His Children In An Incinerator For Stealing, Can U? U Cant Bcoz God Create Us In His Fine Image ! Dat Makes Us Ask, What Den Is D Meaning Of D Lake Of Fire In Revelation ? The Bible Itself Explains dat revelation is written in symbols or signs ( rev 1:1) concerning the symbol lake of fire, bible said " This means the second DEATH" REV 20:14 .... To show further dat its plainly symbolic, Death was said to be thrown into it ( rev 20:14) its clear dat death cannot be literally burned , an angel also explain d meaning of d torments to apostle John In Rev 18: 9,10 And He Explained It Dat Such Ones Will Cease To Exist As If Thrown Into D Sea ( Rev 18:21) ! So Also Death Will Cease To Exist As If Thrown Into D Sea ( Rev 21:4) ! It Symbolize Eternal Death Or Destruction ! " The Wages Of Sin Is Death"rom6:23, Gen3:19, Gen 2:17

Which is more worse?
God burning unrepentant sinners in hell


God killing billions of people in armaggedon, most of whom haven't heard Jehovahs witnesses teaching?
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by CANTICLES: 9:59am On Sep 03, 2014

Which is more worse?
God burning unrepentant sinners in hell


God killing billions of people in armaggedon, most of whom haven't heard Jehovahs witnesses teaching?
..... The World Was So Bad In Noahs Day , So D Flood Was Used To Clear Dem All , for our time Am Happy To Tell U Dat Armageddon Is Designed By GOD thru his son Jesus to clear d wicked beings of dis system of things .... It will cleanse d earth for the promised " new earth" 1 pet 3:13 where righteousness will prevail , bro " the righteous shall possess d earth, and dey shall live foreva on it" psalm 37:9-11 , matt 5:5 ! Will u be there?
Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by Yooguyz: 1:26pm On Sep 03, 2014
CANTICLES: ..... The World Was So Bad In Noahs Day , So D Flood Was Used To Clear Dem All , for our time Am Happy To Tell U Dat Armageddon Is Designed By GOD thru his son Jesus to clear d wicked beings of dis system of things .... It will cleanse d earth for the promised " new earth" 1 pet 3:13 where righteousness will prevail , bro " the righteous shall possess d earth, and dey shall live foreva on it" psalm 37:9-11 , matt 5:5 ! Will u be there?

You didn't answer my question neither did you address it.

1 Like

Re: Does Hell Really Exist? by alexleo(m): 8:27am On Sep 04, 2014
CANTICLES: The Greek Word That Apear In Matthew 5:22, 29, 30 ; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15, 33 ; Mark 9:43,45,47; Luke 12:5; James 3:6 Is "Gehenn'a" Wich Means Valley Of Hinnom , Dats Y D Greek Septuagint Reads " Gehenna" In Joshua 18:16 Where Valley Of Hinnom Appears ! Its A Mass Graveyard ( Jer 7:32) And Also A Place Where Dead Bodies Of Criminals And Dead Animals Are Thrown Into. A Fire Is Put In Dis Valley To Burn All Dis Dead Bodies , If D Body Lands At D Edge Of Dis Fire It Decompose And Produce Maggots ... But If It Lands Inside It , IT IS CONSUMED ! JESUS use "gehenna " to picture everlasting destruction NOT Everlastin torment ! No live beings or conscious beings are thrown into gehenna , ITS DEAD UNCONSCIOUS CREATURES ( JER 7:32) .. Gehenna is Not an unseen place of torments

You are a false teacher.

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