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Homosexuality: An Abomination - Religion - Nairaland

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Homosexuality: An Abomination by blexxonmak(m): 6:51pm On Sep 27, 2016
I want to call our attention to something because there are lots of people that go to Church that want to go to heaven. And there are others that go to Church that do not want to go to heaven but they want to go to church. Some of these people have discovered that what they go searching for in the bush (babalawo-witch doctors), they can now get in the church where there is the power and anointing of God. So instead of going to the witch doctor and be given concoction to eat, they decide to come to the church carrying the Bible and when you see them, you will think they are Christians but the Bible says, “By their fruits, you will know them”.
I learnt something in the parable of the wheat and tare in the Book of Matthew Chapter 13. The church is a mixed multitude but more importantly, the parable in Matthew Chapter 13 brings the picture out clearer. Here the farmer went to his farm and planted good seeds (wheat) but when men went to sleep, the enemy (satan) went to that same farm and planted tares.
This same parable can be used to explain the mystery of iniquity. The servants went to the farm and discovered that the good seeds were there and so were the tares. They were worried and came to tell the master, Master, was it not good seeds you planted, how come tares are there also?
The farm is the church of Jesus Christ. The owner of the farm is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says we are born again by the incorruptible seed of the word. The word of God is that seed that was sown and it is supposed to bring forth fruits of righteousness but somehow, while men (our apostolic fathers who laid the foundation of the church and the gospel we are to build upon) slept (died), satan anointed his own ministers; not another faith but the same church and planted his seed and the church is now in the condition she is. That parable went further to state that the servants of the owner of the vine yard asked him if they should go and uproot the tares but he told them not to so do but allow both the wheat and the tares to grow, so that in their effort to uproot the tares, they will not end up uprooting the wheat; that they should allow both until the harvest (i.e. end of time). The reason is that the wheat and the tares grow together and they look identical so how would you identify which are the wheat and which are the tares? It is only by their fruits that you will know which is which.
A true seed of God can mingle so much with tares and get so influenced and begin to act like the tares and you will think he/she is a tare not knowing he is only acting under the influence of tares.
The only thing that separates is the word. And the separation is going on now. This is because there are some of you who are genuine children of God; with your names written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world. And remember, Christ did not go to the cross for everyone. Salvation is not for all!
The Bible says, “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who…. With the ‘whosoever’, it makes it look as if it is for everybody. But it is certainly not for everybody because the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 11:28 says “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He went to John Chapter 6:44 and says "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

