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The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by eluquenson(m): 8:02am On Sep 30, 2016
Salam alaykum Warahamotulahi Wabarakatuhu,

All Praise and Adoration belong to Allah beside whom there is no one else, the King and the Holy. “It is He who created death and life to test you as to which of you are best in deed, and He is the Almighty, the Forgiving”. I testify to the oneness and the justness of Allah who, alone, deserve servitude; the Lord without beginning and without end, the Lord whose knowledge encompasses what is manifest and what is hidden. Blessed are You, O Allah! Lord of the worlds.

O brethren! I exhort you and myself to worship Allah alone and not ascribe any partner to Him. Show gratitude for what Allah has bestowed upon you of His favours and be patient for what He is yet to give you or the trials that you are currently facing for Allah has promised that “If you give thanks, certainly I will give you more, but if you are thankless, My chastisement is very severe” (Q14:7). We all attest that the world is severely challenged and hardship has become the lot of humanity.
What has Islam offered the Muslims facing these challenges?

Trials and hardships are a part of life and they are acknowledged by serious minded and sincere people, whether people of faith in Allah or otherwise. In fact, the fear of failure led man into planning and the creation of buffers/storage facilities, insurances, etc to provide a fall back when the feared risk crystallizes.
Islam, as a pragmatic deen, also educated its adherents to know that trials and difficulties will come the way of man such as will cause him loss of treasured lives, loss of assets (farm produces, wealth, hunger), state of fear and insecurity, etc. (Q2:155). This trials that will happen in the life of man does not discriminate between the believer and those who do not believe in Allah. Our belief is not going to shield us from trial and indeed the trial will prove openly our sincerity of faith if we remain steadfast despite the trials and hardships. (Q29:2-3)
O servants of Allah! “Do people think that they will be left alone because they say “we believe in Allah” and will not be tested? (Q29:2). By this question, the believer is being prepared to face the reality of life that he will need to confront. The resilience of a Muslim in the face of calamities is the proof of his faith. And Allah attests to it when He said: “And We indeed tested those who were before them (in the faith). And Allah will certainly make it known (the truth of) those who are true and (the falsehood of) those who are liars” (Q29:3).
What is expected of a Muslim at all times is istiqamah (steadfastness). He, the believer, does not change position whether things are good or bad as he knows that the promise of Allah is true when He declares that: “… and whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty)” (Q65:4).
O servants of Allah! The trials that the human kind will face could be positive or adverse. On the positive side, you will be given wealth, good health, longevity and all that we consider as good life. On the other side, we will face hardship and difficulties ranging from deprivation (poverty/hunger/ill health), loss of wealth, loss of life and all that we classify as life frustrations. As a confirmation, Allah asserts that “and certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient” (Q2:155).

Whatever happens to us can only happen by the will and knowledge of Allah. It is one of the articles of our faith to believe in qada'u and qadar (pre-ordination) that we are pleased with Allah's choice, good or seemingly bad; it is all the test of this world. How could we imagine that we shall not be tested when those who were better than us suffered what they suffered? Our father, the father of humankind, Adam (AS) was made to dwell in Jannah even when Allah told the Angels that his abode will be on earth. What was Adam mission in Jannah? He was made to dwell in there as a mercy of Allah and to also test him before his descent to earth and to put him in a proper position to observe the laws of Allah.

O servants of Allah! We are quick to attribute much of what befalls us – the hard times, the difficulties – to Allah or some other persons while arrogating to ourselves all the successes achieved and pleasures enjoyed as arising from our hard work, intelligence, doggedness, etc. However, if you do introspection you will have come into agreement and understanding that: "whatever of good reaches you is from Allah but whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is from yourself (as a necessary consequence of sins you have committed)" (Q4:79).

The people of faith have come to understand that when something bad happens it is a test from Allah and they exercise restraint and have patience. However, do we also understand that the good things that happen to us over which we openly and secretly rejoice are also a test? Allah states: "And we tested them with good (blessings) and evil (calamities) in order that they might turn back" (Q7:168). The example of Sayyidina Adam mentioned above is a testimony of the trial through pleasure. Everyone whom Allah has bestowed with pleasure, on matter how small or how big, should thread carefully for Allah is testing you for what you are doing with that pleasure/grace.

Abd al-Malik ibn Ishaq said, "There is no one that is not tested with health and prosperity to measure how thankful he is (shukr)."
And the Companion – Abdur-Rahman ibn 'Awf (RA), said, "We were tested with hardship and were patient. And then we were tested with prosperity and we were not patient." Because of this Allah admonishes us: "O ye who believe! Let not your wealth or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. And whosoever does that, then they are the losers" (Q63:9).

O servants of Allah! Know that trials are not always a recompense for our sins; they can actually be a sign that Allah intends good for us, because through trials our sins are expiated, our strengthen to weather rough times are exhibited and, overall, we have the opportunity to perform good deeds. Abu Huraira (RA) reported the Messenger of Allah (SAW) as saying that “If Allah intends good for someone, then He afflicts him with trials.” (Bukhari). In another narration, the Prophet (SAW) said: “Verily, with greater rewards come greater trials. Verily, when Allah loves a people He will test them, so whoever is pleased then for him is satisfaction, and whoever is angry then for him is wrath” (Tirmidhi).

