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How To Avoid Tragedy by Pastorcaleb(m): 4:45am On Aug 25, 2015
Everywhere we go in life, we keep hearing the word: Tragedy. Its either we see it or we hear it. That is why most of the time I find myself travelling anywhere, I say a short prayer which is mostly built around these words “As I travel today, I see no evil, and I hear no evil in Jesus name”. I want to make a profound statement today which will shock some of you, and it’s this: As long as we are in this present world, there will always be tragedy. Every man, woman, girl, boy or family is prone to tragedy, whether they believe it or not. Someone will say: Why will someone that calls himself a man of God make such statement. Well, I wonder why even Jesus Christ of Nazareth will make a similar statement in His prayer to His father for His disciples in John 17:15, 16

“I do not pray for You to take them out of the world, but for You to keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Do you know why this world cannot be rid of Tragedy? It’s simple; it is because the devil is the god of this world

(2Co 4:4) in whom the god of this world (age) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving ones, so that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ (who is the image of God) should not dawn on them.

Did God plan it to be so? No. When God created this world, He leased it to man to have dominion. But man gave the authority to rule this world to Satan. Since then, the devil has been the one controlling the world system. Little wonder when he came to Jesus to tempt him:

(Mat 4:8-10) Again, the Devil took Him up into a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, All these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said to him, Go, Satan! For it is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.”

Did you notice that Jesus did not say to him: Go, Satan! This world is not you own, but my father in heavens. Why is that? This is because, of a truth, it has being given to the devil by man.

I remember going to preach to a dear brother who has been to different churches in pursuit of understanding the bible. I don’t know who confused him or if he confused himself along the line. He made a funny statement; he said both the devil and God are working together. That the devil is an agent working for God, both aiming to achieve the same goal. Do you know that this statement is from the pit of hell? This statement is fabricated by the devil to deceive many of Gods children. Do you know that if this statement is true, then there is no need to resist the devil? This is because, if he is working with or for God, then everything he does will be the will of God. Why should James tell you to resist him (James 4:7). I think the scripture should say accommodate the devil or accept the devil because he is working with God. Or better still, Jesus in Matt 13:39 would not have called the enemy, Satan. As John Osteen rightly said, “The bible is so simple that you will need someone else to confuse you”. I also began to wonder, if this statement is actually true, why then did God send Jesus Christ to the earth? Also Jesus shouldn’t have made this statement in this passage;

Luke 11:14-18 And He was casting out a demon and it was dumb. And it happened as the demon was going out, the dumb one spoke. And the people marveled. But some of them said, “He casts out demons through Beelzebub the chief of the demons”. And others, tempting Him, sought a sign from Heaven from him. But knowing their thoughts, He said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. And a house divided against a house falls. If Satan also is divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons through Beelzebub.

Now I want us to begin to look at how we can avoid tragedy. I don’t think I need to explain to you that tragedy is evil.

Knowledge: Do you know that many people believe that evil also come from God? If you are part of those that believe such, then you have to renew your mind today. They believe that God does punish us with sickness, disease and poverty because we sinned against him. If I may ask, Where in the world did God get those evil things he punishes us with from?

Jam 1:17 says Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning.

If every good gift comes from God, then where does the bad gift come from? You answered right, from the Devil. I heard Charles Capps make a profound statement, he said “So if the bad gift, like the tragedies, sickness and poverty we see now comes from the devil, then God will have to go borrow from the devil to inflict on us. This we know isn’t possible because

1Jhn 1:5 says” And this is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all”.

The devil has blinded a lot of Gods children to make us believe the troubles we are going through are from God. When you have this mindset, then you cannot resist the devil, because that would mean you are fighting against the plans of God. God himself said in Hos 4:6 “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. They believe that I am the one causing all their troubles and sorrows, no; my plans for you are plans of good and not of evil, to give you a future and to take you to an expected end. If you being wicked and evil know how to give good gift to your children, how much more will I give good gifts to all that ask me? Ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full. Friends, believe me, we have been called to a life of glory and virtue. Don’t let the devil sell lies to you.

Prov11.9b …but through knowledge the just shall be delivered (from tragedy, destruction and evil. A lot of Gods children are ignorant of the truth, ………You shall know the truth and the truth (that you know and apply shall make you free John 8.32 (Underline mine).

Now, the truth has come to you, believe it, meditate on it, and act on it. The key to knowledge is to study the word of God for you. Ignorance is not a sin, but it will keep you poor, busted and destroyed.