So you are a Christian today because the father drew you. Somebody else died an unbeliever because the father did not draw him/her. So salvation is not for all, “for whom he did foreknow, he did predestinate”. So through foreknowledge, your destiny was determined before your father married your mother; before you were formed in your mother’s womb. That is why the Bible says, the names of those that will be saved through God’s foreknowledge have been written in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world. And it is for them God set the process of redemption and you can only redeem what was yours. Something was yours, you lost it and the process of getting it back is called redemption. So if you are redeemed today, it means you were his from the beginning. From the Garden of Eden, something happened; sin crept in and God lost us to satan but in due time, he looked at that Book and saw the names of his own and he decided to come and redeem them. The Bible says, “The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth those that are his”. And he added, “Let those that are nameth by the name of the Lord depart from iniquity”.
He went to the cross to redeem his own and they are the wheat; the true seed of God. There is this story of the eagle that found itself among the chickens after being hatched. Being in the midst of chickens, it believed the mother hen was the mother not knowing that its foundation was different. This is the same with those who got born again in chicken churches because you cannot get born again anywhere but the church. But the mere fact that you got born again there does not mean you belong there. So whether we like it or not, he/she is bound to behave like a chicken for some time. And there are genuine children of God that He has destined to be redeemed that find themselves in those ‘it doesn’t matter churches’.
The ‘it doesn’t matter churches’ are ‘chicken’ churches and they tell their members that they can dress anyhow. They accept wearing trousers by a genuine daughter of God. Why? Because she thought where she got born again is a true place and since she takes her bearing from them, she dresses like them. That is why the owner of the farm said the servants should leave them to grow together, if not, in trying to uproot the tares, you will uproot the wheat. So a genuine seed can be under the influence of a tare. How do I know? The Bible says, “The deep calleth to the deep” and there is the deep to respond. As I am speaking now, though you will like to wear trousers and dress like a prostitute and your pastor tells you, “It doesn’t matter’, when you come to a true Church of God, an eagle church, you will discover that you are an eagle and not a chicken. This is because the Bible says, “Where the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered”.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by blexxonmak(m): 6:52pm On Sep 27, 2016
There is eagle food and there is chicken food. For instance, there are some of you that have genuine call of God but in your ‘Daddy and mummy’ churches; they are the only ones that prophesy. You don’t know the damage they are doing to you because that gift was not given to you by ‘mummy and daddy’ and you will give account of what you did with the gifts.
Some of you were told that you cannot be a minister because you didn’t go to the Bible school. But search the Bible and tell me one person that God called and sent him to the Bible College. When God calls you, he anoints you for the purpose he has called you to do. And God is not a grammarian! He is not an English God!
2 Thess. 2:1-3. I want to bring out something from here. I want to speak about an abomination.
1. Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you,
2. not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come.
3. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
Apostle Paul was telling the church at that time that there will be a fallen away first and he gave the signs they should watch out for concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And one of those signs is the falling away. Falling away here is departure from the apostolic doctrines into other doctrines; into another gospel. But look at the usage of that ‘Falling away’ in the Greek Lexicon and it talks about rebellion; total rebellion. Verse 3 is saying that before Christ will come, this World will witness total rebellion against God who is our maker. And we are in that period now where there is a total rebellion. This is the time where in some countries; you will see a sign post of the church of satan. They proclaim they are the followers of satan. Rebellion!
But my attention today is on homosexuals. This has been existing from ages but the ground and pillar of truth; the church of Jesus Christ; the gathering of holy people is now where the interest of satan is. Imagine that there are bishops that are ordained as bishops and they tell the whole world that they are gay; they are homosexuals and tell you it is their right and prerogative to choose how to worship God and you cannot condemn them.
When they started, there was uproar everywhere. They found their way to the parliaments, Congresses and Senates especially in some countries in Europe and America to make laws to legalize it- same sex marriage where a woman can marry a woman and a man can marry a man. They made it mandatory that any priest/pastor or church that is licensed by the government must wed them whenever they come to the altar and they will exchange their marital vows; a man with a man, to live together for better for worse, for richer for poorer and the priest or pastor will say, ‘You may now kiss or hug your bride. I pronounce you husband and wife’. With Bible in their hand; at the altar!