Despite the incidental blessings that might come about from trials, a Muslim should never wish to be put to trial because he does not know if he will succeed. Miqdad ibn Al-Aswad reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Verily, the blessed person is one kept away from trials. Verily, the blessed person is one kept away from trials. Verily, the blessed person is one kept away from trials. How good is one who is afflicted but bears it patiently!” (Sunan Abu Dawud). On the contrary, Muslims should supplicate to Allah for security and well-being for Sayyidina Abu Bakr reported the Prophet (SAW) as saying: “You will not be given anything after sincere faith (Iman) as good as security, so ask Allah for security” (Musnad Ahmad).

Uqbah Ibn Aamir (RA) reported the Prophet (SAW) as saying: “If you see anyone whom Allah has granted whatever he wished for and yet he persists in disobedience then know that he does not have Allah’s favours but he has been given enough rope”. In this is sincere advise as we are often quick in looking at the lives of prosperous unbelievers and asking why Allah has not bestowed same favours upon us. What they may appear to be enjoying here (on earth) is but a trial for them and they did also suffer some hardship as Allah informed us that “… if you are suffering (hardships) then surely, they (too) are suffering (hardships) as you are suffering, but you have a hope from Allah (for reward) for that which they hope not; and Allah is Ever All-Knowing, All-Wise” (Q4:104). So, a true believer should face his difficulties with a positive state of mind hoping for rewards from Allah and such an attitude can provide true relief and happiness.
O servants of Allah! One of the tests that may come our way is the loss of dear ones – children, wives, brothers, sisters, loved ones. When at the strike of death, the Muslim remains strong and affirms that: [/b]“Truly! To Allah we belong and unto Him we shall return” (Q2:156)[/b] Allah will be well pleased with him. The Muslim should not be one who at the time of such loss, he has uttered foul languages of lamentation and accusation and demanding to know why this should happen to him. On this account:
1. Abu Musa Al-Ashari (RA) reported the Messenger of Allah (SAW) as saying: “When the child of a servant dies, Allah says to the angels: Have you taken the life of My servant’s child? They say yes. Allah says: Have you taken the fruit of his heart? They say yes. Allah says: What has My servant said? They say: He has praised You and said to Allah we belong and to Allah we return. Allah says: Build a house for My servant in Paradise and name it the House of Praise” (At-Tirmidhi).
2. Abu Huraira (RA) reported the Messenger of Allah (SAW) saying: “Allah the Exalted says: I have nothing to give to My believing servant, if I cause his dear friend to die and he remains patient, other than Paradise” (Bukhari).
Our servants of Allah! In all that we have said, the Islamic reponse which we all need to imbibe to effectively deal with and manage trials, tribulations, failures, hardships, etc. are summarized and contained in patience, conviction, justice and continuous struggle. When Sayyidina Ali (RA) was asked about faith (iman), he replied that “The structure of faith is supported by four pillars: Patience (Sabr), Conviction (yaqin), Justice (adl) and Struggle (jihad).”

O servants of Allah! While trying to manage the hardship that we face, we should avoid deviating from Allah’s path; put all our fears and hopes in Him for He will suffice us and provide a way out of the difficulties that we face. Hassan al-Basri exhorts us to know that “whoever fears Allah, He will make all things fear him. And whoever fears people, Allah will make him fear everything”.
Upon this matter I exhort you and myself upon the exhortation of Allah promised that those "Who, when afflicted with calamity say, 'Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.' They are those on whom the salawat (the blessing and forgiveness) of their Lord is upon them, and who shall receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided ones." (Q2:157)

All Praises are due to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the best of His creation and His Confidant, Muhammad (SAW), his family and all his companions.

While should you not be patient despite all the narratives provided by Allah in the Qur’an as to the difficulties that His Chosen people and leaders of mankind went through in carrying out the instructions of Allah. “Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, ‘When (will come) the Help of Allah?’ Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!” (Q2:214).

Sayyidina Ibrahim was not bestowed with a child until very much late is his life, yet he obeyed Allah when tested to make a sacrifice of that child. What difficulty have you faced that equate what the Prophets (the chosen among mankind). Stand firm and be strong for Abu Huraira (RA) reported Allah's Messenger (SAW) as saying: “A strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than a weak believer, and there is good in everyone, (but) cherish that which gives you benefit (in the Hereafter) and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart, and if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to you, don't say: If I had not done that, it would not have happened so and so, but say: Allah did that what He had ordained to do and your" if" opens the (gate) for the Satan” (Muslim).

O servants of Allah! Why do you suddenly become weak and doubtful of Allah’s help? Do you not regularly recite in your salat to the effect that “You alone we worship, and from You alone we seek help” [Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta’een]? O I understand! You merely recite it without pondering over it for if you are one who ponders, you will know that once you have recited this verse, you have entered into communion with your Lord to take charge of your affairs and He will certainly take charge.