1Pe 3:10 For he that wants to love life and to see good days, let him restrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking guile. Jam 3:6 The tongue is like a spark. It is an evil power that dirties the rest of the body and sets a person’s entire life on fire with flames that come from hell itself (CEV).

You can relate the tongue to a Spark plug use in engines, without the little spark from a plug; the big and mighty engines cannot function. Your tongue being a little member of your body can make you a success and your tongue can also destroy you. Do you know that your mouth was not given to you to eat alone? (Mat 4:4) But Jesus answered and said, It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” You want to live a good life? Then start speaking the right word into your life and situation. I have someone close to me who lost his job recently. I have always known he will lose the job someday. It may take some time, even years, but he will lose it. You ask me why? It’s very simple. Since I have known him, he has always talked about his being sacked any moment and how he has no savings, everyone around him don’t like him at work. It took some years, but he was eventually sacked. James said the tongue can set an entire course of life on fire. What does it mean? It means that it sets the course of your future, your pathway to work for you or against you knowingly or unknowingly. You find out that every good door is shut before you get there. The Devil cannot get at you unless he makes you confess what he wants to happen to you. Do you know what works for God? His Word. He does nothing except by His word. And that is how God made us too. To live and rule by words.

(Mat 12:37) For by your words you shall be justified (set free), and by your words you shall be condemned (in bondage).

Being subject to authority:

Every king needs a prophet. This is a divine truth that must be established. All through the scripture there were no king ordained or appointed by God that functions without a prophet, and there was no king that functions in both offices. Every believer is a King and a priest unto God (Rev1:6), but every believer is not a prophet. And not everyone that prophesies is a prophet. Prophesy is a manifestation of the gift of the Spirit for every believer, while being a prophet is an office given to an individual to operate in.

The word prophet in this context is someone whose word you are willing to obey. Your prophet should be anyone operating in the fivefold ministry given by Jesus Christ as in Ephe 4:11. You have to be careful in deciding whose word you are willing to obey. Anyone I make my prophet has been specifically given to me by God, because they are the ones God have given the word to help me get to my destination. I have seen believers lose all they have because of the words of the prophet they choose to obey and some, the words of the prophet they refuse to obey. Your success in life is dependent on the Man of God assigned to you by God. I remember some months ago, after a brief morning prayer, I slept off. I had a dream about two of my members, in which one of them died and the other was seriously injured. When we prayed for them, the dead one came to life, rejoicing and the other one was healed. When I woke up, I began to wonder what God was trying telling me. When I got to our meeting that evening, still feeling pressed, I asked everyone to pray against tragedy. After the meeting, I was approached by some members, including the one that died in my dream. I was told that the both of them planned to visit a cousin, at the very last minute, he changed his mind about going but the other one went. We got to hear later that on getting there, while waiting, an anti-robbery squad came and arrested him. They accused him of being part of a gang which, probably his cousin belongs. But by Gods intervention, he was released some days after. One totally escaped it, but the other one partially escaped it. You will wonder why the difference. Well, I believe it is because one was subjected to authority and received the grace needed in time of need to escape danger but the other one did not because of his rebellious character. You are better by the grace and anointing you partake from a higher authority.

Right praying:

(Mar 11:23) For truly I say to you that whoever shall say to this mountain, Be moved and be cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he said shall occur, he shall have whatever he said.

Do you know that this is a scripture a lot of people have in mind when they want to pray but they still do not get their prayers answered? The reason is simple, many people reverse this scripture. Rather than speak to the mountain about how big their God is, they speak to God about their mountain. I believe you never thought about this. Read it carefully and you will find out why you may not have received answers to your prayers yet. God knows what you are going through and doesn’t need lecture from you describing to him how magnanimous your mountain is. In the course of doing this, a lot of people begin to beg God to help them with the mountain. I have heard someone close to me many times pray like this “Father I beg of thee”. A funny way to pray. God isn’t your problem, the devil is. Moreover, He isn’t saying no to your prayers for you to have to beg Him, His answer is always Yes and Amen (2cor 1.20). If you don’t do anything about the problem, He won’t either.

In this light, I want to bring something to your notice. If God wants you to do something, you have to do it anyhow and not expect him to push you to do it. I heard a story about a woman who had the call to work for God. Rather than doing what God would want her to do, she began to pray that God should take away from her anything that will hinder her from doing what He assigned for her to do, even if its her husband. Couple of months later, her husband was attacked with cancer and died. True, she became closer to God in mourning but that is after sacrificing her husband and becoming a widow. Foolish prayers. God doesn’t need your sacrifice, Jesus is the only sacrifice that is needed and He is more than enough. She could have done much for God without the death of her husband. Did God kill him? No No No No, a thousand times No. She invited the devil into her home with what she calls “A prayer of dedication”, and couldn’t have prayed the prayer of faith to heal the husband because she believed it is God’s will. Faith begins where or when the will of God is known. Her situation isn’t different from that of Job in the bible, which many people have ignorantly misunderstood.