Do you know one interesting thing? If I preach this message in some countries, in the next one hour or less, I will be arrested. In Spain, for instance, the gays are so protected that after they have undergone every process, they will choose the church to go and wed. And the law says you must allow them. They can decide to come to your church purposely for you to wed them and knowing full well that you are anti-gay. If you refuse to wed them, you are courting jail term. That is the state of rebellion that the world has gone into. It is no more done secretly.
Gays recently held a rally in Spain and they were in thousands with the police providing them protection/security until they finished their rally. Some of us who watched them on television saw men kissing men and women kissing women. They have tried all they can to make it officially allowed by way of legislation in Nigeria. They did this last year and the senate stood against it. Some of you watched the reactions of some Nigerians resident in America. Some Nigerian women were protesting against the Nigerian government (senate) for infringing on what they termed the rights of gays. Some of them carried placards to the Nigerian embassy in the United States and Britain. Some of their placards carried the inscription, ‘I am gay and I am proud’.
All of them go to churches and they have pastors! In those countries, it is done in the open but in Nigeria, it is still a secret but it will surprise you to know that even in Nigeria, many people who go to churches, men and women, many of them are lesbians and homosexuals and they will be there speaking in tongues. Some of them are pastors and they are preaching. But one thing about our God is that he looks at men’s folly. It is a sign of the end.
People are looking at only wars and rumours of war but it is not only these ones because there is distress all over including breakdown of morality. Immorality has taken the front seat and it has been dignified. And when satan wants to strike, he starts little by little. But as Apostle Paul said, “We are not unawares of the device of the enemy”.
When satan wanted to UnCloth women in the church, he didn’t come to reduce them to what most of them have become today. Brethren, go to some of the Pentecostal churches; those of you who were night crawlers before, enter some of the churches and they remind you of your days in the club. You will be dazed at what women wear to church.
During the time of John Wesley, when holiness was the watchword, even wedding ring was not allowed. They wanted to run far from any connection with worldly fashion.
Satan started his agenda with the women because it is easier to get women. That is why satan went to Eve and not Adam because the Bible calls them the weaker vessel. Satan knows the Bible more than all of us. Did he not quote the Bible for Jesus to give him reason to bow before him? Psalm 91 attests to this. He was telling him to tempt God. You will not know that he was telling him to tempt God except you know the scripture. But the Bible says, “Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God”. Since the Bible says if you carry any deadly thing it shall not harm you, will you because of that carry a viper?
The devil went to 1 Cor. 11:12 and says the hair is given for a covering; so why should you cover your hair? He kept pushing that gospel and that has come to stay in many churches. And it started from America!
However, if the hair is given for covering, is Apostle Paul saying when praying or prophesying, you should grow long hairs? Satan can carry out his agenda on a man for 50 years. All Pentecostal churches have removed their scarf so that they are now competing in hair styles. Some hairs are Chinese and others are Brazilian, Indian, etc. And all these in the church of Jesus Christ!
When satan succeeded with this, he entered another area. Do you see women wearing under wear again? But men continue to wear singlet because we will be uncomfortable without it. And the question is; why don’t women feel uncomfortable when they are not wearing under wear? Satan was going somewhere. After removing the underwear, he removed the length of their blouse. And they are busy speaking in tongues. Satan is not disturbed with the anointing and so the anointing keeps increasing. As long as you remain in error, he will increase the anointing; to deceive them to think that God is with them. This is further to deceive the people because the man that is anointed has even done perming to his hair and his skin is bleached; yet he displays so much anointing. These days, if you want to see the latest fashion, where do you go? The church! When you get to the church and some of these women lift their hands, sensual parts of their bodies which should ordinarily be hidden are exposed. And the pastor is saying, ‘It doesn’t matter’.
This is how satan works. Very soon, nobody will speak against homosexuality or lesbianism. Soon preachers will begin to say, ‘It is okay, let them come and hear the Word. They will hear the Word and change.’ And I keep asking, what is it they have not heard?
In Rom. 1:18, Apostle Paul caught the picture of how man has degenerated.
18. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.”
He explains what he means by holding the truth in unrighteousness in verse 19-25.
19. Because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.
20. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
21. because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22. Professing to be wise, they became fools,
23. and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things.
In some places in India, they will not eat cow because they worship cow. Some worship other animals as their gods. You can imagine a god that is eaten! Verse 24-25.
24. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
25. who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
When you take a wood that has been created by God, carve and paint it and then begin to worship it more than the creator of that wood, is it not foolishness?
26. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
