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Why Few Will Be Chosen by loginname2011: 5:19pm On Feb 06, 2016
Matthew 22:14- For many are called, but few are chosen.
This portion of the Bible really worried me a lot , I was so bothered because I discovered that we believers in this end time have not really know many things that we need to know, and the CHRISTIANITY that many are doing is mouth and face claimer and not life claimer, this has been a great bothering in my heart, and I prayed this prayer “”Oh Lord Am I really saved, oh Lord I will be very glad in thou Reveal unto me why just few shall be saved” I am so Glad oh Lord that thou has decided to Reveal this great and mighty thing to me and your children because you don't want us to perish , give us the grace to understand the voice of the spirit of God.
I was asleep when I heard a mighty voice that spoke from Above and gave me many instructions concerning why few shall be saved “”Many are called but few are chosen “ and when I woke up I write them down.
A christian must know that He is on His journey to somewhere I.e on a journey to eternity, but many christian refused to understand that unless they meet my standard they can not be permitted to enter the paradise where sorrow and troubles of the world ended.
My coming is at the door and I will come any moment from now, never listen to any prophecy that says I will come next year, next month, after the celebration of Israelite, christian I will come at any time that the father decided, the father may say today, tomorrow, next minute, christian just be prepared and be ready , and I will tell you what you need to know now and check your life now because if you don't have this you can not go with me.
Many has been called but just few will be chosen for this are the few who obey my words and do not deny my name in the adulterous and sinful generation, they follow my word and obey my instructions, they are obedient to the voice of the spirit and never argue with my truth “Just only few will be chosen among the sons of men”.
1 .GENUINE SALVATION : How do you know that you are saved ? Have you fall before the Cavalry and drop every load of sin and affairs of the world ? Christian never think that I can be deceived as you are deceiving many people that you are saved. What matter now is that are you born of corruptible seed or incorruptible seed ? Because you are born of corruptible seed this is why the salvation you claim yield fruit unto unrighteousness and not unto righteousness and holiness . The day you are genuinely born again that is the day you enter the agreement of sonship with me, and a son must be obedient to his father so that he may live long and abide with Him forever. Great multitude of people that can not be number by flesh that thought they are saved are not truly saved, however for this reason just few will be chosen, and this are the few that have genuine first experience which is called “SALVATION”.
2. GENUINE SANCTIFICATION: For this purpose just few will be chosen, for I look into my church and see different doctrine that is set up by pastors , and many of this teaching are actually against my standard on sanctification , for this teacher shall not escape my judgment unless they repent now and teach my word and not their own standard.
There are many christian who do not have genuine sanctification, they proclaim they are sanctified but still battle with anger, they proclaim they are sanctified but still battle with lust of the eyes, of the flesh and pride of life. They proclaim they are sanctified but still battle with love of money, they proclaim they are sanctified but still battle with hatred, bitterness of the heart, evil imagination, evil thought, evil desire, envy , jealousy, unforgiveness, malice , fighting, false accuser , false witness, lying, gossiping, Their heart is divided and not stable in my service, I tell you that this are not the few.
For my word said “ For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.” 1 thess 4:3-7.
Sanctification is total purging of the heart from all filthiness of the flesh, heart, and the world, for this make you to be totally consecrated for me even for me only for my glory will I not share with anyone, any church that is against this standard is a satanic church assign to deceive the christian in this end time. This can be attain through my grace, but you have to pray for it, for everyone that asked received, unto everyone that knocked is opened , and unto everyone that searched found. For this purpose only few will be chosen for many are not sanctified.
3. GENUINE HOLY GHOST BAPTISM : many in the church have no relationship with the holy ghost, they only hear about him, talks about him but do not bothered to enter relationship with the holy ghost even with the spirit of truth. Also there are many in the church who are possessed with the spirit of divination, they speak in tongues but their tongues is not from the holy ghost, they perform miracles but not through the power of the Holy Ghost , upon them shall be fulfilled my word that says “”Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity Matthew 7:22-23”” for this purpose few will be chosen because many that claim to have been baptized in the Holy Ghost are not truly baptized.
4. FERVENT EVANGELISM : The law of any nations which is against evangelism can not be an excuse when i shall come. Many has neglected evangelism, they don't win souls to my kingdom again, they are so fearful and afraid of men, government, and death, for he that is ASHAMED and AFRAID of preaching my word the same will I be Ashamed to confess his name before my father and the Holy angels. Even my servant today's do not organized crusade for the purpose of soul winning but because of money, they have their own reward for they shall receive greater condemnation. Those who have neglected evangelism and do not rescue the perishing and care for the dying, even I the Lord will not confess them to be my disciple.
For this purpose only few will be chosen.
5. FERVENT QUIET TIME : It is so sad that many Christian doesn't know that quiet time is important in their life. This is the time you will pray, and study my word to examine your life, this is the time you set yourself apart for me and have communion with me, this is the time you intercede for my church and the world, this is the time you patiently wait to get important instructions from me to pass it across to the world, I so much cherish it, but many don't have time for this , it is sad that for this purpose just few will be chosen.
6. CHARITY TO THE POOR, WIDOW, AND ORPHANS: My word says “ Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy” and my word also said “ Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
for this many of my children are guilty and many shall be offended in me but woe unto such that is offended in me. Even for this purpose few will be chosen.
7. SUPPORTER OF FALSE PROPHETS AND SATANIC CHURCH ARE NOT IN THE NUMBER : Oh what a great day that I will reward the faithful, oh what a great and fearful day that the supporters of works of the devil, supporter of assignments of the devil against my children shall lament. Those that give out their money to satanic church, and spread their message, their materials for them to get popular, and for the false prophets to succeed In their mission to harvest and win souls for The prince of the world, they which does such thing are not among the few that are chosen, for this purpose I have just few that would be saved.