When you pray, only say what you desire and stop mentioning the negative part of a situation. You shall have what you say (even in prayers) Mark 11:23.

Praying in the Spirit:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose Rom8:28.

Many people quote this verse, in doing this; they quote it out of context. They pick a verse of scripture and run around with it without really understanding it holistically. They believe because they are Christians and they love God, this scripture applies to them. It’s not so. If you read the preceding verse, you will understand that it’s talking about praying in the spirit. The literal meaning is that, when you don’t know how to pray as you are supposed to pray, the Holy Spirit Himself will help you to pray the way you are supposed to pray. When this happens (after a note of victory in your spirit), then you will know that all things will work together for your good.

Imagine God himself helping you to pray. How can you not pray the right way and how will things not turn around for your good. Praying in the Spirit is an advantage God has given to us. No wonder Paul the apostle said, “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than you all” 1cor 14:18. There are so many instances I have avoid tragedy by speaking in tongues. There are times you are just troubled in your spirit, and you don’t know what is wrong. You are burdened and the feel the need to pray. What do you then pray about in your understanding when you don’t even know what the problem is? This is when you need the help of the Holy Spirit to help you pray the mind and the will of God. How I love to pray and speak in tongues. I can say this is one of the secret to my glorious relationship with God. I remember recently, I was travelling down from another state, I began to feel the urge to pray, and when this happen, I have no other way to pray but to pray in the Spirit. I must have prayed for about 40min, when I saw the bonnet of the car in front of my own bus came out of its hook and hit our windscreen. This would have been a big catastrophe because we were both moving at top speed, being highway. The miracle is this, the bonnet hit our bus windscreen, and the windscreen shattered into pieces but no one was hurt, even though I was sitting in front. This is God, because not even a single glass cut anybody in the bus. Imagine if I hadn’t allowed the Holy Spirit help me to pray right. I can’t count the number of tragedies I have averted by praying in the spirit. Also, many times I have received word from God after praying in the spirit. This blessing cannot be quantified (Gal3.14). If you had prayed in the spirit when nudged to pray, you would have averted tragedies like bad investment, being at the wrong place at the wrong time, losing a family member, job, finances or business transaction etc. Begin to use the gift of heavenly language, and you will find out that, truly, all things will work together for your good.

Ministry of Angels:

God has made you a king (Rev1:6).A new creation born into the kingdom of God. Kings rule in a kingdom and have servants subjected to them. When God made you a king, He gave you an assignment and therefore ministering spirits to aid you in fulfilling it.

(Heb 1:14) Angels are merely spirits sent to serve people who are going to be saved (CEV).

We need to also make a differentiation between servants and slaves. They are servant to serve you but not slaves for you to lord over.

The power of the ministry of Angels should not be underestimated. Their ministry span even before the creation of this world. Their ministry is to you, the new creation, the sons of God. The mistake a lot of people make is they don’t know that they are to engage angels. Because you have servants to serve you do not automatically mean they will start running errands for you without you engaging them. Years ago, God showed me in a vision some of the keys to engage angels. Thank God, I have enjoyed their ministry so much and I am still learning more about it. I will share with you one of the keys to activating the ministry of Angels in your life.

Psa 103:20 says Bless Jehovah, O angels of His, who excel in strength, who do His command, listening to the voice of His Word (CEV).

If you study this verse closely you will observe that it says angels listen to the voice of God’s word. It explains that angels will not bid your word because you command them, but the moment you give voice to the word of God, they are obligated to obey. So, if you want the help of angels, you must continually study the word of God and give voice to what you have meditated on. You fill your heart with His word, and you speak those words out with your own voice. This is giving voice to the word of God.

The scripture above iterate that angels are to minister to those who are to be saved, that is those that are born again. If you are not born again, you cannot enjoy this great salvation (Heb2.3). Make a decision today to receive Jesus as your lord and savior.

Prayer of Salvation: Lord Jesus I thank you for dying on the cross for me. Father, I confess Jesus today as my lord and savior; I believe that he died because of me and was raised from the dead for my justification. Today, I receive eternal life into my spirit and now I am saved. Thank You for saving me.

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Re: How To Avoid Tragedy by christinie(f): 4:46am On Aug 25, 2015
It is well

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