Vile affection here is when a woman will look at another woman and begin to have sexual feelings. It is truly affection but it is wild. It is the same thing with a man that will be sexually attracted to a fellow man. It is vile! You want to hold and kiss him or handle him. And since he also has a hole, you want to enter that hole too! Can you imagine where a man will derive pleasure from! The Bible calls it vile affection; a crazy affection! It is not human because God did not create anyone that way. He didn’t create a man to have sexual affection towards his fellow man. And in most cases, a man becomes so protective of another man that he won’t allow any woman to come near him. And for the homosexual, no matter how beautiful a woman is, let that woman come naked to him, he will have no feelings for that woman. But when he sees another man, his feeling will be aroused. This is more of a psychiatric case because God purposely created a woman to be attractive to a man. That is why her physique is different from that of a man. A man’s body is filled with bones and muscles. A woman gets attracted to this because it is a symbol of protection. A woman needs protection and when she sees a man with muscle, she feels secured around him. It is not for sex but for protection.
The woman is made pretty to attract the man so that you can fulfill the law of procreation. The woman is designed to satisfy the man in every way. When a man that is designed by God rejects what God has created for him and begins to look elsewhere, it is a vile affection. This affection gets to a point where a man will profess his love to another man to the extent of desiring to marry him. And they are saying it is their human rights. ‘This is the way I like to live my life’ they will tell you. You are like a mad man that is living and eating from a dunghill and people are saying you are mad but the man will tell them it is the way he wants to live his life. ‘I like to sleep in the dunghill. I am enjoying my life’. Truly, he is enjoying it but by a spirit. The same way, we that are not homosexuals know that you have a serious psychiatric problem. It is not normal. See what God says concerning it.
26. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
There are some women that sleep with dogs. Some who don’t want to have children just surround themselves with pets like dogs and cats. And you dare not touch those pets because they will sue you. That is where their affection is.
We have animal right groups internationally. If you maltreat even your dog, they can take you to court and you can be jailed because to them, animals have the right to life.
Let us read verse 26-27 again.
26. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
The recompense is the incurable sicknesses prevalent in the world today. The anus is a waste canal and putting your private organ there, what would you collect? Waste!
28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
No conscience anymore!
29. being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers
When we say fornication, it is the commonest sin. You are not married to a man; God did not ordain a man you are not married to have sex with you. It is only your husband that should have sex with you and it is for procreation. God gave women womb to fulfill his ordained purpose of being fruitful and replenish the earth. But what are women doing with their womb? They are taking contraceptives and if they mistakenly conceive, they abort. Why? ‘I was not ready for the pregnancy’. You were not ready but you went to sleep with him! The doctor then does what he wants and the reward is what we see now; all manner of things inside the reproductive system.
No animal has sex for pleasure! All of them have sex for procreation. God ordained it that way. You can’t see a dog having her puppies through caesarian. No matter how a male dog disturbs a female, if she is not on ‘heat’, the male does not even bother to come near her. But when she is on ‘heat’, she excretes some things that smells and even when a male dog is a kilometer away, it will perceive the smell. But it is only the humans that you will see the female hanging around hotels looking for men.
But I know some people who are Christians and are carrying Bible and some of them may be reading this that travel on business trip and it is not the women that will look for them but they go out in search of the women. It is a shame and a disgrace to our faith! Some are Christians only when they are with brethren but you don’t know that the depth of your faith is known when you are alone; in a place where nobody knows you. That is where and when you can confirm if you are truly a Christian or not.
I am emphasizing fornication because it is the commonest sin in the church today and it is unfortunate
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by blexxonmak(m): 6:53pm On Sep 27, 2016
The first church was known for holiness. Ananias and his wife in Acts Chapter 5 stood before the church and told a lie; they gave a lying testimony and the Holy Ghost struck him to death. The wife also did the same as they agreed and she died. They packed their bodies for burial and the Bible says that fear gripped the people until sinners were afraid to go to the church.
The purpose of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, especially the gift of prophecy and word of knowledge is to expose sin. We must not only see your container and visa, we must also see the beer you drank before coming to church; we must see the girlfriend you have been sleeping with leaving your wife at home. We must see all the dirt around you if it is a genuine gift.
Unless this church gets to that level, we are not yet restored. Church is not for everybody! If you are not ready to repent, don’t come to church. You can always join your likes on Friday nights in the club. One day, some people will enter this church and their seats will reject them. It will happen! A time will come when you will have to cajole some people to come to church because of fear that would have gripped everybody.
29. being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers.
In talking about murder here, you don’t need to kill someone physically before you are called a murderer.