8. PREACHER THAT PREACH THEIR OWN DAMNATION ARE NOT IN THE NUMBER: This are the preachers that preach about hell but do not tend to escape hell, they preached about heaven but do not strive to enter , they preach about sanctification but are not sanctified , they have not totally surrender their life to me but enforce others to do so, they are so many, which is why many preacher who people recommended will be disappointed at my coming. They look humble but not to my word, they have not crucify self-will and self-pleasing. For this purpose just only few will be saved.
9. THOSE WHO HAVE IDOLS IN THEIR LIFE ARE NOT IN THE NUMBER: There are many Christian who don't know that they can not be permitted in my kingdom because they are idolater. They cherish their education than me, they cherish their business, work , and their trade than me, they love their Children than me , they love their wife and husband than me, they depend on them for happiness and joy instead on me, their heart is totally on them and half their heart is on me and my word, they hid this in their heart, they think of this in their heart, but my word they hid not in their heart so that they may obey them. They are so caring for their house than me, they love money than me, they can do anything because of money, but they cannot do everything because of the gospel . Whatever that have most of your heart, whatever that you cherish most is your idol. For this purpose only few will be saved.
10. IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE NUMBER YOU MUST HAVE THE NINE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT : which is written in Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
For the lack of this, only few will be chosen.
11. IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE NUMBER SPEAK EVIL OF NO MAN : because of what you saw about your fellow man, make sure is not harmful, poisonous , gossiping, slanderous, condemnation ,curse , etc make sure you speak evil of no man, whatever you will not want the person you are talking about to hear, whatever you can not speak in the front of the person you are talking about avoid it, and avoid every gathering that gossip and speak evil of their fellow men. For those who do such things are not Among the few that will be saved. For no one will speak wickedly and ever escape punishment.
12. RESTITUTION MUST NOT BE IGNORED: Those you have curse bless them, confess every lies and deceit, restored stolen things, pay every debt, fulfil every vow, not evil vow but Godly vow, keep no malice with anybody , forgive everyone that trespass against you, have no evil thoughts and desire against any one that persecute you and speak evil of you. For this purpose just few will be saved.
13. YOU MUST HAVE FAITH IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE NUMBER : Many Christian complain a lot, they don't have faith in me, even in my name, they easily doubt my word and do not have confidence in my power ,WORRY FOR NOTHING, FEAR FOR NOTHING, COMPLAIN FOR NOTHING. For this purpose only few will be saved.
14. AVOID WORLDLY FASHION IF YOU WANT TO BE IN THE NUMBER : Let your dressing preach gospel to others, do not put on clothes that will stare others to lust, avoid indecent clothes that would expose your body, avoid harlot materials , avoid painting of your face for you are already created well, avoid decorating yourself with jewelry, attachment, and ungodly haircut, avoid changing the color of your eyes, hair, body , for it is a great dishonor to me, avoid clothes that revealed your underwear, don't tattoo your body , avoid going to clubs, worldly parties, avoid singing of songs, watching of films, TV program which does not bring glory to me but to the prince of the world. Avoid fornication (sex before marriage), Adultery , sexual appeal attire, avoid divorce, avoid worldly dance, watching pornography, masturbation. For this purpose just few will be chosen.
15. AVOID COSTLY APPAREL : my work is suffering because there is no one to support my servant that is doing my will, many spend their money on costly apparel, costly phone, costly car, costly shoe, costly things , while they leave my work to suffer, they have their reward. For this purpose just few will be saved .
16. HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF: don't be self dependable, trust in my strength and power, avoid pride, praising of yourself and giving glory to yourself unto me alone belong glory, honor, adoration . Avoid self exaltation, self approved , self seeking. For this purpose just few will be chosen.
17. NEVER TURN BACK FROM THE WAY OF HOLINESS: Many are tired of living a holy life, they don't read their bible again, they don't pray again, they don't do evangelism again, they don't preach the truth again, they are tired of waiting for my coming and they have gone back to the world, some of them are now lukewarm christian, they have backslidden from faith, some went back to the world because of persecution, affliction , hardship, trials, but I am calling you to come back to me. Even for this purpose only few will be saved.
18. ONLY THE HEARER AND DOER OF MY WORD WILL BE IN THE NUMBER : Many has been hearing my word but yet they remain unsaved, they hear about holiness but do not work in holiness, they hear about righteousness but do not live a righteous life , they hear about restitution but do not attempt to make restitution, they hear about evangelism but do not evangelized, they hear about charity but do not do charity, they hear about total consecration but never attempt to consecrate their heart and life to me, they have the name of christian but are not true christian, they obey some part of my word and disobey others , they select the word they will obey and avoided the strict one . For this purpose only few will be chosen.
19. NEVER DISOBEY ANY ASSIGNMENTS I GIVE YOU : I have called so many people but they have rejected my call upon their life's , I send so many Christian to go and warn a sinner and backslider but they would not go, when I tell them to do something but they would not obey, when I showed them something to tell people they will not do so, this is sad that they do not honor me even my word. For this purpose just few will be saved.
20. AVOID PROMISE AND FAIL : for my word said “”But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Matthew 5:37.
This is a very common thing that will disqualified many, they will promise to help someone but they will disappointed the person, they will promise to pray for someone but would not do that, they will promise people but they will fail them, they are unfaithful to the word of their mouth, the people and to me. For this purpose just few will be chosen.
Seek me and you shall know more of the reason why only few will be chosen, they are written in my word, but unto this that I revealed unto you “”Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Re: Why Few Will Be Chosen by TrajansKong: 6:10pm On Feb 06, 2016
Guess it'll just be you and God then, huh??

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