Here are some excerpts:

1. When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor - The pursuit of personal gains has left the poor poorer. Nobody thinks about them. Otherwise how can one explain the massive national oil wealth some Muslim countries have, yet neither their indigenous population nor the general Muslim poor get equitable or even sufficient benefits from it. Of course these wealthy Muslim nations give charity (but do they give to the extent that is actually required?). However, I believe the reference here is to the productive distribution of wealth, not charity]

2. When a trust becomes a means of making a profit - We see this betrayal everywhere and no one seem worried about the meeting with Allah where all trusts will be put to review as to how each trustee delivers on his/her trust. Can we also ask if Islamic banks who use the concepts of 'Amanah' and 'Wadiah' to take retail deposits to make profits are not caught in the web of this betrayal? How much less the conventional banks who open Islamic windows to collect money free of charge from Muslims and pay nothing in return for the simple fact that riba is haram.

3. When paying zakat becomes a burden - For some Muslims, it is in order to buy the wife lots of gold jewellery - but when it comes to paying the zakah on it...well, let us just say that some people seek a legal way out to avoid paying zakah.

4. When much wine is drunk - Presumably, by ‘young, modern’ Muslims who feel (quite erroneously) that modernity means that one has to ignore certain commands from Allah.

In another hadith compilation by Ibn Majah the Messenger (SAW) said:

1. If fornication should become widespread, you should realize that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people, which their forebears never suffered.
2. If people should begin to cheat in weighing out goods, you should realize that this has never happened without drought and famine befalling the people, and their rulers oppressing them. This evil act contributes to the steep increase in food prices – which we are witnessing now - which results in Governments bringing in tough and sometimes oppressive economic and legislative policies that affect the masses in a very negative way.

O brethren! Take home the following pieces of advice:
1. Protect the religion and commandments of Allah and He will protect you.
2. Remember Allah at the time of comfort and peace and He will remember you when you are in distress and difficulty.
3. Make all requests to Allah alone and you will find in Him a big helper.
4. Be grateful to Allah and put all your trust in Him.

O servants of Allah! The Prophet (SAW) said: “A believer’s affairs are strange. There is good in everything he does. No one besides a believer has this endowment. When he gets a blessing he gives thanks and when he faces a hardship he shows patience. In both cases he is better off.” And notwithstanding the present state of affairs in the world and the challenges we face individually and collectively, do not forget that “Allah commands justice, the doing of good and giving help to kith and kin and forbids all evils, polytheism and oppression. He admonishes you that you may take heed" (Q 16:90).

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by siraj1402(m): 11:31am On Sep 30, 2016
Walaykum salam warahamatulillah wabarakatuh. Jazakumullahu khyran.

1 Like

Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by IrradiatoR: 11:33am On Sep 30, 2016
JazaakAllaahu khairan

wishing us a Blessed Jum'a


Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by babs01(m): 11:35am On Sep 30, 2016
Jazakunllah khoiro

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by Bigboss111(m): 11:48am On Sep 30, 2016
Baarakallahu fik. May Allah SWT ease all our pains and Reward the patient ones among us.


Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by mdyusuff01: 11:55am On Sep 30, 2016
O Allah! Open Your various ways of blessings and favour for us as we set our feet this morning into an uncertain society. Protect us from all the evil tricks that emanate from shaitan and his forces among men and jinn. Overlook our shortcomings and forgive our sins, both apparent and hidden; major and minor. For You are the Most-Forgiving, the Most-Merciful. Ameen.
Jumma'at Mubarak!


Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by Mubby4luv(m): 12:13pm On Sep 30, 2016
JazakAllah khair

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by olahero(m): 12:19pm On Sep 30, 2016
Jazakumullahu Khair.

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by nitt: 12:23pm On Sep 30, 2016
Jazakhallar Khair

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by Shittuakeem(m): 12:33pm On Sep 30, 2016
Thanks very much for this write up, it reminds me of reasons never to give up on my creators promise and to live my life as if today is the last. My almighty Allah continue to increase your wisdom.

I Believe in Allah
I Believe in Muhammed (SAW)

Being a muslim doesnt mean i will not be tested, in any situation always thank Allah

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by amadykarofi(m): 12:38pm On Sep 30, 2016
Jazakallahu khair

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by abdoul88(m): 12:41pm On Sep 30, 2016
Jazakhaa lLahu Khayran what a wonderful and lovely piece

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by mofy1(f): 1:03pm On Sep 30, 2016
Reading this drop tears from my eyes. Yah Allah please forgive our shortcomings and shower us ur mercy. Ameen


Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by realmindz: 1:11pm On Sep 30, 2016
"I believe that there no god/God but Allah."
"I believe that Muhammad is God's Holy Prophet."
" I believe that Islam is the Only True Religion ."
"lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muhammadun rasūlu-llāh ."

Yes, I'm Muslim and believe all of the above

I believe that someday, Men shall be free to speak about any religion without any fear and intimidation.


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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by ayabdul: 6:26am On Oct 01, 2016
May Allah reward the writer and the readers abundantly

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Re: The Islamic Response To Trials And Hardships by nastyesco(m): 12:28pm On Oct 01, 2016
May Allah reward the writer abundantly....also bless the readers. I appreciate your write up abundantly as it has touched me deeply...Jazakallah Khair

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