Some people don’t have to do these things but have pleasure in those that do them. How do I know you have pleasure in those that do them? Let us read 1 Cor. 5:9-10
9. I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people.
10. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.
He is not talking about those in the world; unbelievers who are fornicators. Look at the people he is referring to in verse 11
11. But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner not even to eat with such a person.
Someone says he is a Christian brother but he is a fraudster. The Bible says you should run away from him. He is a tare because a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. If we leave fornicators in the church, fornication will spread. It is like a cancer. Remember that tares know how to initiate people. When you see evil going on in the church and you don’t report to the appropriate authority so they can take action, you are equally guilty. You have pleasure in it.
Some people take pleasure in watching pornography and they claim they are Christians. As a woman, if you see another woman on the road naked, that naked woman is a reproach to all women and you should feel nauseated.
If you want to make heaven, don’t behave like a tare. A tare told you, ‘It doesn’t matter’, but I am wheat and I am telling you now that it matters. Let wheat be wheat and a tare be a tare. Let a seed of God remain a seed of God and let serpent seed remain a serpent seed. By their fruits, we shall know them.
2 Tim. 3:1. This is another prophesy Apostle Paul gave Timothy as to the things he should watch out for.
1. But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
All the things mentioned are in the church; amongst those holding the Bible. Why do you think some churches have several services between 7am and 12 noon? The excuse they give is that they don’t want to waste people’s time; so that they can go home. Service is now per hour on Sundays! And the services are just enough to collect tithes and offerings; long enough to tell the people that ‘God is good’; long enough for them to prophesy to the people, ‘All of you will become millionaires. All of you will make heaven, don’t let anyone condemn you. If a man is in Christ, he is a new creature. Don’t let your heart condemn you. You are a child of God. Just keep confessing it’.
Fornicators are confessing it even as they continue in their fornication. Fraudsters and cocaine pushers are saying it and they continue in their iniquity. And while their pastor is ‘blessing’ them, they will be shouting and saying, ‘That is my pastor! Ride on! This man can talk’. They are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God!
The power they deny is that power that has the capacity to turn a sinner to a saint, yet they have a form of godliness. So they don’t want you to preach any message on holiness but only messages that will make them prosper in their evil. How can you say you are a Christian and there is nothing to confirm any change in your life? Who were you before and who are you now? Nothing to confirm! But you have decided to add more iniquitous acts after ‘meeting’ Jesus. Yet you are a worker in the church. Daily, you go for Bible study. And when they look at you, they don’t see you perm your hair; your skirt touches the ground, your scarf covers your ears and as you are walking on the road, people see a form of godliness but you are noting but an ‘electric fish’. It is when people come to you and touch you that they will know who you are. Touch her and you will be shocked at what he/she will display. Apostle Paul says we should turn away from such people.
6. For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.
You can read on and on but my emphasis is where the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination. What is an abomination? Abomination here is anything that God hates and has preserved it for fire; anything God hates and has packaged it for fire. The Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament condemns it.
Lev. 20:13 If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.
Lev. 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
The Bible is saying here, the way you have sex with a woman. Don’t do so with a man! It is an abomination. To lie down here is sexual intercourse.
Verse 23-25.
23. Nor shall you mate with any beast, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before a beast to mate with it. It is perversion.
24. Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you.
25. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.
These are the things all those nations Israel subdued were doing that the Lord had to punish them. In the same vein, the world is into homosexuality and it has caught up with the church. But one day, the Lord will drive all of them away and bring the bride to live on earth. But before he does this, he would have gone with his own in the rapture. It was the same thing he did in Canaan land. He was reminding Israel why they should not be caught in all those vices having driven out those people from the land because of those vices.
Mal. 3:6 "For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob”
What God hated yesterday, he still hates today.
25. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.
I believe it with all of my heart that the abominations going on are the reasons for all the evil that have befallen the world- Tsunamis, earthquakes, tornados, etc. The earth is reacting to the evils. The sea is roaring. Strange fires everywhere! The United States of America with all her technology is the worst hit especially with the fires destroying villages, towns and cities. But for us, it is a warning of the impending fire that will soon come. It is only a foretaste of what is coming.
26. `You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or any stranger who sojourns among you’
Go to Chapter 19:27 and 28
27. `You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard.
28. `You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.
No punk haircuts. Some pastors do this. Some shape the beards like he-goats. God hates this. God hates tattoo. You look at some ‘Christian’ channels and you see some pastors coming to preach and all over their bodies is tattoo. So-called Christian musicians have tattoo all over their bodies with punk hair styles. They display everything the Bible is against.
Genesis 18 and 19 show us that before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, he confirmed all the abominations he has heard. In a whole city, he was going to destroy everybody and Abraham was pleading for them. Abraham pleaded with God asking that if 50 righteous people are found, would God still destroy the city? God said he will not destroy the city if he can find 50 righteous people. This exchange continued until Abraham got to even 10 people. At the end, how many people escaped from those cities? They were initially 4 (Lot, two of his children and his wife who later turned to a pillar of salt)
Angels were sent to destroy the city and the men of that city saw them as beautiful.
The Bible says they rushed to the house of Lot to have sex with them. Homosexuals! Lot came out to plead with them to spare the men; that he was ready to give them his daughters that were virgins. These were strangers that Lot did not know. He received them and was ready to sacrifice the happiness of his daughters. But the men of the city refused and they were pushing to bring down the door.
The angels dragged Lot into the house, locked the door and then blinded the men. From this encounter, the angels were able to confirm what they had heard about the city. It was then they instructed Lot to quickly leave the city with his children because they were going to destroy the city with fire. It is from this city we got the word sodomy. It was because of homosexuals and other abominations that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. And he is the same, he changeth not. Why do you think homosexuals of this age will not be burned by fire?
Some people are wondering if God will actually destroy them but let us read 2 Peter 2:4
4. For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment
Rev. 21:8 "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.''
Homosexuality is an abomination, so is tattoo. Prostitution is an abomination. And who is a prostitute? A prostitute is that woman that opens her leg for a man that has not married her. Hebrews 13:4 says “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”
It is a pity this type of messages is no longer preached in churches. On the Day of Judgment, you will have no excuse because you are hearing me now. What I am saying will stand as a reason for somebody to repent and escape or for somebody to harden your heart and go to the hottest part of hell fire. And when you are burning, you will be hearing the sound of my voice and this message. That day, you cannot say satan deceived you. Satan will even deny and a demon will tell you, ‘I told you and warned you’. You will say when? And the demon will say, ‘When you were in the night club, I showed you what hell fire will look like’. If you have gone to all these classy night clubs, you will notice that what you see there is satan simulating hell fire. At a time you will see that the bulbs have changed to red, then everywhere will be filled with smoke. So you have no excuse on that day.
You are reading this passage yet you are involved in all the abominations. It is because you are an unbeliever; you do not believe in hell even with our constant warnings. But one day, you will remember.
The Bible in Heb. 10:26 talks about sinning willfully. For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.
There is therefore willful sin. Heb. 6:4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit.
And talking about willful sin, there are some sins that are not willfully committed but there are a weakness of the flesh. You can’t control them, for instance, those who suffer from anger. Once they get angry, they react spontaneously. Before you know it, they have removed somebody’s teeth with a blow. It is after they have reacted that they become instantly sober and try to make amends. This is bad but it is a demon at work. Everybody can see that you committed that sin though the Bible says, “Be angry and sin not”. So try and fight this demon.
But the Bible talks about willful sin. This is something you know that is an abomination before God and you willingly do it. For instance, certainly, homosexuals, fornicators and adulterers don’t go into this sin by mistake. You can’t say you didn’t know what was happening until you finished. This sin is planned and executed. It is not spontaneously done. It is agreed between the two people. There is enough time for you to reason that you are doing something wrong. And that you reject what your conscience is telling you makes that sin a willful sin.
Every fornicator will go to hell. Every homosexual will go to the deepest part of hell fire. I have told you to repent. It is God’s mercy that has kept you this far; that is why you have not died.
Man has the will power to stop anything you want to stop. God gave us strong will power.
Don’t tell me you cannot stop lesbianism; you will see another woman and burn after her! Abomination! Repent! I want you to repent. That is the purpose of this message. Why would you carry the Bible and end up in hell? Why are you forsaking the world and not forsaking the things of the world? Why do you want to be a saint and not stop sin? Why do you want to come to Christ and still hold unto satan? The evidence that God loves you is that you have not died in that estate. What if after hearing this, you go out and you don’t repent and you die? Those that died in that air crash, did they plan it? Those who died by accident on the road, did they plan it? A head of state collapsed and he did not survive. What if something happens and you die? What will you tell your maker; homosexuals and lesbians?

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Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by Nobody: 8:17am On Sep 28, 2016
This is the most homophobic diatribe I've ever read, and this black guy doesn't know there's no difference between homophobia and racism SMH. See how much hate there is in your heart. You sit atop your self-righteous pedestal and judge those different from you all in the name of God. Most developed countries have accepted the gay people in their society, when Nigerians starts reasoning without the aid of ancient books, they will see their error and follow suit.


Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by onetrack(m): 8:41am On Sep 28, 2016
And then after the destruction of Sodom, Lot got extremely drunk, passed out in his tent, and was raped by his daughters. What a nice, upright, Godly family!

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by UyiIredia(m): 9:28am On Sep 28, 2016
Homosexuality is absurd no matter which way u slice it.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by hopefulLandlord: 12:11pm On Sep 28, 2016
And then after the destruction of Sodom, Lot got extremely drunk, passed out in his tent, and was raped by his daughters. What a nice, upright, Godly family!

and before the destruction, Lot offered his daughters to be raped by an angry mob lol!

the buybull is a comedy book

for more hilarious moments in the bible,

click here and be amazed


Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by hahn(m): 12:17pm On Sep 28, 2016
Matthew 26:49 Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, "Greetings, Rabbi!" and kissed him.



Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by hahn(m): 12:21pm On Sep 28, 2016
And then after the destruction of Sodom, Lot got extremely drunk, passed out in his tent, and was raped by his daughters. What a nice, upright, Godly family!

God is more tolerant to adultery and incest. smiley


Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by EyeHateGod: 12:25pm On Sep 28, 2016
And then after the destruction of Sodom, Lot got extremely drunk, passed out in his tent, and was raped by his daughters. What a nice, upright, Godly family!
Please can you show me where this Sodom is I will like to take my family on a vacation there? grin

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by EyeHateGod: 12:26pm On Sep 28, 2016
Homosexuality is absurd no matter which way u slice it.
If it is absurd then Why did ur God create them like that?

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by joseph1832(m): 12:28pm On Sep 28, 2016
And then after the destruction of Sodom, Lot got extremely drunk, passed out in his tent, and was raped by his daughters. What a nice, upright, Godly family!
Where is that passage written in the bible? I've never read that before..
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by joseph1832(m): 12:31pm On Sep 28, 2016
This is the most homophobic diatribe I've ever read, and this black guy doesn't know there's no difference between homophobia and racism SMH. See how much hate there is in your heart. You sit atop your self-righteous pedestal and judge those different from you all in the name of God. Most developed countries have accepted the gay people in their society, when Nigerians starts reasoning without the aid of ancient books, they will see their error and follow suit.
Most developed haven't accepted marijuana in their society also, and hey gay people smoke marijuana.

So why the hate?
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by Nobody: 12:35pm On Sep 28, 2016
That's if it exists undecided

Please can you show me where this Sodom is I will like to take my family on a vacation there? grin
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by EyeHateGod: 12:37pm On Sep 28, 2016
That's if it exists undecided
Christians can be funny sometimes

1 Like

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by Nobody: 2:17pm On Sep 28, 2016

and before the destruction, Lot offered his daughters to be raped by an angry mob lol!
the buybull is a comedy book
for more hilarious moments in the bible,
click here and be amazed


God is more tolerant to adultery and incest. smiley


If it is absurd then Why did ur God create them like that?

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by EyeHateGod: 2:30pm On Sep 28, 2016

1 Like

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by UyiIredia(m): 2:37pm On Sep 28, 2016
If it is absurd then Why did ur God create them like that?
Dunno. God created rapists and incesters too BTW.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by EyeHateGod: 2:40pm On Sep 28, 2016

Dunno. God created rapists and incesters too BTW.
So what does this say about God?
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by CoolUsername: 3:57pm On Sep 28, 2016

1 Like

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by onetrack(m): 4:41pm On Sep 28, 2016
Where is that passage written in the bible? I've never read that before..

Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by Nobody: 5:09pm On Sep 28, 2016
The hypocrisy is real. cheesy


These facts don't surprise me. If nigeria were to lose its homophobia, and restriction against homosexuality.You would be amazed at the number of people that will identify as gay.


Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by CoolUsername: 6:43pm On Sep 28, 2016

These facts don't surprise me. If nigeria were to lose its homophobia, and restriction against homosexuality. You would be amazed at the number of people that will identify as gay.

It's a running trend among homophobic people. That's why they get uncomfortable with physical contact and are quick to call people gay for the dumbest of reasons. They must hate themselves for being a way that they've been indoctrinated to think is wrong.


Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by paulGrundy(m): 9:05pm On Sep 28, 2016
The hypocrisy is real. cheesy



All that stuff ^^ are just propaganda by the west, to make nigeria accept homosexuality.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by CoolUsername: 11:52pm On Sep 28, 2016

All that stuff ^^ are just propaganda by the west, to make nigeria accept homosexuality.

Heavy.com and Huffington Post are reputable sources of news. Google search statistics are available to everyone. You can use the same parameters that were stated in the articles and find out yourself. Then you can post the results here to prove your point.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by Lexxyburg(m): 4:47am On Sep 29, 2016
Homosexuality is cool.

oya kill yourself.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by paulGrundy(m): 8:50pm On Sep 29, 2016

Heavy.com and Huffington Post are reputable sources of news. Google search statistics are available to everyone. You can use the same parameters that were stated in the articles and find out yourself. Then you can post the results here to prove your point.

And where would u get the parameters that would be used to verify the claims? From the same people who mAde the claims? What you are asking me to do is like saying that I should use quotes of the bible to very if the bible exist or not. grin grin

Fact remains that homosexuality is a grave sin that incurs the wrath of God, no matter how it is made to seem, it is not right and it should not be tolerated.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by CoolUsername: 5:38pm On Sep 30, 2016

And where would u get the parameters that would be used to verify the claims? From the same people who mAde the claims? What you are asking me to do is like saying that I should use quotes of the bible to very if the bible exist or not. grin grin

Fact remains that homosexuality is a grave sin that incurs the wrath of God, no matter how it is made to seem, it is not right and it should not be tolerated.

I think 'gay se.x pics' was the one that Nigeria excelled in. Which makes sense, considering the fact that many people don't stream videos.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by paulGrundy(m): 7:01pm On Sep 30, 2016

I think 'gay se.x pics' was the one that Nigeria excelled in. Which makes sense, considering the fact that many people don't stream videos.

One person or few people could constantly google 'gay se.x pics' and google would register it as multiple search, that does not reflect the choice of the majority.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by CoolUsername: 8:08pm On Sep 30, 2016

One person or few people could constantly google 'gay se.x pics' and google would register it as multiple search, that does not reflect the choice of the majority.

This is a dishonest excuse. How can one person or a few people affect the search history of hundreds of thousands of people? And then put it above so many other countries where homosexuality is legal?


Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by paulGrundy(m): 8:23pm On Sep 30, 2016

This is a dishonest excuse. How can one person or a few people affect the search history of hundreds of thousands of people? And then put it above so many other countries where homosexuality is legal?

Let's say I from nigeria google 'gay s.ex pics' 100x in this month. Google stats would record in its stats that 100 'gay s.ex pics' has been searched by nigerians hence nigerians are hypocites who search gay. Not knowing that the search came from one or few people.

What am basicly saying is that the results is misleading.
Re: Homosexuality: An Abomination by Nobody: 9:43pm On Sep 30, 2016

Let's say I from nigeria google 'gay s.ex pics' 100x in this month. Google stats would record in its stats that 100 'gay s.ex pics' has been searched by nigerians hence nigerians are hypocites who search gay. Not knowing that the search came from one or few people.

What am basicly saying is that the results is misleading.
See your stupid excuse, undecided so what about America that has legalized gay marriage and even has higher number of internet users than nigeria. So nobody there is searching gay porn. I laff you. One person or a few people cannot influence Google search results on a global scale. Nigeria is number one in the world(not country or region) in terms of Google search for gay porn accept it. Did you think making homosexuality illegal changed the way people are born.

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